late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 659 The Secret in the Communication Room

Li Zhun was the captain of the Xiangying, and at the most intense moment of the battle, he dared to commit suicide and rushed to the Japanese fleet. After the war, he was praised by Li Guolou, and Li Zhun and the one-armed general Feng Zhaojin were respected as the leaders of the Qingshui Division. hero.

But behind the scenes, Li Guolou severely criticized Li Zhun. He had no regard for military discipline, disregarded the safety of the war situation, and made arbitrarily assertive opinions, almost making all his efforts go in vain.

Li Zhun was about the same age as Li Guolou, only in his 20s. He was a talented man who had returned from studying abroad in Prussia. He was a bit taller than Li Guolou, but he bowed his head in front of Li Guolou and accepted criticism humbly.What do you think?It's not something others can see. He is as cunning as a fox without expressing his emotions or anger.

Li Guolou commanded and shouted: "Li Zhun, your thoughts of personal heroism are overflowing. I think you are not convinced. I don't have time to talk to you now. I will let Ding Richang clean you up and get out of Xiangying. Write a [-]-word review.”

"Yes!" Li Zhun finally puffed up his chest, and after saluting to Li Guolou, he stomped on his feet and left the Weiwu.Considering himself a national hero, he dared to fight the enemy bravely, and took Li Guolou's words as a spur.Ding Richang, the governor of Fujian, will regard him as his successor. Only he can be regarded as brave, tenacious, resolute and resolute.

When Li Zhun came to the deck, he was full of praise. The officers and soldiers of the navy praised his heroic deeds and looked at him with reverence, and regarded him as a model for the Nanyang Navy.The laughter from Li Zhun's resonant voice completely forgot Li Guolou's words in an instant.

Hearing Li Zhun's laughter in the command room, Li Guolou shook his head and said, "You brat is just so arrogant. If it wasn't during the war, I would have put him in confinement."

Feng Zicai sighed: "Li Zhun is Shen Baozhen's student, he has a great future! Old people like me are only liked by Ding Futai. From now on, the Nanyang Navy will be dominated by young people."

It is not easy for Li Guolou to intervene in the personnel struggle of the Nanyang Navy. Besides, he is also a young man, so he did not answer Feng Zicai's remarks.He smiled and said: "Learning to fight in the war, we must give young people a chance to correct their mistakes. I believe that Li Zhun will not act so recklessly next time. People will learn the lesson." [

Feng Zicai relied on the old to sell the old, and replied: "Commander Li, as the saying goes, seeing death at a glance, I am an upright person, so I can say what I have."

"Hmm! I understand Feng Guandai's temper. He's a straightforward person. I just like dealing with people like you." Li Guolou forced a smile, and spoke so smoothly that Feng Zicai was complacent.

Few people could stand Feng Zicai's temper.He is the commander-in-chief of the Diaoyu Islands naval battle, and he planned the tactical layout, so he should be the biggest contributor.But Feng Zicai has already embraced the military exploits into his arms, just like the Diaoyu Islands naval battle, only the officers and soldiers of the first echelon of the navy can be regarded as heroes.The second echelon and the third echelon are just the role of cleaning the battlefield. He appeared on the battlefield to claim credit.

No wonder Feng Zicai was squeezed out by the official circles in Guangxi, because he was impeached by the chief.Feng Zicai was born for war, and only in troubled times can he have a chance to stand out. People in their 40s don't know how to practice Tai Chi in officialdom.Getting along with Feng Zicai felt awkward.Although Li Guolou could tolerate Feng Zicai and recognized Feng Zicai's commanding skills, he was unwilling to have a close friendship with Feng Zicai.

Li Guolou's bedroom was next to the communication room. There were five high-power transmitters in the communication room. Besides sending and receiving telegrams, they were used to eavesdrop on the Japanese army's telegrams.This is Li Guolou's Sky Eye. He has great supernatural powers and can predict things like a god, all by deciphering the Japanese army's secret code.

The core secrets of the communication room can only be mastered by the adjutant Zheng Hengdan. There are eighteen telegraph operators in the Xinwu Army.Eighteen telegraph operators were awarded the rank of lieutenant and received captain's salary.They are isolated from the rest of the world, and they can't even go back home. Even if they retire in the future, they can't go back to their hometown. They have to serve Li Guolou all their lives.They are the heroes behind the battle of the Diaoyu Islands, but no one knows their meritorious deeds, and the court will not reward them in the future.

This is to serve the country, regardless of personal rewards. This time he went to sea to fight, Li Guolou brought ten telegraph operators with him, and these ten telegraph operators were his heavenly eyes.

In the small communication room, ten telegraph operators received the commendation order from Li Guolou. They were so excited that they could not contain themselves. They were the first team to receive the award order. What an honor it was to celebrate without champagne.

Li Guolou shook hands with ten telegraph operators one by one, asked about the cold and warm, and ate celebration noodles with everyone. The small communication room was like a warm home. These ten telegraph operators were all his confidantes.

Zheng Hengdan took a sip of the Longevity Noodles, smiled and said: "This time the Japanese army was deceived. The Japanese fleet is trying to ambush our navy outside Keelung Harbor. Now it is rushing to the waters of the Diaoyu Islands. Commander Li, shall we kill one of them?" Return the carbine."

Li Guolou took a bite of the ham sausage and said with a smile: "Adjutant Zheng, don't treat the Japanese army as fools. They suffered a loss, and the first thing they thought of was to keep the Langqiao Port. We are afraid that we will enter the Langqiao Port. We will lose both. No fight. We should go back to Keelung Port and repair the damaged ships. We have a shipyard in Keelung Port so that the navy officers and soldiers can rest and recuperate. I think in a short period of time, the navy will not be able to go to war, and the main focus is to protect the waterway."

Zheng Hengdan frowned and said: "That's right! Now the Japanese army's telegrams are flying all over the sky. I think the enemy's morale has been confused. But judging from the telegrams we intercepted, why are there only telegrams from the Iwaki and Nisshin? I don’t see the King Kong’s telegram, where is the King Kong cruiser hiding? Will King Kong’s wires go silent, trying to intercept our fleet?”

Li Guolou smiled calmly and said: "Adjutant Zheng, don't imagine the enemy to be so terrifying. The name of the enemy's cruiser is the King Kong, but at that time, the warships eliminated by the United States, the old warships, were full of diseases. I think the King Kong is still there. It was overhauled in Japan. So from the beginning to the end, we did not intercept the King Kong's telegram, because the ship did not participate in the war at all."

"I also think so. There were only three Japanese cruisers participating in the war, and now there are only two left. They are on par with us. There is no need to be afraid of them." The first batch of students in the hall are from Li Guolou's hometown, they are from Hefei, and they are from the same village as Li Guolou.Of course, Li Guolou first used fellow villagers with clean backgrounds, clean history, and clean resumes. From childhood to adulthood, it was clear at a glance that people like Wang Han were the students Li Guolou focused on cultivating.

Zheng Hengdan quickly bit the ham sausage, and still quibbled: "You can't vent your anger through one nostril, what you said is only a possibility, the King Kong will appear on the battlefield at any time, we have to guard against it." [

Li Guolou replied proudly: "I didn't leave myself a way out, so I used all my wealth at once. But the Japanese are not so bold, they always have room for it, so according to me, even if the King Kong appears in The Taiwan waters are just for courage, the Japanese army wants to defend their home and country, even if they dare to exhaust all their national power, the Japanese army is also afraid of losing, and if I sit in Taiwan, the Japanese army will never dare to send King Kong to fight."

"There is also this possibility." Zheng Hengdan did not tell the truth, and analyzed the enemy's movements from the perspective of a strategist.

Wang Han raised his eyebrows mischievously, and said with a smile: "But according to me, the Japanese army is not afraid of the famous Li Guolou, but the White Snake Lord who can pinch and count. Are you right?"

"Of course!" The crowd roared with laughter. For them, it doesn't matter if the military exploits are distributed to anyone. Giving a halo to a magic stick is the best cover for their work.

Zheng Hengdan shook his head and sighed: "Mr. White Snake is not a thing. In the face of national crisis, he is still cheating money. The beneficiary of this battle is Mr. White Snake. The brat is about to become a millionaire."

Li Guolou nodded slightly, and smiled casually: "He still made an indelible contribution, which will be recorded in the annals of history in the future. In the future, Lord White Snake will be the national teacher of the Qing Dynasty. The question of whether money is money or not is a trivial matter. Baiyun Temple is a gold mine. Everyone's fate is different, you can only be heroes, and in 100 years, future generations will reverse the case for you."

Zheng Hengtan put down the big bowl, wiped his mouth, and said: "This is the only way to suffer, Lord White Snake is not peaceful, jumping up and down, saying that he wants to inspect the navy, I ignored him, kind of flying! What do you need ships for?"

The ten telegraph operators have dedicated their lives to the motherland, and they do not remember their names or interests. For them, money cannot impress their patriotism, and it is meaningful to follow Li Guolou to fight for the country.For a clown like White Snake Langjun, just laugh it off, who would care how much money White Snake Langjun cheated?

Since Li Guolou said that it is not easy for the Daqingshui Division to go to war in the near future, but to take a strategic rest, the topic extends to the battle on Taiwan Island.Zheng Hengdan asked: "Commander Li, after Taiwan lands, which army will be used first?"

Li Guolou said: "Use the ever-victorious army to fight on the plains. In the plains, the ever-victorious army is not afraid of any opponent. Browning's command ability is better than mine. Although I don't want to admit that the ever-victorious army is stronger than our Xinwu army, but the ever-victorious army The army is enough to take on important tasks. Try to cooperate with Liu Liumazi in mountain warfare, or use our Xinwu army. Even if we die, we have to go on our own. I am not prepared to leave a way for myself, and I will fight for everything."

Zheng Heng hurriedly said worriedly: "But Commander Li, Taiwan Island is full of mountains and jungles. I am afraid that if we go in, we will not be able to get out. This battle is not easy to fight, and we still have to cooperate with the friendly army. Liu Mingdeng has 1 people, and you still need to deal with this person."

"Trash! Bastard! Liu Mingdeng only knows how to beat the peasant army. When he sees the Japanese, he turns into a eunuch. I wish I could kick his bastard and turn him into a eunuch." Li Guolou was furious, stood up angrily, In the communication room, he yelled at Liu Mingdeng, saying that Taiwan's corrupt war situation is all the fault of Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of the Taiwan town.

Li Hongzhang issued repeated orders to ask Liu Mingdeng to strengthen Taiwan's coastal defenses, but the Japanese army was still allowed to land at Langqiao. After the Japanese army landed, Liu Mingdeng didn't even know about it. Instead, it was the kind British who informed the Prime Minister's Office that Langqiao, Taiwan was occupied by the Japanese army. As a colony, Taiwan is reclaiming barbarian wasteland. This is simply a national humiliation of the Qing Dynasty.

Wu Dating, the governor of Taiwan, and Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of the Taiwan town, were not kind to the ethnic minorities in Taiwan.This national policy should also be adjusted according to the current situation. How can we forcefully reform the natives in the ethnic minority areas? This will lose the hearts of the people.

The policy of reforming natives and returning locals has spread widely in Taiwan, but it has also planted the root of disaster. Many chieftains of ethnic minorities are dissatisfied with Emperor Tongzhi. Their ancestors were vassal kings. Let them pay food and taxes.More than half of the foundation left by their ancestors was destroyed in their hands, and many chieftains of ethnic minorities in Taiwan lost trust in the Qing Dynasty.After all, there were human factors in the Japanese occupation of Taiwan. Otherwise, where would the Japanese army find a deep-water port?Easily log in from Langqiao.The fact is that there is a large group of traitors working for the Japanese army. The Japanese army invaded Taiwan, led by the people of Taiwan's ethnic minorities.

The guide was the American Charles Li Xiande, who turned out to be the US Consul General in Xiamen.The Japanese made Li Xiande a general and called him General Li.This person is a good communicator. He went to and from Taiwan's minority areas twice, became friends of Taiwan's minority groups, and was familiar with Taiwan's terrain.It was Li Xiande who helped the Japanese army invade Taiwan. Now the Japanese army also has supporters in Taiwan. Some ethnic minorities who betrayed the Qing Dynasty took refuge in the Japanese.

Li Guolou vented his dissatisfaction, he could only scold his colleagues here, and walk out of this door. Instead, he had to defend Liu Mingdeng everywhere and deal with Liu Mingdeng.Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in Taiwan and clean up the corrupt situation in Taiwan.Li Guolou was rather depressed. The Qing army did not have "geography" and "human harmony" when fighting in Taiwan. Only the ethnic minorities in Taiwan knew the terrain of this barren land.The first thing he did when he came to Taiwan Island was to buy people's hearts. He wanted to win over the ethnic minorities who betrayed the Qing Dynasty, put the country's overall interests first, and let go of the "traitors" who served the Japanese army.

"Commander Li, you are the only one in the world who can take on the affairs of Taiwan, and only you can play this game well." Zheng Hengdan watched Li Guolou's exaggerated performance, and it was not easy to be a national hero.Taiwan is a game of chess between Qing and Japan. There are gains and losses when playing chess. If you want to win, you have to discard many pieces.The so-called moral concepts must be discarded on the chessboard, and Li Guolou can dance with the devil.He believes that as long as Li Guolou steps out, all the ghosts and monsters will join him.Li Guolou has courage and ability, and will bring Taiwan back to life.

"Well! The emperor and Fu Xiang have entrusted me with great trust, and I will remember it in my heart, and I will not let them down." Li Guolou clenched his fists tightly, and he had enough confidence to take on the heavy responsibility.

"That's right! Commander Li didn't talk about two people." A big victory made Zheng Hengdan a little smug. He was a person who had no words, and he only said some reactionary remarks, but he accidentally said something wrong.

Li Guolou glared angrily, and shouted: "Shut your beak, the horse cake is not here, I also have a whip."

"Yes!" Zheng Hengdan jumped up in fright, and fled out in a hurry.

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