late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 505 Peng Yuanshan 5 bloody battle

The city of Yongyang has been fully seen, and the vanguard of the Qing army set foot on this city with mountains, water and ravines.

The [-] fortresses on the east side of Yongyangfu City were occupied by the Qing army. You can see the Qing army rolling in, with an unstoppable momentum, rolling up thousands of waves, rumbling loudly, and rushing down a high loess slope for thousands of years. It was a war horse, and that indomitable momentum made people feel terrified.The long horns in the city of Yongyang Mansion stopped abruptly.

The Qing army occupied one high loess slope, and the other high loess slope was also full of people. The densely packed Qing army, like wasps, could not see the edge at a glance.The Muslims in Yongyang Prefecture did not even dare to vent their spirits, but the Qing army really came, and what awaited them was a test of blood and fire.

The Qing army approached Yongyangfu City with overwhelming momentum, and first established a camp on the northeast side of the city twenty miles away.When choosing a camp, you must first have a geographical advantage. Slopes are the first choice, and you must have a water source.The emergence of artillery has added another requirement for camping, that is, strategic depth.The area controlled by the Qing army became one area, as long as it was within the range of artillery attack, it was the Qing army's sphere of influence, and there was an additional strategic buffer zone.

The emergence of hot weapons changed the formation of the army. The Qing army besieged the city, and the various armies dispersed to march.Under the leadership of the veterans, they approached the city wall of Yongyang Mansion in the form of a team or a team. Some teams carried bronze cannons and howitzers behind them pushed forward.From the hillside, it looks like a chaotic march, with various flags spreading around.

There is no set formula for the establishment of front-line positions. Veterans can see that it is almost done, and they will be shot if they go forward.With one finger, this is the frontier military position, and civilians and soldiers began to dig fortifications.Although the tunnel work consumes a lot of physical strength, it is the foundation of life. If you want to live longer on the front line, you must first dig the fortifications.

When fighting a war, you should be a farmer first, digging the ground and digging holes. Soldiers come to fight and kill the enemy, but siege warfare is so cumbersome. Next, the Qing army has to divert the water in the moat to other places and drain the water in the moat. Lay the groundwork for the next tunnel digging.

The entire city of Yongyang Prefecture and the vicinity of Mount Pengyuan on the southeast side were full of bustling and busy scenes. The artillerymen first chose the artillery position, and the engineers found the most convenient location for excavating ditches, draining the water in the moat, and Research where the land is most suitable for tunneling.By observing the shape of the city wall, the veteran engineer knew which part of the city wall had soft soil and belonged to the tofu project.

The scouts walked along the city wall, observed the terrain, marked every fire point of the Hui army, ambushed under the city, observed the position of the artillery, and guided the direction for the Qing army to destroy the artillery fire of the Hui army.It can be said that war is an efficient machine, with countless parts in operation, and every link must not be sloppy.It seems that there are thousands of trifles, many of which are useless and useless from beginning to end, but they are an indispensable part of the battle situation.

In the environment of war, everyone must work hard to do the tasks entrusted by the chief.After more than ten years of war, the Qing army has formed an inherent combat mode. This is a set of effective measures that have been tested in actual combat. Only by doing these tedious things can the Qing army sleep and have a place to stand. A branch of arms, every soldier claims to have made great contributions to the siege warfare.

The sound of rumbling cannons has already been heard near Pengyuan Mountain. The artillery of the Qing army and the Hui army went up first. The busy Qing army looked up and looked at the mountains in the distance. There is a dead place. Countless heroes of the Qing Dynasty will sleep forever. on this hillside.

The cannons returned to the army were all seized from the Qing army. There are 22 large and small cannons on Pengyuan Mountain, which are placed in various places on the top of the mountain. There are more than 60 fortresses of different sizes.

The Qing army climbed up the mountain step by step with a small force.The trees on the hillside had been cut down by the returning army long ago, and there were only some boulders that could cover them if they wanted to hide their figure.The Qing army climbed up to attack, and it was a combination. Some people fired guns, some carried earth bags, and a dozen earth bags were built. It was a simple fortification, which was the most effective for blocking shotguns.

The Qing army attacked upwards very slowly, and Qing soldiers kept falling down, and the long husbands carrying earth bags piled up on the hillside and fell dead on the hillside.Life disappears on this hillside, and every step up, there will be life paid.Grenades flew horizontally, and the returning grenades seemed to have eyes, and were thrown from the fortifications.The Hui army had the upper hand, and watched excitedly as the Qing army was beaten to pieces by them, with corpses strewn all over the field.

But this is the test of the quality of will. The Qing army, which was at a disadvantage, still piled up the soil bags one by one, extending upward, extending upward, and continuously extending upward, a little bit closer to the firepower of the returning army.The red-eyed Qing army finally threw the grenade in his hand, allowing the returned army to taste the taste of their butt blooming.

On the hillside filled with gunpowder, every small piece of land was engaged in a life-and-death offensive and defensive battle. The soldiers of the Qing army had no way out, and a step back was death.If you rush forward and die, you will be a hero, and your family will be able to live a good life.Watching the comrades around him fall, the mentality of not turning back has already disregarded his own safety.Continue to climb desperately and shoot back.The corporal leader was by their side, the captain fell to death in front, and the post commander also died in battle, but there was still the Qing army raising the battle flag, that high-character flag could never fall, and moved forward without hesitation.

A small slope was occupied by the Qing army, and a large flag with high characters was planted on it. Immediately, two gunners came up with copper cannons, and two gunners behind them carried gunpowder boxes.Soon the bronze cannons of the Qing army showed their power, and a stronghold was hit by artillery.There was a loud bang, followed by thick smoke, and the ammunition returned to the army exploded.

"Come on!" A captain of the Qing army, waving a big knife in his hand, rushed into the trench of the Hui army in the thick smoke, and the bloody hand-to-hand combat began.

"Come on!" The soldiers of the Qing army, forgetting their fear, swarmed into the trenches of the Hui army to avenge their dead comrades, for the unification of the motherland, and for the high-character flag to fly on this unknown high ground.

They are fighting for the motherland, fighting for the unification of the motherland, every piece of land is soaked in the blood of these soldiers, the sword is a weapon, the stone is a weapon, the sharp teeth are also a weapon, bloody hand-to-hand combat, staged the most cruel killing .The Hui people and the Han people hugged each other to death, and fired the last grenade on their bodies.The tragic scene was too horrible to bear to look at. Who is the righteous party, God will be watching.

A trench is just a point on the battlefield, and has nothing to do with the entire battle situation. The vast battlefield is full of gunpowder, and countless heroes rush to the trenches of the Hui army. They use their flesh and blood to create the glory of a nation.Only because the surname of this nationality is "Man", later generations are ashamed to mention it.But if they hadn't faced death like moths to the flame, the surname of this nation would have been "Hui".

There are 30 Hui troops fighting in the Northwest. A vigorous national uprising is in full swing, and it has received strong support from the Russians. A large part of the weapons and ammunition of the Hui troops is supported by the Russians.If the Qing Dynasty hadn't betrayed its national interests and bought off the Western powers, this battle would have been even more difficult.War is despicable. Both the Hui people and the Qing Dynasty betrayed their national interests and hurt their national dignity.Fortunately, the Western powers were stronger than the Russians at this time, and they even created a "Convention of Nations" to restrict each other, so the Russians did not dare to blatantly interfere in the internal affairs of the Qing Dynasty.

The Hui army was tenacious and continued to hold its ground. The Qing army persevered and eroded the Hui army's positions bit by bit. The two sides fought each other on the hillsides.

The artillery was rumbling, and the artillery of the Qing army never stopped from morning to night, and howitzers appeared on some positions.The whistling sound was so inspiring. Looking at the thunderbolt, the soldiers of the Qing army attacked the story of leaving the city even more frantically.To the Qing army, the smell of gunpowder smoke pervading the hillside was the fragrance of the fragrant grassland.

For the Qing army, the commanding heights were artillery positions. It would take a heavy price to seize an unnamed highland with strategic value, but as long as it was valuable, the Qing soldiers would rush to a new high slope regardless of their own lives.

The artillery of the returning army stopped and stopped, and every time a position was lost, the artillery of the returning army became weaker.

The entire Pengyuan Mountain was full of flowers, immersed in gunpowder smoke, and the Hui army in Yongyang City stood on the city wall, and could vaguely see the battle on Pengyuan Mountain.As long as you see a high-character banner and put it on a hill, it will be a heavy blow.The returned soldiers' eyes were burning, and they wanted to fight the Qing army to the death.But the return army had already blocked the city gate, and they could only watch helplessly as their brothers fought bloody battles, while they could only sit and wait for reinforcements.

At the beginning, the fifth handsome Chen Lin was still saying inspiring words, but with the passage of time, he has become numb, and the terrain of Pengyuan Mountain is not steep enough.Although the fortifications were strong, the Qing army was so terrifying that they used explosives to blow up the fortifications one by one.The huge roar made people feel terrified. The Hui army was brave and fearless of death. The Qing army did their part, and with their flesh and blood, they pulled out every stronghold.Chen Lin personally went to see the defense of Mount Pengyuan. She originally thought it was impossible for the Qing army to take it down, but judging from this posture, in a few days, even the main peak would be captured by the Qing army.From his direction, he has already seen a large area of ​​high-character battle flags planted on the hills, but the other places are unknown.

How did Gao Liansheng train his troops?Could it be that the Qing army has steel and iron bones, and is not afraid of the ruthless blows of the shotgun.

"I think the Han Dog will kill or injure 3000 or [-] people." Seventh Marshal Feng Junfu had nothing to say, he could only justify himself, so many battle flags of the Qing army in the binoculars made him miserable.If Pengyuan Mountain falls, the Qing army will have no worries, and Yongyangfu City will be doomed.It is impossible to defend, and this ending is very clear to the army.Depends on what it looks like?Beating the Qing army so scarred and immobilized against the returning army is a victory.

As for the other returning troops coming to rescue Yongyangfu City, it would become a decisive battle, and Zuo Zongtang's troops would also overwhelm them. In the decisive battle in the field, the Hui army had already fought the Qing army several times, and suffered a lot.The huge gap between weapons and elite soldiers made the Hui army no longer dare to confront the Qing army head-on.

Chen Lin was very anxious. It was almost dark, but the guns in the Pengyuan Mountain area were booming. It seemed that the Qing army was going to continue to attack at night. Could it be that the Qing army was going to take the main peak in one day?The Qing army was reckless, using explosives and grenades, and risking their lives to attack.

"It seems that the situation is not good. I'm afraid Feng Xiaobao will go to justice with honor." Chen Lin didn't even have the courage to speak big words. The Qing army opened the way with flesh and blood, and no one could stop the Qing army's madness.

"Hmph! The will of the Hui people cannot be crushed. Feng Xiaobao deserves his death. The people will never forget his meritorious deeds." Feng Junfu's eyes were already moist, and what he couldn't stop crying was the hero's tears, and what he couldn't finish killing was the Man Qing dog. .He really couldn't understand, why did the Han people help the Manchus?Wouldn't it be very satisfying for the Hui people and the Han people to join hands with each other to carve up the Manchu territory.

The Han people should put aside the grievances and grievances with the Hui people in history and look forward. The Northwest and Xinjiang belonged to the territory of the Hui people in history and cannot be tampered with.The Han people believe that the restoration of the Han Dynasty is the awakening of the nation and the choice of history.Could it be that the Hui people cannot get the approval of the Han people if they ask for Huihui?

Many people of insight hope to see this scene. Countless people with lofty ideals who oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty pin their hopes on these Han Chinese troops.The generals of the Qing army were all bewitched to turn their guns on the Manchu masters, but this army served the Manchu government loyally.

There were also many officers and even soldiers with the rank of admiral who bombed the camp and joined the anti-Qing ranks, but the vast majority of soldiers were unwilling to betray their oath, and were willing to die with the returning army and die for the country.

At this time, the Qing army asked the returning army to lay down their weapons and return to the embrace of the motherland.Similarly, Huijun believed that Huihan was a family, so he should turn his guns on the Manchus and let the Han army revolt on the front line.There are many successful precedents, and there are many Han Chinese troops who really rebelled.This battle is full of variables. The Qing army will revolt, the Hui army will surrender, and the traitors will shoot black guns. It is full of unstable factors, and the chaotic situation is destined to fluctuate people's hearts.Under such circumstances, the returning army hopes that a miracle will happen, and looks forward to another chaos in the Qing Dynasty.

The Hui army on the city wall could no longer see the situation of Peng Yuanshan, and listened to the bursts of gunshots like popping beans.If you hear a loud bang, something is wrong, a fortress was blown up by the Qing army.Fifth Marshal Chen Lin and Seventh Marshal Feng Junfu stayed up all night, sleeping on the top of the city, waiting for the sunrise. More than 2000 returning soldiers stood firm in Pengyuan Mountain. As long as the main peak is in hand, the returning army will not fail.

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