late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 548 Lazikou Fried Camp

"Brothers, don't make noise. Brother Lei has already made arrangements. Listen, the heavenly soldiers and generals have already run behind the enemy's buttocks. Attack from inside and outside. The first battle is successful." Muye encouraged the soldiers loudly, wanting the fifth group of soldiers to rush into the Lazikou Canyon

There were bursts of gunshots coming from Lazikou. It sounded like a little distance from Lazikou. It should be a group of rebel soldiers who crossed the dangerous mountain and were discovered by the Qing army. The rebel soldiers could hear the effect of the gunfire. Do you want to rush into Lazi's mouth? I already have the answer in my heart

"Fuck you, I'm going to charge you," the loud voice opened his throat to respond. He has become rebellious and has long been no longer afraid of the brutal military law of the rebel army.

"Fuck you, I'm going to charge at you." The rebel soldiers Shan Hu and Tsunami roared to express the anger in their hearts. They were already terrified of the "suicide" charge and didn't want to become corpses, let alone the undead soldiers were not far away. The constant screams are creepy, Lazikou is not a battlefield at all, it's a hell on earth

The supervisory team in the rebel army is searching for the traitor who disturbed the morale of the army. Several supervisors rushed towards the man with a loud voice and fierce movements to push through the crowd, trying to catch the culprit [

"Stop, don't move, brothers, listen to me." Makino saw that the team had reached the edge of the bombing camp, so he could only move people with emotion and reason, and the grenade in his loud voice would be thrown on the heads of his own people at any time.

But the roar of the crowd and the noisy team covered Makino's voice

The "chaotic" team looked at the supervisors in horror. They have all seen the situation of military law. The man-eating supervisors are the incarnation of the devil. They are not armed with irons during the training, but with weapons. Since they are not given a way to survive, they can only fight

The soldier with a loud voice opened the string first, and the grenade emitted a trace of green smoke. The first grenade was thrown at the supervisor, and he was furious: "Fuck you, I'm quitting."

boom boom boom boom

Several grenades roared above the heads of the supervisors. The soldiers in the team were full of fear for the supervisors. Many soldiers died at the hands of these loving supervisors. The soldiers vented their hatred heartily. The grenades poured down. In an instant, the rebel army bombed the camp.

No one expected this kind of scene, the rebel army of the Gelaohui also bombed the camp, and the day-by-day cycle of retribution came, and the unexpected and exhausting rain shot at the supervision team. The soldiers who were forced to rebel finally realized that the Gelaohui was ugly. I can't help but see them as a family. The tragic situation of being ruined and killed is vivid in my memory. Although they are poor, they still have personal freedom, but now they have nothing. They are the elders who will rebel and kill these gangsters who have ruined the country and the people. They would rather be smashed to pieces

Nearly [-] death-defying members were unwilling to enter Lazikou, but turned their guns and shot at the evil elder brother, and the eldest brother hacked to death the team officers, corporal leaders and people who were not used to it around him with machetes. The bad rebel army is extremely destructive, slashing and killing outside the valley like a group of lunatics towards the jungle where the rebel brother Lei Heng is hiding

"We are in rebellion!" The loud voice jumped excitedly. He was not killed by the supervisor, but there were several people around him. At this moment, the loud voice has become the leader of this "rebellion" army

The roaring and tsunami bombing team is unstoppable, holding up grenades, knives and guns, and rushing to their own team

Makino clutched his bloody shoulder and ran back. Seeing that something was wrong, he had already retreated, but there were still pieces shot on his shoulder blades. This time the rebel army is really over. How far did the rebels escape from here? Lazikou is the nightmare of the Gelaohui.

The formation of the rebel army was "disordered" and more than 1000 death-defying soldiers came to kill them. A grenade exploded in the jungle. The rebel soldiers were killing each other. This time, the enemy did not have a geographical advantage to fight hand-to-hand with each other. Soldiers entering the woods embrace each other and crack the grenades

"Brother, retreat quickly, the morale of the army is in disarray. It is not suitable to stay here for long." Ma Zhankui brought a horse and told his elder brother Lei Heng to run away quickly.

Lei Heng saw the fearless bombing team getting closer and closer. He knew that the attack on Lazikou was a complete failure. He knew that today he should be a vassal under the wings of the Hui army. Why bother to become king? He wanted to fight again, but at this moment there is no People have listened to him, the team has automatically retreated, the troops have lost their minds and turned into a mess

The soldiers couldn't figure out the situation. The surroundings were too chaotic. The dawn made people see everything in front of them clearly. The rebel soldiers all over the mountains and plains had no fighting spirit. all to bomb camp

Lei Heng led the remnants of the defeated generals and fled Lazikou. Even the dozen or so bronze cannons left in the bushes did not bring the rebels who had lost their fighting spirit. The recruits around him will bomb the camp at any time, and the rebel soldiers are afraid that the comrades around them will shoot black guns. The old man will rebel. The arrogance that responded to every call when he rebelled no longer exists, and he becomes a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats.

Many fighters who coerced the rebellion marched while peeping at the officers around them. If the officers dared to issue wrong orders, I would dare to blow up the camp. With the lessons learned from the past, the soldiers who were obedient to orders had different ideas. They did not want to die righteously. Paradise on earth is by no means what they could see. The decisive battle at Lazikou allowed several rebel soldiers to see clearly the face of the upright Gelaohui. They didn’t see any senior officers of the Gelaohui rushing into the Lazikou Canyon to “seek to survive” because they let them These pawns charge ahead

More than 4000 rebels marched on the winding and rugged mountain roads, and some people deliberately fell behind and went deep into the deep mountains and old forests. No supervisor dared to shoot at the fleeing soldiers, fearing that the hearts of the people would be distracted and the explosion would explode again. The commander of the battalion kept urging the soldiers to leave quickly. The farther Lazikou is, the better. More than 4000 rebel soldiers are buried in the canyon. Lazikou is the nightmare of the Gelaohui. A big defeat made the rebel army feel full of fighting spirit. The vast village is suitable for them to survive. The rebel army dare not fight tough battles. Turned into an army with no fighting spirit, ran into the countryside of Diebu County and hibernated to "lick" the wound, looking for a shelter

More than half of the Qing army in Lazikou was killed or injured, they were the old Hunan army, the invincible Hunan army guarded here, the Qing army still gritted its teeth and persisted in fighting, preparing for the next round of challenges. Before breakfast, a shocking reversal occurred outside the valley. Bombing the battalion, the rebels fought with their own people, the gunshots continued, the grenades roared, the soldiers of the Qing army stood on the hill, pointing and laughing excitedly, the biggest joke in the world, the old man would catch the strong men and fight back, and the blow was so fierce. Still here in Qing Dynasty[

Liu Jintang thinks that the development of the war is under control, and the Qing army can still fight. It is not yet known who will win the battle. The battle of Lazikou will continue under the smoke of gunpowder.

Liu Jintang did not expect such a situation to happen, but he was still wondering if a Qing army team had killed it, and the friendly reinforcements came in a timely manner. He held up the binoculars, looked left and right, and kept searching for flags. In the jungle, he has not seen a single flag. After fighting for so many years I have never seen the enemy's "chaotic" position and cannot attack the position. The position can be retreated. How could they blow up the camp at the front line?

"Hey" Liu Jintang sighed, "The elder brother's association is a mess, and the underworld's rebellion is unpopular."

"Liu Zhoutong is because we fought well. Don't forget your promise." Qin Guan's face was black with ashes from gunpowder smoke. Defending the victory of the Qing army and winning the fruits of victory, looking forward to it, fearing that the chief will keep his word, forgetting the promise made last night

"That's right, our hero's family in Diebu County was ruined and left the battleground. Liu Zhou's subordinates are willing to donate officials and spend some money." With the benefit of donating officials, there is still great hope to be a seventh-rank county magistrate

"Don't worry, all the meritorious ministers will share wealth and honor in this life and never forget that what I said always counts." Liu Jintang let out a hearty laugh to hide his inner panic. He is a sixth-rank military officer and his power cannot touch other than the Hunan Army. It is not yet known whether the fight for the official title will be successful. Last night, in order to boost morale, I said too much to the two local snakes. Next, I will go to the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, Zuo Zongtang. But with this great contribution, Qin Can, Liu Sheng and other meritorious officials are There will be a good future, Liu Jintang firmly believes in this

The most difficult night in Lazikou is finally over. Every Qing soldier hidden in the trenches "exposed" his head to see the tragic scene inside and outside the canyon. The bottom of the valley is hell on earth. body howling

"Dong Dusi ordered you to clean up the battlefield. Qin Yingguan ordered you to accept those uprising soldiers and let those soldiers carry the corpses." Liu Jintang issued an order. He was convinced that the rebels would not dare to attack Lazikou again. The Battle of Lazikou ended with the victory of the Qing army.

Dong Fuxiang dispatched more than 100 Muslim soldiers. These people did not save lives, but stepped on corpses to kill the howling enemies. The cruel Muslim soldier saw a living man and killed a wounded man. The piles of corpses piled up on the narrow narrow path, and the veterans who climbed out of the bloody corpse pile have never seen so many corpses. More than 4000 corpses extend from the inside of the canyon to the outside of the canyon. There are various forms of death that can be described. The corpses of the form are scattered in a small area of ​​Asura Hell but so

Liu Jintang stared at the new grenades in front of him in a daze. If there was such a thing, Lazikou would be unstoppable, but grenades are also a scourge. Many soldiers under his command have ruptured eardrums and have become deaf. I don’t know if they can be cured. Otherwise, these wounded and sick will have to retire.

"Fake foreign devils kill people." Liu Jintang belittled Li Guolou, thinking of the power of new explosives, most of the more than 4000 corpses under the canyon were killed by grenades, and he was grateful to Li Guolou. Those who understand Westernization know The "importance" of introducing western science and technology, but people will not talk back and praise Li Guolou

"Yeah, the fake foreign devils killed people, but the grenade is really good and it's a sharp weapon for holding the position." Qin Can said the truth, and immediately got a blank stare. That's the old Hunan army guarding here. People who don't even understand this reason should just be dumb Waiting until the day of retirement

Liu Jintang has a lot of energy, and he has a dispute with Qin Guan whether it is because of the power of the grenade or the spiritual strength of the old Hunan Army. He is unwilling to stick to the dead line, but wants to make new achievements.

"Officer Qin Ying, Lazikou will be handed over to you. I have to pursue the rebels. Can you guard Lazikou?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task and swear to the death to defend the honor of the old Hunan Army." Qin Can fully understood and knelt on one leg to express his determination to Liu Jintang

"Well, I believe you can take good care of yourself and see you on the day of victory." Liu Jintang helped Qin Guan up, full of gratitude for the garrison here, and his friendship in Lazikou. He has already sent the garrison in Lazikou and the militia groups members as life and death brothers

"Take care on the same road in Liuzhou" The officers and soldiers guarding Lazikou stood at the mouth of the Lazikou gorge and sent off the officers and soldiers of the "Jin" Battalion looking at the bloody battle flag. Everyone was full of tears. It was their pride that the victory was hard-won. Blood and loyalty condense into a member of the "Jin" camp of loyalty and righteousness

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