late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 525 The Night Battle in Dongzhi County

As night fell, Dongzhi County was exhausted, like a sick patient, already dying, but the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air was lingering, telling the living that the battle was not over yet, and death would favor everyone on the battlefield at any time. soldier.

The Qing army who switched defenses picked up a stone and added an extra brick to a protective wall.A hundred meters away from the Qing army's fortifications, the Hui army did the same thing. A simple fortification is likely to be the grave of two unknown soldiers. At this moment, they don't want to die, but want to live through it. Tonight, adding another brick is an extra insurance.

The powerful offensive of the Qing army smashed the defenses of Dong Zhi County to pieces. The Hui army only relied on willpower to support them, and they resisted to the end without meaning.

Do people in a country have so much hatred?For thousands of years, the separation and reunion of ethnic groups has long been a habit, and the grievances and grievances between ethnic groups should not be easily revealed.Follow the trend and surrender to the Qing Dynasty.Become the savior of the nation and allow a nation to continue.

Those soldiers who returned to the army and fought for national independence with the determination to fight to the death will only destroy a city and make a nation suffer more. [

When people should bow their heads, they must bow their heads. Kneeling and submitting to aliens is the way of survival.Learn the philosophy of life of the Han people, live in ignorance, force a smile, bear humiliation, fight back, and open up the world.There are so many roads to choose, why choose a dead end?

Li Guolou left the dilapidated house and came to the yard, looked up at the bright moon rising in the sky, and sighed slightly: "Hey, the moon is out, tonight will definitely be a sleepless night. Commander Guo, I Let the army hold on tonight, Ma Zhenghe's head will be delivered tomorrow."

"Bah!" Guo Baochang spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and cursed angrily, "I don't want heads! Can Ma Zhenghe escape? If he can't, whoever gets the head doesn't deserve much credit. Leave a cheap life and be like a dog." .”

"Yeah! It's useless to surrender at this time. This kind of surrender who takes the head of the lord can only be regarded as a dog. Seeing it this way, Cui Wei is still a hero who understands current affairs, and Batulu's name is not covered. Now think about it. Talk to Cui Wei more, and learn more about his thoughts." Li Guolou never forgot about the leaders of the Hui army uprising who surrendered in Taichang Town. Surrender shadow.

"Braveness counts. Our army is braver than the Hui army. The cavalry is one-on-one, and the Hui army can't beat our army. This kind of enemy who fights with the attitude of destroying everything is a bitch, the cheapest bitch in the world If you can’t beat them, you’re playing tricks, thinking I’m afraid of them, I have money, I can play jade and stone together, but I want to see who will suffer.” Guo Baochang couldn’t help but ran out of the room to watch the moon’s brilliance. Fighting at night can only rely on the moon And Xing Xing, he took a look and knew that the hand-to-hand combat tonight would be very tragic.

"Send me grenades to the forward positions. If there are no more grenades in any position, the people from the military supply department will send me to the front line. I will let them use big swords." The sound is even louder.

There was a rumbling roar, which was the explosion of grenades. Dongzhi County was surrounded by the sound of explosions, and a bloody hand-to-hand battle unfolded in the city under the darkness of night.

A mortar was aimed at the returning army rushing on the street, and with a bang, the graupel traversed 30 meters, sweeping down everything on the street.

In the same way, the Hui army also took out a mortar from the darkness and slowly moved towards the Qing army's position. The terrifying thick muzzle made everyone who saw it pale. The Qing army lying on the bricks did not forget to throw the last hand pomegranate.


The mortar 60 meters away shot out the graupel, and thousands of nails and chips splashed randomly from the graupel, and the chips would shoot again, causing people to be injured at unexpected angles. The Qing army lying on the ground could only ask for the favor of heaven.

"Kill it, the artillery will kill it quickly." The Qing army pinned their hopes on the howitzers and bronze cannons. The power of a returning army's mortar gun is more terrifying than fifty charging returning troops.

At night, it was too difficult for the artillery to hit a target 70 to [-] meters away. The Qing army could only throw one of them burning forward, and with a glimmer of fire, it pointed out the direction for the artillery.


The bronze cannons of the Qing army were closer to the target, and fired at the mortars of the Hui army with the faint fire. As long as the gunner was killed, the cannon was useless. If the mortars were blown up, it would be perfect.

In the artillery battle on the street, there is only one or two cannons behind a fortification, and it is not allowed to bomb wildly, so precise strikes are required, but the night makes it impossible for observers to report accurate coordinates, and the Qing army artillery fired two cannons , dragged the cannon and ran back.The artillery of the Qing army is the treasure of the army. They would rather lose a few streets than let the artillery die in the so-called night battle.Therefore, the artillery of the Qing army did not play a role in the night battle. It just showed its power in the distance, bombing the fixed coordinates, and the simple fortifications were occupied by the returning army.The returning soldiers in the night were lunatics. They were strapped with explosives and charged towards the Qing army's position. Where the stones and tiles were scattered, the returning warriors blew the explosives, and there was a constant sound of explosives exploding.Ma Zhenghe has a large number of supporters. These people are willing to die for the commander-in-chief, blazing a trail with their lives.

In order to deal with these returned soldiers who dared to die, the Qing army stretched the defense line very long. There was only one army for each fortification, with a maximum of twenty or thirty people, and they did not dare to gather together.Drag the front line very long, throw a few grenades, and then retreat.There are more than a dozen simple fortifications in one street. The Qing army retreated steadily. If a simple fortification failed, several corpses would be thrown down. The retreating Qing army organized another line of defense 50 meters apart.After two rounds of gun platooning, the Qing army retreated another 20 meters, and the candy tactics killed the fighting spirit of the returning army.

At night, the return army is the world. The death squads launched round after round of offensives, regaining alleys, flying eagles and battle flags forward, and greeted the dawn with victories one after another.

But the Qing army was not discouraged, and their fighting spirit remained undiminished, and the tactics of brown sugar sapped the spirit of the returning army.As long as he is not driven out of the city by the Hui army at night, Dong Zhi County is still under the control of the Qing army during the day. [

Guo Baochang and Li Guolou stayed up all night and did not retreat outside the city. Looking at the map with yellow flags on it, so many points in Dongzhi County were still controlled by the Qing army, and victory would come soon.

In the morning light, the loud bugle sounded, and the Qing army began to counterattack all night. The artillery positions took the lead in firing at Gongliu Dian, and hundreds of shots destroyed an ancient building with a history of thousands of years.One of the Tibetan soldiers of the Hui army was cleared out, and more than 300 Hui soldiers were buried in the ruins of the Gongliu Palace. The Hui people who hid in the Gongliu Palace to avoid the flames of war were even more devastated...

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Hearing the thundering sound of cannons, Li Guolou was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Commander Guo, I guess that Dinggong Liu Dian is where Ma Zhenghe stores grain, and the wounded are probably there too, and Ma Zhenghe has suffered a big loss this time. "

Guo Baochang looked at the thick smoke billowing in the distance, and his mood suddenly jumped from the trough to the clouds, God help me!Approved: "Well, Chief Li has a unique vision. Gong Liu Dian is indeed hiding a dragon and crouching a tiger. The fire is so big. But Marshal Zuo will punish me severely in the future. I have suffered for others."

"What is this? You are the commander-in-chief, and you are the one who gives the order. Today I will make a bet with you, with Ma Zhenghe's head as the bet. If you lose, I will give you 2000 taels of silver. If you lose, take the golden saddle Give it to me, how about it? A saddle is not worth 1000 taels, so I will give you a little more advantage." Li Guolou was not satisfied with the whip that Guo Baochang gave him, and he also took a fancy to Guo Baochang's golden saddle.It is expected that the Hui army led by Ma Zhenghe will inevitably be in chaos today, and the Hui army, driven into a desperate situation, will turn against its master under the inspiration of the Qing army's "hand in your guns and don't kill, don't ignore the threats!"

"Hmph! What's the point of making this kind of bet? Ma Zhenghe is a dead snake, not a flying dragon. Is there any point in living an extra day or two? We will make a bet later when our army fights Ma Hualong in Jinji Fort. You bet a big one, and the bet is at least 10 taels of silver." Guo Baochang said in a big tone, so big that he felt guilty, he would not bet with Li Guolou. It is still a bit worse than Li Guolou.People are valuable to have self-knowledge, Guo Baochang felt ashamed, boasted a few words, but dared not accept the move, lost his courage, but not his ambition.

"It's a pity that my good horse doesn't have a good saddle?" Li Guolou sighed wistfully.Guo Baochang is very cunning, this time he will definitely be able to become the registered general soldier, he will be rewarded first, he is still young, and he will always take up the post in the future.

Li Guolou looked at the map again. Last night, he pulled out the yellow flags that symbolized the occupation of the Qing army. Today, more yellow flags will be planted on the map. Looking at the map, he said with a smile: "I suddenly discovered that fighting is like Westerners play checkers, and the commander can fight as long as he looks at the board."

"You! Don't think about playing, but think about moving the command post forward. Show me where the artillery will be fired in a dense manner next?" Guo Baochang tapped the map with his index finger to tell Li Guolou not to get carried away. When fighting on the front line, it is necessary to do a good job as a counselor.

"Yes! I'll read the military newspaper right away." Li Guolou took a stack of front-line military newspapers from Geshha, and wanted to find out valuable information from it and determine where Ma Zhenghe's lair was?

In the temporary command post, everyone is busy, and the war is going on around them. Although they can't see it, the sound of guns can be heard endlessly.These officers were accustomed to the sound of guns and artillery, even if a cannon fell into the yard, they were unmoved. The dust from the shaking from the beams fell into the bowl, as if they hadn't seen it, and the food was still delicious.

The Qing army was also afraid that the chief of the command post would die honorably, so the senior commanders who came to the battlefield in person did not gather together.This time the battle in Dongzhi County was under the command of Guo Baochang, and other senior commanders would not enter the city.Li Guolou went to the front line in person to learn how to fight, and the generals of the Qing army admired him. Although they belittled Li Guolou in words, they made friends with him in action.Li Guolou learned how to fight on the battlefield and gained a lot of money. He learned experience that was not available in books, which also made him firm in the way he will go in the future.

Interpreting the deep meaning of military law, comprehending the unspoken rules of the army, getting used to the comrades around him turning into corpses, and counting how many Qing soldiers died in a battle is a good deal.Li Guolou became more selfish and affectionate, examining each of his subordinates with the eyes of a warlord.War can be measured with a ruler, and human life is just a number in a book in his eyes.

The sacrifice of comrades-in-arms around him turns people into murderous thugs, and the piled up corpses of a fighting hero.In the end, there is an inspiring victory, and that is the war in the eyes of the world.

The powerful Qing army launched a counterattack to regain the lost ground last night, and endured the ravages of artillery by the wimpy Qing army to destroy the returning army's position.

The roar of the cannon boosted the morale of the Qing army, and the snow mountain lion flags were planted on the ruins again.In modern warfare, infantry and artillery fight together. The streets of Dongzhi County, which were surrounded by the Qing army like iron barrels, became a battlefield for the Qing army to learn how to fight with infantry and artillery.The competition for each street, from slow movement to rapid advance, the Qing army learned to advance under artillery fire in only two days.With very few casualties, win the victory in street battles.

The commander is learning to fight, and the humble fighters also grow up rapidly in the battle.The street fighting between more than a dozen people also had a clear coordination. Covering each other and rushing into a small area became the tactics of the Qing army.The bugle is a sharp weapon for the echoes between the various armies, and it also makes it rare for the Qing army to fight its own people.

The ruins are full of broken and incomplete corpses of the Hui army. The Qing army marched on the corpses of the enemy, and the military flags gathered into an ocean. The proud lions overlooked Dongzhi County and trampled the Hui army under their feet.

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