late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 516 The Army's Last Military Meeting

On February [-]th, Dong Zhiyuan's Hui People's Army held a meeting in Xiaojinzhen. The four battalions led by Ma Zhenghe, Bai Yanhu, Yu Yanlu, and Cui Wei, as well as other powerful generals Yu Deyan, Feng Junfu, Ma Changshun, Yang Wenzhi, and Ma Zhenggang , Ma Shengyan, Bi Dacai, Yan Xingchun, Lan Mingtai, Ha Lianjin, Zou Baohe, Zhang Daiyu, Ma Weixiang and others.They all came from the towns or forts where they were stationed, and the four generals had to make a final decision concerning the life and death of Dong Zhiyuan's return army.

The Hui army is a self-formed organization at all levels formed by various soldiers and horses in battle. They are promoted to the throne of marshal by virtue of their strength and prestige.The four marshals are the four big brothers, and whichever big brother you follow, you must be loyal to the end.

The two defeated generals, Zou Baohe and Feng Junfu, finally entered the big yurt and sat on the ground, and the meeting began.

Ma Zhenghe looked around at his brothers with a weather-beaten face, and said with a smile: "Brothers, don't be depressed, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, and we have a strategic depth to retreat. I called you this time to tell you about our four The decision made by a general. You have all seen the current situation of Dong Zhiyuan. Due to the constraints of the geographical environment, our troops were unable to deploy, but were defeated by the Qing monsters. So in the end we decided to move to Jinji Fort. Let more people transfer, I decided to let Cui Sishuai and I break off, and Bai Yanhu and Yu Yanlu will lead 10,000+ people to transfer. Let you come, it is to make a list, who will stick to it, who will follow Bai Yanhu, The two generals, Yu Yanlu and Yu Yanlu, retreat, and we will act in five days."

There is such a handsome man, what more can he ask for, he stayed and insisted on narrowly dying, and no one else objected.Looking up at Bai Yanhu, he is really as cunning as a fox. He sits in Yan Xi'ao, ten miles north of Xifeng Town, Dong Zhiyuan, just for the convenience of oiling the soles of his feet.Bai Yanhu will definitely not stay and defend, he is best at escaping. [

The Fourth Marshal Cui Wei is a well-known hero in the Hui army. Heroes from all walks of life scramble to join him, but sometimes the heroes are short of breath. Qingshan is not worried about the meaning of having no firewood, so let him make up his mind as soon as possible.Only the fifteenth handsome Ha Lianjin is still determined to be loyal to the end, and still has an awe-inspiring look.

Since you stay behind, you must concentrate on it. We should have some room for getting to know each other once. Cui Wei stroked his beard and said, "Ha Lianjin, you should lead your people to retreat with Bai Yanhu. I don't need so many soldiers here. Ma, Zou Baohe and Lan Mingtai are stationed in Taichang Town, while Yu Deyan, Bi Dacai and I are stationed in Zhengping Town to protect the flanks of Dongzhi County."

Yu Deyan, Bi Dacai, Lan Mingtai, Zou Bao and several generals also disagreed, and they had already guessed what Cui Wei's plan was.Ha Lianjin obeyed orders readily and was able to stand out from the encirclement. Of course it would be nice to have a way to survive.

The other commanders had their own destiny, and they obeyed the arrangements of the four commanders. Soon a military meeting ended and the assignment was completed.

Ma Zhenghe patted his thigh, and said freely and generously: "Okay! Since the meeting went so smoothly, I will do my best as a landlord and get drunk."

"That's a good relationship. We haven't met for a long time." Bai Yanhu was quite satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. His battalion retreated first, and the loss was negligible.

In Ma Zhenghe's big yurt, a grand banquet is being held to welcome heroes from all walks of life.The delicacies at the banquet, in addition to sumptuous refreshments and hand-caught mutton, also specially killed a young horse to show the grandeur.Because some marshals were still traveling with their wives, the guests at the meeting were divided into two places, that is, they were divided into two big circles based on gender differences. Everyone sat on the ground. Judging from their expressions, no one seemed to have lost the battle. people.

At the beginning of the banquet, Ma Zhenghe delivered a speech first.Generally speaking, in normal times, Ma Zhenghe belonged to the kind of unsmiling person who always maintained the majesty of a handsome man.But today was different, he was talking and laughing at the beginning, and he seemed very lively.Where there is reunion, there is parting. Ma Zhenghe has the determination to be a hero.

Ma Zhenghe said: "I don't know how to express my feelings at the moment. We often compare tigers as a symbol of strength. Now we have so many tigers coming to us. How great this is for the great action we are about to start Encouragement. May God bless us to be victorious and invincible!"

A burst of applause interrupted Ma Zhenghe's words, and then he said some words of praise.Others have nothing but love and admiration for the handsome Ma Zhenghe.Those marshals with ulterior motives were ashamed. Some marshals who planned to turn against each other spied on each other, wondering if the other party would betray themselves.

Ma Zhenghe asked Bai Yanhu to speak, and Bai Yanhu pretended to be modest and said: "Marshal Ma, you are too much, I really can't bear this burden. Although I, Bai Yanhu, have been in the army for many years, my life has been bumpy and my achievements are very small. I feel ashamed. This time I will organize a great strategic shift, and you all think highly of me. I will definitely do my best to lead the hero’s returning army to open up a road to victory. However, if Marshal Ma is not standing here in Dongzhi County, I am afraid I will go to heaven and enter the gate of the earth. Yes. Therefore, I sincerely thank Marshal Ma for laying the road to freedom for us, and thank you for your hospitality. Yu Yanlu and I are in Jinji Fort, waiting for the moment when Marshal Ma breaks out from the encirclement and gets together. Drink this cup to the full !"

"Do it!" The people in the circle sang congratulations together. Ma Zhenghe was very proud of hearing this, but on the surface he also pretended to be very modest and said repeatedly: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, Yu Yanlu and Bai Yanhu are not polite, they are all for the sake of the nation Daye, I would also like to thank you for leaving the fire for Dong Zhiyuan’s returning army. During the pleasantries, Yu Yanlu and Bai Yanhu talked about the strategic deployment of the retreat, and Yu Deyan, Bi Dacai, Lan Mingtai, Zou Baohe and others greatly appreciated it , all praised them for their resourcefulness, and they are worthy of adapting to the situation. They secretly planned to pass the news to the Qing army. They were scared by the Qing army, and they were determined to revolt. They were going to disclose the content of tonight's military meeting to the Qing army's deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao .

At this time, the guards brought plates of hot mutton into the yurt, and Ma Zhenghe asked everyone to wash their hands and eat.

While the men munched their mouths with glee, the women praised the tenderness and deliciousness of the horse meat.Young horses under one year old are so tender, and the women also present an extremely active atmosphere. People who are good at singing and dancing begin to perform singing and dancing "Banquet Song".


After a burst of hearty laughter, Bai Yanhu sang loudly: "My love Dombula, on the plateau at dusk, there is your charming fragrance. I will play my Dombra and sing for my beloved girl Ha."

Bai Yanhu is good at singing and dancing, touching the girl's heartstrings and making him the protagonist of the banquet.In the past, he was just a small person, and his strength was not considered strong in the uprising team, but he had a personal charm, which attracted many heroes to join him, and his strength became stronger and stronger in the battle. He has the reputation of returning to the army's fox.

It wasn't until late at night that they each dispersed. When they walked out of the big yurt, Cui Wei looked dignified, and when he was gone, he was talking and laughing. Ma Zhenghe was willing to die for the great cause of the nation, and he also wanted to live for the survival of the nation.The truth is that the more the debate becomes clearer, in the past, he was thinking wrong, or Aunt Zou was right, and only by living can he have a chance to take revenge.If you die, even your wife will remarry, and your sons and daughters will be slaughtered. Who will remember you.

"Yu Deyan, Bi Dacai, Lan Mingtai, Zou Baohe, come to my camp and discuss how to defend the city?" Cui Wei glanced at the staggering marshals. They were all pretending to be drunk, so what is righteousness? The look of going to die.

Among these people, Yu Deyan was the first to betray the great cause of the nation. He was a man with a great family and a great career, and he had a wide range of contacts.Originally, Yu Deyan had betrayed the military secrets of the Hui army. After suffering the setback of failure, he first made up his mind to revolt and dragged his cronies Bi Dacai into the water.

Lan Mingtai is a swordsman. He had no faith in the first place. He lived by burning, killing and looting. If he has milk, he is his mother.An Jie, his subordinate, brought him a letter, advising him to submit to the Qing Dynasty and promise him a high official and rich salary.Lan Mingtai had long felt that Yu Deyan and Bi Dacai were acting secretly, and they were hiding something from him. After some contact, he found out the truth and followed Yu Deyan, preparing to betray him.

As for Zou Baohe being a coward, he was scared by Li Ziying's beating, and thinking about the survival of his family, he didn't need anyone to persuade him to surrender, so he ran on this bandit ship by himself.

The person in the military tent who was still drunk just now immediately became serious, with an air of a seasoned seeker.Cui Wei sighed slightly: "Yu Deyan, I have already thought about it. It is better to revolt on the battlefield and dedicate Taichang Town and Zhengping Town to Deputy Marshal Xu. As for Ma Zhenghe's Dongzhi County, we don't have to worry about it. Everyone We have different ideas, we are brothers, and I can't betray my brother."

Yu Deyan praised and said: "Cui Shuai still has the courage to let Ha Lianjin live. I will discuss the next thing, and I will ensure that you brothers will have a good life in the future. The conditions of the Qing army are not bad. Those members of the elder brother association are also given official positions. We still have tribes, and Commander Zuo is still willing to give us territory, let us forget the past. I think we don’t have to fight Ma Zhenghe’s team, but we can’t deal with Dong Zhiyuan’s troops. Other returning troops, We still have to work hard a few times, otherwise Zuo Zongtang won't let us keep the army."

"Needless to say, if I didn't look at your face, I would dare to screw off Ma Zhenghe's head." Lan Mingtai turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. He never thought about the benefits of Ma Zhenghe. Most of his subordinates were Han Chinese. Anyone dares to do it.

"Hey! Lan Mingtai, let's forget it. It's too violent, but it's not beautiful. Only by letting the Qing army consume its strength can we show our importance. The battle is easy to fight. The mess in Xinjiang will be used by the Qing army." To get us, we must first be humble and arrange the tribe well, people's hearts are the most important thing." Zou Baohe kept talking about the tribe, and he returned to the Qing Dynasty for the benefit of the nation.He didn't think it was a betrayal of the great cause of the nation, the truth would be told to the tribe, and those who were good at speech were right in everything they said.

"Hey! I'm still a soldier. I'm not interested in local governance. I'm going to die on the battlefield." Lan Mingtai will never put down his gun. He only relies on plunder to support his men, and he has no interest in the population that comes from plunder. governance.

"Chi Chi!" The people next to him sneered. Lan Mingtai also said that he died on the battlefield and would surrender before the war. He is still talking big. Who would believe such nonsense.

Cui Wei rolled his eyes, and shouted: "What are you laughing at! When is it, and you are still acting foolishly, let me set off now, hurry back to the station overnight, and control my camp. The night is long and dreamy, so it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. "

"Yes!" Yu Deyan, Bi Dacai, Lan Mingtai, Zou Baohe stood up with vigor and vigor, and they hadn't been so cheerful for a long time.A battle without gunpowder has begun, and they will spend the rest of their lives in peace without fear of dying on the battlefield.

Cui Wei led his men, held a brief military meeting, and left Xiaojin Town overnight. Their departure was doomed to the beginning of the disintegration of Dong Zhiyuan's return army.

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