late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 426 The Black Dragon Club's Sneak Attack

Yasuda Youbingwei, who got off his horse next to him, almost fainted out of breath. The braided dog of the Qing Dynasty didn't listen to orders.He forgot the fact that he himself had braids. At this time, the members of the Black Dragon Society did not cut their braids like the people in Japan, but like their ancestors, they wore braids that were uglier than those of the Qing Dynasty. Little braid, so pretending to be a Qing Dynasty is quite decent.

No one waits for the moment, and the hero's true colors are revealed on the spot. Yasuda Youhei did not hesitate for a moment, pulled out the short gun at his waist, and shot at the four lieutenants Goshha in front.

The other assassins also pulled out their short guns and shot forward. Some of the second devils actually shot Huang Tian in the back. That gold medal is worth the arrow.This is the No.1 assassin who died in this sneak attack battle, and he was killed by his own people.

There was a pain in Huang Tian's back, and he froze for a moment. The horse moved forward, but he fell to the ground from the horse, with one foot in the stirrup, dragging Huang Tian's body forward.Huang Tian, ​​who fell to death on the yellow ground, grasped the golden medal arrow firmly with one hand, which was his life-saving talisman, his pass to the Hall of Yama.The two ghosts behind them rode their horses and whipped their whips, and the target they were aiming for was the golden token arrow in the hand of the deceased Huang Tian...

"Bang..." A burst of clear and pleasant gunshots exploded on the narrow official road like firecrackers.

Of the four adjutants Ghoshha caught off guard, two of them fell to the ground, and the other two Ghoshha also fell from their horses. One rolled over and took out the American-made Colt revolver from his waist, and fired. .The war horse neighed, and the four strong BMW horses were smashed into sieves and fell to death on the official road.All of this happened in an instant.

When the assassins of the Black Dragon Society executed the order to fire just now, some of the assassins had dismounted from their horses, while others were still on their horses.At the instant of the raid, the sound of gunfire frightened some horses, which were not war horses, some of which had never heard gunshots.Among them, the two assassins who dismounted according to the established plan held the reins in their hands, but the horses suddenly went berserk and rushed forward with brute force, regardless of the master's life or death, the two frightened horses jumped several feet away.The two assassins who were holding the reins of the horse were pulled by the reins, and one hand was severely strained. The people were hit by a huge impact and fell to the ground. The movements of the two assassins were like dogs eating mud.

The three assassins on horseback also encountered a big problem with the horses being frightened. One of the horses did not jump forward, but jumped into the low cornfield next to the official road. There was still a road between the official road and the farmland. Irrigate the farmland ditch. Although the Gyeonggi area is dry and there is not much water in the gutter, it is still a ditch.The frightened horse fell headfirst and threw the assassin on the horse flying away. He was half dead if not dead. The assassin died before his ambition was fulfilled, and passed out in the farmland.

The horses under the other two assassins were frightened and jumped straight forward, but the two horses began to kick, their bodies were twisted strangely, and they jumped wildly, vowing not to stop until they overturned the people on the saddle.The assassin sitting on the horse was not the hero "Mongol" on horseback. He could not control the frightened vehicle before he fired a single shot. The short gun in his hand fell to the ground, comforting the horse, "Steady Hold on tight! It's okay, it's okay!"

"Ah..." two screams, the two assassins couldn't control the frightened horses, fell to the ground, their bodies became a stumbling block on the road, and then they were trampled by a group of horses rushing beside them , It's good to have both hands and feet broken.One of the assassins was trampled to death on the spot, with a horse's hoof print on his head and deep marks on his cheek.Another assassin continued to cry miserably, "Ah..."

A group of assassins from Yasuda Youhei launched a sneak attack and killed three Ghoshhas in an instant, but unexpectedly, the assassins also killed six dead soldiers in an instant. No. 1 is the person who deserves to die—Huang Tian who saw Qian Qiyi, No. 2 passed out in the corn field, and one of the two who fell on the official road was trampled to death.The other was seriously injured and unable to move, so he was considered abolished.

The remaining two assassins suddenly had their arms pulled by the reins of the horse, and their rides were gone. They changed from cavalry to infantry, but they were both samurai of the Great Japanese Empire.The spirit of Bushido was brought to the extreme, he gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his arm, and struggled to get up from the ground. Although his knee was a little damaged, he strode forward bravely with his short legs. The two injured Japanese warriors broke away from the big The troops, waving the short guns in their hands, and their indomitable spirit are admirable.

There were 25 cavalry in Yasuda Youbingwei's troops. They rushed forward and fired continuously. The firearms they used were also revolvers.

The revolver has six bullets and has excellent continuous firing ability, but the range is short, the control performance is poor, and the pistol tends to jump when shooting, so the hit rate is poor.Generally, cavalry don't use pistols, but use long spears. Cavalry is good at roaming combat.But none of the assassins of the Black Dragon Society came from cavalry, so they could only fire one shot with a long spear on the horse, and a long spear would be useless.So they all use short guns, thinking that revolvers have strong continuous shooting capabilities and can suppress officers and soldiers in terms of firepower, ignoring the characteristics of poor hit rate and short range.Moreover, the samurai swords on their waistbands are sharp weapons in close combat. As long as they rush into the camp of officers and soldiers and slash and kill, they are sure to win.

So in the first wave of shooting, it seemed that there were loud gunshots, and there was a burst of firecrackers on the official road, but only the first five adjutants Goshha were fatally attacked, and three Goshha died on the spot and were beaten into sieves.The other two Goshhas were different from ordinary people's sensitivity. They made a life-or-death decision in an instant, jumped off the horses, and rolled into the gutter beside the road.They are all soldiers who have undergone special training. They have encountered this kind of sneak attack during training. Although it is only a training content, they are used to it naturally.

The two Goshhas rolled over on the ground, pulled out the revolvers at their waists, opened the safety cover, and fired the first wave of bullets.The two of them lying on the ground have small targets, and they don't have the disadvantage of jumping horses when shooting. They are usually good at training, and their shooting accuracy is extremely high. In a short round of shooting, they both hit four assassins, but they saw the four assassins jumping from the horses. The sharp counterattack has just begun.

The disadvantages of the revolver also made the two Ghoshhas sigh, and more than 20 other assassins had already left their attack range and rushed towards the convoy.Now they can only fight with the other two assassins with injured arms. Both of them lie on the ground, shoot each other, move carefully, and dare not jump out of the gutter.Afraid of being hit by the opponent, neither of the two sides can do anything to the other for a while, forming a confrontational situation.

The mud in the gutter was filthy, and the feet of the two Ghoshhas had already sunk into it.After slowing down, Xu Biao changed the bullets in the revolver. He was clumsy and illiterate, but now he has changed a lot. He is a frequent visitor of the "New Style School for the People" deblinding class. Guards.However, the short and tense confrontation made him repeat his old habit, he stuttered and said, "Xiaoshi... head, are you... all right."

The young Li Yunkai (Xiao Shitou) was only 14 years old, and he was the adopted son of Li Guolou, which meant that he would inherit part of Li Guolou's family business in the future. He was not considered a slave, but a young master.Although there are few people, it is difficult for him to study, but there is a murderous, bloodthirsty murderous aura that made him follow Li Guolou in the Jianghu since the battlefield of Balizhuang. He claims to be an old Jianghu. Hiding in the gutter.Facing Xu Biao, who was three zhang away, he said, "Old Xu, the bastard has strong firepower, I'll go take a piss."

Li Yunkai said a code word, he wanted to go around behind the enemy.Xu Biao imitated the heroine, and shouted: "Shoot too!" After the six bullets were loaded, he was assured that if the assassin wanted to kill him, he would have to sacrifice his life.

Li Yunkai dragged his muddy legs and walked towards the distance. He was very anxious and worried about the safety of his adoptive father Li Guolou. He had to deal with the two assassins here before he could help his adoptive quick!Li Yunkai's dexterous figure quickly disappeared between the field ridges. The dry weather made the vegetation in the cornfield shorter than in previous years, and Li Yunkai's undeveloped figure was just covered.

"Lord Li, there are assassins rushing over here! About twenty or thirty horses." Ma Dequan outside the carriage reminded Li Guolou in the carriage that the official road was narrow and it was impossible for the carriage to turn around. A wrong decision will cost everyone their lives.

Ma Dequan quickly picked up the German-made Dreiser firing pin rifle in his hand, opened the safety catch, loaded the bullet, closed one left eye, and pulled the trigger. The horse fell down.Pulling the bolt, the cartridge was unloaded, quickly reloaded the bullet, and raised the long gun again. At this distance, he could fire three shots. These three shots were his duty as a personal guard. Ma Dequan's eyes were so firm and calm. Pull the trigger.

In the carriage, Li Guolou sat up in shock. He heard gunshots in the distance, and hurriedly said to the two female relatives next to him, "Don't panic, take out the gun, don't waste bullets, aim before shooting. I'm in charge of everything." While speaking, Li Guolou had already opened the hidden compartment next to the carriage, and saw that there were long and short guns, knives, daggers, and even two huge grenades in the hidden compartment.

Xie Liya comforted: "Bai Lian, don't be afraid, I'll protect you." While speaking, Xie Liya had tied up an armed belt, complete with short guns, daggers, and magazines, and pulled the bolt of a Mauser skillfully to check whether there were bullets in it.

Bai Lian took an armed belt from Li Guolou, and she didn't show much panic. She had also seen death and participated in a battle. Although she had never fired a gun, the thrill of being there made her Never forget.

"Xiaolou, I'm not afraid, I'll take the bullet for my husband." Bai Lian did not forget her duty, and the revolver in her hand was already loaded.

"Good job, it's not in vain that I love you two so much." Li Guolou nodded in satisfaction, and pushed open the door of the carriage. How many enemies are there outside, let's talk about it first.

Bai Lian followed Li Guolou out of the carriage without hesitation, she kept her promise, and she wanted to guard her husband.

At this time, the bullets used by the most advanced breech-bore smoothbore guns were bullets combined with bullets and ammunition. This allowed the gunner to load bullets faster and shoot faster. The gunner was less likely to panic, and the hit rate of effective shooting also increased.The German-made Dreiser firing pin breech-loading gun does not have its advantage in range, and its effective range is only 800 meters. However, this gun is famous for its precision and low recoil, making it an easy-to-handle firearm.Ghoshha is equipped with long and short guns, and a seven-foot-long stabbing gun. The rattan knife hangs at his waist, but the main function of the rattan knife is for decoration. The power of the stabbing gun in actual combat is far greater than that of the short rattan knife.

There are four Goshhas on horseback beside Li Guolou, and six Goshhas sitting in three carriages. This is all his family property. The scene on the official road is at stake. into meat paste.

Holding a Mauser, Li Guolou stepped out of the carriage, raised his eyes and looked forward, and could already see a group of galloping horses rushing towards them. Said: "Turn over the carriage in front, kill the horses, and block the enemy's attack. Revolvers are not allowed to shoot, all shoot with long guns. Don't panic, hide behind the carriage and aim and shoot, kill a dozen enemies first, and then I’m looking for dead enemies, I’m coming!” While speaking, Li Guolou had already fired a bullet, instead of shooting the enemy, he hit a galloping red-maned horse, causing an assassin wielding a samurai sword to fall directly to the ground .

A few words from Li Guolou immediately calmed the minds of the people around him. The first carriage had already been driven to the center of the official road, and the driver on the carriage fired bullets at his beloved horse without hesitation. Ha jumps out of the carriage, ducks behind the carriage, and shoots.

"Bang..." At an extremely fast speed, a wave of bullets was fired at the enemies who were rushing straight. Fall down.

There was blood mist in front of his eyes, blood splashed in the air, and the dead soldiers of the Black Dragon Society rushed forward without hesitation.


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