late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 524 Dongzhi County Under the Setting Sun

In the afternoon, the cooking team sent two barrels of bacon rice and a large pot of mutton bone soup from the rear. Li Ziying soldiers used copper lunch boxes to hold bacon rice and had a delicious meal. [`fiction`]

"Damn it, why hasn't our food come yet!" Hu Dagui, the elder brother of Ge Laohui, took off his helmet in annoyance. His logistics transport team hadn't seen anyone yet, and his logistics support ability was not as good as that of sentry officer Li Yunzhu, which made him feel Very embarrassing.

"Officer Hu Ying, it's not just about giving orders with your mouth before the battle. Exercises are very important, and you can't even find people on the battlefield." Li Yunzhen handed the copper box to Hu Dagui, and distributed the food that could not be eaten to other teams.

"Hmm, no, it's delicious. Li Ziying's food is better. I'm going back to Guo Shoubei's place now, and I won't be able to get used to it for a while." Hu Dagui gulped it down. The two armies naturally fought side by side.

Li Yunzhu smiled and said: "The battle during the day is just like this, and the returning army is also testing our reality. It will be troublesome at night. I wonder if I can have dinner?" [

"I'll eat more now, two meals and one meal, and drinking water at night is enough." Hu Dagui ate desperately, he didn't have to worry, now he was running at the forefront to fight, and they would all retreat at night, and other troops would stand in front .How can an army fight all day long, every army needs to rest.But they will not withdraw from the front line. If the Qing army in front can't stand it anymore and retreats, their defense area will become the forward position again.

"Hey, killing is a skill, but it's a pity that it can't be used here, otherwise the Hui army would have been defeated long ago, and we will slaughter it." Li Yunzhang was like an old soldier who looked down on the Hui army who fought in the street.No commander likes to fight in the streets, and the results of the war of attrition cannot be shown off.

"Hey, Huizi here is too stubborn. If you want to die, you should be more tactful. It's great to be like me. I have received various ideological education, and I have long since dismissed it. Officer Li, don't listen to Li Guo. Lou’s so-called sermons, that if you kill for your country, God will forgive you, this is a foreigner’s nonsense. I am going to die and enter the eighteenth floor of the underworld, and I am not afraid of the fire. Hahahaha!”

Hu Dagui laughed and left, making Li Yunzhang involuntarily touch the cross necklace on his neck, confessing to God, pagans are not worthy of mercy.

The sound of guns and guns roared in my ears, but the old soldiers on the battlefield were still leisurely, smoked and chatted, and soldiers who were accustomed to the sound of guns and guns did not take the killing around them seriously.It takes time to destroy a fortification of the Hui army. First, we must test the arrangement of firepower, and then make corresponding deployments.

The progress of the street fighting was slow, advancing for a while, retreating for a while, the Qing army and the Hui army stuck together, competing for each fortification, using human lives to fill in the loopholes.The troops of both sides were also unable to use their forces, and they were mainly engaged in contact warfare with small groups of troops. The Qing army not only had an advantage in weapons, but also had better individual combat capabilities than the Hui army. The personnel were all young and middle-aged.There are three generations of Huijun, old, middle-aged and young, and even children.

Such a brutal war shows the extent of Ma Zhenghe's militarism, instilling in the Hui people the principle that they deserve to die for national independence, and the whole city has been reduced to a situation where it will never be restored.

The returning army is not afraid of death and maintains a strong counterattack ability.The strength of the returning army has not yet exhausted, and they often start hand-to-hand combat with the Qing army.The Battle of Dongzhi County was a veritable war of attrition, with a loss of roughly three to one, and a 5000% ratio for the Qing army, including the number of injured.In other words, when the Qing army captured Dongzhi County, the number of casualties was roughly around [-].This is only a theoretical figure. Among them, the Hui army sporadically surrendered on the battlefield, which caused the casualties of the Qing army to plummet.

How to fight back to the army?This battle of attrition will surely end in a disastrous defeat for the returning army.

Sometimes when the Hui army launched a counterattack, hundreds of Hui troops would rush out from the alley in one go. If the platoon of guns did not fire two shots, it would start a hand-to-hand fight.The soldiers of the Qing army behind them threw grenades quickly, and behind them were transport troops, constantly transporting guns, guns, and grenades.Fighting in the front, moving in the rear, the wounded were carried out of the battlefield, and the dead were left alone, unless the officer died in battle and was immediately carried away by a stretcher team.

Returning to the army relied on hand-to-hand combat to regain lost ground, and the effect was obvious. Many Qing army troops were defeated, leaving corpses behind, and fled the battlefield, which also allowed the battlefield to continue to stalemate.

When the front was defeated, the officers in the rear were angry, and some officers were executed by military law.Guo Baochang changed a group of officers to the front line to command, and the military law was reflected here, and the result of escaping back was also death.

"Guo Shoubei, let me lead the brothers to regain their dignity. I'm not afraid of death." A sentry officer who was slightly injured said with pride.

"I'll give you another sentry soldier. If you don't take back the position, you commit suicide." Guo Baochang frowned, dropped his harsh words, and placed a revolver in front of the officer fiercely. ?This time is the time to work hard.

"Thank you Guo Shoubei for giving me this opportunity. I will fulfill my mission and take back the position." The sentry officer, also surnamed Guo, picked up his revolver and rushed out. This is how fighting heroes are made and survived. He is a hero, and he has to face the enemy's big sword when he dies.

Li Guolou looked at an officer who fell dead in front of him, the officer who lost two streets was about to die, sir, don't listen to the reason, Guo Baochang led the troops ruthlessly, only the ruthless soldiers will be ruthless.Cowards who escaped from the battlefield immediately turned into gods of death, and rushed to the front line.Soldiers are easy to train, according to the Chu army's military system, they can become an army in three months, and all of them are death-defying players.Generals are hard to come by. Through the war, a group of generals can stand out. It is worthwhile for Li Ziying to come to the Northwest this time. Talented student soldiers stand out, and they will be the pillars of the country in the future.

"General Commander Guo, the subordinates think that the shelling of the Gongliu Dian should be stopped, so that the Hui army will mistakenly think that our army wants to protect the historical sites, and the returned troops will gather at the Gongliu Dian, and then violently attack the Gongliu Dian in the early morning. This way the effect will be better.” Looking at the map, Li Guolou thought of a ruthless trick, and he had no concept of protecting cultural relics in his mind, as long as he eliminated more enemies, this idea would be used.

"This;;;;;;" Guo Baochang hesitated now, and said hesitantly: "Order Xun Xi to stop shelling the vicinity of the Gongliu Palace, and prepare to launch the most violent shelling near the Gongliu Palace tomorrow morning, and wait until tomorrow Let me give the final order, let's talk about the battle situation tonight."

Guo Baochang delayed the order without saying death, and finally understood that Li Guolou was a bad guy with two faces and three swords, and he never counted what he said.That compassionate feeling is all pretended to deceive the common people, with vicious and vicious bones. [

"Mr. Li, don't you literati like to lean on the railing to recall the ancients? How can you even think of such a tactic?" Guo Baochang looked at Li Guolou who was staring at the map, and couldn't understand why Li Guolou suffered such injuries. Shady idea.

"Commander Guo, it's just an ancient building. After we rebuild one, it will still be an ancient building. It's worth worrying about a dead thing. If it's a granary, I really can't bear it. People-oriented is reflected in me. This is the reality. , other people talk nicely, but the actual action is to make soldiers go to death, but you talk about it, who is a noble person?" Li Guolou's supernatural ability is to turn his hands into clouds and his hands into rain, anyway. Say which one is beneficial to you, and deeply understand the duality and multiplicity of things.

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Guo Baochang was tongue-tied. He had heard Li Guolou's different ideas the day before, and now he was giving him a new ideological education class. He still felt dissatisfied and said: "Master Xuezheng, students want to ask for advice. Mr. Are you contradicting yourself? How can you quibble?"

Li Guolou chuckled and said, "Commander Guo, let me tell you, the people in power are duplicitous villains. Just say what is beneficial? Just like the unequal treaties signed by the Qing Dynasty, it can be called a national shame, or it can be called a national shame. It’s called “restraining one’s salary to taste one’s courage,” telling the common people that it’s a compromise, and it can even be called a win-win situation. If you don’t understand politics, you should stay in the barracks to train after the war, and don’t run out to make a fool of yourself. Can you learn from Zuo Zongtang? If you can’t, just learn from me?

"Learn what you teach, I'll use what I've learned now, and learn a few tricks from Xuezheng." Guo Baochang saluted with fists in his hands, ready to do a big job, leaving a mess for the magistrate.

The collected battle reports were constantly changing the numbers. Counselor Gao added up a series of numbers and said with a smile: "I report good news to Commander Guo. We have wiped out more than 4700 returned troops and captured more than 500 prisoners of war. Our army has achieved brilliant results. "

The people in the simple fortifications applauded and stood up one after another. They would not make a fuss in the battlefield. The real numbers are on the paper. This is a day worth celebrating.Guo Baochang was in a good mood. The firepower of the Qing army completely suppressed the Hui army, and regained the lost ground in the street fighting.

"Convey this good news to the whole army, and pay tribute to the commanders and fighters on the front line. All troops on the front line should stop attacking the front line before [-] o'clock, consolidate our army's positions, and prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it. Shout out to the returning army, surrender The gun does not kill, the threat is ignored, only the first offender is killed;;;;;;" A big victory made Guo Baochang feel happy, and he even imposed a lenient policy on the Hui army.

The howitzers and mountain-splitting guns dragged to the forward positions roared from time to time. The Qing army had artillery to cooperate with them, making the strong fortresses vulnerable.

The huge gas lng emitted by the cannon will deafen people, and even suffocate them to death.Before the smoke had cleared, the soldiers of the Qing army had rushed into the fort and started a bloodbath, stabbing the fallen Hui army with bayonets.

Heroes emerge in endlessly, and in every alley, there are passionate men who fight to the death for the unification of the motherland.Changfu kept delivering grenades, but it was still not enough for the frontline soldiers. By the evening of the battle, [-] grenades had been used up.In order to reduce casualties, the Qing army used grenades to explore the way, opened the door of the room, and threw grenades directly inside.

There were roaring sounds one after another, and the buildings in Dongzhi County were dilapidated and completely destroyed by artillery fire.A daytime battle caused the Hui army to lose half of the city. The incomplete city walls were covered with Qing army battle flags, and the snow-capped lion flags fluttered in the evening wind.That kind of scene encouraged every soldier of the Qing army, indicating that the master of the city had changed, and the flying eagle battle flag on the ground of the returning army, which was desperately resisting, drooped forcefully.

The setting sun is like blood, and the sunset glow over Dongzhi County is very strange, it is red and black, with layers of clouds and mist, like lotus flower stands, to save the dead souls.

As dusk approached, suddenly, the echo of the suona resounded over the entire Dongzhi County.

Shamans danced around the corpses, shaking the bells and conjuring the undead.

Guo Baochang, who is familiar with military books, resorted to besieged on all sides and ambushes from all sides to deal with the stubborn Hui army, trying to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the Hui army as much as possible, and prevent the Hui army who was on the verge of death from making a ruthless move.

Congratulations began to be sung on the battlefield, "Returning army compatriots, hand in your guns and don't kill, don't care about threats, only kill the first offender!"

"There are steamed buns here!" A soldier of the Qing army added, eating dinner is the best reward.

A large number of Qing troops responded immediately, "There are steamed buns here, fellow returnees, hand in your guns and don't kill them, don't care about your threats, only kill the first criminal!"

Li Guolou bit the steamed bun, nodded, and said, "Commander Guo, you're such a clever move, who taught you how to use the suona? There's a hint of ovary in it."

"Does this need someone to teach? I have a lot of tricks in my head. If we are enemies, I will kill you." Guo Baochang ate steamed buns and regarded himself as a wizard of the world.

Li Guolou snooped on Guo Baochang's actions. Could it be that Guo Baochang wanted to rebel, and he laughed casually. It was just a joke, who would take it seriously.As long as Zuo Zongtang dies, no one can beat him. People with a strategic vision can only compete politically. He fought against Zuo Zongtang on the battlefield and won nine battles. That's why they won't rebel. [

The night is coming, the power of the night battle artillery has dropped sharply, and the next step is the hand-to-hand combat in the simple fortifications.

Each army of the Qing army consisted of ten men, and there were at least two or three veterans. These veterans were not afraid of death and dared to fight hand-to-hand.The veterans lead the recruits to fight, and after a baptism of artillery fire, those recruits become dead soldiers who dare to fight hand-to-hand.

Night battles test the will and quality of the army the most. Only those who dare to fight night battles can be regarded as brave and tenacious.

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