late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 549 Li Ziying's Dissatisfaction Factor

Zhang Yao's Songwu Army belongs to the Huai Army, which is well-equipped with 4000 soldiers and horses. His qualifications are older than Li Hongzhang's ups and downs in the officialdom, and he is not as good as Li Hongzhang. Now he is Li Hongzhang's subordinate. Impeached by the imperial censor, downgraded from a civil servant to a military officer, and the rank of general soldier, there is another thing that looks a little bit worse, a donkey face is quite funny

Now Zhang Yao's donkey face is even more comical. He grabbed Li Guolou's military uniform nervously and said angrily, "Li Xuezheng, you don't want to die. How can you go to the front line in person? If you make a mistake, where will it send me?"

"Zhang Zhentai, don't worry, I won't go to the battlefield. There's already a fight ahead, so I'll go and check the situation." Li Guolou was quite sorry for this old-hearted man. Originally, he agreed that the two armies would act separately, and the two sides would coordinate with each other. Now Li Zi Every move of the battalion in Diebu County is under the orders of the Songwu Army, and he doesn't even have personal freedom. The officer's control is too lenient.

Zhang Yao was not willing to let Li Guolou out of his sight, he had made great achievements in the war, and he could give Li Ziying a piece of the pie. Zhang Yao listened to the wind and it was the rain. He heard about the relationship between Li Guolou and the two empress dowagers in the palace. The relationship between them is afraid that Li Guolou will take responsibility for a mistake, so Li Guolou is not allowed to lead the army alone.

Fortunately, there were no gunshots ahead, and the contact battle ended in a short while. Zhang Yao and Li Guolou stopped arguing and walked side by side.

Li Guolou shook his head and smiled wryly, making up his mind to let Li Ziying get out of the control of the Songwu Army. The march of large troops has advantages and disadvantages. The army lost its mobility and flexibility. To defeat the rebel army, he had to fight with real swords and guns, so he didn't want to pick up ready-made bargains.

"Well, Zhang Zhentai, you are right. This kind of drizzle is not worth letting me watch." Li Guolou's small brain is moving, and no one can compare to his quiet and perfunctory Zhang Yao

"That's right, Li Xuezheng, you have to listen to what my brother says. The benefits are indispensable. You Liu Mingqi and Yan Deli are already dead. I heard that Muye was also injured. Lei Heng's left and right arms are almost exhausted. Diebu County is the place where Lei Heng is buried." Zhang Yao feels at ease. The direction of the performance is developing, and the strategy of encircling the rebel army is proceeding step by step. It won't be long before the rebel army will have no shelter.

The Qing army was very brutal. The policy of suppressing the insurgents hiding in the countryside was to open up a personal area to force the villagers living in the village to relocate, and even massacred the village and burned the village. This tactic was used against the Nian army. The rebel army became the source of the water and the tree. Of course, the actions of the Qing army were criticized by others. Even foreigners knew that the Manchu Qing did not treat the people under its rule as human beings.

But from the actual effect, only the brutal Qing army can deal with the guerrilla warfare of the rebel army. The rebel army hiding in the countryside can only be beaten by thousands. The rebel army is untenable and can only wander around. A small army could not bear the hunger and surrendered to the Qing army

Every day, the fleeing rebels ask the Qing army for food and drink. Although they have feet, they can escape, but they are too hungry. The Qing army wiped out the rebels, and the rebels who hid in Tibet tasted the taste of hunger. Lei Heng finally understood that there was no basis. consequences of

The villages in Diebu County were raided by the insurgents. Some food and grass were robbed once, and the troops were cleaned up by the Qing army. The crops were also burned by the Qing army, and the food and grass that they carried with them became less and less. The autumn harvest is approaching, but Lei Heng gained a lot in Diebu County.

Today, what Li Ziying soldiers do is not fighting, but escorting batches of captured villagers to Minzhou Prefecture. Li Guolou refuses to slaughter the village, so the villagers who fell into the hands of Li Ziying soldiers are lucky. chance to survive

The villagers in Diebu County don't think so. They don't know what happened in other villages. They are very dissatisfied with the officers and soldiers of Li Ziying.

"Bah" the villagers spit at the officers and soldiers, although they didn't dare to spit on the soldiers, but this gesture showed that the villagers were dissatisfied with the "government" of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, cursing: "There is a kind of extermination of the elder brother's association, which will only bring bad luck to us ordinary people, useless."

The team officer Deng Tong felt the chill on his back like a gust of wind blowing over him, he turned into a rage, turned his gun and pointed his gun at the villagers, angrily said: "You brat doesn't want to die, your mother still has a carriage, and if you dare to make trouble, I will ask your mother to take care of you." end"

Li Yunzhu, the head of the post, only pretended not to see that the ghost was willing to escort these burdens, turned his head and looked into the distance

The spitting villagers were eunuchs, seeing the barrels of the guns made them terrified in their hearts, the officers and soldiers could not afford to provoke them, they shrunk their necks and hid among the villagers in the brigade

In the long queue, the villagers dragged their families with their children, and the elderly sat in the carriage. The young and strong villagers carried bottles and cans, like a fleeing team. The Qing army walked down the official road with a gun in their hands. The screams make people drowsy

"Drink some water, don't be familiar with the countrymen. We are the Royal Guards." Another team officer, Xu Yuguang, showed two canine teeth and smiled kindly at the surrounding villagers. Thinking about the experience of being a Nian army in the past, you should laugh, young. If the villagers were caught by the Nian army, they would have no choice but to rebel and were even driven into ditches to make way for the cavalry.

Deng Tong took the kettle like an official, with one hand on his hips, raised his neck, drank half of the pot of water, wiped his mouth, and said angrily: "Old Xu, this is not a war. It's more bullying than the cannon we used to talk about. It's coming over my head"

"Hey, old Deng, you don't understand that this is more useful than fighting. Lei Heng is not as good as a grasshopper after autumn. It's our chief who almost misses it. Otherwise, we can all practice martial arts." Xu Yuguang took out the small silver knife in his waist Made a gesture of wiping his neck and nodded slightly, his mouth made an effort towards the Songwu Army in the distance, which means that the friendly army is still strong and can do whatever they want in the countryside

"Oh, Mr. Li should be allowed to stay in Yan'an and let him come to Diebu County to sit in town because Battelle failed to fight the battle in Yan'an well. If the whistle chief Li commanded us, we would have been besieging Jinji Fort by now." Deng Dao expressed his heart. Commander Li Yunchu felt that Li Yunchu, the sentry officer, was superior to the battalion officer Battelle.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)?" Xu Yuguang's face turned blue)) Short and punished [

Deng Tong was not much better, his stature immediately became three points shorter, it is best not to be seen by the people around him, he whispered: "Well, I see, let's talk tonight, have you seen Master Fan?"

"I didn't see it, you should go to him yourself and ask when we can fight." Xu Yuguang stretched his neck and looked around. The strong Master Fan went to nowhere.

"Hmph, let me be the leader every time." Deng Tong seemed unwilling, his two thick short legs had already started to run, and he was promoted to the throne of team officer only by asking for instructions early and reporting late, and showing his loyalty to Fan Dahui.

The promotion of officers and soldiers in Li Ziying is determined by several staff members. This is also Li Guolou's adherence to the national system. Lou is very ambitious. How can a reinforced battalion satisfy his desire? He wants to form a modern Royal Guard Army. The current Li Ziying is just a prototype.

At this time, Li Guolou was secretly muttering, telling Fan Dahui, Battelle, Cheng Kun and others to complete the task of escorting the villagers, and Li Ziying parted ways with Zhang Yao's army. Li Ziying searched for the fleeing enemy by himself.

"Let's start tonight, someone intercepted and said that our Li Ziying went back to Minzhou Prefecture to rest, do you understand?" Li Guolou sneakily warned his subordinates to make up a decent lie

"Master Li is fighting in the countryside, and you are watching from the side. The soldiers say they can't let go of their hands and feet." Battelle is used to leading troops alone in battle, and the feeling of being tied up is particularly uncomfortable.

Li Guolou glanced at his mouth and said: "Battelle, is it you or the soldiers who are suffering? You all heard me clearly. I am the commander. I follow the command in all actions. Do you remember the ten military rules of Li Ziying? Recite them all for me."

"One: When Li Ziying soldiers fight for victory, they must abide by the rules of heroic combat. Cruelty and destruction of meaning are not worthy of his identity.

Two: Combatants must wear military uniform or wear specially designated and legible armbands. It is forbidden to wear civilian clothes or fight without such armbands

Three: Enemies who surrender shall not be killed and shall be punished appropriately by a court-martial

Four: It is not allowed to abuse or insult prisoners. After weapons, maps, and documents are taken from them, other personal property is not allowed to be violated.

Six: Wounded enemies should be treated humanely. Medical personnel must not hinder believers in their religious activities when performing their medical duties.

Seven: Civilians are sacred and inviolable. Soldiers are not allowed to plunder and destroy at will. Monuments or buildings of religious causes must be specially respected. Objects in kind and civil service can only be collected when ordered by superiors and paid.

Eight: On the battlefield, those who are greedy for life and fear of death will automatically lay down their weapons and surrender to the enemy. Those who serve the enemy after surrendering will be sentenced to death. If Li Ziying soldiers are taken as prisoners, if they are asked, they can tell their names and ranks, but they must not disclose them under any circumstances. Any information such as revealing the military must not be leaked despite coercion and temptation

Nine: Those who violate the above regulations will be punished. The enemy who violates Articles [-] to [-] should be reported. Retaliation can only be carried out with the permission of the senior commander.

Ten: Conditional execution of military orders and truthful reporting of military conditions”

The first level of the official ranks crushed people to death, and a few confidantes recited Li Ziying's military regulations helplessly. Soldiers take obedience to military orders as their bounden duty. In most cases, Li Ziying's army has the honor of soldiers.

After they finished reciting Li Ziying's top ten military regulations, Li Guolou cleared his throat and said seriously: "Don't worry, I'm not a Tang monk, I won't put a curse on you, the fine tradition of the Qing army, we Li Ziying Carry forward the advanced thinking of the western army, of course, we also have to learn from it. As for the dross of feudalism, it must be cleared from Li Ziying.

Seeing Li Guolou squinting his slender eyes slightly, how can anyone not understand how can anyone dare to complain?

Fan Dahui was the first to speak, and said loudly with her chest out and her stomach protruding: "Report to Chief Li, we have an opinion, and it is our bounden duty to obey military orders."

"What about you?" Li Guolou seemed to be a democrat and wanted to ask other people for their opinions.

"Report sir, we also have an opinion"

"Well, it's good to end the meeting." Li Guolou raised his whip and left contentedly.

Li Guolou has already seen that the troops of the Gelaohui are losing their morale, and the rebel soldiers are fleeing and hiding in the countryside. The combat effectiveness of the rebel army is getting worse and worse. This time, Li Ziying will make a great contribution to completely defeat Lei Heng's main force to wash away the shame of the Yan'an Battle. Li Ziying's Invincible Honor

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