late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 375 Preparing to Build a New Martial Hall

Xiaozhan Town is a small town with a total area of ​​more than 4000 square kilometers and a population of less than [-]. It is located in the southeast of Tianjin, across the Machangjian River and the Crescent River. It is famous for its high-quality rice "Xiaozhan Rice". The golden wheat waves exude a fragrance in the morning breeze.Li Guolou followed Dai Zui's former Tianjin magistrate Liu Jie to inspect the terrain here.

After inspecting the terrain, Li Guolou flicked his horsewhip and said, "Liu Jie, if you don't want to be sent to the army, you will join me in the future. A man needs to rely on a gun to make a career. What are you talking about with foreigners! You are so pedantic! "

Liu Jie, who was over forty years old, was timid and timid. Although he knew that Li Guolou was looking for a place for military training near Tianjin, he did his best to find a suitable place for Li Guolou as a landlord.It's rare to leave the house and go out to relax.Unexpectedly, Li Guolou suddenly said, "Follow me in the future!" and asked him to change to a military position.Of course Liu Jie knew that he was the culprit of the "Tianjin Religion Case". His official career was over, so it would be good to save his life, and he was mentally prepared to be sent to the army.

Liu Jie asked, "Master Li, do you want me to change my name?"

Li Guolou pursed his lips and said, "Liu Jie, are you famous? Why doesn't this officer know?"

Liu Jie said again: "Then Master Li, what do foreigners say?"

Li Guolou was extremely dissatisfied, and said angrily: "Liu Jie, you are pedantic, the verdict has been issued, and the crimes have been announced, can't the court use you again?"

"So fast!" Liu Jie couldn't believe Li Guolou's words.

"Hey, are you willing or not? If you don't want to, pretend that I didn't say anything. I'm also related to Laosi Kexiang." Li Guolou was a little impatient. He respected him so much that he adored him as a long-sleeved and skilled literati leader.

"I'm willing, sir. May I ask Master Li, what rank will you change to be a military officer?" Liu Jie, who has been a civil servant of the seventh rank, attaches great importance to the rank of the official position.As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. Let him be a bodyguard, it is better to be exiled to the frontier, so that he can maintain his clean name for the rest of his life.

Li Guolou looked at Liu Jie up and down. He was in his early forties, with big ears and a long three-strand beard, which fit the standard image of a county magistrate.Liu Jie was on the verge of bankruptcy with the court's atonement silver agenda, but now he still cares about his future official position.This is what the literati call dignity and strength of character.

"Liu Jie, I recommend you as a new martial arts officer first. The seventh-rank military officer will not wrong you, and I only have a fifth-rank official position."

"Oh! It's downgraded to level two!" Liu Jie was a little bit disappointed, and in a moment, he turned over and said: "My subordinate, Liu Jie, thank you Lord Li for your kindness. This subordinate is willing to start over."

"Yeah!" Li Guolou put on his official prestige, nodded approvingly, touched his chin, but unfortunately he didn't grow a beard to show off, and said: "Liu Jie, this new martial arts hall relies on high salaries to support its integrity. The younger generations go to do business with my wife, so I won’t wrong you. Give me all my attention to running the school, so that students can see the strength of character that a national hero should have.”

Liu Jie smiled awkwardly and said, "Master Li, I am an official, but now someone deliberately smeared my face, how can you believe it?"

Li Guolou said: "Liu Jie, I am a god arrester. According to folklore, I handle only a few cases. Everyone knows how innocent you are. If there is still a problem with the money for atonement, I will help you first." Pad."

Liu Jie was overjoyed, now he didn't have to sell the house or land, and the old family kept their money. Tears streaming down his face, he choked up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li, for your kindness." He quickly wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and followed Li Guo Behind the building, walk into the vast field.

Cheng Kun, the guard, pulled out a stack of maps from a long cylinder, and Li Guolou unfolded the maps on the green grass. This is a set of standard maps for barracks and facilities of Western armies.Money can make money, he has a friend like the British captain Howard Eugene, and it is not difficult to get a set of maps of the British military facilities.Li Guolou was able to easily buy people's hearts.

Li Guolou was surrounded by a group of guards, 18 of whom were converted from his servants. In the "Xinwutang", he only used slaves, not brothers from gangsters.The gangsters like to pull mountains and fight fiercely, which will bring down the simple and rigorous style of the army.

Li Guolou pointed to the vast wheat field, and said proudly: "A new military academy, a battalion of infantry, a battalion of cavalry, an artillery battalion, and a supply battalion. Four battalions are four fingers. , coupled with the thumb's 'Military Academy' to cultivate excellent officers who are loyal to the emperor and patriotism, it is a fist that smashes all enemies and rewrites the humiliation of our country. All gentlemen work together!"

"Yes!" Everyone including Liu Jie changed their original titles, stood at attention and performed a new military salute, which was a standard Prussian military salute. He raised his right hand, put his five fingers together, and placed it next to his right ear, with his palm facing forward.

Li Guolou also gave a military salute and looked at a group of his cronies.The vast fields will be full of artillery fire, and the small station will witness the rise of a nation.

The Qing Dynasty took the route of elite soldiers and strong generals, and the Eight Banners soldiers and the Green Battalion soldiers were the standing army.It is marked by eight flags: bordered yellow, true yellow, true white, true red, bordered white, bordered red, true blue, and bordered blue.

The "banner" was originally a social organization of the Manchu "military and civilian unity", and it also had three functions in charge of military affairs, politics, and production.During Taizong's reign, the Eight Banners of Mongolia and the Eight Banners of the Han Army were added, so far there are 4 banners in total.After entering the customs, although the Qing Dynasty still used the system of commanding troops with banners, the Eight Banners soldiers had become a military and political organization that did not engage in production at all. They were divided into the Beijing Eight Banners and the Garrison Eight Banners. Officials also use Chinese titles such as Zuoling, Shenling, and Dutong in turn.

The Eight Banners of Jingying, also known as the Eight Banners of Forbidden Brigade, are divided into Langwei and Bingwei.Langwei is a pro-military battalion selected from the so-called Manchu and Mongolian people of the so-called upper three banners, such as Zhenghuang, Zhengbai, and Xianghuang.The soldiers and guards are in charge of guarding the capital. The main forces include the Xiaoqi, Vanguard, Guards, and Infantry battalions, as well as the Jianrui Battalion, Firearms Battalion, Tiger Gun Battalion, and Shenji Battalion composed of well-equipped soldiers selected from each battalion.Except for the Xiaoqi battalion, which is under the direct jurisdiction of the Eight Banners, the rest are under the command of the president and commander.The Eight Banners are stationed in the so-called Lower Five Banners, including Xiangbai, Zhenghong, Zhenglan, Xianglan, and Xianghong. The generals, capital commanders, and city guards from all over the country commanded.

The Eight Banners Soldiers are a world soldier system, selected from the Eight Banners male children over the age of 16.Yu Ding and You Ding under the age of 16 can be selected as nurturing soldiers, that is, reserve soldiers.The green battalion soldiers are newly recruited Han soldiers adapted from the military guard system of the Ming Dynasty.With the green flag as the symbol and the battalion as the organizational unit, it got its name.There are cavalry, infantry, and defenders.Cavalry and infantry are also called warriors.There are naval divisions along the river and sea.The military registration of the green battalion is registered in the register and managed by the Ministry of War. "The cavalry is drawn from the infantry, the infantry is drawn from the guards, the guards are drawn from Yu Ding, and the remaining men are recruited from the people." Generals are selected and appointed by the Ministry of War. Those below the generals will be promoted on a monthly basis."There are only a very small number of divisions in the green battalion stationed in the capital, called the Patrol Battalion, which is under the command of the Eight Banners Infantry Battalion.The rest are divided into provinces, and the number of troops is determined according to the size, distance, danger, and population of the area under its jurisdiction, and the camps are divided into battalions during the flood season, "to patrol carefully and prepare for recruitment."The Green Battalion takes the "town" as the basic unit and serves as the basis for the garrisons of major towns across the country. One member of the general army is set up as the chief general of the town.There is an admiral above the general army to control the general soldiers of the towns in a province or several provinces; there is also a governor, whose admiral has the right to control the towns.Above the governor and admiral, there is a governor, who is used to control the governor, admiral and chief soldier in a province or several provinces, and is the highest military officer in the region.

The green battalions of each town are organized according to association, standard, battalion and flood.The governor, governor, admiral, and chief soldier each have their own soldiers directly under them, collectively referred to as this mark, and are divided into governor mark, governor mark, admiral mark, and chief soldier mark.Standard jurisdiction ~ battalion, divided into middle, left, right, front, and rear battalions, guarded in the center, in preparation for recruitment.All the soldiers belonging to the deputy general are called associations, which are the troops defending important areas. According to the importance of the defensive area, battalions ranging in size from tens to more than a thousand people are allocated. They are named after the names of the defensive places. Command separately.Set up flood seasons in secondary areas.Every flood can range from a few to dozens of people, led by Mr. Qian and the president.From the admiral down, there is only the right to command the troops, but not the right to deploy them. The military orders are sent to the governor and governor, and the military power belongs to the central government.In the event of a conquest, the emperor will make another brief plan, the counselors and ministers will command the troops, mobilize the green battalions from all over the country to fight, and the ministers will be relieved immediately after the matter is completed.Both the Eight Banners soldiers and the Green Battalion soldiers implemented a salary system, and a certain amount of silver and rice was paid on an annual or monthly basis. The salaries and weapons and equipment of the Eight Banners soldiers were better than those of the Green Battalion soldiers.After the Opium War of 184 in Xiangyongying, the Eight Banners soldiers and the Green Battalion soldiers were useless. When the Taiping Revolution broke out in 181, the Qing government ordered all provinces to organize regiment training to "assist and suppress".Zeng Guofan recruited regiments in Hunan to serve as officials and braves, and set up a system of battalions and sentries. The food and salaries were taken from the public, and they were called Xiangyong or Hunan Army.Then, there were the Huai Army and the brave camps in various provinces established after the system of the Hunan Army.After the battle was over, except for the disbandment of the Hunan Army directly under Zeng Guofan and other brave battalions, brave battalions were still kept in the key points of the provinces, called defense troops.In addition to the defense army, there are also army training.It was selected and trained from the green battalion, and its battalion salary and regulations were all imitated by the Hunan Army, and its tasks were the same as those of the Defense Army.In this way, the defense army and training army became the main armed forces of the Qing Dynasty, and their battalions all originated from the Hunan Army.The Hunan Army takes the battalion as the basic organizational unit, with people as the battalion. The battalion governs 4 outposts, and the outposts govern 8 teams. They are divided into battalion officers, sentry officers, and special commanders. Commanders are set up from two battalions to dozens of battalions.Soldiers must be called by themselves, generals must be chosen by themselves, training and command are independent, and food, fodder, salaries and salaries are self-raised.Each battalion only obeys one battalion officer, and each army only obeys one general. The battalion and army are independent of each other and do not belong to each other.

The prevalence of the Hunan army system became a major change in the military system of the Qing Dynasty.From then on, "the soldiers are the generals", and the central military power was transferred to the generals.

During this period, the weaponry and training system of the army also changed significantly. The Westernization faction began to learn the organizational system of the Western army. The "Xinwutang" established by Li Guolou was based on the Hunan Army system and reorganized the army's organizational system. Raise the "team supervisor" to an unprecedented position. The power of the supervisor is higher than that of battalion officers and sentry officers. He has the right to immunity from personnel in wartime and supervises the training of the army in peacetime.

The team supervisors are directly managed and dispatched by Xinwutang, and they hide their sinister intentions, which is to control the army, and in the name of the emperor, so that the court can find no faults.It seems that the emperor's personal guard army actually wants to insert a large number of disciples into the grassroots of the army.As long as he sits on the throne of the Chief Xuezheng of the "Xinwutang" long enough, a large group of devoted disciples will be able to occupy high positions in the army, and the invisible military power will become his pocket.

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