Li Yunzuo launched a charge for the third time. The first team followed the attack route and quickly crossed two streets. After several blows, the defending enemy had retreated to a blockhouse. The four teams were like four sharp knives. The firepower of the four artillery pieces tightly covered the returning army's position.

The returning army's counterattack became more and more powerful. There was only one trench in front of the bunker, and at this time the captain, Gu Xin, had already jumped into the trench.In this trench of more than [-] meters, there are more than a dozen corpses lying in disorder.The oil gourd of the third team caught a prisoner in a collapsed hideout. His nose was sliced ​​off, exposing white bones, and blood splattered with panting.

"Damn!" Oil gourd despised the ugly appearance of the prisoner, pulled the trigger, and solved the trouble with one shot.

The other soldiers didn't seem to see this scene, and turned to look at the huge bunker ahead.This is a big guy. Li Yunzhen raised the binoculars on his chest, observed it, and said: "Blow the horn, ask for support, we can't chew it."

The trumpeter immediately blew the bugle, with a rhythmic short melody, telling the commanders behind that there were a large number of returning troops here and asked for artillery reinforcements. [

Before the backup troops arrived, a white flag was stretched out from the bunker, shaking desperately in the air, and a returning army shouted, "Brother Qing Army, our leader wants to negotiate, don't shoot, I'm coming out."

Hearing the loud voice of Huijun's non-stop yelling, Li Yunchui shouted: "Don't shoot, let him come out."

The Qing army yelled loudly, "Come out, we won't shoot!"

Soon a returning soldier came out of the bunker holding a white flag and hunched over.

The buck-toothed returning army was escorted in front of Li Yuncun. Li Yuncun took off his helmet and said with contempt, "Tell me, what do you leaders want to talk about?"

Baoya returned to the army to take a peek, and immediately bowed his head and said: "Our leader is Zhang Daiyu. He wants to negotiate with your army and surrender on the battlefield in the name of an uprising. We also have a dark fort with more than a thousand soldiers ready to fight."

"Thousands of people!" Li Yunchu originally wanted to refuse, but if he lost the battle, he would count it as an uprising on the battlefield, so there is no such thing as cheap.But when he heard that it was the marshal of the Hui army, he couldn't make the decision.Immediately let the orderly report the new situation to the rear commander, and the battlefield calmed down for a while.

Soon the Supreme Command received the information, Guo Baochang calmed down slightly, and asked: "Mr. Li, what do you think, do you want to return cheaply?"

Li Guolou scratched his head and said, "It's a little unjustifiable to count Zhang Daiyu's uprising now, but I think this kind of person also has difficulties. If the war does not end like this, his subordinates will not listen to him. Everyone's leadership ability is different. You You can't demand that the enemy is a hero who promises everything."

"It's true. Zhang Daiyu is the marshal of the whole road. He can do a few jobs to show my dignity. He is an uprising on the battlefield. You go and accept it. Don't shoot people to death. They all need to be searched." Guo Baochang thought. Solve the battle as soon as possible, don't want to revolt or surrender for a return of the army?Spending time on this kind of shit, he agreed to Zhang Daiyu, the marshal of the Hui army, to defect on the battlefield.

Li Guolou was suffocated in the command post, his brows were filled with joy, he grabbed a helmet and rushed out, shouting: "Yes! Don't worry, Commander Guo, I will definitely come back alive."

"This kid looks like a monkey." Guo Baochang laughed wildly, batches of returned troops surrendered on the battlefield, and the battle progressed very smoothly. As expected, Li Guolou predicted that Ma Zhenghe, the commander of the returned army, would not survive today.

Li Guolou led a team of Goshhas and quickly passed a stone bridge. Sporadic cannons exploded not far away.There are dilapidated buildings along the way, houses emitting black smoke, and civilian husbands are already putting out the fire.There are also continuous transport teams carrying stretchers to transport the wounded and sick to the rear battlefield hospitals.The returned troops who were defeated and surrendered raised their hands, lined up in desperation, and were escorted out of the city by the Qing army with guns.

Led by the herald, Li Guolou quickly came to the front line and saw the commanders and fighters of Li Ziying whom he was most familiar with.

"It's our Chief Li!"

"Officer Li is here!"

A sentry soldier of Li Ziying saw Li Guolou coming to the front line, and tears filled their eyes. There is no more exciting news than this. The soldiers stood in front of Li Guolou with high morale.

Li Guolou shook hands with every soldier around him cordially, and said loudly: "The soldiers of Li Ziying are all good, victory is at hand, and the imperial court will not forget your contribution to the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. There will be heavier burdens for you to carry, and you will fight to the end for this glorious flag. Do you have confidence?"

"Yes! Chief Li, please watch our performance." The soldier at the sixth post of Li Ziying replied confidently. [

"Okay! I believe you can do it." Li Guolou put his hands on his hips, and with an expression of only my respect, he swept across the faces of every soldier, and he would never forget these people.His subordinates should have a better tomorrow than Huizi who surrendered, and there is no reason to take advantage of those duplicitous surrender factions.

"How about the casualties of the army?" Li Guolou was most concerned about this situation. Although there were very few student soldiers in the sixth post, the civilian husband had already become a member of Li Ziying.

"It was controlled within 20 people, and there were no major casualties." Li Yunzheng was a little hard to hear the loud noise of the bombing, and he spoke very loudly.

The soldiers at the sixth post of Li Ziying did not participate in the night battle, so the casualties were still within the controllable range.Seeing the horror of the overnight battle, Li Guolou refused to die with the enemy unless he had to.So he had already arranged for the sixth post of Li Ziying to retreat last night, so that more than 100 fighters at the sixth post of Li Ziying could have a good night's rest.

"That's good. Sentinel Li took me to see the returned soldier who came to negotiate." Li Guolou patted Li Yunzhen on the shoulder, just for the benefit of his relatives, to give him a face, and to make new achievements this time.

Li Guolou conveyed the instructions of the supreme commander Guo Baochang to the returned army with buck teeth, and gave the returned army in the bunker half an hour to consider. After that, before Zhang Daiyu, more than [-] cannons of the Qing army had been dispatched and were ready at any time. Bomb back to the army position.

Holding a whip, Li Guolou gesticulated at the back-to-back soldier with buck teeth, "It's your luck. Commander Guo is in a good mood today. Let Zhang Daiyu come out quickly. My patience has a limit."

"Thank you very much, Chief Li, for your generosity. I'll go back and report the good news to Zhang Daiyu." After receiving a satisfactory answer, the buck-toothed soldier turned and left, crawling out of the trench with hands and feet.The surrounding positions were full of guns, and there were at least hundreds of guns pointed at the buck-toothed soldier. The feeling of surviving after a catastrophe made him remember his whole life.

"Grandma, it's Zhang Daiyu's favor. It's an uprising at a time like this, so what are we?" At some point, Hu Dagui approached Li Guolou, and the commanders from several nearby positions gathered together.As long as the returning army walks out of the bunker, there will be no fighting here, and the soldiers of the Qing army feel much more relaxed.

Li Guolou didn't want to hurt these capitulators clearly, so he could only comfort him: "Hu Dagui, you shouldn't think so. If you end the battle quickly, our army can save dozens of soldiers from sacrificing. Besides, Zhang Daiyu is also a signboard. Good to die."

"I don't think so. It's enough for us authentic uprising people to support the scene." Hu Dagui was shameless, and even looked down on Zhang Daiyu who was about to rebel.

Li Guolou laughed and said: "I am Han Xin, the more the better, the more the better, the court regards you as heroes, and you will be rich and honored together in the future, life and death friends. That kind of person is just a meritorious dog. Can't compare with you."

"Yes, yes! We have made great contributions to the liberation of Dong Zhiyuan!" Several capitulators were very satisfied with Li Guolou's metaphor, thinking they had met Bole.In fact, in Li Guolou's mind, it is best for these capitulators to be exhausted in battle after battle. This is the destination that Song Jiang, the capitulator, should have.

The commanders of the Qing army in the trenches were sitting in the mud, smoking together, and talking nonsense.Waiting for the return army's final reply, the war has ended like this, there is no suspense anymore, this is a battle of gathering and annihilating, and the return army is dying, even if it dies in battle, it is meaningless.The losers have no chance to write history, and these dead Hui soldiers will be scolded by the people of the country forever.

"I'll tell you a joke about God." Li Guolou said with a smile: "Once upon a time there was an old woman who was very devout to God. One year there was a flood in the place where she lived, and she could only crawl To the roof. A big wooden barrel floated to her side. The old woman looked at it and opened the big wooden barrel. She said, "I don't want the big wooden barrel. God will save me." A young man was sitting on a door panel Come on, let the old woman come up too. She still said, 'No! God will save me.' After a while, an old man rowed the boat and asked the old woman to get on the boat and leave the dangerous place. But the old man The woman still stubbornly said, "No! I want God to save me." Finally, the roof was flooded by the flood, and the old woman was drowned in the flood. She saw God in heaven. The old woman blamed God and said angrily , 'God! I am so devout to you, and I worship you so much, why don't you come to save me?' Guess what God said?"

Li Guolou bought a hurdle, let these capitulators who deserve to go to hell guess it!

Suddenly, horns sounded in the bunker, and there was a desolate and distant sound on the battlefield.White flags were raised above the bunker, symbolizing that the fearless Hui army had no fighting spirit and could only bow their knees and surrender.The largest group of Hui troops in Dongzhi County announced an uprising on the battlefield.The white flag fluttering high severely hit the morale of those returning troops who were still stubbornly resisting.

A long line of returned soldiers walked out of the fort with their hands raised high in fear.The losers were afraid that the Qing army would have a massacre, which was also a gamble. Zhang Daiyu actually gambled once at the last moment of his life, and won the bet.

The Qing army sneered at the Hui army who raised their hands in uprising, and made a burst of booing. No one gave the insurgents due respect, and no one regarded the Hui army who raised their hands and surrendered as an uprising patriot.The commanders and fighters of the Qing army hugged each other to celebrate the victory of the Qing army.

Swarms of soldiers from the Qing army, holding high the Snow Mountain Lion Banner, rushed into the enemy's fortress, and a strong fortress was easily obtained.This is completely different from the situation at night. The returning army has lost its fighting spirit and lost its personality.

After the test of ice and fire, the Qing army was proud of itself and grieved for the dead comrades in arms.They are laughing, they are crying, they are throwing their lives, shedding blood for the country.The Qing Dynasty also had a moment of pride, and was reborn from blood. This moment is remembered by history. There are too many graves of Qing soldiers left in the Northwest. The people will always remember Zuo Zongtang's great achievements.

Li Guolou raised his head proudly, with his hands on his hips, looking at the mountains and mountains, he didn't take Zhang Daiyu seriously, praised Zhang Daiyu and others in a formulaic language, and dismissed the group of insurgents.The Qing army escorted these uprising national heroes out of the city and handed them over to the deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao. He would not reward Zhang Daiyu even if he was a copper coin. [

Li Guolou stepped into the fortress as a victor, looking at the battlefield filled with gunpowder in the distance, Ma Zhenghe should have seen the white flag rising here.

The end of a hero, when it is broken, it is the end of life, and it is time to commit suicide.Tragedy heroes don’t even keep their bones. The Qing army likes to claim credit with their heads. Ma Zhenghe’s head will be sprinkled with quicklime and sent to the front line of Jinjibao.

Life as death is also a ghost, Ma Zhenghe chooses the right time to rebel in the next life, let's talk about the awakening of democracy, the choice of history!

Li Guolou ran down the fort and got the latest news that Ma Zhenghe's head was already in front of the commander-in-chief Guo Baochang.If I knew today, why bother?Li Guolou shook his head and sighed, agreeing that Emperor Zhi is the father of the emperor is also the choice of history, so why not do it?There was a weird smile on his face, and he seemed to be thinking crookedly again.

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