late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 428 Kill without mercy!No life left!

Li Guolou was ready for the duel. He stepped on a black-maned horse and held a stabbing gun.

The stabbing spear is a weapon commonly used by cavalry when they are cold weapons. The cavalry spears used by western knights are at least one foot long. When charging and attacking the enemy, the huge impact force is transmitted to the knight's hand. The huge impact The force will shatter the knight's hand bones, so the stabbing guns used by Western knights are disposable weapons, and they must be let go when they hit the target.

However, the stabbing gun used by Li Guolou is actually a variant of the horse lance. It is seven feet long and is easy to carry.

Different from Western lances, the lance has good elasticity. When charging and stabbing the enemy, the lance will twist, absorb part of the impact force of the charge, rely on its own elasticity without breaking, and the lance will stretch again in an instant. Straight, bounce the target away, and play the role of buffer protection.

If you use that kind of hard spear and carbine, you will have to discard the long weapon and replace it with a one-time use due to the huge impact when charging and fighting. This is contrary to the bravery spirit advocated by Li Guolou. If the lance is broken again, then he is at the mercy of others and has no choice but to escape.

Of course, the horse lance is excellent, and it is quite difficult to make. The lance is made of broken bamboo into strips. After twisting into a small rod, it is painted with oil continuously, and the paint is dried layer by layer. There was a clanging sound when cutting, and the required length was cut just now, and then the head of the lance was installed, and the copper ingot was attached to the tail, and a rope was hung from the tail to one third of the lance's body, so that the lance was balanced and a horse lance was considered. Made out, because the production is complicated, it takes three years to take shape.

Of course, white wax rods also have the advantages of horse lances, but compared to horse lances, white wax rods are more rare. Natural white wax rods are soft and not suitable for gun shafts. They can only be planted specially. , not worse than Ma Chan, but Ma Chan uses a high level of technology. Aiming and preemption in fast movements, escape after stabbing the target, depth and angle of stabbing are all full of knowledge, and ordinary people can't perform well. The power of the lance.

Li Guolou has strong financial resources, and the horses, weapons and equipment used by his subordinates are all the best.

Li Guolou originally had a solid background in martial arts, and it was not difficult for him to practice horse fighting. He also wanted to have a duel with the British mercenary cavalry "Indian Ah San" on horseback, so he worked hard on horseback and didn't put his energy into it. Li Guolou clenched his stabbing gun tightly to keep calm, and wanted to fight the assassin on the horse.

An Tian Youbingwei pulled the reins of his horse, jumped over the obstacle, and charged towards Li Guolou. The enemy's head was right in front of his eyes. If he didn't take it now, he had no way out. The dead men under his command were not running away. , is to die in battle, there are only a handful of dead soldiers around him, but he is a Japanese samurai, there is no word "escape" in the dictionary, Yasuda Youhei is like the god of war in a picture, jumping in the air and waving a cold samurai sword , splitting towards Li Guolou's front door.

In mid-air, the stabbing spear and the samurai sword confronted each other head-on. Li Guolou recognized this face. The eldest brother of the Black Dragon Club, Yasuda Youhei, who used to toast and drink in the Sakura Tower, now met with swords and guns, and the two horses faced each other. In an instant, the Black Dragon Society turns against him. Why is this? Li Guolou's mind is blank. At this moment, he can't allow him to think too much. Only by fighting for his life can he live. He only has hatred in his heart. Those who stand in my way Death, the one who destroys me perishes.

All of a sudden, swords and guns collided with each other: the metal impact of "铛", not waiting for the move to be exhausted, Li Guolou used all the strength of his body, turning the stab into a sweep, a gust of wind swept past, and a gust of gray smoke Sweep the battlefield.

In the confrontation between the stabbing spear and the samurai sword, they have the upper hand on the horse, one point is longer and the other is strong. Li Guolou has the initiative and absolute dominance.

Yasuda Youbingwei is a master of the two-sword genre. He is good at wielding two samurai swords, long and short. He has never met an opponent in a duel on flat ground. Ma Zhan considers himself to be a first-class master. How could he miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hunt the samurai sword and eat the blood of the enemy.

"An Tian-jun, this is a gift from me." Li Guolou finally remembered the opponent's name, and the stabbing gun in his hand swept across. He didn't care how good his opponent was. It is enough to use the spear to restrain the opponent's sharpness. The spear is the overlord among the swords. It can sweep thousands of troops without solution. Who will fight for the front? The only way to fight against the opponent is to fight head-to-head. Little Japan is so small Body, not his opponent.

Yasuda Youbingweige blocked Li Guolou's first move and his jaws were already broken. He almost threw the samurai sword away, and the blood spilled on the battlefield. A gust of wind, that strange whistling sound made him terrified. The opponent didn't use the stabbing feature of the stabbing gun, but didn't give him a chance to die, but only gave him a chance to resist. Can he be able to block it? Yasuda Youbingwei already has the answer in his heart, The Japanese samurai are masters of foot combat, and the horse combat is still left to the Qing people. I saw him turn over and fall off his horse, escaping from Li Guolou's fatal blow.

"I want to escape." Li Guolou pulled out the revolver on his armed belt with his left hand without hesitation. He likes to keep one hand, and he likes to play criminals like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Bang..." It sounded like a string of firecrackers. Li Guolou didn't leave much room this time. All six bullets were fired at Yasuda Youhei who was rolling on the ground. Anyone can become a sharpshooter within a short distance. His marksmanship "piercing Yang with a hundred steps".

Yasuda Youhei is a master of kung fu, flexible in body, and has the pride of a kung fu master. He believes that he has practiced the two-sword style to a super-class level. He has used all [-] kinds of weapons and has fought against them, but he has never confronted bullets. Today he finally has Here's the chance.

Rolling and rolling, he rolled four times on the ground, avoiding the "Puff" smoking bullet crater, using his martial arts skills to the extreme, cutting off the opponent's horse's feet, he can win the victory, and the four bullets were dodged by Yasuda Youbingwei However, martial arts is faster than bullets, victory is imminent, and the dawn is ahead.

The waist seems to be a little sore, don't worry, keep rolling, only when you are out of danger, you will be a hero, roll over, Yasuda Youhei, who is facing the sky, widened his narrow eyes, opened his eyelids hard, and looked at the horse on the saddle. Li Guolou, with two blood holes on his body, oozes blood, the inexhaustible blood of a hero, the blood spilled on the battlefield today is only for the sun flag to be planted all over East Asia in the future.

"Mr. Yasuda, I have no grievances with you. Why did you come to kill me?" Li Guolou held a stabbing gun, and the point of the spear was pressed against the throat of Yasuda Youbingwei, wanting to hear the truth from the dying man, an old saying : People who are about to die speak well. I believe Yasuda Youhei can tell him the truth.

Blood bubbles popped out of Yasuda Youhei's mouth, and he was smiling. He saw the Buddha's light reflected in the sky, and he wanted to return to his hometown, the place where he dreamed, the snow-capped Mount Fuji, the beautiful hometown, the wanderer came back... ····

Li Guolou thrust his spear forward, blood splashed on the road, and the withered grass turned red. Looking back at the place where the white lotus fell to death, the white snow lotus was blooming bright red, and every blooming red flower on his body , are heartbreaking.

Looking back at the battle situation around us, one Ghoshha died gloriously while hugging the assassin, the other three Ghoshha were wounded, and the other six Ghoshha held bayonets and stabbing guns and surrounded two assassins with samurai swords The center, firmly grasping the initiative, can give the enemy a fatal blow at any time.

Sorrow came back to his face, he couldn't turn back, he wanted to chase forward, and shouted: "Kill without pardon, leave no one alive."

Li Guolou waved the stabbing gun in his hand and gave an order that he would not take any prisoners. He already knew who the enemy was. Although these assassins were all dressed up as the Qing military academy, the physical characteristics of the Japanese were unforgettable. Black Dragon Will wait to be struck by the thunder, Li Guolou is a villain who must take revenge, and the matter of lenient enemies is just a legendary story made up by a storyteller.

"Yes, no one will be left alive."

Gunshots rang out, and a volley of guns resounded through the sky. This is the sound that will be made at the end of a funeral.

From the beginning of the battle to the end, it only took two to three minutes. The people who were still alive just now had turned into corpses, but the battle was not over yet, and the remaining four Ghoshhas had already stepped on their horses. , Although some people have been injured and their robes are soaked in blood, they launched an attack without hesitation, avenging their dead comrades, and not giving any chance to the fleeing enemy.

The wind was blowing by the ears, eyes were shining fiercely, the horse whip in his hand was lashing the horse, Ghoshha was like crazy, beating the horse and galloping wildly, the long guy was easy to use, the bullet was loaded, and the trigger was pulled, a limping line in front of him The figure with legs fell down, rushed up and stomped, trampled the enemy into mud, and the living wanted to avenge the dead comrades.

This is a group of Ghoshhas with good marksmanship. They are hundreds of meters apart and cannot escape their gunshots. Every time they raise their guns, they will reap a human life. The empty horses in front of them stop to breathe in hesitation, without their masters Whip, they don't know where to go.

36 corpses were placed on the road, and the terrified passers-by were ordered to kneel on the ground. There were more than 31 corpses, and innocent passers-by were always beaten to death. The crazy Ghoshha ran with a gun, who would not be afraid? Passers-by who don't have long eyes, as long as they try to escape, they will be shot to death. A war will always involve innocent people. War will let innocent people go away, but disasters will always happen to innocent people.

Four Goshhas were killed, Bai Lian was shot four times without leaving a last word, and three Goshhas were injured. Li Guolou personally bandaged the wounds for Jin Zhong and others, and put the four dead on the carriage. A person is always more important than a dead person, and he cares deeply for his subordinates, even more than the dead concubine Bai Lian. Until now, he has never looked at the dead Bai Lian, but he is not a heartless person, just to buy people's hearts , put the personal guards of his subordinates first, so that the subordinates will die for him without hesitation, Bailian fulfilled her promise, and go through fire and water for him.

The kung fu of forbearance is at its peak at this moment. He wants to endure, hold back the hatred in his heart. The Black Dragon Society is his sworn enemy. He wants to eradicate the Black Dragon Society. Doesn’t the Japanese government hate the rebel Black Dragon Society? He took the opportunity to express his goodwill to the Japanese government. The Qing Dynasty did not welcome any member of the Black Dragon Society to preach in the Qing Dynasty, confiscated the properties of the Black Dragon Society, and pushed the Black Dragon Society into a situation where it would never be restored. Taiichiro, the leader of the Tianjin Black Dragon Club, must die. All the members of the Black Dragon Society who are against him will die. Japanese prostitutes will not be allowed to make money in the Qing Dynasty. Labor export does not include selling their bodies.

"Father, I found it." Li Yunkai's bloody hands were holding a bloody gold medal arrow, and a human head was hanging on his waist. His ferocious temper broke out at this moment. There is no difference, the enemy must be killed, and innocent people must also be killed.

Li Guolou took the gold medal arrow from Li Yunkai's hand, with a trace of sarcasm on his face, he died for money, he actually picked up his life because of a gold medal arrow, the heavy gold makes people helpless rationale.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry everyone." Li Guolou bowed to his subordinates. He shouldered the heavy responsibility of the country and was supposed to restrain his every move, but he played life leisurely and elegantly. Playing in water puts people around you in danger, not because the enemy is cunning, but because you are too stupid.

"Let's rush back to Tianjin City tonight and eradicate the Black Dragon Society." Li Guolou held up the gold medal to command the arrow. Will clean up.

"Yes." Eleven Goshha's eyes showed a fierce look. Tonight they are going to massacre members of the Black Dragon Society.

( 1 3 Kanwanghai Pavilion )l

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