The battle for the city gate in the west of the city was just a contact war. After the start of the battle, the Qing army failed to fire when they returned to the army.

Wang Huacheng tossed the towel and said angrily: "Ah Imam Zou is so fucked up, he didn't even put up a decent resistance, brothers, take prisoners for me and rush out of the city to kill his mother!"

At this time, the cavalry of the Qing army led the cavalry of the victorious Yu Wei Brigade out of the city to capture the fleeing Muslims, driving groups of Muslims together like cattle, and captured more than 2000 fleeing Muslims back to Shishe Town.

"Give me peace of mind. We are the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. We are the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. We are the most benevolent to the common people and the prisoners of war." Pick the next one and punish it with military exploits

The Qing army is already a master of civilization. Most of the time, such disgraceful things will not be done unless it is a bloody battle. In order to vent their anger, the chief will let the army do whatever they want. This Qing army raid is so smooth, and the local people will be treated kindly. A little obedient people will not be killed [

Li Guolou didn't expect that Zou Baohe could run faster than a rabbit. From the beginning to the end, he had never seen Zou Ziqi. There were too many strange things on the battlefield. After learning that the Qing army had occupied the west gate of the city, Li Guolou smiled and said: "Wang Huacheng is good!" So I want to ask the emperor for his merits and order Wang Huacheng to station his troops outside the city and not close the city gate, just let the Hui army look at me, but I want to see who will be Sima Yi."

The herald took the order and left. The generals didn't raise any objection to Li Guolou's bold move. They had already fought it out. Whether he would kill a carbine when he returned to the army.

Seeing that the Qing army was still besieging the barracks, Li Guolou shook his head and smiled wryly, the returning army hid in the barracks waiting to die

"To persuade you to surrender, hand over your guns and don't kill them. It's not worth using them on these useless firewood." Li Guolou issued a military order to stop the bombardment of the barracks

The rumbling of the cannons stopped, the land finally got a chance to breathe, the Qing army who was still killing and arsonating just now was fighting the fire on the street

Some strong fortresses are still resisting, but seeing the cannons in front of them, most of the returning troops in the fortresses obediently surrendered. A few fortresses that resisted to the end were quickly bombarded by explosives and turned into ruins. Disarmed and surrendered, walked out of the barracks in disgrace, all the Qing army burst into shouts of victory, a strong town was easily taken down by the Qing army

The figure of Li Guolou is not everywhere. The soldiers of the Qing army who visited the hero inspected the fortifications of Shishe Town and even gave a speech to more than 600 returned soldiers who were captured.

Carrier pigeons report good news to the troop The blue sky is floating with white clouds It's all like a dream Those white clouds don't seem real

Standing on the top of a watchtower, Li Guolou overlooked the entire town of Shishe and looked at the smoky town. Finally, a bright smile appeared on his face. He won the surprise attack with a bet, and it ended perfectly.

But it seems that it is not perfect, and there is a little bit of beautiful scenery missing. Li Guolou said loudly: "Find some women who can embroider and embroider the Li character flag for me overnight. It must be big and beautiful. Don't abuse these women. This is my order."

"Long live to be beautiful even if you are big." Zheng Hengdan, who was doing a pen job, scratched his head and kept issuing military orders without stopping.

"Small shoulder pole, don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't worry about it. Don't bother me. If you have something, don't report it to me. Find Cheng Kun. As long as he knows, I just take care of military affairs. This is also an order." Li Guolou rolled his eyes and Zheng Hengdan left the room to find a well. Sitting alone on a stone bench by the well and washing clothes by myself

Although there are some things that I have never done in the past, but as long as I want to do it, I can do it. Laundry is not difficult. It’s as if he’s throbbing, he hasn’t slept in three days, he’s going to die if he continues like this, his thoughts slowly calm down with the rhythmic rubbing of clothes, the past sings the wind and sings the moon, and now he’s resorting to laundry tricks to relieve stress

Li Guolou was enjoying himself humming a country tune, and after drying his clothes and washing them, he changed into a military uniform, put on hair oil on his hair, and made himself look greasy.

Li Guolou went back to his room to look at the defense map of Shishe Town. This is a map seized from the Hui army. Take a bite of the hot noodle and drink a sip of kumiss

"Guo Dazui is completely eunuch now. I say Zou Baohe is a softie. The richer he is, the more he fears death. Only by showing off a town with a golden saddle can I show my literary and martial arts hahahaha." Li Guolou admired the splendor while having dinner The results of the battle laughed wildly and sprayed the pasta from the nasal cavity

"Then how does Chief Li evaluate yourself?" Zheng Hengdan next to him asked curiously. He usually doesn't dare to talk too much, but he took advantage of Li Guolou's mood to ask more for fun.

"The richer I am, the less peaceful I am. Now it's just a small trial, and I will take you abroad to play high-end goods, understand? To become a high-class person, you must marry a daughter of a famous family." A gentleman who is dyed, as for the truth, even he can't do it

Anyway, in terms of words and deeds, the filthy things done behind the scenes can erase the darkness of society. The corrupt Manchu Qing government has long been rotten to the root. To get out of the mud and not to be stained, the bad habits accumulated for thousands of years have their own existence. Ideally rely on external forces to overthrow the old forces, and in the end the new forces will also decay and decline. The history of thousands of years is just like this [

Zheng Hengdan shook his head and said: "Mr. Li, I don't want to go abroad to talk to foreign girls. I don't understand and I'm not interested in marrying a high-class woman. I'd better marry a Hui girl. I'll be the groom soon."

It's still uncertain which girl will be the bride. It's a blessing for everyone to take turns to choose.


"Prosperity for a lifetime, the house is restless." Li Guolou can't educate the people around him, and there are too many people who can't resist the temptation in the face of reality. Even the student soldiers of the new martial arts hall are ready to move. He suppressed them forcibly. Young people should still have a sense of vigor. to be happy so early

Zheng Hengdan smiled and said: "Mr. Li, my wife was your decision-maker at the time, it seems that I am the second one, which is almost the same as now."

Hearing the voice of dissatisfaction, Li Guolou, being a dwarf, laughed a few times dryly and said: "Now I only care about military affairs and other mother-in-law matters. Don't tell me about your wedding wine. I won't drink any news from the Zodiac Officer."

Zheng Hengdan said: "There is also Li Yunchu leading a battalion of cavalry out of the city to eliminate those cavalry returning to the army. There will be no news tonight."

Li Guolou is silent as the highest military officer on the front line, and he is under too much pressure. He uses more than 2000 cavalry to scare the returning army. Tonight is the key to victory or defeat. Only when the follow-up troops arrive tomorrow can we say that he has won this battle.

Zheng Hengdan laughed and said: "Mr. Li, you are better than Zhuge Kongming, and you don't even close the city gate at night. The soldiers worship you like a god."

"It's best not to use a small shoulder pole as a case like this. It will kill future generations. You must first look at the mentality of the enemy to make this move different for different enemies, just like what we are attacking today. The returned soldiers in the three fortresses are real fighters, but this kind of people have done too much harm to us, so I want to crush them to ashes. In fact, I still admire this kind of opponent, but I also like the power of the surrender faction. Stronger than the soldiers in our army, it's really good." Li Guolou suddenly remembered that Zheng Hengdan was once a follower of the White Lotus Sect, and immediately changed his tune and praised the great achievements of the surrender faction.

Zheng Hengdan is quite scheming, and he knows how to play with the wind, otherwise he would not be promoted by Li Guolou. Li Guolou's promotion of talents does not look at academic qualifications, first at loyalty, then at work ability. Zheng Hengdan lights up night battles and writes the deficiencies of the battle process. Li Guolou will revise it and it will be the speech of Xinwutang.

Night covered the land. Li Guolou led a team of Goshha to inspect the fortifications in the city. Tonight is a sleepless night. All the lights in the town have been lit. Only the sound of small sticks sounded three times at each sentry post, and then the guards responded to each of them. The captain, sentry officer, and battalion officer stand guard in person

The sentry saw Li Guolou showing reverence and said loudly: "Mr. Li is mighty!"

Li Guolou said with a smile: "The Qing army is mighty."

Half of the Qing army guarding the city kept vigil and the other half rested and slept. Fatigue is the biggest enemy. On the battlefield, you have to persevere for three days and three nights. Sleep is not worth publicizing. Let the soldiers see him and know Li Guolou The power of faith is poor, he wants to bring his own power to every soldier, let this army bear the imprint of Li Guolou

The people of the Qing Dynasty have been disappointed with the emperor. The Manchu government is obvious to all women and children. Let the people sacrifice themselves for the emperor. Some people are willing to shrink back even the disciples of the Eight Banners, but they are willing to fight for the country and fight for a proud flag. The people are willing to sacrifice their lives.

Li Guolou wants the army to fight for him. Although this is the style of warlords, the times have chosen the warlord system. The superstition of soldiers towards him will not break the common people's liking to build the Zilong Temple, so let them build it anyway, and live next to the Guandi Temple. The two are so loyal and courageous, it's perfect

Hu Dagui, Lei Qigao, and Li Heng led the Han army to guard the city gate. Naturally, Li Guolou went to the west of the city and put two bonfires on the tower. The two bonfires were lit on the top of the city, illuminating all living creatures.

"Oh, it's too much, I don't know what to say." Li Guolou shook his head and smiled wryly. He set up an open door to meet the enemy, and his subordinates were more arrogant than him

"It's not an exaggeration. We've discussed it. The idiot doesn't even dare to approach tonight. The idiot dare not approach tomorrow. He will hide under the covers and tremble tomorrow. Chief Li has millions of soldiers under his command. Don't forget us if there is a war in the future." Hu Dagui though After being under Li Guolou's jurisdiction, he will be transferred to Guo Baochang's Anhui Army, but fighting with Li Guolou is a pleasure. The three old brothers like to follow Li Guolou

"Hu Yingguan, please listen to me. Don't say that he is a softie. After he revolts, why don't you use your brain to think about why he gave up Shishe Town so easily? Isn't it to leave a way for the future?" Li Guolou reprimanded the three elder brothers for knowing that the eldest brother will use his brains more to gain a deep understanding

"Yes, yes, yes, I will definitely not say the word soft-headed, be not arrogant, not impatient, and be low-key." Hu Dagui secretly felt ashamed that he was scolding himself when he said it. Fortunately, Li Guolou reminded him a few words, otherwise he would lose his face

Li Guolou came here and didn't leave. Looking at the piles of bonfires in the distance, there was too much depression. Wanting to release the long night, the loneliness was unbearable. Every soldier of the Qing army knew how heavy the burden was [

This night is the longest night in one's life. The star shifts. The brilliant galaxy is mysterious and colorful. Every star is telling a story of history. There are endless stars

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