There are still a few hours before the light will come on. The soldiers of Li Ziying did not move rashly. They were preparing and waiting in the bunker.During this time, the soldiers had time to eat some dry food, smoke a cigarette, and even chat, chatting excitedly about the battle just now.

"I don't dare to come back to the army. I borrow ten of their heroes' courage, and I don't dare to provoke us Li Ziying." The oil gourd wiped the stabbing gun in his hand, quite proud of it. The returning soldier on the slope stabbed his heart.

Ma Dakuo grinned and said with a smile: "Of course the enemy is not stupid. They fought with our Li Ziying. As many as they came and died, I didn't see a few alive."

People who smoke on the battlefield keep their heads down to prevent the sparks from being exposed.Every puff of a cigarette is so enjoyable, even people who have never smoked still hold a cigarette in their hand and take a few puffs desperately.

There were constant gunshots in the dark night, as if the enemy was around, and then the soldiers took a gun, pulled the bolt, raised the gun to the place where the gun was fired, and the gun passed by, that night , the gun just swings back and forth like this, where is it?I was very, very nervous, not that I was afraid of death, but that once I returned to the army to make a surprise attack, the comrades behind me would be in danger, so I kept practicing the full text of the seven-color face-changing master there.

The real war is not because of fear, but because the nerves are highly tense, and the lives of the comrades behind are dependent on the care of the sentries.A comrade-in-arms is someone who can trust his back to him. Li Ziying's sentries are dedicated to protecting the comrades behind him. No one dares to relax their vigilance just because of the victory just now.

Officers were still heard shouting loudly on Huangtugang, "Be careful, don't be targeted by the enemy."

There are burning trees in the distance, and there are still corpses. When a gust of wind blows through, you can smell a strong smell of gunpowder smoke, and even a smell of barbecue.

The war unfolded in every corner. After a life-and-death contest, witnessing the sacrifice of close comrades-in-arms, pride spread in everyone's heart.Artillery after a fierce battle, sitting on the ammunition box, relaxes the nerves.Everyone knew in their hearts that the enemy would not come, but few soldiers put on their coats, and they still felt their blood was boiling, their bodies were hot, and their backs were sweating profusely.

"Water! Bring water quickly." The soldiers on the ground shook the kettle and drank a pot of water, but still did not quench their thirst.

"Order! Everyone put on their overcoats, this is a military order!" The herald passed on the latest military order as he walked.

Finally someone couldn't bear it any longer and shouted loudly: "Herald, when is it our turn to clean up the battlefield? There are no enemies, the sky is already bright."

The morning mist at dawn turned pale in the east, and the soldiers who hadn't slept all night could no longer hold back their arms and shouted. Countless corpses were piled up on the yellow ground, and the unowned horses neighed in the distance, and the soldiers could not help firing into the air. .At this time, there was no question of military discipline. The whole Huangtu hillock exploded, and the soldiers of Li Ziying boiled, screaming loudly, and more than 2000 people rushed down the slope at once.

"Hey!" Li Guolou stood where he was. The discipline on the battlefield and the policy on captives had been repeated repeatedly, but the soldiers had to vent their anger when they arrived on the battlefield, and some things were still out of sight.

Sporadic gunshots could be heard faintly, but Li Guolou was no longer interested in issuing orders. Everyone must fulfill their duties. Now is the time for the supervisor to supervise the team.He is the general commanding the battle, and it is his duty to win, and he has done it brilliantly.The next thing will be handled by his subordinates, and Zhuge Liang, who must do everything himself, will not live long.

Wearing that luxurious sable fur coat, Li Guolou stood majestic and majestic like a flock of chickens, and the tall commander welcomed the dawn of victory.

"Lord Li is mighty." The soldiers of Li Ziying knelt on one leg, showing absolute obedience.

"Well, our army's great victory was won by the sacrifice of all the soldiers. Li Ziying is mighty." Li Guolou's face was full of pride, with one hand on his hip, and the other right hand pierced the sky.

"Li Ziying is mighty!"

The inspiring roar echoed in the air for a long time, and everyone who survived felt extremely proud of being a member of Li Ziying.

Fan Dahui was in charge of the logistics and directed the cooks to boil water and cook. He said triumphantly: "Brothers, I threw ten grenades, and the enemy was blown up. As soon as I heard the sound of the bugle, I immediately lit the fuse... "..."

Fan Dahui was quite capable of bragging. He could talk about a matter of a few seconds for half an hour, just sitting in front of a pot of rice porridge, telling his experience on the battlefield, as if he had seen every scene on the battlefield.

Li Guolou went up to meet him, and said with a smile: "Master Fan, don't take credit with the soldiers. Rice porridge in the morning is not enough, go cut some horse meat, and get a few pots of spicy, soybean, and horse meat soup. Don't roast the horse." Meat, grilled food, soldiers can't swallow it."

Fan Dahui smiled complacently, and said, "Deling, I'll cut the flesh myself. Whoever wants to eat human flesh can do it with just a little effort, and I'll cut a big piece for you too."

This is definitely not the time for joking, no one responds, the joke is overdone, and they are forced to go to Liangshan, and then they can only eat human flesh.

"Master Fan, you are so courageous, you should come here." The people next to him tried to evade, but they didn't dare to find fault with Fan Dahui, and they wouldn't eat human flesh unless they had to.

Li Guolou said: "Give hot porridge to the wounded first, and the wounded will be treated the same when they return to the army. Prisoners are not allowed to be abused."

The cook stared at Li Guolou eagerly, as if he was looking at a monster. There were forty or fifty cooks in the camp, but none of them spoke, so they just pretended not to hear.He murmured softly, "We haven't had breakfast yet. You bastard, why are you being so nice to the enemy? You're not the mother."

Li Guolou stared and shouted: "I repeat, you are not allowed to abuse the captives. This is a contradiction among the people. We must unite and not split. The upper class of the Muslim army who split is unpopular."

Li Guolou is talking nonsense with his eyes open, he has already met with soldiers, and he is still talking about conflicts among the people.People have two mouths, which can turn up and down.Minority rebellion, this kind of thing is difficult to explain in one word, what is right and what is wrong, I dare not speak clearly.Even the history books are vague and mention it in one stroke.The blame is shifted to a small number of ruling classes, and the majority of the people are classified into the ranks of being deceived.

"Yes..." The cooks around responded with a long, lifeless voice.

"If you can't figure it out, you have to figure it out. It is not advisable to kill with killing. Our soldiers in Li Ziying are not butchers. We are soldiers with honor. We have the moral bottom line of being human. We will never do such things as massacring a city. Villages are not allowed." Li Guolou stood in a car and gave a loud speech. Li Guolou, who had received Western education, accepted Western military thinking and even accepted the policy of Western soldiers treating prisoners. How much repercussions it caused, and set an example to instill the honor of soldiers into all soldiers.

The policy implemented by the Muslim army against the Han villages who dared to resist was massacres.In turn, the Han people also launched a bloody revenge, and most of the Muslims in the towns were massacred. This is the exclusivity produced by the national independence.The kind of thing that welcomes the arrival of the Muslim army is just a forced and helpless move. The vulnerable people who can't protect their own safety can only accept to join the Muslim army.The so-called feat of raising one's arms and shouting and responding to every call is just an imaginary scene. Rebellion is a matter of losing one's head. People who are alive and well will not rebel for no reason.

The hatred between ethnic groups cannot be solved by one person, even by several generations. The history of blood and tears has been instilled in future generations.History books can be erased, but history cannot be tampered with. To make a nation surrender, the only way to suppress the rebels is bloody suppression, and even many nations have been wiped out because of this.If you want to survive, you have to submit. Just like the history of the Han nationality, more than half of the time was ruled by foreign races, but the Han people have survived, and there is always a chance to stand up and become the master.But the beneficiary group will always be the ruling class. For the common people, it doesn't matter which emperor they change.

Li Guolou talked about the ethnic policy again, and then jumped out of the car. There was no way, he thought differently from most people.War is cruel and ruthless, full of bloody violence, but war also has the law of war. The winner is king, and one must have a mind to tolerate the people. Relying on killing can only keep hatred in mind, and tolerance can make people of all ethnic groups unite under one flag Down.

The captives in Li Ziying who were captured in the camp were not allowed to beat or scold them. If they obeyed the rules, they would have food and the wounded and sick would be treated. No soldier dared to openly violate the military regulations of Li Ziying.

The returning troops captured from all over the place gathered more and more, and in a short time there were more than 200 people, and many prisoners were unscathed.They all squatted on the ground, holding a tin bowl to drink porridge.

Li Guolou was rather surprised, pointing at the group of prisoners who were having breakfast, he asked, "Officer Cheng, why don't they escape?"

Cheng Kun was extremely dissatisfied and said: "Master Li, do you still have to ask this? They are all cowards, hiding in places where no one is around, and surrendering by themselves after the battle."

"Well, it's very possible." Li Guolou was not interested in the captives, glanced at them a few times and left.Go to care for more than 100 injured soldiers. They are all warriors, and those who survive are warriors.When I saw the corpses gathered in the carriage, my mood became extremely complicated. I had an urge to kill, and I just wanted to kill. None of the obedient prisoners of war in the camp were good things, and they should all be killed!

Restraining the impulsive desire, Li Guolou and a group of officers around him bowed to the comrades who died in battle.He wants to bring back the soldiers who died in battle, make a coffin for these comrades who died in battle, build a cemetery, and give them a place to live as long as they have the ability.

Li Guolou looked at the situation reported by each team, as well as various statistics, including the casualties of Li Ziying, and how many spoils were collected.For an army capable of fighting, we need to use war to support war, and turn all available materials into combat power, including those returned troops who surrendered.

The rebels used the banners of national independence and inter-ethnic hatred to inspire the people to rebel.He can also use the righteousness of the country and the idea of ​​national unity to turn the captives into patriotic fighters, turn his guns on the rebels, and integrate all ethnic groups into one country, relying on his three-inch tongue and tolerant nation policy, there will be more and more captives turning their guns.

This is a politician who should have the means, how can he not stop consuming his own strength, using barbarians to control barbarians, ancient and modern.Disintegrating and disintegrating the enemy is the virtue that a long-sleeved commander should have, and it can bring him a good reputation, so why not do it.Those butchers who only know how to slaughter cities don't know how to conquer a strong fortress, and disintegrate from the inside is the most effective. This is actually connected with politics in the court, and war is the continuation of politics.

Therefore, Li Guolou formulated ten Li Ziying military regulations to influence the rebellious Hui army. Li Guolou was quite conceited, because every bit of Li Ziying was carefully cultivated by him.If he is wrong, there is no reason for Li Ziying to exist.If he is right, just follow the trajectory he set to develop, it's as simple as that.

Suddenly a returned cavalryman appeared on the horizon, waving a flag, facing Huangtugang, shouting: "Don't shoot!"

Several Li Ziying sentry pointed their guns at Mu San and brought him to Battelle.

"Oh, you guys are the Qing soldiers anyway." After recovering, Battelle tried his best to cheer up and restore his original demeanor. He was shocked in his heart. In a sleepless night, so many things happened. Cut it off for my own people.

"We are veterans of the Mingzi Battalion. We had unavoidable difficulties at the beginning, and we hoped that Master Li would take us in." Mu San replied respectfully, looking at the rangers in the Li Ziying Battalion and looking at their attire.

"Oh, it's from Liu Mingchuan. Master Liu is also my chief. Mu San, if you don't do good officers and soldiers, why do you want to be a thief?" Battelle stared at Mu San, feeling unbelievable. Walking at a high place, there is no reason to get worse.

Mu San laughed a few times, and said: "Sir, we have also suffered a little bit of grievance, and we think that people are not good. Isn't this going to be wrong?"

Battelle blinked and said with a chuckle: "Mu San, there's no need to explain. Everyone has an unspeakable past, Master Li won't mind, don't talk about rehabilitating the past. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Mu San looked at Battelle, who was big and rough, and at a glance he was a rebellious birdman.Hearing that Battelle knew Liu Mingchuan, he began to inquire about the situation of the old chief.

The two walked side by side, and there were several piles of corpses piled up in front of the loess mound. The remains of broken limbs were thrown together. Each pile of corpses contained at least a few hundred corpses. Next to them were a group of folk men digging ditches. They wanted to bury the corpses, otherwise The exposure of so many corpses would cause plague in the spring.As for the left ear of the corpse, the officers and soldiers of Li Ziying cut off the left ear of the enemy. You can see that each ear is hung on the horse by strings.

The peasants stopped what they were doing and glanced at Mu San curiously. Xu Yuguang said loudly, "Battle, where did you get the spies?"

"Xu Daya, let's get on with you, why don't you be so lenient, it's a military secret." Battelle blinked, with an air of aloofness, passing through the sentry posts, the two arrived at Huangtu Hill.

Long ago, a ranger told Li Guolou first, and there was joy in the camp. Cheng Kun next to him was quite suspicious, and said, "Master Li, do you want to blindfold that Mu San so that Mu San cannot see Li Ziying?" deployment situation."

Li Guolou smiled casually and said, "How is that possible? The rangers have already been released. If the returned army still wants to fight, then they will do it again. The fortifications are dead, but the people are alive. It doesn't matter for Mu San to see. The cannon is If you can’t steal it, you won’t be able to take advantage of returning to the army at night, let alone go back alive during the day. Let the righteous men anyway see the might of Li Ziying’s army and blow the trumpet to welcome the guests.”

The resounding sound of the bugle sounded, and the high-spirited Li Guolou walked out of the position and personally greeted the righteous men who surrendered anyway. Qinghuan Hui compatriots returned to the embrace of the motherland.

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