late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 527 The Army Fled to Jinji Fort

In response to Dong Zhiyuan's returning army's tendency to retreat to Jinji Fort and the situation of dividing and deploying troops, Zuo Zongtang formulated strategies for sharply advancing and pursuing attacks from all directions.The specific method is to order the commanders of the roads to transport enough grain and supplies in a hurry, and chase the thieves when they move.

Zuo Zongtang was concerned about all kinds of sharp advances, and Dong Zhiyuan's returning army or branches would disturb our rear, and he was ordered to keep [-]% of each team behind, and eliminate Dong Zhiyuan's remaining returning army in order to be cautious.It is also considered that the armies are distributed for hundreds of miles, and if they fail to meet the deadline, the armies will be ordered to advance at will, but when they see the returning army moving, they will pursue it sharply.

Therefore, Huang Ding of Shan'an Road led the division to Guyuan Admiral Lei Zhengwan, Named Admiral Ma Deshun, Erpinding led Shaanxi Buyong Road Li Yaonan, and Chu Army Garrison Gao Liansheng also led Ma Bu's troops to station in Xitun Town, a hundred miles away from Lingtai. All prepare dry food for ten days, "Wait for the thief to move, and then sharply pursue it."

On February 22, Tan Mafei reported to the Hui army that "all the old and weak, and the luggage have left the nest, and they are divided into Yima Pass, and Sancha is fleeing north."

In the morning, Lei Zhengwan and Huang Ding led their troops from Changwu to Jing.In the afternoon, Ma Deshun, Li Yaonan, and Gao Liansheng also led the Ma Bu battalions to follow up from Lingtai, and all joined forces in Taichang. [

At this time, the capable Hui army learned to ambush Dong Zhiyuan, and Ma Zhenghe, the marshal of the Hui army, led more than a thousand riders to hold back three things, and resisted by relying on the ditch.On the evening of the same day, the generals from all walks of life discussed and agreed that the return army could be gathered in three ways, and the west road of Lijiabao would be empty and ready. It was proposed that Lei Zhengwan sent Chen Yi to lead the six battalion troops, and Ma Deshun sent Yang Shijun to lead the troops. The fourth battalion of the cavalry entered Lijiabao from Taichang, took Xiaojin West Road to Zhenyuan, and intercepted them head-on.

The remaining army was divided into four teams, with the Kejing cavalry led by Li Yaonan as the forward, followed by Ma Deshun and Gao Liansheng's cavalry, and Lei Zhengwan and Huang Ding's cavalry as the left and right flanks. Pound the thief's nest.

At five drum hours on the 23rd, each army mowed, horsed and fed, and attacked in separate lanes.Chen Shi traveled to Qiujiazhai, returned to the army and rode hundreds of horses. After seeing a large number of Qing troops, they immediately fled.

So far, the returning army Ma Zhenghe and his troops retreated to Dongzhi County, not daring to fight the Qing army in the open.

However, Yu Yanlu, who fled, led more than [-] Hui cavalry to retreat from the three barriers, still relying on geographical advantages to block the Qing army in sections.

The cavalry of the Qing army rushed forward, but the returning army refused with all their strength. Guns poured down like rain.

During the stalemate, it happened that the troops of the officers and soldiers crossed the ditch from the left and the right to rush up to the plain, and after going around the Hui army checkpoint, the Hui army was terrified, fearing that the back road would be blocked, Yu Yanlu led the Hui army cavalry and fled.

The cavalry of the Qing army rushed in with guns and spears, and the returning army could not support them, so they retreated one after another.Originally, the ambushing Hui army was about to rush out to defend, but was affected by the defeated retreating army, so they had to run wildly together.The Qing army followed closely and killed more than a thousand Hui troops. The re-divided army went up the Malian River and continued to pursue the fleeing Hui troops.

The Qing army who stayed behind Dong Zhiyuan trampled Jiaocun, Xiaojin Town, and the strongholds of the Hui army in one area.Dongzhi County, the last stronghold of the Hui army, was successfully recaptured by the Anhui army Guo Baochang on April [-]. By then, Dong Zhiyuan had returned to the army in large numbers, and the remaining Qing army wiped out the Hui army guerrillas and bandits.Li Guolou stayed in Dongzhi County to do the work of pacifying the aftermath, rebuilding Dong Zhiyuan and many other matters.

Bai Yanhu and Yu Yanlu led about [-] Muslims, the old and the weak, and fled towards Jinjibao.Along the way for more than a hundred miles, the returning army died, abandoning mules, horses, and ordnance.The rest of the returning army rode and galloped, and headed northward to Xifeng Town.

The hundreds of miles of loess high slopes are full of dense crowds. The fleeing Muslims are thinking about going to Jinji Fort, as if there is the last hope in life. The Hui people are on the road day and night. Stretching for hundreds of miles.

Gao Liansheng led more than 24 cavalry to garrison Qiujiazhai. At five drums on the [-]th, Battelle led more than [-] cavalry from the Li Zi Battalion to follow up and arrived at Xifeng Town in the morning.

The Qing army's ranger Saber Cloud Division captured the three returnees who had fallen behind. According to the confession of the captives, the returnees were old and weak, with heavy supplies. Due to the large number of people and horses, they could not escape quickly.The brave cavalry of the Hui army in the back of the palace were frightened by the Qing army, and they ran all night. There were more than 2 Hui people in front of them fleeing to Jinji Fort.

After discussing with Cheng Kun and other military officers, Battelle immediately sent a messenger to inform Gao Liansheng that the Liziying cavalry did not wait for the main force, and Battelle led more than [-] Liziying cavalry to march in a hurry to intercept the fleeing Hui people. area, and intercepted [-] fleeing Muslims.

The remaining [-] Muslims fled into the valley, and the Li Ziying cavalry could do nothing but let the fleeing Muslims fend for themselves.

The main force of the Qing army left Huanxian County from Yimaguan, and from Puhechuan to Sanchahe.

In front of the Taichang Chamber of Commerce, the admiral Yang Shijun and the commander-in-chief Chen Yi set out from Lijiabao and swept forward. Many thieves were killed along the way, and Zhenyuan County was recovered.

Ma Deshun, Huang Ding and others led the Mabu troops to pursue the returning troops who had fled to Yimaguan and Huanxian.In the afternoon, they arrived at Yima Pass and caught up with the back of the Hui army. All the armies rushed to attack first, and chased for twenty miles to the Yaoxian of the Dangjia.

The returning army is congested and cannot move forward.Bai Yanhu and others saw that the situation was critical, and hundreds of people from the fierce party who personally supervised him blocked and refused.The Qing army charged bravely, stabbed with guns and spears, and killed more than a hundred thieves immediately. [

Bai Yanhu and other leaders of the Hui army saw that the situation was not good, so they pulled out their horses and fled first, while the rest of them fled one after another. More than one name.He chased after him overnight, recovered Qingyang Fucheng on the 25th, and chased to Caijiamiao on the 26th.

Bai Yanhu led the returning army across Huan County, and fled northward from Hongde City to Ma Hualong's Jinjibao area.

The Qing army was too late to catch up, so they withdrew their troops back to Dong Zhiyuan on the 27th.

In this battle, more than 3 to [-] Hui soldiers died of starvation, battle, or falling off the cliff. More than [-] mules and horses were killed, starved to death, or captured by various armies, and [-] Hui refugees were captured. The rest of them have found the number of ordnance.

However, 4000 to [-] Muslims arrived safely at Jinji Fort. Most of these Muslims who traveled long distances are in good health and have a firm will for national independence. Ma Hualong has increased his strength and has the background to continue to separatize Jinji Fort.However, among the Muslims who fled from Dong Zhiyuan to Jinjibao, there were many undercover agents sent by Cui Wei. The number exceeded [-], more than [-]% of the number of refugees.

Among them, Chen Daoqin brought more than 800 returned troops into Yu Yanlu's command, and they were naturally arranged in a fortress.There are even more sporadic and single-unit undercover agents. These spies of the Qing army are lurking in Jinji Fort, waiting for the call of the Fourth Marshal Cui Wei.This is Li Guolou's trick, which makes the Jinji Fort, which was originally impregnable, full of variables. In the future, Jinji Fort's returning troops will also appear moths.

The Hui army and bandits in Qing and Jing were wiped out, and the Hui army that Dong Zhiyuan held firmly was also wiped out by Xu Zhanbiao. Since then, Dong Zhiyuan has completely recovered.

Since the Shaanxi Muslim Army entered Dong Zhiyuan, the lives and properties of local residents, farmland, kilns, and castle villages have all suffered huge damage.

Cities and villages near and far were slaughtered and plundered, and the relics of the people were barren for thousands of miles, with bones and yellow grasses in sight, and the smoke from the cooking was cut off.

Wherever the Qing army marched, the wells and towns were desolate, the water was dry and the grass was dry. As a result, many Hui troops died, and the Qing army also had difficulty chasing after them.

In addition to those who were killed, starved to death, and died of illness during the military chaos, some residents of Dong Zhiyuan became refugees or even bandits on the way to northern Shaanxi.

After the war, Qingyang was deserted, and the city was filled with wild grass and bones, and strange birds and beasts gathered together to do harm.Xu Zhanbiao first ordered the soldiers and civilian husbands to cut through the thorns and pick up the bones and bury them before they could be stationed in the city.

There are mountains and ravines around the city of Yongyang Prefecture, where ordinary people can hide. Dong Zhiyuan was an open and flat loess plateau. After the Qing army swept back and forth, even fewer ordinary people could survive.The number of extinct households and villages is too numerous to enumerate.

It is true that thousands of villages have lost the people of Xueli, and thousands of households have sung songs by Xiao Shu ghosts.

The Lunping, Qing, Jing, and Liang areas span thousands of miles, with yellow sand and white bones, and no trace of people on the road.Long land is barren, there are not a hundred people, there are many wild wolves, and they dare not walk at night.

After Dong Zhiyuan was recovered, Zuo Zongtang believed that Gansu "beginning with military affairs, we must first arrange a large-scale settlement in the Ping, Qing, Jing, and Gu areas bordering Shaanxi, and then advance to fight and retreat to defend."

For this reason, Zuo Zongtang sent officers and troops to Dong Zhiyuan to guard the key passes, and at the same time managed the military and civilian settlements. Qingyang, Heshui, and Ningzhou also had to be managed in sequence.

And from the following several aspects of governance and development.

1.Select officials and organize the aftermath.

After the recovery of Longdong, Zuo Zongtang first asked the imperial court to "abolish the grammar" and break the rules. He selected and interviewed Gansu personnel to act as agents in the prefectures and counties of the seal scripts nearby, recruited exiles, and counted loose food to prolong his respite.And give the seeds to plant agricultural tools, and supervise and advise Ding Zhuang to cultivate in time, so as to plan for a long time.Choose the dangerous pass as the military settlement, and the commander and battalion officer will lead it.For example, Baozhai is a village for the people, and the county owners of Fuzhou are all suitable for their location.Sow millet, millet, buckwheat, wheat and other kinds according to the seasons, supervise the army and civilians, and hoe the land in daily affairs.

According to the personnel appointment and removal system of the Qing Dynasty, the appointment of local prefecture and county officials must be selected by the Ministry of Officials from other provinces, and no nearby selection is allowed.Since Longdong was newly restored at that time, many prefectures and counties lacked officials to organize aftermath work, and officials selected from outside the city could not quench their thirst, and they might not be familiar with the situation in Longdong. Select and match local officials to organize various rehabilitation and reconstruction work.

2.To attract refugees, Guangxing settlements. [

Since there was only an empty city left in the Qingyang area after the war, Zuo Zongtang decided to call back the refugees from Pingqing who had surrendered to their original places after Dong Fuxiang and others had been reduced to bandits.These people had to leave their hometowns because they avoided the Hui uprising, and were forced to become bandits. After being recruited, most of them have been placed in the northern Shaanxi area.

3.Set up a county magistrate to strengthen management.

It is an important measure to strengthen the construction of local political power by adding a county magistrate to Dong Zhiyuan.

4.Prohibition of poppy planting, introduction of cotton mulberry.

There is little and barren land in the Guanlong area in the northwest, but there has been a bad habit of planting poppies for a long time.Planting opium poppies and smoking opium are not only the cause of poverty in Gansu, but also the source of the decline and chaos of the folk customs in Northwest China.To this end, Zuo Zongtang proposed a set of development plans to prohibit the cultivation of poppies and promote the cultivation of grass cotton.

5.Drilling wells to fight drought, using work instead of relief.

Advocate work instead of relief, dig wells for irrigation, try out the method of district planting, and engage in self-help production.Zuo Zongtang demanded that "in the prefectures and counties of Gansu, except for the rivers and springs in the direction of the riverside and the plateau, there are many Sichuan areas such as Qingyang, Ningzhou, and Zhengning where there are many reliefs. It is especially suitable to drill wells. Cash for work, "

Dong Zhiyuan and the people of Qingyang prefectures and counties survived the post-war turmoil relying on Zuo Zongtang's relief and Daxing's method of digging wells to irrigate the fields.

6.Build roads and plant trees to improve the environment.

Zuo Zongtang regarded building roads and planting street trees and road protection trees as an important part of the march. Wherever the road was built, street trees would be planted there. Only in the more than 600 miles from Changwu County, Shaanxi Province via Longdong to Huining County On both sides of the road, there are more than 26 elms and willows planted over the years.The trees planted are as dense as a wooden city, and the rows are neat.These woods are called Zuo Gongliu by the people of Gansu to express their nostalgia for the advocate Zuo Zongtang.

Among the various genera in Qingyang, more than [-] live trees were planted in Huan County; more than [-] live trees were planted in Dongzhi County Cheng and Zhenyuan County.

Dongzhi County Cheng is located in Dongzhi County, where a large number of trees have been planted, improving the ecological environment and living conditions of Dongzhiyuan.

In addition, Zuo Zongtang's subordinates also repaired the roads, Pingqing Jinggu each belonged to post stations, Guyuan north to Pingyuan to Hui'anbao salt road, all have been repaired and leveled.He also undertook the construction of city walls, government offices, temples, forts, and post houses in Pingliang, Qingyang, Longde, Heshui, Dongzhi County, Zhenyuan, and Pingyuan counties.

The construction of these infrastructures, together with the planting of trees, greatly improved Dong Zhiyuan's appearance, and Dong Zhiyuan showed vitality again.

Wei Guangtao of Jinggu Road in Pingqing inspected Gansu East Road and took care of the aftermath.Build castles, level roads, build bridges, dredge rivers, plant official trees, and benefit the people.

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