late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 504 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

The Qing army marched smoothly, and Xu Zhanbiao, the deputy commander, held a military meeting. Li Guolou led his confidant Fan Dahui, along with some of Guo Baochang's subordinates, to the territory of the Central Army.Climbing a high loess slope, there is a fortress on it, and it is intact and occupied at a glance.

The soldiers are strong and fit, and they don't have any trouble climbing the high slopes. Even Fan Dahui walks vigorously, chatting and laughing happily with other counselors.

Although he didn't ride a horse, Guo Baochang still held a whip in his hand, dangling it proudly.The golden and silver riding whip was studded with precious stones. This was his trophy, captured from the returning army.Wealthy Muslims like to inlay gold, silver and precious stones on BMWs, and the saddles and leather whips are beautifully decorated.

Li Guolou has become simple now. It's not that he doesn't like to show off, nor that he has changed his temperament, but that he has a good thing in his hand, and his subordinates will go to him if they do meritorious service. His thing is worth a thousand dollars. His leather jacket has already been given away.Naturally, Li Guolou demanded himself by the standards of ordinary people, standing in the crowd without being outstanding, and others were chatting and laughing, but he was taciturn and walked with his head bowed all the way.

Guo Baochang squinted and said, "Mr. Li, what are you thinking?"

Li Guolou said: "Look at the road, and you will not fall if you see clearly."

"Sour Confucianism!" Guo Baochang curled his lips and sneered, saying that everything should be meaningful, whether he is tired or not.

"Hey! Guo Shoubei, Yongyang Fucheng is difficult to fight. The logistics support is too heavy. If the fight becomes a stalemate, there will be smoke from the back of the buttocks." Li Guolou spoke in the tone of a commander, with a preoccupied appearance, and a person It looks a lot shorter.

Guo Baochang replied: "I don't want you to climb the top of the wall, you are worrying too much."

Li Guolou shook his head and said: "You can't say that, you must win quickly, otherwise the army will come to their senses and a war of attrition will begin. Although the victory still belongs to us, we have lost in terms of time."

"Deputy Marshal Xu, what you want is a quick victory, otherwise why do you want to come here?" Guo Baochang was proud of himself, turning the whip in his hand in circles, as if the city of Yongyang was under his control.

Li Guolou moved the corner of his mouth slightly, what is he?How can he have the right to speak here, even if there is something to say, it is either inappropriate or commonplace.Isn't it a joke to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong?He mastered the situation of Li Yingzi's army, a team of up to 3000 people.Intelligence is combat power. Xu Zhanbiao's intelligence network has long been penetrated into the Hui army, and the news continues to flow.He still keeps a low profile and does not interfere with the decisions of frontline commanders.

Xu Zhanbiao has [-] to [-] elite soldiers, as well as reserve troops, who are gathering from all directions.Zuo Zongtang's strategy is to occupy a piece of land, consolidate an area, and raise the level of warfare and farming to the same level.Then through the immigration policy, the local unstable factors will be eliminated invisible.Although it was a bit vicious and caused the Hui people to suffer from bumps and displacement, the practice of long-term stability is worth recommending. Surrenders are still suitable for living in plain areas.

Li Guolou is a civil servant, and his mind cannot be separated from people's livelihood. Others always think about war, but he thinks more about it.

On the strong fortress, five Francois cannons can still be seen. The Qing army used the fortress as a material distribution center to provide strong material guarantees for the frontline soldiers.The returned army prepared food and grass for more than half a year for the Han army guarding the fortress, and the intact ones became the rations of the Qing army.

The officers first visited the fort, with gratified smiles on their faces. With such an intact fortress, the Qing army could retreat safely even in unfavorable combat situations. This was the foundation of the Qing army's life.Looking at the piles of grain, I am full of confidence in the future war.

Li Guolou touched the flour sack and said with a smile, "White flour, Zodiac Officer, I will carry a bag back by myself later."

Huang Ding, who led the officers to visit the fortress, said with a smile: "Master Li, this is military rations, and you want to embezzle it too. But since you are here, you have a share. If you want to carry it yourself, how much you can take depends on your ability. "

Li Guolou turned his head and said, "Master Fan, you have to put in some effort."

Fan Dahui looked at the bag weighing fifty catties, and said helplessly, "Mr. Li, I carry one bag, but you have to carry two bags."

"No! Just one bag per person." Li Guolou agreed with a nod, but Huang Ding immediately vetoed it. Geshha next to the officer is the king of strength, so how can they take advantage of it.

All the generals joked and claimed white flour. No officer said that there was no need for white flour. The army would even rob passing grain for a little food.This is called buying road money, and it is also one of the bad habits of the army. It has become a rule, and it has become a waste on the surface.

The generals entered the chamber.When fighting on the battlefield, there is not much attention to it. The officers directly entered the meeting hall without even unloading their guns. There are no capitulators here, and there is no danger of bombing the camp.After a ceremony, everyone went straight to the point, and everyone took their seats. Li Guolou sat next to the yellow tripod, his status stood out, and he also had the right to speak.

Xu Zhanbiao went straight to the point and said: "I asked you to come today. One is to ventilate. Our three-way army has successfully arrived at Yongyangfu City. Not only did we not lose any losses along the way, but our team has grown. Huizi has brought us rations. Please come tonight." You eat roast lamb."

The officers laughed wildly with their waists pierced, and their movements were all the same. They were arrogant and complacent, like the Eight King Kongs in the temple. These generals all climbed up from the bottom, and most of them participated in the battle to wipe out the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.With more than ten years of veteran military affairs, his familiarity with warfare is like that of an old farmer farming.

Seeing that Deputy Commander Xu Zhanbiao was in a good mood, the officers relaxed. Those who drank tea drank tea, and those who smoked smoked.

"Let me talk about the military situation first. According to the reliable information I have, the city of Yongyang Prefecture is commanded by the fifth commander Chen Lin and the seventh commander Feng Junfu. It is their old battalion with a population of more than [-]. There are [-], and more than [-] artillery pieces of various kinds. But how powerful these weapons are will only be known when they are fought. Yongyang Prefecture City is not easy to fight. Sword, we can't attack Pengyuan Mountain. The Hui army in Yongyang Fucheng and the defending enemy of Pengyuan Mountain echo each other and have a support. Therefore, to take Yongyang Fucheng, we must first take Pengyuan Mountain, which will test the coordination of infantry and artillery. Gao Liansheng, Xun Xi , you must cooperate sincerely to take Pengyuan Mountain with the least casualties, destroy the enemy's fortifications with precise strikes, and plant the Yellow Dragon Flag on the highest peak of Pengyuan Mountain." Xu Zhanbiao is majestic and full of beards, like Zhang Fei , standing majestically in the middle, surrounded by stars, even Li Guolou, the proud son of heaven, is his foil.

This is fate, Xu Zhanbiao has a good image and looks like a general.He entered Zuo Zongtang's Fayan and was promoted to the rank of general soldier.Officials in the Qing Dynasty valued their appearance and had high requirements for their image. These generals had almost the same military exploits and command abilities.The size of the official position depends on who is promoted by the chief?Xu Zhanbiao became the lucky one, and the commander-in-chief was a prince along the way.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task." Gao Liansheng and Xun Xi jumped up, standing upright, with their chests raised high, with an expression of fearlessness.

Attacking the Qing army on Mount Pengyuan required a heavy price, but for the sake of victory, this sacrifice is worth it. As a commander, the overall situation is the most important thing, and local consumption is for victory.Fighting has technical content and tests the military quality of the commander.But most of the time it's just fighting for consumption. There is no such thing as a big victory.Both sides have guns and guns. The Qing army has the advantage in weapons, and the Hui army has the geographical advantage. In the competition, it depends on who can beat the other?Relying on excellent weapons cannot fight everywhere. People are made of flesh and blood, and their lives are in danger at any time in war.Who can afford it? The Qing army had a country as its backing to support this united war for the country. The Qing army used the Han people as the main force to turn this civil war into a war between the Hui people and the Han people. The latest chapter of the prince and concubine.

"Gao Liansheng, don't worry. I still have to drain the moat and dig tunnels in secret. You can repair the fortifications step by step and attack the main peak slowly. Don't create a mass grave for me. The imperial court has the most complaints about pensions. The smallest price, let me reiterate, the smallest price, otherwise no one will be able to get promoted." Xu Zhanbiao babbled, wanting the horse not to eat grass, but also wanting the horse to run happily, this is wishful thinking. On the battlefield, no one can control the casualties.

"Yes, our army learned from Li Ziying, put efficiency first, and leap to the peak of bravery." At this time, Gao Liansheng was clear-headed and would not be heartbroken by the casualties of his soldiers. Of course, he fully agreed to the deputy commander Xu Zhan Xun Xibiao Highest instruction.Don't forget to tease Li Guolou, the slogans are written smoothly, and the soldiers love to hear them.

Li Guolou had a general understanding of the topography of Mount Pengyuan, so he interjected, "Xun Xi, don't be annoyed. Once the forts are built, change your temper a little. If you are impatient, if you can't repair the forts, dozens of soldiers will die." , even hundreds of lives, Rome wasn’t built in a day.” He added: “Gao Liansheng, I’ll support you with a thousand hand grenades.

Hearing Li Guolou talk about foreign gadgets, Xun Xiai said indifferently, "What, I don't understand at all. Where is Rome, and I need to repair the fort."

He has such a temper, and when he has some abilities, he is supercilious, thinking that others are Manchu's domestic slaves.If he hadn't met Li Guolou, he would have stayed at the bottom of the army forever, but the war changed his fate. Manchu officers who are capable and good at using soldiers are more arrogant and promoted faster.Xun Xi, a Manchu, made military exploits, and Xu Zhanbiao would mention it in the emperor's note. Now Xun Xi's name has also been written down by Emperor Tongzhi, and it is specially placed in the catalog, which is placed on the case table in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Li Guolou, don't be so stingy. I'm a death squad. It's not too much to double it. If it's not enough, I'll ask you to borrow it." Gao Liansheng is not like Xun Xi who doesn't understand official etiquette. As a human being, I was certainly happy to hear that Li Guolou supported him with a new type of grenade.

The last time the tall city walls of Lijiabao were blown down was the power of the new type of gunpowder. This new type of grenade was small in size but more powerful and could be thrown farther. The Hui army had never tasted the power of the new type of grenade.Don't underestimate the grenades. In many cases, the Qing army relied on explosives and grenades to fight their way out. When the siege battle reached a critical moment, the death squads rushed into the enemy's camp carrying explosives.

At this time, all kinds of long guns are loaded with bullets one by one, and the rate of fire is slow, the hit rate of the bullets is poor, and the recoil is very strong. When the bullets are ejected, the barrel is easy to deflect.The overall level of the Qing army is roughly [-] bullets to destroy an enemy. This is still a field battle. If there are fortifications to rely on, then there is no bottom line.It sounds low, but it is already the most powerful army in the East.

Western military powers are much stronger than the Qing army, at least double the Qing army.This is not achieved by fighting, but by the overall level of normal training.Zuo Zongtang trained for three months, and the new recruits went to the battlefield. He didn't value military skills, but was good at the strict military law. Therefore, although Zuo Zongtang's soldiers could fight hard, they were very expensive and burdened the court. heavy burden.But time waits for no one, the Qing court can only accept Zuo Zongtang's military training rules, rely on the war of attrition to win, and greatly promote it.

The Hui army is very brave. They are fighting to defend their hometown, and the Qing army belongs to the invaders.Although the weapons are outdated and the personnel are uneven, many times the returning army fought to the last moment of their lives, and there are too many heroic scenes of the destruction of jade and stone.Relatively speaking, Han soldiers are four or five times cheaper than Eight Banner soldiers, which also caused the army in the Northwest to be dominated by Han Chinese.

Li Guolou took a different path. He wanted to train elite soldiers and improve combat effectiveness, but first of all, cultural quality restricted the tactical quality of the army. Coordinated artillery and infantry operations can best reflect the overall level of an army.Therefore, to improve the combat capability of the army, we must first improve the overall level of officers. Li Guolou took risks and brought the students from Xinwutang to the front line. to a new height.

Of course Zuo Zongtang knew Li Guolou's purpose and supported his move. That's why Li Ziying stayed on the front line for so long.And Li Guolou knew how to repay his kindness, and the military supplies of the imperial court and the salaries from all over the country were continuously supplied to the Chu army.Everyone used each other and helped each other, and there was no conflict.

When Xu Zhanbiao heard Gao Liansheng mention the word "borrow!", he couldn't help spying on Li Guolou's expression, as if he was unmoved, a rich and powerful young master of the capital.The moon is cloudy and sunny, and people have joys and sorrows. People always go their separate ways and work hard for their own careers.Taking advantage of the current enthusiasm between the two parties, he also wants to borrow a sum of money from Li Guolou, and have a heart-to-heart talk with Li Guolou tonight.

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