late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 427 The Confrontation Between Ghoshha and the Assassins

The assassins of the Black Dragon Society held revolvers, two pistols. It seemed that the gunpowder was full of gunpowder, and the bullets were flying everywhere, but they couldn’t hit the target. One revolver ran out of bullets, and immediately pulled out the other revolver to shoot. The speed is nothing to say, but the actual combat effect is not good. The horse in front was hit by them, but the figure of the person was not visible. The power and efficiency of the opponent's dozen long spears is astonishing. Two rounds of shooting made the charging black dragon an assassin , lost half of the troops, and a group of people fell on their backs.

The gap between the assassins trained by the underworld and the soldiers trained by the army is reflected in the frontal battlefield. Assassins are good at sneak attacks, and their mission is to hit them with one blow. As for whether they are successful or not, it depends on whether there is any arrangement in the plan Sure enough, Yasuda Youbei had the determination to die, but he also made two-handed preparations and arranged a retreat. At this time, he had the determination in his heart to succeed if he failed, and there were heads in front of him, waiting for him to harvest, hunting for swords , has already swung the knife in mid-air, and immediately passed a carriage blocking the way.

Soldiers are good at protracted warfare. As long as the chief does not retreat, the soldiers around him will not retreat. This kind of precedent abounds. Surrounding them, these Ghoshhas have the determination to die.

A Ghoshha was hit in the arm by a bullet, and his right arm was stained red with blood. Admiralty lowered his spear feebly, but the young face remained restrained, endured the pain, and quickly pulled out the revolver, calmly Aiming ahead, he didn't shoot. Jin Zhong is a soldier, and he knows that the power of a pistol is small. Only by shooting the target at close range can it be lethal. He is waiting for the enemy to approach.

Another Ghoshha named Jin Shun was Jin Zhong’s twin brother. He was the No. 1 Ghoshha who was killed by an assassin with a golden token arrow. Brother revenge, an assassin jumped from above the carriage, his movements were crisp, stretched, and exaggeratedly waving his samurai sword in mid-air. There were heads in front of him. The harvest season came, but a small bullet happened to hit his forehead.

An assassin who rushed to the side of the carriage took out a revolver, fired six bullets in a row, and hit the target. That white figure was Bai Lian. Her white figure turned out to be the enemy's best target. Blossoming red flowers bloom on white, getting redder and duller.

Li Guolou was watching from the side, full of desolation and heartbroken pain, which made his eyes a little blurred, but he still lit the grenade in his hand, and flung it viciously to the opposite side of the carriage.

There was a loud bang, the smoke filled the air, and the habit made people burst into tears. Li Guolou held a stabbing gun and shouted: "Kill!" He jumped on a horse and crossed the battlefield filled with gunpowder. .

"Kill." Four Goshhas armed with stabbing guns followed behind Li Guolou without hesitation, crossed the carriage and rushed to kill the fleeing assassins.

Several other Ghoshha quickly put the bayonets on the gun barrels, formed an attacking battle formation with the neat steps during the drill, and shouted together: "Kill."

Xie Liya, who was hiding in the carriage, held a Mauser, jumped out of the carriage and rushed towards Bailian, with tears streaming down her face, and shouted: "Bailian." She regretted that she should not have let Bailian get out of the carriage just now, and a disaster that could have been avoided had already befallen their family.

An assassination operation that was not carried out according to the plan was wrong from the very beginning. Frontal attack is not the strong point of the Black Dragon Society, but the determination to die in the way of Bushido made the assassins of the Black Dragon Society rush to the battlefield one after another.

An Assassin was shot...

No.2 Assassin was killed...

No.3 Assassin fell off his horse and was trampled to death...

No.4 Assassin disappeared...

No.5 Assassin was killed...

No.6 Assassin fell off his horse, got up and limped, and continued to charge forward...

The No.7 assassin screamed and covered his chest...

This is the embodiment of the essence of Bushido in Japan, never take a step back, fight even to the death, kill one's life and become a benevolent, the spirit of Bushido will last forever.

But no matter how good the Bushido spirit is, it is also mixed with discordant factors. Those second devils who joined the Black Dragon Association among the assassins, seeing the tragic scenes in front of them, no longer have the will to win, and there are fewer and fewer people around them. It made them even more terrified, pulled the reins, turned around, and walked in the opposite direction, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

A second ghost with a gold medal arrow in his arms rolled his eyes, and the rein in his hand pulled the horse's head. The horse that was charging straight ahead suddenly slowed down. He lay on top of the horse and shot forward indiscriminately Pulling the trigger, already more than six times, not even knowing that there is no bullet in the chamber, slowing down the horse, pulling out another revolver, and making up his mind to shoot at anyone who dares to block his way to wealth , The horse made an arc, ran in the opposite direction with his accomplice, and left in a hurry.

There are also five second devils whose horse speed has slowed down. They usually speak more bold words than Japanese samurai. The test of Big Brother Hui, the vote certificate has also been handed over to the Black Dragon Society, but the distance is close to death, and there is still a 31-meter sprint that makes them unable to bear it. The marksmanship was precise, and his companions fell to the ground one by one. He saw that the charging crowd had changed from [-] people to more than a dozen people. The second devil's mind became active, and he was already far behind the Japanese assassin. He saw a companion turn around Leaving the death place filled with gunpowder smoke, the other five second devils turned their horses and walked along the trend, whipping the whip in their hands fiercely, so that there would be no firewood in the green hills.

Ren Tailang, a Black Dragon Society assassin who fell off his horse and walked with a limp, saw the two devils fleeing the battlefield in front of him. He was furious, stood in the middle of the official road, raised his katana in his hand, and shouted: "Eight! Ge, let me continue to rush."

The horseshoes were flying, and the two devils pointed their revolvers at the Japanese samurai, threatening the Japanese samurai that if he dared to swing his sword, he would be destroyed.

The six second ghosts left in a hurry. The Japanese Bushido spirit is a character only fools have, so they are not stupid?This is the Qing Empire, and the national condition is to bully the weak and fear the strong.

Ren Tailang panted heavily, gritted his teeth with hatred, looked at the gunshots coming from the front, continued to drag his injured left leg, moved forward, continued to move forward, only by defeating the enemy and destroying the enemy can he be a real man As a result, a figure of less than 1.5 meters has become unimaginably tough for ordinary people, and continues to move forward. It is very possible that one of his left legs has been broken, but Ren Taro dragged his injured leg without hesitation, and marched towards the hail of bullets... ···

Two carriages were lying on the official road, the carriages were lying in the middle of the road, and the horses were lying in a pool of blood and whimpering. The obstacles blocked the way of the remaining seven Japanese samurai.

The choice left to Yasuda Youhei is to either jump over obstacles and kill the enemy with thunderous momentum, but he may also be knocked down by obstacles and die before his ambition is fulfilled.

Either go around through the weeds next to the big tree. If you go around in circles, you have to slow down the speed of the horse, and it may become a live target for the enemy gunners.

Another way is to jump off the horse and fight the enemy on foot.

There were only a few seconds left for Yasuda Youhei to choose, he didn't have to think about it, and shouted: "Come on!" Don't worry about him, just rush over and talk about it. He can't talk about any tactics at this time, he only has the enemy's head in his eyes.

The assassin who rushed to the first place pulled the reins and urged the horse under his crotch to jump over the fallen horses. His figure was so strong and his movements were so skillful, but Fukuda forgot, He has never practiced obstacle running. There is a huge difference between galloping on horseback and equestrian obstacle running. The moment when Fukuda pulls the rein is earlier than the moment when the sparks bloom, but this moment can change a lot.

The horse under the crotch leaped, and then fell. The horse stepped on the fallen obstacle, and the horse neighed and cried. It was knocked down, and the leg bones must be broken. At that moment, Fukuda jumped up and was still in the air, and the person seemed to have changed. Become a goshawk, overlooking all living beings, but he has no wings, so he flies high and falls miserably. Futian is like a sandbag, and with a muffled grunt, he falls to the ground, and there are more obstacles here.

An assassin was in front of the carriage, suddenly jumped off his horse, rolled forward and charged forward, the shining samurai sword, eye-catching, three-foot-long sword, who is fighting for the front: "Kill." , although his two legs are not long, but the frequency is extremely fast, and his height exceeds 1.6 meters [-]. He is already a tall idol favored by beautiful women among Japanese samurai in the Black Dragon Club.

Takebu is going to return to the Sakura Building with glory and accept the service of geisha Amuro Nami. The beautiful Amuro Nami seems to be smiling at him, and Takebe is also smiling. within range.

"Kill." Wubu flicked left and right, and with weird footwork, he approached a Ghoshha. The bayonet stab on the opponent's spear was easily dodged by him, and he approached the opponent's body. He was sure to win. The samurai sword pierced the opponent's body, blood splashed, the most beautiful red flower bloomed only for him, the beautiful Amuro Nami was waiting for him to come back, and he wanted to bring back a lot of gold.

"Ah!" Gosh Ha Chengming uttered the last cry of his life. He did not embarrass his brother Cheng Kun, and he did not give up the fight even to death. He faced the sharp sword with a body. He already hugged the enemy tightly, opened his mouth wide, and bit the enemy's nose. This was the last gift the enemy gave him, and Cheng Ming accepted it.

"Ah!" Wubu let out a scream, his nose was bitten by the enemy fiercely, and what was even more frightening was that he was hugged by a dying enemy. Can't play a role, being overwhelmed by the enemy, what kind of enemy is this, this is the first time Wubu regrets, he shouldn't die because of the black dragon, his nose is in the dead man's mouth, is there any chance for him to get up Woolen cloth?Breaking free from the arm that tightly held him, why does the dead man still have so much strength.

Several bullets flew beside him. This time, Wubu couldn't make a stray step. He lay on the ground and felt the pain. He was relieved in an instant. It turned out that death is a happy thing. The gate of heaven opened to him, and he was relieved. Now, no longer restrained, Takebe let out a breath of relief, staring at the appearance of heaven with wide eyes.

An assassin wanted to bypass obstacles from the weeds next to the road, and the speed of the horse couldn't help but slow down a lot, hoping that the enemy would not pay attention to his actions, but luckily, Xie Liya pulled out the revolver on her armed belt and pointed at him. He fired continuously: "Bang bang bang bang."

The assassin didn't escape the hell, and looked helplessly at Xie Liya who was nearby. This should be his delicious meal, why would women shoot?The assassin stared at Xie Liya reluctantly, and his obscene fantasy made him fall into hell.

"Bai Lian, I will avenge you." Xie Liya hid behind the last carriage, looked at Bai Lian's body beside her, and quickly reloaded the bullets. At this time, she thought of the benefits of Li Guolou's preparedness for danger in times of peace, and his unruffled actions. Let her not be afraid of death, death is not terrible, as long as she dares to face it, there is hope, the situation of the battle is like this, their number is already more than the assassins, the few assassins, just wait to die.

Xie Liya stood up from the back of the car, raised the Colt revolver in her hand generously, held the handle with both hands, closed one left eye, and aimed at an assassin who jumped over the car: "Bang", a shot head shot.

An assassin fell from the roof of the carriage, and fell down weakly. The smell of blood filled the air, and the killings filled with gunpowder turned everyone into ferocious beasts.

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