Li Guolou slept in the watchtower in Shishe Town until noon, and slept for more than ten hours before getting up lazily.He likes to be clean, and the soap and tooth powder he uses are all British products. He goes downstairs with the toiletry set, squats by the well to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Fan Dahui and Le Dian walked to the side and stood beside him, and said with a smile: "Master Li, you have finally woken up. I have a lot of things to report to you here. Hu Dagui's barracks was robbed of spoils..."

"Stop! Master Fan, don't tell me, you can solve it yourself, if you can't solve it, then tell Guo Dazui, why do you ask me. Does Hu Dagui have no money to settle it? Is there no women? If not, this is fate, Tell him to work harder in the future and move faster." Li Guolou didn't even listen to it, he was talking nonsense, it wasn't storytelling and plot, he thought he was being taken advantage of.

"Oh! Let me tick the boxes, and I will report to you which ones. Well, don't fight with weapons, don't shoot guns, don't want girls, don't fight for merit..." Fan Dahui took a pen and ticked off the notepad. Xuan Xuan asked, "Master Li, do you want to report the seized grain and grass to you?"

"Well, this is the most important thing. Don't be fooled by Guo Dazui. Master guns and Francophones can also be sold for money. We can sell them to the two chieftains at a lower price. First, we will choose Yang Zhao from "Cai Mao Tang". Sell ​​it to him first. And no one is allowed to enter our reserve warehouse. I will negotiate with the Zodiac Officer." Li Guolou is good at learning, so what do others do on the battlefield?He understood at a glance that when an army fights a war, it uses the captured troops to strengthen its army, so that an army can fight stronger and stronger. [

"Oh! Another important thing is to find out which houses belong to rich people and dig them for me! During the war years, rich people like to bury their money in the ground. This labor is worth it."

"Then what if it is occupied by someone else?" Fan Dahui frowned. It was not so easy to dig the ground for a good house that was favored by the chief.

"Forget it, I can't do anything about other people's luck. But if we don't catch it, it's unreasonable." Li Guolou wanted to maximize his benefits, and began to calculate with Fan Dahui how much money he had. Resources, which ones can be kept privately, and which ones should be handed over to the public.

Li Guolou was at the table, eating fish noodles, while watching Wei Hanyu and Xu Lan use their abacus to calculate the general ledger. All kinds of data need to be calculated, and then some are handed over, some are divided, and some are private.This is also the unspoken rule of the army. Every army has its own treasury. Being poor does not mean that the army has no money.

When the Qing army won the battle, the imperial court would reward officials and meritorious ministers at all levels generously, but the army must also learn to generate income. Li Ziying has a defense area stationed, and some supplies have to be brought back. Of course, it is best to exchange them for gold and silver, which cannot be taken away. Just sell it, and don't follow the flow of favors.For the materials that cannot be released for a while, the army will even send special personnel to look at the materials and slowly digest them. Therefore, after the battle in some places, there are still a small number of soldiers stationed, but some things have not been resolved. In the areas where the army is stationed, even local officials You can't even read it, it's called a military secret.

After Wei Hanyu and Xu Lan finished writing the data, Li Guolou sorted it into categories and asked them to rewrite it according to the numbers he said. This data was handed over to the deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao. This is his trophies for the deputy commander. He had realized long ago that this figure was just fine, Xu Zhanbiao didn't have a big appetite, otherwise those Qiu Ba under his command would not be willing to sacrifice their lives.

The most difficult thing was Huang Ding, who agreed that one person would get half of it, but in fact Huang Ding got more than him, and Huang Ding would not share the spoils with him if the Xitaogou was seized.But there is no way, his troops are not as many as the Sichuan army, and the bulk will always be taken by Huang Ding.

Li Guolou was about to get up, ready to report to work.There was hearty laughter outside the door, and Huang Ding came uninvited with two lieutenants.

Li Guolou glanced at him and said: "Master Zodiac, you came just in time, we are now settling accounts, huh! The data are all on the table, there is nothing to hide, you also have someone to calculate, there will only be more, not less of you .”

"Hahahaha! Brother, I believe in you. I have someone to settle the accounts for me." Huang Ding casually picked up the account book and handed it to the person next to him. There will probably be no mistakes. No one can grasp the details, and the soldiers still want to take it privately.

Huang Ding sat drinking tea, his bony eyes wandered around the room, finally couldn't help it, and said: "Mr. Li, you are too unreasonable to occupy the watchtower of Imam Zou. I heard that your family is in the antique business." Yes, I also like to collect antiques, you can always tell which things here are valuable."

Almost forgot that Huang Ding was a civil servant, Li Guolou smiled and said: "You are smart, Zodiac Officer, or we are half of each other. You choose first, and then make an estimate. I won't open my eyes and talk nonsense, you There are also capable people under his command, so it is roughly divided."

Huang Ding nodded and said: "That's about the same. Chief Li will move out as soon as possible. When Imam Zou returns home, I will leave him an empty building. Do you understand?"

Li Guolou understood, nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, Zodiac, my hands and feet will not be slower than yours."

The two imperial court officials, cunningly peeping at each other's expressions, laughed and drank it down in one gulp. The friendship they fought on the battlefield prevented them from talking.

In troubled times, yesterday was an enemy, today we swear to wine, and tomorrow we will be allies, there is no reason to take advantage of the enemy, and no one would spit out what they got.Li Guolou is not a good man and a believer, and the only way to relieve the hatred in his heart is to evacuate the entire watchtower.

Most of the belongings left in the watchtowers were large pieces like porcelain and vases, and they were fragile objects, so they were not taken away. As for ancient paintings and jade wares, they were all belongings that Zou Baohe could take away without thinking about them. took them all away.But the winner is not afraid of trouble, Li Guolou and Huang Ding swept from the ground floor to the third floor, dividing up all the antiques.

Huang Ding was very satisfied after finishing the business, he waved his hand and said, "Mr. Li, let's go together, to Vice Marshal Xu's place."

Li Guolou replied: "Master Zodiac, you go first, don't you want me to move? I will tell my subordinates, don't break the porcelain for me." [

"Hey, the more you look, the more you look like an antique dealer, as timid as a mouse." Huang Ding asked his subordinate Goshha to busy move a lot of utensils such as vases and porcelain, and finally moved away even a big bed, just for sleeping at night get a good night's sleep.

As soon as Huang Ding and his party left, Zheng Hengtan asked wittily, "Mr. Li, is there anything valuable that we want to move?"


"Smart, come with me. Zou Baohe wants to deceive the world, thinking that I don't know the goods, but unfortunately he made a mistake." Li Guolou waved his hands to let his subordinates follow them to the courtyard, among the rockery and flowers, and pointed to two huge pieces of wood. He said, "No matter how much you pay, move it back to the capital. This is the raw material of Hetian jade in Xinjiang. Master Fan, please find a way to transport it away as soon as possible, otherwise you will have long nights and dreams, and it will be bad if you stay here."

"Lord Li, don't forget the meritorious officials." Fan Dahui strode forward and hugged the dirty boulder. Where could he hug it? Silver is not unusual for him, this stone is the treasure.

"Don't worry, all meritorious ministers have a share. My money is not in your hands. The things I use are getting lower and lower, and even women can't compare with you." Li Guolou's indescribable distress, patriotic complex Let him spend all his money on buying people's hearts, and the treasures in his hands will be rewarded to his subordinates in the end.

"That's true! Mr. Li has served the country and the people, and has never used his power for personal gain." Fan Dahui's wicked smile, he wanted to knock half of the huge boulder that was more than ten feet away.The people next to him nodded like chickens pecking rice, agreeing with Li Guolou's statement that only by following such a master can he be promoted and make a fortune.

Li Guolou looked around at his cronies, and said in a straight voice: "We must go to regain Xinjiang, and the Li Ziying army flag must be planted in the Khotan area. This is the same thing in the Northwest. The next step is either a hard fight or an uprising Those who elevate the rebellion to the height of the nation, the Hui people will resist desperately to the death. Our Li Ziying mainly cooperates and does not make so-called sacrifices. We must severely criticize the overflow of individual heroism in Li Ziying. It is not advisable for poor soldiers to be silent, let alone treat life as a trifling matter."

Li Guolou has this ability, turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain, firmly controlling the ideological education of his subordinates, and changing the troops' desire for war at any time according to the commander's preferences.

"But we just won a big victory. The soldiers are very eager to fight. Even the school officials have changed. I'm afraid I won't be able to do ideological work." He is the best at it, but people don't follow him.Li Ziying is a bit special. In order to learn to fight, he is divided into small teams and fights with veterans from other troops, which makes it difficult to control people's hearts.

Li Guolou thought about it for a while, and decided to settle for the next best thing, and said: "Then take your time, transfer the students from the Xinwutang back to Beijing, and send all the soldiers back to me. These people are the future of the country, and I will die." It will take three days of heartache. Together with the battalion officers, sentry officers, and supervisors, you should promote long-term husbands and civilian husbands as the backbone. There are also beautiful jade among these people, and you can’t use academic qualifications to copy them mechanically. There are also things like blood books that are not allowed. We haven't reached the end of the mountain yet. When I want to go all out, I will be ruthless. Now Zuo Zongtang trains the recruits for three months, and I want those people to understand my hard work."

Fan Dahui, Wei Hanyu, Xu Lan, and Zheng Hengdan recorded what Li Guolou said. After a battle, the Li Ziying will be changed, and seven or eight hundred student soldiers and wounded soldiers will be sent back to Tianjin Wei.Li Ziying's shrinking establishment should focus on mobility and reduce the team to less than 700 people.

Li Guolou has a long-term goal, and what he plans is the blueprint for the future. It is beneficial to control the army with these few copywriters. Li Guolou does not want the army under him to have small warlords. Those officers who are loyal to him must be chained live them.The military is controlled by civilian officials, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. For thousands of years, all dynasties have done this.Military officers are too greedy, and they are a burden to the country. They can neither be thrown away nor become heavier. It is an established national policy to suppress military officers, and military officers must not be allowed to override civilian officials because of their military exploits.Li Guolou set the tone for himself as civil servants, and martial arts can only be achieved through civil governance. Otherwise, a country will perish if the soldiers are poor and silent.

Li Guolou left the watchtower and led a group of officers, more than 50 people, to the residence of Deputy Marshal Xu Zhanbiao.

On the streets of Shishe Town, there were civilians walking around. Although the officers were afraid to give way and the common people were standing on both sides of the road, Li Guolou was very satisfied with this scene, and said implicitly: "Look, these are To your credit, you must know how to respect yourself and love yourself, as long as the Hui people don’t engage in guerrilla tactics and wreak havoc in Shishe Township, we will live in harmony with the common people.”

Battelle asked naively: "Mr. Li, what if there are Muslims sniping?"

"Stupid! Do I need to tell you this? Do you have a fire stick in your hand?" Li Guolou scolded as he walked, with so many people following behind him, it would be possible for him to bear eternal infamy.

Frustrated, Battelle hurriedly took half a step back, obediently following behind Li Guolou.

Cheng Kun raised his voice and said: "Don't talk nonsense when you drink, talk more about the history of the war, and don't show off other words, otherwise you will be read by a villain, and even the army will not tolerate you. And you have to take off the gun when you enter the door. You haven't got there yet." level."

"Yes! I know!" A group of military officers had the opportunity to drink with the highest military officer, and they walked lightly.

Li Guolou turned his head and scolded: "You are not drunk yet, what do you look like! Listen to my password, line up in two columns, and walk together!"

"Yes!" Soldiers are naturally cheap, and once scolded by the chief, they regain their spirits.Soon, more than fifty military officers were marching on the street in style.

"Yusi Wannian, the great empire of Yadong! In March, the independent flag spreads across the rivers and waves of civilization spread. Four hundred trillion people and gods, the land is rich in products and resources. Unveil the flag of my Huanglong Empire and sing my empire song!" [

The military song was loud and loud, and the hoarse voice was roaring at the top of its lungs. Li Guolou led a group of Qiu Ba into the compound in a dignified manner.

"Mr. Li, mighty! Everyone in Shishe Town knows Zhao Zilong of the Qing Dynasty!" A burst of heart-warming laughter, Deputy Commander Xu Zhanbiao personally led several officers to welcome the victorious warriors.

"Don't change your name when you're going, and don't change your surname when you sit down. Deputy Commander Xu, my ancestors are all named Li." Li Guolou heard another meaning. Xu Zhanbiao was making fun of him for rebelling against his ancestors and forgetting his ancestors to join the Manchus, so he could only express his dissatisfaction implicitly.

"Mr. Li, don't think too much, today is all good and good things." Xu Zhanbiao stroked his beard excitedly, with the demeanor of a complacent general.

Li Guolou glanced at Huang Ding next to him, but saw that Huang Ding's smiling face hadn't closed.Immediately laughed along with it, happy with joy, going in standing up tonight, and going back lying down.

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