late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 634 Meeting the Messenger of God

Zhu Hongdeng faced south, kowtowed three times, and silently recited the Taiyi golden light mantra three times, and after burning the life gold, said in a loud voice: "Respectfully ask the merciful and merciful Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun, the medicine king Sun Zhenren, the nine heavens Xuannv empress and everyone A fairy master came to the altar to protect his disciples, and supported his disciple Zhu Hongdeng to show his supernatural power."

Zhu Hongdeng raised his eyebrows, muttering something, the Chenzhou Talisman fluctuated in the air like a ghost, up and down like a black bat scurrying in the air.All of a sudden, the bats in the sky emitted a dazzling light, the light was so breathtaking that people couldn't look directly at it.Everything is so miraculous, the light has turned to ashes, and there is a layer of black snails in the clear water.

"Okay!" Li Guolou was the first to applaud. For the first time in his life, he believed in gods and men. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhu Hongdeng didn't make a move, and he really moved in gods to save the scene.In the vast history of China, there are inexhaustible treasures. Zhu Hongdeng's heresy also has merits. Rebels and wars are not afraid of starvation.

"I made everyone laugh! Since Li Zhentai is happy, the little girl will steal a birthday peach from the flat peach banquet, and invite Li Zhentai to try it." Zhu Hongdeng did what she said, and she really stole one A huge plate of birthday peaches.

Looking at the delicate and beautiful birthday peach, Li Guolou couldn't help saying, he had never seen such a big peach in his life.Biting it in her mouth, it was sweet and delicious, and the honey juice flowed instantly. Looking at the immobile Zhu Hongdeng, she thought to herself: "If Zhu Hongdeng hadn't been scheming, and invited her into the palace to celebrate the birthdays of the two empress dowagers, she would definitely win the favor of the two empress dowagers. The title of 'Sage Lady of Taiyi Temple' is well deserved. What a pity! What a pity!" [

Zhu Hongdeng picked up the wine glass and said softly: "My lord, since the little girl has satisfied the lord's food and eyes, I still hope that the little girl's little wish will come true. The little girl doesn't want to be equal to the people from the Long Spear Club."

"Oh! It's a trivial matter, I'll take care of it for you." Li Guolou didn't dare to glance at the red lantern, sat upright, and drank it all in one gulp.

Li Guolou surrendered, was drunk by Zhu Hongdeng's ecstasy soup, and boldly agreed to all Zhu Hongdeng's requests, assigning the four large islands in Weishan Lake to Zhu Hongdeng's jurisdiction, with only one condition, Yihe Fist.

Zhu Hongdeng was very grateful, and toasted three glasses of wine to Li Guolou, and Li Guolou made a toast in return. After drinking a total of four glasses of wine, the wind swept away and the banquet ended.

Li Guolou bid farewell to the vermilion lantern at the gate of the East Wing, and led twelve Goshhas on patrol. They walked around the barracks for an hour and a half before turning back to Fuxi Temple.Li Guolou took out his pocket watch under the lintel, it was almost ten o'clock, he went back to his room to write letters for two hours, and he could sleep for four hours.

Li Guolou walked towards the backyard with his hands behind his back, thinking that the bastards from the Long Spear Club brought a group of prostitutes to Weishan County, thinking that the Xinwu Army was the same as the Changsheng Army.He couldn't help laughing, for the sake of national and French military discipline, several leaders of the Long Spear Club were severely whipped by him.Combining work and rest can't make an army lose its combat effectiveness. Just wanting to clean up Fatian's Long Spear Club, he beat Liu Tanggu himself and vented his anger.

"Password!" The soldier standing guard at the entrance shouted deliberately when he saw Li Guolou.

"Nuwa mends the sky and benefits mankind!"

"Fuxi forms a hut, and the common people live!"

Li Guolou looked at Zhang Haojie who was standing guard, and asked, "Why are you on duty?"

Zhang Haojie smiled obscenely, and said: "It's inconvenient where I am, it's just to blow some wind to cool off."


Don't make a fuss, that kind of woman is not suitable to be a wife. "Li Guolou stopped talking, and ran to the well to take a cold shower. The orderly Haiwa was lazy and fell asleep. Li Guolou didn't go to wake Haiwa up. As long as conditions permit, he will take a bath. It is convenient to take a cold shower outside. Again, Li Guolou carried three buckets of water, took a shower, and entered the room naked. The oil lamp in the living room was flickering, rice paper was laid out on the table, and three clean brushes were clamped on the pen holder, but the ink had already dried up. .

"Hey!" Li Guolou sighed, it's better when Wanniang is here, he doesn't have to worry about anything, even if Haiwa is an orderly, such trivial things can't be done well.

Li Guolou picked up the teapot, poured water into the Huizhou inkstone, and held Li Hongzhang's latest opinion letter in his hand, with a draft in his belly, ready to write a statement.Li Hongzhang agreed with him, and he wanted to explain his reasons to the imperial court. This kind of conflict of ideas was harmful, and Emperor Tongzhi liked to see his courtiers fighting back and forth.If he and Li Hongzhang vented through the same nostrils, it would not be beautiful.As for whose idea the Emperor Tongzhi adopts, that is a battle in the court, and it has nothing to do with him. Anyway, it cannot be separated from the idea of ​​Li's Shuangjie.

The introduction to classical Chinese is clear, and a memorial only has more than 400 characters. Li Guolou wrote it like a dragon, and finished it very quickly.watched for a while

The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the water was sparkling, and the gulls were soaring. Three sailboats lined up in a zigzag pattern and sailed towards Weishan Island for more than ten miles.We can already see Weishan Island in the mist, winding hills, green trees, and cruising boats, just like the scene in a landscape painting.

Li Guolou stood at the bow of the boat and looked at Weishan Island from afar, while Bai Langning limped to Li Guolou's side on the deck with a cane, and said anxiously: "Li Zhentai, what can you tell from this? Do you want to see the scenery? How do you want to attack Weishan Island?"

Li Guolou put down his binoculars, glanced at him and said, "Bai Tongzhi, stay safe and don't be impatient. I have issued a military order to take Weishan Island in three days, and I will definitely take this island. This time, there is no need for the Changsheng army to fight. Long-range attacks are required to give full play to the advantages of firepower."

"I still want to plant the ever-victorious battle flag on Weishan Island. Tactics are dead and people are alive. It depends on the situation of the battle. Rigid tactics will only make soldiers sacrifice in vain." Bai Lang Ning would not listen to Li Guolou's command blindly. Li Guolou wanted to monopolize the credit and make Chang Shengjun a supporting role.Now that his wings are hardened, he has formed a friendship with Li Guolou. He thinks that his tactical knowledge is superior, and Li Guolou also needs to listen to his opinions.

"Well, that's true. I will accept it with an open mind. Are your legs better?" Li Guolou was rather helpless. He had too few horses and had to rely on the ever-victorious army for many things, so he could only follow the tactics proposed by Browning. Revise the plan again, otherwise the two armies will have conflicts, which will be of no benefit to anyone.

"Well, it's nothing serious, I just twisted it a bit, and I won't need crutches in two days." Bai Langning squinted at Li Guolou, and secretly scolded Li Guolou for being ugly. Didn't he know how he sprained it?It was deliberately making fun of him.

Li Guolou's face was solemn, and he laughed secretly, watching the enemy ships approaching, the enemy was so arrogant that they put up a battle formation, only dispatched three ships, and wanted to fight him.

"Turn around, turn around! Let's go back." Li Guolou was not sure of the battle, but he lost his ambitions, and he still stood on the deck.

"Li Zhentai, quickly enter the cabin, there are enemy ships coming, we have to turn back." Su Yuanchun saw several ships approaching, did not dare to be careless, and dragged Li Guolou into the cabin with all his might , Li Guolou was not allowed to stand on the deck even though Li Guolou protested.

"I protest! I protest! I am the general, you can't treat me like this." Li Guolou was pulled forward and forced into the cabin. No one wanted to see the general being shot coldly.

As expected, the enemy has long-range offensive weapons, hitting the wooden boat one by one, making a bang, and the wooden chips are flying.The enemy and the enemy shot at each other at a distance of a thousand meters. Some civilians who were paddling were hit, and the enemy also had sharpshooters.

Amidst the roar, a solid object almost hit the ship, causing a burst of spray.Fortunately, it was too far away, and the enemy's guns missed the ship.

Li Guolou's blood surged up, and he shouted: "Bai Tongzhi, are you sure you can hit the enemy ship?"

Bai Langning sighed: "Li Zhentai, when I am sure, we are also within the enemy's attack range, so we should go back early."

Li Guolou was not clean, scolding Zhang Renjun, the governor of Shandong, saying that the Shandong Navy was so dilapidated that it was a warship.Fortunately, he is strong and supported by the Beiyang Navy, otherwise he will die before his ambition is paid off, and Weishan Lake will be the place where the Xinwu Army suffered a disastrous defeat.

The three ships of the Xinwu Army fled, not daring to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy on the water.Li Guolou could clearly see the flag on the enemy ship, and a black tiger was hanging from the sail. The enemy was so arrogant that he dared to attack the Xinwu army, causing some soldiers to be killed or injured.He cursed angrily: "What a black tiger, when I catch him, he will be hacked into pieces."

Su Yuanchun whispered in his ear: "Li Zhentai, the black tiger is so fierce, it's a beautiful jade to beat Japanese pirates."

Li Guolou was excited, slapped his thigh, and thought of a coup, why should he slaughter all the robbers in Weishan Lake, and do things that destroy humanity.If these restless robber families immigrate to Taiwan, they will return Weishanhu to Changping.Although immigrating from Shandong to Taiwan, the geography is not suitable, the immigration is not acclimatized, and it costs the state treasury huge sums of money.But solving Shandong’s problems once and for all can also buy people’s hearts. In the future, the Xinwu Army will recruit soldiers in Shandong, and Shandong’s big men will join the army enthusiastically, and the combat effectiveness of the Xinwu Army will immediately increase by one level.

"Well! We will have a meeting at night to study a new combat plan, and let two militia groups participate." Li Guolou jumped off the boat and landed. Fort.As long as the rich and powerful Xinwu Army is in charge, no enemy will dare to attack.

The enemy ship swaggered and patrolled in the distance, and did not leave for a long time.The soldiers of the Xinwu Army by the pier stomped their feet angrily, clamoring for a fight to the death, their morale high. [

Li Guolou jumped onto a fort, gave an impromptu speech, encouraged the soldiers to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and avenge the dead comrades.The slogan was shouted loudly, and the morale of the army was available, only waiting for the final decisive battle.Li Guolou is an excellent orator, keeping the army's fighting spirit strong.

Li Guolou walked towards Fuxi Temple, thinking about how to fight the battle of Weishan Island?Listen to Browning's instigation.I saw one head-on, wearing a black robe and a black bow tie, with shiny ornaments hanging under the collar.Upon seeing this person, Li Guolou's first action was to turn around and try to escape.

"Mike! I see you, stop here." Billy, the military chaplain of the Changsheng Army, shouted loudly, pointing at Li Guolou angrily.

The Ever Victorious Army is an army with faith, and each battalion has a priest.Western armies have military chaplains, who hold Bibles in their hands, solve problems for soldiers, forgive their sins, and use them to boost the morale of the army. They are not allowed to carry weapons with them.Most priests are also doctors and can treat wounded soldiers on the battlefield, so priests in the army are deeply loved by soldiers.

Pastor Billy is more than 30 years old, with a kind face and a broad face with a mane-like beard, which shows that he has noble blood and looks superior to others. He bosses Li Guolou to obey him.

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