late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 660 Keelung Port, Taiwan

After joking, Li Guolou looked at the frequent telegrams of the Japanese army. After the Diaoyu Islands naval battle, the number of telegrams sent by the Japanese army increased sharply. The Japanese army was frightened by the Daqingshui Division. is the word "stick to"

Li Guolou saw that the last telegram sent by the Fusang had the word "jade broken" on it.

Tonight will be a sleepless night, Li Guolou is sleeping in his clothes, lying in a small bedroom, on a small three-foot bed, with a hurricane lamp hanging above the bed, and a revolver under his pillow, in front of everyone, Li Guolou is chatting and laughing, commanding but determined When he's alone he can't sleep at night Toss and turn the long lonely night with only an oil lamp

This time the Daqingshui Division won the victory, but it also planted hidden dangers. The fleet was scarred and "medicine" wasted a lot. The Dashimishui Division has no more energy left to fight and cannot meet the main force of the Japanese navy at sea. Now what he has to do is to reach Keelung Port in Taiwan safely. But the fleet Cannot sail directly to Keelung Port

The Great Ching Shui Division carried the aftermath of victory to boost morale, but the Japanese army was not a soft persimmon. The main fleet of the Japanese army was still intact. Li Guolou resorted to tricks to send out false messages, and even Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of the Taiwan town, also deceived the army to cover the army at night. The Qingshui Division diverted to Magong Port in northern Taiwan. Before exchanging secret codes with Liu Mingdeng, Li Guolou carefully arranged tactics so that the Japanese army could not see through his attempt to use troops.

Li Guolou is suspicious by nature, cunning like a fox, cheats the enemy, and also deceives the friendly army to let Liu Mingdeng wait in the Keelung Harbor Air Force once.

Li Guolou knelt devoutly on the cold ground, praying to God and repenting his sins, but he was an ambitious man, hoping that there would be a few old-fashioned Japanese ships outside Magong Harbor, which would be the perfect journey. After reading the ancient book "Book of Changes", I can't fall asleep anyway, maybe I can understand the true meaning of "Book of Changes" and count as dead Japanese

A few Japanese warships cruising around outside Keelung Harbor in Taiwan, looking down at the warships of the Daqingshui Division in disdain. There are many forts in the port. The firepower of the Krupp cannon has been upgraded to a higher level. The Japanese armored warships have suffered from the Krupp cannon's losses and will never enter the range of the Krupp cannon.

But outside the harbor is the world of Japanese warships. The wooden warships of the Qing Dynasty dare not leave the port at all. The sea is dominated by the Japanese fleet.[

Liu Mingdeng, chief soldier of Taiwan Township, and Wu Dating, governor and academician of Taiwan, have come to Keelung Harbor. The two are standing on the fort watching the scene outside the harbor. Why are there still three Japanese ships cruising outside the harbor yesterday? The warship sank the main battleship of the Japanese army, the Fuso, and the two drank three glasses of wine happily.

Wu Dating is a senior member of the fourth rank, over 50 years old, wearing eight pythons and five-catch python robes, snow goose make-up clothes, an official robe that doesn't seem to fit, looks empty, stroking a thin three-strand beard, and his face is clear and frowning. His official career has come to an end. Taiwan is a mess. He has an inescapable responsibility to educate Taiwan's minorities. He is responsible for Taiwan's minorities.

Liu Mingdeng is the general who leads the army. He has the opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious service. At most, he will be transferred back to the mainland to be an official. At worst, he will be degraded and appointed, and he will be resigned soon. Only the breeze will accompany the lonely star.

The Qing Dynasty is no longer a hundred years ago when the rich country gave generous rewards to foreigners, but the treasury is empty, the country is poor, the people are weak, the people of Taiwan are tough, the ethnic minorities are difficult to manage, and the financial subsidies for Taiwan from the Ministry of Households are pitifully small. All the crimes that made him the target of public criticism were imposed on him

Now Wu Dating is wearing a lice jacket and is not afraid of lice. Only he dared to say it and dared to cover it up: "Could it be that Liu Zhentai lied about his military exploits and the ship didn't retreat today?"

Liu Mingdeng, who has a big waist and a thick back, is a tiger and a wolf. He is a member of the tiger general and the Taiping Army. He has made great achievements in battle, but he did not take advantage of the Japanese army. The army suffered thousands of casualties, Liu Mingdeng lost his troops and lost his generals. He never dared to confront the Japanese army in the field. Sticking to strategic locations and waiting for reinforcements was the best policy. He pinned his hopes on the reinforcements.

When Liu Mingdeng saw the Japanese ships outside the harbor, he gritted his teeth with hatred and replied loudly: "Wu Daoist carefully said that Li Guolou is a rising star among the generals of the Qing Dynasty. After receiving the true biography of Commander Zuo, he will never falsely report his military achievements. I think the enemy is not willing to lose. Want to intercept my Great Qingshui Division outside Keelung Harbor"

Wu Dating thought about it for a while and approved Liu Mingdeng's proposition, nodded and said: "Liu Zhentai's words are reasonable because the old man has poor knowledge, but I'm afraid that the enemy will be aggressive."

Wu Dating looked left and right, afraid that the people next to him would hear that if the extreme joy would lead to grief, the Daqingshui Division lost to the Japanese Navy in Keelung Harbor. Will the more than 30 warships in the harbor go out to support?

Liu Mingdeng has no idea. The more than 30 warships in Keelung Harbor are all wooden warships. The rusty iron sheets wrapped on the warships have long been in disrepair. More than 1000 navy officers and soldiers are under the jurisdiction of Shen Baozhen, and the deputy general Harida leads the navy. It is the partial division of the Nanyang Navy whose combat effectiveness is extremely weak. It can only be used to fight pirates and defend Keelung Harbor. It is not bad. How can this navy be used to fight the Japanese Navy?

"I don't want to go to sea to fight because of this family background. Now I am the highest official in Taiwan, Li Guolou, and I have the protection of Mr. White Snake. We can rest easy and worry about Taoist Wu, you are unfounded worrying hahahaha" Liu Mingdeng walked down the fort and did not feel at all. Pay attention to the Japanese ships outside the harbor. The enemy is a coward. If you have the guts, come and attack Keelung Harbor.

Wu Dating glanced at the several new cannons on the fort. Luckily, Shen Baozhen brought in ten Krupp cannons in winter, which made Keelung Port as solid as gold.

I heard that the Nanyang navy took shape thanks to Li Guolou's support. It seems that only by hugging Li Guolou's thick legs can salty fish have a chance to turn around. Wu Dating made up his mind to perform well in front of Li Guolou. Don't want to be an official, although the old man has not rested in his ambition

Liu Mingdeng and Wu Dating came to the barracks to watch the recruits practice. There were 3000 recruits in Keelung Port. This is the background of Taiwan. he must win

Liu Mingdeng is good at training soldiers. At the beginning, he fought with the Taiping Army. Tens of thousands of decisive battles are called real wars. Whereas the lack of troops now makes him stretched. Wait until tens of thousands of soldiers are trained. Hey, how can the Japanese expedition team be his opponent? [

Liu Mingdeng is ambitious and wants to avenge his shame. He is dissatisfied with Li Hongzhang's appointment of Li Guolou as the commander-in-chief of Taiwan. The generals under his command also complain that an upstart in the imperial court is not enough to command the Jianwu Army in Taiwan Town. However, after receiving the news of the victory in the Diaoyu Island naval battle yesterday Liu Mingdeng is very much looking forward to joining forces with Li Guolou in victory. The "Zhao Zilong" of the Qing Dynasty is indeed full of guts and sinks the enemy's Fusang as soon as he goes out. Li Guolou commands the battle to make the Jianwu Army explode with poor combat effectiveness.

The people of Taiwan actively join the army and serve the motherland with practical actions. The Qing Dynasty regained Taiwan for a hundred years. The hearts of the people have long been attached to those scum who helped the Japanese army, only a small minority. Serving the Japanese army will definitely be punished by the gods. The soldiers carry wooden spears to practice assassination skills in the martial arts arena.

Liu Mingdeng stood proudly on the stage, watching the soldiers' drill motionless, the sea breeze was blowing on his weather-beaten face, his heart was full of excitement, the day when three thousand soldiers and horses had trained for a decisive battle was coming, and he endured for more than 60 days just waiting The day when the soldiers were strong and the horses were strong

During the lunch break, the soldiers returned to their original positions and sat in the tea shed to rest. Different ethnic groups spoke different dialects. Each detachment was made up of different ethnic groups. Even the commanders couldn’t understand the speeches of those ethnic minority soldiers. Let these ethnic minority soldiers understand the military orders. Commander has a headache

But this does not affect the patriotic enthusiasm of these ethnic minority fighters. They are fighting for the motherland, supporting the Yellow Dragon Banner, and full of hatred for the Japanese army; yesterday they may be the private property of a certain chieftain's slave slave owner; but today they are the glorious Jianwu Army Soldiers will defend the "Jianwu" military flag with loyalty and bravery for the beloved commander-in-chief Liu Mingdeng

There are a lot of taboos in the barracks, and it is not allowed to speak, let alone whisper, but today, different soldiers are smiling and extolling the latest battle report. The news of the Diaoyu Islands naval battle has already spread to every corner of the barracks. It has not yet reached Taiwan and has been blown away

In the afternoon, Liu Mingdeng became anxious and sent telegrams to Li Guolou, but there was no reply. Until now, there is no news about the Great Qingshui Division. Such a huge fleet seems to have disappeared. Liu Mingdeng neither sat nor stood, nor ran to the highest watchtower to see the harbor Out of the box

Wu Dating had already stood on the watchtower, the two looked at each other, the silence of wry laughter became heavy, and they were quite worried about the safety of Li Guolou, and even more worried about the safety of Master Da Qingshui.

At this time, Li Hongzhang, a scholar of Wuyingdian, Li Henian, governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and Ding Richang, governor of Fujian, had already moved to Xiamen to join forces with Wen Yu, general of Fuzhou.

The four-person joint meeting will play "The General Situation of Taiwan's Defense Preparation" and propose four emergency measures to protect Taiwan, including "United Nations diplomacy, storage of sharp weapons, storage of talents, and communication of news"

The four court ministers recognized the importance of Taiwan's status and called Taiwan "the gateway of seven provinces", "the key to the North and South Oceans", and "China's first gateway". The cross-sea power line in Xiamen and the land line from Xiamen to Fuzhou enable the news to flow as quickly as possible so as not to miss the opportunity to fight.”

Proposal to purchase an ironclad ship from the United Kingdom, Fujian Governor's Yamen Asked to come in and borrow 1000 million yuan from the bank

Although Li Guolou did not attend the meeting, Ding Richang signed for Li Guolou, indicating that Li Guolou approved the proposal

Li Hongzhang said rather worriedly: "Little Ding, your appetite is too big. If you ask Li Guolou for 1000 million silver dollars, isn't that asking for Li Guolou's life?"

Ding Richang said with a wicked smile: "Master Fu Xiang, I am leaving room for Li Guolou to give him a [-]% discount or a [-]% discount. The so-called, how little money does this kid search for in Fujian? I am taking it from the people and using it for the people." "

Li Hongzhang said solemnly: "Ding Xiaogui is now in a war period and can't tolerate jokes. Everything is based on reality. First, please come in and ask the bank to borrow 400 million yuan to ease Fujian's urgent needs."

Ding Richang stared at Li Hongzhang with a pair of mung bean eyes and said suspiciously: "Master Fu, please come in, will the bank give you?"

Li Hongzhang nodded: "Don't worry, Ding Xiaogui will take my order and come in to the bank within three days, and the 400 million yuan will be raised."

"Oh, Mr. Fu is treacherous, you must still have room for a small opening of 500 million yuan." Ding Richang pointed at Li Hongzhang's nose and saw through Li Hongzhang's hole cards. No wonder Li Hongzhang worked so hard to wave the flag for Li Guolou. The commander-in-chief of Taiwan turned out that Li Hongzhang had been bought by Li Guolou's sugar-coated cannon long ago

Ding Richang changed the figure to 500 million yuan, so he sat down and tasted tea with peace of mind.

Li Hongzhang stroked his beautiful three-strand beard and smiled proudly. Li Guolou assisted He Chou in the Taiwan war. The four important court officials signed and stamped the memorial and sent it to the capital in [-] miles. Of course, the telegram was sent first. Prince Gong was the first. Got the news

Li Hongzhang, Li Henian, Ding Richang, and Wen Yu live in the same courtyard and work together day and night. If you move slowly, use it as soon as possible.”

Ding Richang dispatched more than 30 Goshha to Fuzhou "Please come to the bank" to withdraw 50 yuan to solve the urgent need first

Wen Yu heard people shouting his horses from outside and knew that Ding Richang wanted to withdraw 50 yuan. Wenyu hurriedly stopped the horse team and went to tell Ding Richang that he could get 50 yuan in Xiamen without having to go to Fuzhou.

Only then did Ding Richang know that there was so much money in "Please Come In to the Bank" on the four-door shop in Xiamen.

Wen Yu said with a smile: "Dingfutai, you don't know something. The common people are queuing up to come in and deposit money. The ship merchants in Fujian are the most patriotic. The merchants in Xiamen have already mobilized and transferred all the money from Nanyang back. They all support Li Guolou's fight. Japanese pirates"

"Oh, so that's how it is." Ding Richang stroked his three-horned beard in a happy mood. Although he worked hard day and night, he was full of strength with the support of the people of the whole country.

Ding Richang changed into ordinary clothes and ran outside "Please Come to the Bank" to watch the crowds on the street. The crowds lined up filled several streets.

Seeing these scenes, Ding Richang couldn't help crying

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