late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 635 Confession to the Priest

Li Guolou took off his hat to pay tribute to the first sentence: "I'm sorry Pastor Billy, I'm really busy and don't have time to make confession"

"Mike, today is Sunday, I know you are very busy, so I took some time to find you, God is willing to listen to your confession, God wants to know if your heart has been corrupted by the devil." Pastor Billy was so angry that his hands were shaking, he wanted to beat Li Guolou with a cross I am watching Li Guolou actually want to slaughter all the people in Weishan Lake. This is not a sense of honor. What a soldier should do is simply a devil

Li Guolou was speechless and didn't dare to look at the pastor's loving eyes. He forgot that he was a Catholic. The devil occupied his heart, which made him speak impulsively. Impulse is the devil.

"Pastor, I want to repent." Li Guolou looked at the dilapidated Bible and said that too much will fail for a while, almost fell into hell and danced with the devil

Li Guolou is still far away from the real Catholicism. He just regards Catholicism as a kind of spiritual sustenance to soothe his turbulent heart with faith. Bloodthirsty people often act impulsively and listen to God’s teachings to restrain their behavior [

Li Guolou knelt on the ground and begged God for forgiveness in a rudimentary admonition room

"God I'm guilty only want to stop the barbaric violence with bloody suppression please God forgive me"

Pastor Billy, who was sitting in the cubicle, said, "The Redeemer, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, God

Sacred Heart of Jesus You are the beloved Son of the Eternal Father Sacred Heart of Jesus You were born of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit Sacred Heart of Jesus You are the eternal Word of God Sacred Heart of Jesus You are the most majestic Lord Jesus Heart You are Palace of God Sacred Heart of Jesus You are the throne of the supreme Father Sacred Heart of Jesus You are the door of ascension Love, Sacred Heart of Jesus, You are the source of all virtues, Sacred Heart of Jesus, You are the master of the world, the destination of mankind The place of happiness Sacred Heart of Jesus You are our hope for eternal life in the world to come Sacred Heart of Jesus You are comforted by the Father Sacred Heart of Jesus You are praised by the world Sacred Heart of Jesus You are merciful to mankind Sacred Heart of Jesus You give generously to those who ask of You Sacred Heart you are the source of life and holiness Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world God will forgive you”

Li Guolou put his hands together like a spring breeze and said with his head down: "Christ have mercy on me, God have mercy on me"

Pastor Billy said: "Jesus, who is kind and humble, educates believers with fraternity. God warns you to put down the butcher knife and look up to the sacred heart to treat the "lost" lambs kindly."

Li Guolou said sincerely: "I will do it and bring happiness to uncivilized lambs, please forgive me"

Pastor Billy's voice was cadenced: "Our heavenly Father, may your name be exalted; may your kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

Li Guolou prayed: "Almighty and eternal God, we are deeply honored to salute the sacred heart of your beloved Son. I am deeply grateful for the pain he suffered for loving us and bestowing us with great grace. I beg you to show mercy and forgive our sins and give us abundance. by the grace of Christ our Lord, O door"

Li Guolou kissed the ring on Pastor Billy's hand and walked out of the admonition room with his head bowed. The power of faith gave him a strong fighting spirit

There is an undercurrent in the Xinwu Army. Many officers have already believed in Catholicism. Unfortunately, there is no priest. Li Guolou does not want to turn the Xinwu Army into Christians.

In the morning, Weishan Lake was calm. In the afternoon, there was a sudden surge of people. A large number of people appeared on the shore of Weishan Lake. Various small boats and sailboats came to the shore in an endless stream. Li Guolou's massacre order was very effective. The people living on the islands of Weishan Lake tried every means to leave their hometown.

People from all walks of life have captured thousands of people. The two cities and villages controlled by the Xinwu Army have gathered thousands of refugees. However, these people claim to be civilians. We can only gather all kinds of people from the real and the fake, and let the local officials arrange accommodation for these people.

Many people clamored to seek refuge with their relatives, refused to accept discipline, and scolded Li Guolou. These people belonged to innocent people, and there were relatives in the villages along the coast, so they ignored Li Guolou. Guolou seems to have Zhang Qingtian in Shandong who can punish the butcher Li Guolou

The soldiers of the Xinwu Army imprisoned all the people with non-local accents. These people must be bandits who wanted to quibble, but no one listened. Only the bandits with non-local accents arrested hundreds of people. More than 100 people were tied up by the soldiers of the Xinwu Army. abused

"Master, please let us go, we are all fishermen, old and young." A kidnapped man begged but was scolded affectionately.

How can there be "women" among the soldiers of the Xinwu Army? The benevolence of the women has already been greeted. Finally, the leader of these people jumped out. Zhang Xiaotian, the eldest brother of the Suzaku Society, reported his name and said that they were rebels on the battlefield and asked Li Guolou to take them in.

Supervisor Zhang Haojie looked at this group of people who concealed their backgrounds with their hands on their hips and said very dissatisfied: "I said, Zhang Xiaotian, your weapons are empty, and you are ashamed to say that the uprising must at least submit a certificate to treat you well. Otherwise, you will be treated as prisoners of war."

"Sir, I can't help it. Our club doesn't want to fight, so we can only leave Weishan Island empty-handed. What do you want us to do?" Zhang Xiaotian is quite sorry for the old brothers. If he wants to leave Weishan Island, he has to leave the house [

"I know now that I don't have time to listen to your nonsense and feel wronged. You can talk about it in a few days after the battle." Zhang Haojie waved his hands impatiently and didn't take Zhang Xiaotian seriously at all. place

Zhang Xiaotian struggled for a while and saw Zhang Haojie leave with his back turned away and couldn't help feeling anxious. He was dispatched by the government to the frontier and died of poverty and illness. This was his end. I still know the general situation in the lake, please take in the brothers of the Suzaku Society, Mr. Li."

As soon as the elder brother was soft, the younger brothers cheered together: "Master Li, please take us in."

More than a hundred people chattered and said that there is a red heart towards the court, and they have long been looking forward to the Qing army's liberation of Weishan Lake. Zhang Haojie turned around and became chivalrous. Well, the patriotic militia that can contribute to the Xinwu Army will have a good future."

"That's why we all heard about Mr. Li coming here." Zhang Xiaotian's flattering laugh made his face wrinkled and wrinkled together. The weather-beaten suffering was engraved on his face. Forget about drugs, don't let your husband betray your brother to be rich

Zhang Haojie ordered to untie the people of Suzaku Club who had returned with good food and drink, and re-booked these people, and gave them cash and material rewards. Martyrs of the Battlefield Uprising

When recruiting refugees, male and female refugees have to separate several book offices to distribute temporary documents according to the names, ages, places of origin, and identities reported by the refugees. Each person is given a wooden nameplate with a number for easy management, and the refugees are classified into two camps. Everything is arranged in an orderly manner. The men and women are divided into two rows. The children belong to the mother and the family is temporarily separated.

A weak young woman suddenly went into a rage and shouted: "Master Jun, please help me. My husband is a bandit. I was kidnapped by bandits and sent to Dushan Island to be raped."

"Stinky bitch, what nonsense are you talking about?" A thin black man who was pointed at by the woman yelled wildly, rushed past the line next to her, beat her and grabbed the woman by the hair

The black and thin man slapped the woman twice, and the woman resisted desperately. The two twisted into a ball. The sudden change caused the people next to them to avoid it.


"You son of a bitch is against the sky. How dare you beat a woman? You're just looking for it." Two soldiers from the Xinwu Army beat the thin black man with the butt of their guns, still cursing in Beijing. The support is made of ash, which is extremely strong. It is like a hammer hitting a person. This black and thin man's bones are probably broken.

Captain Jinyin is the oldest captain. He has repeatedly violated the military law of the Xinwu Army. He is promoted and demoted faster. He is notorious in the Xinwu Army. Only he dares to violate Li Guolou's military orders. He ordered two soldiers to beat the black and thin man standing majestically beside him with a chivalrous heart to stand up for the weak

The disheveled woman seemed to see the great savior grabbed the gold and silver and cried, "You must save me, sir. Come to my house and cut the weeds that my parents killed to get rid of the roots, kill him and soak Wang Erling in a pig cage"

Jinyin looked at this pretty woman tearing up the pear blossoms, and I couldn't help feeling pity when I saw that her forehead and crotch were burning together, she drew out her pistol and shouted furiously: "Girl, I will avenge you. bully you"


The scene of "chaos" shocked everyone. They were frightened by the gold and silver, and even the sergeants of the Xinwu Army were also dumbfounded.

"You're messing around with gold and silver, what's wrong with you? See what you've done. Li Zhentai just issued a military order to treat the people kindly, and you dared to violate the military order and unload the gun for me." Many people watched him want to protect the gold and silver, but he couldn't hide it. This is a big mess. Could it be that Li Guolou beheaded Ma Su with tears and demoted the gold and silver level?

Jinyin was unarmed and directly tied up the pretty woman. After laughing wildly, she regained her feminine qualities, knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you, Mr. Jin, for avenging the little girl, thinking that you will be rewarded with a grass title ring." "

"When the road is injustice, you draw your sword to help. It's a man's true color. Girl, just forget me and treat me like there is gold and silver in the world." Gold and silver raised their heads and left in awe-inspiring manner, as if a righteous man who was going to the execution ground was actually not afraid of killing a bandit at all. Li Guolou I can't do without him and I can't do without him

Su Yuanchun looked down at the woman and said angrily, "Daji's beauty is a disaster, lock up the stinky woman."

Su Yuanchun glanced at it and knew why Jinyinlai would impulsively kill the brat and finally want to start a family and start a business. This kind of murder of husbands and wives is a bad habit of the Qing army. Warriors who dare to fight and rush have little room for promotion. The purpose of making military exploits is to get money, beautiful women, he wants to change the status quo, but he can do nothing in this dye vat, and which man is not impulsive on the battlefield? After killing someone, he must find a woman to vent, otherwise his personality will be distorted Even fall in love with the comrades around [

The woman named Xiaoyun straightened her clothes calmly, stroked her hair and said with a sneer, "Mr. Jun wants to fight or kill Tingzun, so I, Xiaoyun, have already fought it out."

In an instant, Xiaoyun became a heroine instead of a bewitching vixen, and was respected by everyone. Dozens of women who had cowered on one side began to make a commotion and appealed to the officers around them to expose the other team. The true identities of a dozen men cried out that they were kidnapped to Weishan Lake and tortured inhumanely. Li Guolou was ordered to kill the bandits for them

Su Yuanchun was so angry that he tied up fifteen bandits one after another and handed over the fifteen bandits to the supervision team.

Li Guolou sits in the main hall of Fuxi Temple and received the report that Jinyin shot and killed people in front of the people. He was so angry that he just promised God in front of Pastor Billy that he would make the Xinwu Army a moral army and never kill the people. Silver got into trouble and killed without a trial.

"I don't want to see him put the gold and silver in the warning room of the Ever Victorious Army, and let me do a deep introspection. My military order does not allow gold and silver to take a step." Li Guolou suddenly thought that gold and silver are Catholics who see that only God can punish gold. silver

Afterwards, Jinyin was sent back by the military order, and he was never seen again. Soon, people passed the news that Jinyin was locked in the warning room of the Ever Victorious Army, reciting the Bible. murdered

The sun has set to the west, and the white clouds in the sky are covered with red clothes. The sunset glow seems to be stained red with blood. Li Guolou looked at the military information passed down by various ministries. Until now, there is still a big ship docking. Did he miscalculate? The bandits are stubborn. Do you really want to fight to the end? It’s too small to underestimate the bandits in Weishan Lake. The bandits are still very bloody and want to fight to the end, but this is good for the common people to leave the war zone. Both the enemy and us have scruples and can kill them happily

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