At noon, Li Guolou hosted a banquet in honor of Yang Dawazi, He Mingtang, Mu San and the others anyway. Because of An Jie's serious injuries, doctor Wang Suzhen personally took care of him and stayed in a carriage to recuperate.

Li Guolou did not expose the fact that An Jie was forced to do anything anyway, instead he held An Jie's hand enthusiastically, and said with a smile on his face: "An Jie has been famous for a long time, and he has heard about your deeds for a long time. He can understand the general situation. Take care of the overall situation, take good care of yourself! I will submit an account to the emperor to ask for credit for you. Don’t think too much about the past, it was imposed on you by others, and you can’t do so many things alone. Take care of your wounds, the country needs warriors to guard The frontier of the motherland. Dong Fuxiang is your role model. I will try my best to keep this battalion for you. Yang Dawazi, An Jie, He Mingtang, and Mu San will make more contributions to the motherland in the future. After the war and settle down, we Get together again. Hahahaha!"

Although An Jie was pale due to excessive blood loss, he looked sluggish.But after hearing Li Guolou's words, he still cheered up, with tears in his eyes and salivating face, full of emotion: "Thank you, Mr. Li, for taking us in regardless of the previous suspicions. I was born as a swordsman, and I never did rape and robbery. I don’t want to ask for money and don’t kill, and the reputation of a hero has never been damaged. I don’t admit that others have done immoral things. I don’t know how many times better than Dong Fuxiang’s gang of locusts. Master Li, our fame is all rely on you."

"An Jie, don't mention Dong Fuxiang's name in the future. It's a flag erected by Marshal Zuo. There's nothing wrong with it. You can erase it. Rest in peace of mind. I won't be here in the future. Be magnanimous in everything. Don't take it to heart. I will ask Marshal Zuo for your merits." Li Guolou comforted An Jie a few words before leaving.Let Yang Dawazi, He Mingtang, Mu San and others who followed him burst into tears. They, righteous men anyway, get the same rewards as Li Ziying soldiers, and everyone has them according to their ranks.

457 anti-justice fighters were stationed five miles away from Huangtupo. Fan Dahui took a silver box and distributed five taels of silver to each of the fighters anyway, warning them not to violate military discipline in the future. Military pay can't bomb the camp.From now on, it will be under the command of Marshal Zuo, and the Chu army will have strict military discipline, and no one will be able to save them next time.

These soldiers cried bitterly, and Dawazi Yang, He Mingtang, and Mu San also cried together. They each wore a brand new cotton coat, carried money in their pockets, and had food and wine for them to eat. It felt like they were in heaven.

But Li Guolou didn't dare to go to Yang Dawazi's barracks, he was not so bold, so he only asked the deputy escorts Hongdu and Fan Dahui to do it for him.Now it is only necessary to stabilize the mood of the soldiers anyway, to have food, clothing, and money, so that the morale of this army can be stabilized.To disintegrate the enemy's morale is to spend money to buy people's hearts.

Fan Dahui came to Yang Dawazi's barracks, not afraid at all, chatted and laughed happily, looked at the equipment of those soldiers, and said: "Yang Da, your equipment is too old, and I can't help you much. I collected it on the battlefield today." You can take a look at some of the weapons and ammunition you have, and take what you need. As for the horses and equipment, I can also give you [-] horses. Other matters will be coordinated by Deputy Commander Xu in the future. We, Li Ziying, can't help much. Heroes are invincible corpses. But there is one thing you can rest assured, Mr. Li recommends you, no one will come to settle accounts with you, if anyone is not happy for you, you can come to me in the future."

"Thank you, Master Fan, I will never forget your kindness." Dawazi Yang stood there in a daze, her eyes filled with tears. As the saying goes, a man does not cry when he has tears. He has not cried for many years, but he returned today. To the arms of the motherland, he was so excited that he couldn't hold back his tears.Ever since I saw Li Guolou, I have been crying non-stop, I am so excited, I am a human being in two lives.Originally, he gave Li Guolou a generous gift, but Li Guolou gave money, clothes, and weapons and ammunition to his army instead.

"Hey, don't thank me, Mr. Yang. You are a smart person. You are a smart man. You have made Mr. Li a great contribution. Mr. Li is the most grateful. Liu Mingchuan is one of his own, and I will help you no matter what. I wish you to make new achievements. , to make faces for Master Liu and Master Li, I am optimistic about you. Hahahaha!" Fan Dahui laughed so hard that he lost his eyesight, with more than 2000 ears, plus the head of the returning army leader Ha Lianhu, more than 400 returned Army anyway.Li Ziying has made great military exploits, and his troops with less than 1000 people can have such great military exploits, which cannot be found in the Chu army. Li Guolou can be knighted when he returns to Beijing.

The Deputy Escort Hongdu stayed in the Yang Dawazi barracks with five personal guards to do coordination work, but after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to ask for bribes.Forget it, it's fine for the wife to go back to Beijing in a normal way, and there's no need to ruin Li Guolou's reputation. The journey was full of dust and dust, but she also ate, played, had a good time, and experienced wars, so it was a worthwhile trip.Having money is a scourge, and it makes people with ulterior motives covet. The people around Yang Dawazi are all robbers, as long as they act impartially.

"No no no! Da Yang, I don't want money, I can help as much as I can. Li Ziying's military regulations are strict, do you think I can touch Mr. Li's tiger's whiskers? When you see Deputy Commander Xu in the future, you will always give A filial piety, let’s keep it. Although I don’t know what kind of person Deputy Commander Xu is, but Sichuan mice are all smuggled, as long as you know it.” Hongdu weighed the weight and knew that the property in the package was valuable, but he Still gritted his teeth and shied away.

"Thank you, Mr. Hong, for telling me the truth." Dawa Yang calmed down and let out a long sigh of relief. This ticket is worth the money. In the future, you will be rich and rich, so you don't have to worry about it. After being caught by the officers and soldiers, you will be executed quickly. You can finally sleep peacefully tonight. Sleep.

Fan Dahui returned to the camp to report to Li Guolou, and reported the situation in Yang Dawazi's army. There was nothing unusual, they were all desperadoes, and he only recognized his elder brother and ignored him.

After hearing this, Li Guolou sighed and said: "Hey! This kind of soldier looks very fierce and brave, but in fact this kind of person is the cancer of the army. When you lead troops in the future, you must not form cliques in the team. If anyone joins a reactionary organization, kill them all, and leave no one behind. Patriotic associations are not good either. People have two mouths. One day they talk about patriotism, and tomorrow they talk about expelling the Tartars and restoring China. Just like the Youth Gang, they have long since become big A malignant tumor attached to Qing’s body can’t be cut away. Whoever wants to disturb the Qing Gang, they will carry out the family law of their ancestors. Wang Bazi, the emperor 100 years ago can still manage today’s affairs, it’s really a great shame for the Qing Dynasty.”

No one minded Li Guolou's reactionary remarks, and he dared to speak out regardless of his status.Fan Dahui asked a little strangely: "Master Li, why are you still digging fortifications outside? Didn't the enemy retreat?"

Li Guolou said: "The enemy's situation here is unknown and the terrain is unfamiliar. It's better to be careful. In case Cui Wei and Ha Lianjin's personal commanders come, we can still fight. For safety reasons. We are not familiar with each other, he is afraid that I will eat him, and I am also afraid that he will pretend to surrender, so be prepared, Dawazi Yang can understand."

Li Guolou stood up from the saddle and said with a smile: "But the probability is very small. Vice Marshal Xu will always send troops here. We are now holding a military summary meeting and notifying the subordinates so that all the officers and managers who are not on duty come to the meeting. Talk about the experience and lessons of this battle, which areas need to be improved, and which experiences are worth carrying forward. The clerk will make records and compile them into a book. Oral teaching is not advisable, and everything must be reflected in words. This is what Xinwutang advocates Always stocked and always new."

"Yes!" Everyone dispersed and recruited their subordinates. In the afternoon, a military summary meeting was held on Huangtugang in full swing.

When Li Ziying was in a meeting, he sent a horse to report that a Qing army had come to meet them. It was Chu army guard Gao Liansheng leading two battalions of cavalry, more than twenty miles away.Originally, Xingye came to help, but I heard that Li Ziying was safe and sound, and the guard Gao Liansheng sent a military order to let Li Ziying move closer to him.

Cheng Kun said indignantly: "Bad boy, you are so arrogant, let us get closer to him. How long will it take us to load so many things into the carriage, don't sleep at night."

Li Guolou estimated the time, Li Ziying dismantled the cannons, set off the carriages, and more than 3000 people set off, and drove for more than [-] miles, and they could only join the Chu army after nine o'clock in the evening.At the beginning, he also agreed with Cheng Kun's proposition, camping in place and leaving tomorrow.

But thinking about it again, the military order fell like a mountain, and the Chu army rushed more than 400 miles to rescue Li Ziying in the starry night. Now that they heard that Li Ziying had won a big victory, they should rest.And as the commander of Li Ziying, he should have the courage to accept more tests.

After figuring out the relationship, Li Guolou stood up from the saddle and shouted majestically: "Don't say anything strange, the high guard has orders, we must obey the orders without hesitation. Send the order to the whole army to set out, bring your own dry food, Eating while walking. No rest until the destination. Blow the trumpet! The whole army is assembled."

"Yes!" The officer who was originally loose and loose immediately stood up with his chest and belly protruding. Marching is for fighting. An army can only win the battle if it learns to march. All the generals of Li Ziying accepted the new test without hesitation.

"Order Yang Dawazi to serve as the rear army to protect our army, and the destination is the Chu army garrison twenty miles away." Li Guolou gave Yang Dawazi the trust that the head of Harian Tiger had already been identified by the captives. I believe that Dawazi Yang is not Jing Ke.

The Hui army at the end of the road has long been in disarray. Dong Fuxiang, a Hui citizen, led 36 hungry people to surrender.

Everyone on Huangtugang was screaming, and everyone returned to their original positions in the convoy. The military order was like a mountain. Although many people were dissatisfied in their hearts, no one dared to show it.

The officer also understood the meaning, and said angrily: "Don't talk, no one will think you are dumb. Master Li can hear you, be careful of being whipped."

"Yes!" Those who spoke strange words immediately shut up. Many people have been whipped by Li Guolou and know the punishment for violating military orders.

When the sun was setting, the sound of bugles resounded over Huangtugang. They did not stay overnight in the place where Li Ziying had fought.The rangers kept vigilant and dispersed into the wilderness, slowly disappearing on the horizon.

Hu Yinshan, who had been tempered, led a small team to launch a new round of reconnaissance. Li Yunzhuo, Xu Zhong, Ma Dakuozi, and Fang Zhiyong had also returned to the team. The two greyhounds were vigilantly sniffing the smell of the ground.

The Li Zijun flag winding on the long yellow sand road can't be seen at a glance. The hundreds of cavalry who followed Yang Dawazi at the end of the convoy also released wave after wave of rangers vigilantly. They were even more afraid that the returning army would follow behind. Come.Dawazi Yang knew that cavalry and cavalry could not fight at night, but cavalry could attack convoys, so convoys marching at night were most vulnerable to attack, and he didn't know what Li Guolou was thinking, he marched at night.

If he was the commander of the Hui army, he would definitely attack Li Ziying at night, and Dawazi Yang couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yang Da, what are you thinking?" He Mingtang asked casually.

"Oh, I was wrong. That's what Harianhu thought, so he became a dead man. Li Ziying is not easy to mess with. Their vehicles can form a battle formation. If the horse team can't rush in, they will be killed by them." It’s better not to think about how much Li Ziying’s army pays if he uses his Mauser as a target.”

"Hey! Yang Da, you are so evil, you still haven't changed." He Mingtang stroked his beard and grinned grinningly. Dogs can't change eating shit, and they were thinking about looting anyway, and they used their bad brains on Li Ziying. The convoy is on.

"If you think about it, you can't go wrong. I came up with a trick to live a good life. Now I'm still thinking about Dong Zhiyuan's girls. Brothers, do you think about it?" Dawazi Yang raised his morale loudly.

"Think!" Anyway, the righteous men responded in unison. If they want to live a good life in the future, they must fight with their lives.Relying on their familiarity with Dong Zhiyuan's geography, they strive to be the advance team of the Qing Dynasty. They are cavalry, and they can also haunt Dong Zhiyuan area. The vast fields in the countryside are where they can display their skills.

Li Guolou was lying in Wanniang's arms, sleeping comfortably with his eyes closed, the carriage bumped forward, and he had already fallen asleep.Wanniang was still holding him, humming a lullaby softly, the bumps and wandering all the way were finally over, but she knew that the man in her arms would not go home right away, and he still wanted to make more meritorious deeds.In the future, she can still hug Li Guolou, and Wanniang will show a happy smile on her face, showing the tenderness of motherhood.

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