late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 376 The Tianjin Teaching Plan Peace Talks Success

The location of the Xinwutang was selected at Xiaozhan, and the next step was to enclose the land, preparing to build a school building, barracks, and training venues, covering an area of ​​several square kilometers.Li Guolou entrusted Liu Jie with the specific operation of preparing to build the "New Wutang", and marked it on the map of Xiaozhan Town.Inside the circle drawn with blue pen is the territory of Xinwutang.The people around were dumbfounded. Li Guolou was in charge of such a large relocation project.

Li Guolou stuffed the map into Liu Jie's arms carelessly, and said, "Lord Liu, the demolition and construction projects should be started together, and we can't delay it for a day. Whoever dares not to move it will be forcibly demolished by me. Even Zhuangzi from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will give it to you." Whoever dares to disobey will be punished by Tianjin mobs. The construction team will settle in within three days, and the demolition will start in seven days. I will see the construction fully rolled out in two months, and the first batch of students will move in after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It's a military order!"

Holding a stack of maps, Liu Jie frowned bitterly and said: "Master Li, the notice of the county magistrate's seal must be posted first, so that the people of Xiaozhan Town know, otherwise who will buy it?"

Li Guolou suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Oh, I almost forgot, the notice with the official seal of Tianjin County is here, there are ten blank sheets, and now you write it. Then post it in Xiaozhan Town, let Xiaozhan The common people know that the imperial court will not treat them badly. Forced demolition is not an act of disturbing the people, but a win-win situation. Every relocated common people will be compensated. As for errands, you have to find a job for those common people to support their families. "

Liu Jie saw the blank notice, which indeed had the bright red official seal of Tianjin County on it, and understood that this officer was in such a hurry that he didn't even give his subordinates a chance to breathe.Li Guolou's power is so powerful that it is surprising that Tianjin county magistrate is vacant!Li Hongzhang actually asked Li Guolou to affix the official seal of Tianjin County casually.

"Subordinate, I will finish my errands and move my family to Xiaozhan Town tomorrow. With my old face, the people here will not lose face." Liu Jie received the letter of appointment with high spirits and rekindled his heart. In the future, he wants foreigners to kneel at his feet.

"Well! I believe you once. Liu Jie failed this time. It's not as simple as exile and distribution. I don't want to redeem money, understand?" Li Guolou narrowed his slender eyes and stared at Liu Jie. Wei, if he wants to hang the head on the gate, it depends on which ignorant person offers the head?

"Your officer understands! I promise to complete the task." Liu Jie didn't dare to look at Li Guolou's face. He heard that this officer had killed more than a dozen prisoners of war with his own hands, and that the guards were all wearing American-made Colt revolvers. He didn't want to be caught People hit black guns.Last time the French consul Feng Daye shot at him, and his personal bodyguard Gao Sheng blocked the bullet for him. Now he is being bullied by dogs, and his life is no longer like this.

Liu Jie has a lot of doubts about the new martial arts hall built by Li Guolou, and he needs to enclose more than one square kilometer of land. Almost half of the residents in Xiaozhan Town will be demolished and two-fifths of the land will be requisitioned. Is it possible to use such a large plot of land? ?He was a guilty person, and he was not familiar with Li Guolou, so he didn't dare to ask Li Guolou.The group of guards next to him were all servants of Li Guolou, they couldn't bear it anymore, and whispered beside them.

Cheng Kun was pushed out, he laughed and said, "Master Li, why does the new martial arts hall need to be so wide?"

Li Guolou glanced at him with dissatisfaction and said, "You still want to be soldiers! You don't even understand this. We have an artillery battalion here. Don't you want to shoot? Now the latest Prussian Krupp cannon has a range of more than 1 kilometer. Howitzers and mortars are also more than [-] kilometers away, so should we shoot the cannons at the houses of the people?"

"Ten kilometers!" More than a dozen guards exclaimed together. They were about to enter the new martial arts hall for training. Of course they were reading military books. Now even the red-clothed cannon located on the Weihaiwei Fortress could not fall into the sea one kilometer away. Here, the red cannon with a range of three to four kilometers is already the most lethal cannon.Those Frang machine guns have a closer range, and the effective range is up to meters.

Li Guolou looked around, his personal bodyguard shook his head and said: "You guys are so outdated, the era of killing foreigners with a big knife and drinking a bowl of talismans has long passed, modern warfare, it is a large-scale group If we turn into a battle, we cannot defend ourselves unless we occupy natural dangers, but is there natural dangers in Tianjin? A city wall, trench, and a few forts are far from enough. Only confronting the enemy head-on in the wild is too much to say It sounds like "Ambush War". Is there a place for you to make dumplings? People who treat the enemy as fools are too naive. Everyone is setting up the battlefield, with cannons, long guns, and grenades, directly facing each other. Our cannons can't hit the enemy, but the enemy has a few Cannons will kill us. Is it possible to win this battle? Fighting on the plains, we can only fight for consumption. As long as our weapons are not too far behind, we will fight for consumption with foreigners and fight for exhaustion. In the future, each of you will bring me One battalion, if you want to fight all the foreigners and kill tens of thousands of people, then tell me that you can defeat the Eight-Power Allied Forces."

"Yes!" Eighteen guards have long been trained to be killing machines. They know that their team will be used to defend an iron wall in the Gyeonggi area in the future. Other troops can retreat. They have to defend the capital to the death and fight to the end. The determination is engraved on the faces of each of them. This is the path they have chosen, and they will stand up and dedicate themselves to the country.

Liu Jie watched in amazement. The eighteen guards stood motionless, standing still like nails, with such firm expressions.Li Guolou instilled the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor and patriotism into this group of servants. What is the motivation to make these servants, who could spend their lives carefree, willing to endure hardships and sacrifice to serve as soldiers?Is it just for the title of officer?And a good salary?

Liu Jie was moved by this group of fearless guards, and roared: "Yes!" He also stood in front of Li Guolou with his chest and belly protruding. He is not old, but also has great ambitions.As Li Guolou said, the gunboat foreigners are powerful, and it is inevitable for the foreigners to invade and land. It can be seen.

Tianjin French Minister Luo Shuya, British Minister Wade, Russian Minister Buce, American Minister Williams and other seven countries’ ministers came to meet Li Hongzhang, Minister of Beiyang Commercial Affairs, as usual.After exchanging greetings and greetings, Luo Shuya still spoke in a tough tone, demanding that the Qing government execute all officials at all levels in Tianjin, or the French government would not let it go, and would meet the Qing government in battle. The French Mediterranean fleet has already arrived in Yantai. That's right, the consequences are so serious, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine.

Li Hongzhang said with a smile: "Minister Luo Rong reported that the mobs in the Qing Dynasty made troubles, burned, killed and looted the evil results. Our Qing Dynasty is responsible for compensating the losses suffered by all countries and arresting the murderers. Of course, the burned churches and other buildings are also Our Qing government rebuilt it as before. Those mobs, our Qing government will never tolerate them, and will definitely bring them all to justice in order to dispel the grievances of the people of all countries. But it is against common sense to punish the officials of prefectures and counties in Tianjin. It is also not in line with the laws of the Qing Dynasty. If there is a precedent in any of your western countries where mobs kill people and let local officials rectify the law, our Qing laws can also be amended, and the ministers of various countries are asked to provide evidence."

The French Minister Luo Shuya was a little timid, but still roared: "Those mobs were instructed by the magistrate behind the scenes, Feng Daye, Simon and others died in the line of duty. If the magistrate is not punished on the spot, the people of our country will never die." It's hard to say yes."

The British Minister Wade also clamored: "The magistrate in Tianjin mishandled it, which caused the church I built to be destroyed. The magistrate should bring justice to justice."

Li Hongzhang asked: "Then I would like to ask Minister Luo, your country's consul Feng Daye shot and killed people on the territory of the Qing Dynasty, and Simon drew his gun to threaten, which caused unnecessary incidents. In the final analysis, it was the people of your country who took the lead. Ahh. The mob couldn't control their emotions and burned and stormed the church overnight. The local officials didn't expect this to happen. Originally, tens of thousands of people just protested outside the church and did not cross the blockade. Since countries still have to communicate Good negotiation, don't get entangled in the responsibilities of the local officials. All the officials in Tianjin's prefectures and counties have been dismissed and dealt with severely. Our Qing government did not condone these incompetent local officials. In this way, we can also have an account for the people of all countries. I hope that Minister Luo will not make it difficult for me on this issue, and everyone should calmly talk about other matters related to compensation and the aftermath."

The ministers of various countries actually intimidated the Qing government, and did not want the local officials in Tianjin to be executed on the spot. They are a country ruled by law, and people who know how to respect the law will negotiate with the Qing government and blackmail the Qing government once. .

The seven countries first issued a compensation fee of 100 million taels of silver, but no consensus has been reached.The two sides refused to give in to each other on state compensation, and they talked for more than a month.

French Minister Luo Shuya even threatened to attack the Qing Dynasty and launch bloody revenge.

Li Guolou suddenly jumped out and read the emperor's imperial edict, saying that as long as the French dared to fire, the Qing government would no longer recognize all the treaties signed with France, and take back the French Concession and the signed trade treaties.

British Minister Wade stepped forward and said that it is better to negotiate, and the trouble caused by the mob did not reach the point of war between the two countries.At this point, French Minister Luo Shuya no longer talked about the shooting, and all parties returned to the negotiating table.

At this time, a dramatic scene suddenly occurred. Originally, the Prussian Empire did not have a consulate in the Qing Dynasty, and the consulate in China was also managed by the British consulate.Prussian Prime Minister Bismarck suddenly sent Kneppin, the first minister to China, and acted as a mediator to deal with the various countries, and finally successfully signed a memorandum of understanding, and all parties reached a compromise.

The two parties began to deliberate on the detailed compensation rules, and reached the following results: firstly, the widows of the dead and injured foreigners should be compensated with pensions, the seven murderers responsible for the accident should be brought to justice, and the [-] prefectural and county officials in Tianjin should be dismissed and severely punished.The churches, consular offices and other facilities destroyed by the mob were rebuilt by the Qing Dynasty as before.Because the Tianjin religious incident caused too much harm to France and the French people, the Qing Dynasty had to send a minister to France to apologize, so as to show that it was repaired again.Qing Dynasty Compensation Law, Britain, the United States and other seven countries, ten thousand taels of silver.

The French Minister Luo Shuya saw that the Prussian Minister Knippin immediately turned into a low-browed slave, silent at the negotiating table, and signed and stamped kindly on behalf of the French government to reveal an unpleasant page of history.The French Mediterranean Fleet set off from Tianjin Port the next day and left the waters of the Qing Dynasty.

The ending of the Tianjin religious case caused the Western powers to reshuffle the cards. The ambition of a newly emerging Prussian Empire to covet the Qing Dynasty made the Western powers look sideways, and the Prussians also came to the Qing Empire to benefit.Prussian Minister Knippin led a delegation of more than [-] people to Tianjin, and was about to start an official friendly visit to the Qing Dynasty.

The public erupted in strong dissatisfaction with the killing of seven ethnic righteous men in court at Jinmen Bridge in Tianjin. Officials from all over the country jointly signed a letter to impeach Li Hongzhang, a "traitor". The same memorial to the revolution was blown to the Forbidden City.But the court is still calm, because the Prussian diplomatic mission needs the Beiyang Minister of Commerce Li Hongzhang to receive it. Instead, an imperial edict abolished the yamen of the three ministers of commerce and put them under the jurisdiction of Li Hongzhang. The yamen was the residence of the governor of Zhili, and Li Hongzhang had a greater say in foreign affairs.He was awarded the title of Grand Bachelor of Yingwu Hall and became the head of Han officials.

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