As a frontline commander, Su Yuanchun carried out Li Guolou's spirit, refused to accept prisoners of war, and handed over the fate of Beidong prisoners of war to the Atayal tribe.

The Atayal people treated the captives extremely cruelly, while the barbarians did not respect humanity.

Atayal commander Jacob listened to Su Yuanchun's speech, and was extremely dissatisfied that Su Yuanchun did not let the Atayal lead the battle, but let the Atayal fighters finish the chase, because there was no reason to grab the spoils from the Xinwu army.

Jacob complained: "I said Lieutenant Colonel Su, we Atayals are defending their homeland, so how can we clean up the battlefield? Atayal warriors are never willing to be oxtails."

Su Yuanchun could only explain patiently: "Jacob, you Atayal fighters will not fight together under the artillery, and the artillery will accidentally injure your own people, so the pursuit battle is suitable for you Atayal fighters. Attack the No. [-] mountain and let you transport the medicine. , there will be plenty of opportunities in the future for you to show your talents.”

Hearing that Su Yuanchun didn't underestimate the Atayal fighters, Jacob raised his chest and said proudly: "Yes! Two hundred Atayal fighters are willing to obey Lieutenant Colonel Su's command."

A unified army can win a big battle. Su Yuanchun looked around the officers with satisfaction. There are so many soldiers who are used to fighting. Why worry about tomorrow's battle?The military meeting ended at midnight.

The artillery prepared more than 200 cannons for this campaign, and each soldier carried ten grenades with him, and ambush to the designated location.

Military order, "There is advance and retreat!" [

"Kill the enemy and serve the country!" is the duty of a soldier. The front is the enemy's position, and one step back is "death." The officers and soldiers of the Xinwu Army regard death as home and are ready to fight for the country to the death.

The officers and soldiers of the New Armed Forces came to Taiwan, went through untold hardships, and worked hard for today.The army is built by fighting. The Xinwu Army, which has just experienced the suppression of bandits in Shandong, has high fighting spirit and is not afraid of death.

The enemy's position designated as the No. [-] hill by the Xinwu Army is still immersed in the night.Frogs and insects croaked in the mountains and forests, as if it was a peaceful event. The soldiers of the Xinwu Army were gearing up and waiting for the dawn.

At dawn, Hu Hanping personally led two artillery posts. Su Yuanchun and Hu Hanping were old partners. They split into two groups and planned to attack the No. [-] hill.

Modern warfare prevents the commander from being at the forefront of the battle. The officers and soldiers who charge ahead will die at any time, but as a commander, he must have experienced the test of blood and fire.Only soldiers who have passed the battle test will be promoted step by step. Every officer of the Xinwu Army has been baptized by the flames of war, and the honor of soldiers is more important than life.

Su Yuanchun stood tall on the hillside, overlooking the entire battlefield, with the murderous look of a soldier, the morning star hung in the sky, and the morning light penetrated the clouds.

morning, seven o'clock,


The sound of rolling artillery rumbled from the sky!

The sound of rolling artillery rumbled from the sky!

Ring up!God's punishment!

The sound of rolling artillery is like thunder before a rainstorm!

Beat the traitor who betrayed the motherland!

In the northwest, in Dawu Mountain, and on the border of the motherland, the warriors of the Qing Dynasty braved artillery fire to advance.

Rangers are not afraid of danger and rush into the enemy camp.The infantry phalanx sang loud military songs, and the soldiers of the Xinwu Army had jumped out of the trenches and fired at the Japanese invaders! [

The artillery of the Xinwu Army has already sounded on the Taiwan battlefield!

The sound of rolling artillery rumbled from the sky!Rumbling from the sky!The loud bugle frightens the soul of the enemy.

The flowers turned into scorched earth, the tops of the grass turned into ashes, the earth trembled, and the enemies were wiped out.

The dark clouds in the Taiwan Strait have merged into the sunny princess of the morning glow!

Shoot the traitors!fire!fire!

The ancient nation has risen again, and the national self-esteem has shaken the earth!

The cornfields and green gauze tents raised their knives and guns, and the high mountains and jungles sounded the horn of counterattack!

Under artillery fire, the Xinwu army vented their hatred and poured their anger on the enemy's head.

"Let go!" Lieutenant Colonel Hu Hanping waved his arms exaggeratedly, his delicate face became hideous and terrifying.

The enemy's position was turned into ruins under the raging artillery.On the enemy's garrison, broken limbs and wreckage were scattered all over the ground, and the wounded enemy cried and howled.

Thunder billowed and resounded through the sky. The Japanese command post was razed to the ground by artillery fire. Nine Japanese officers were buried in the ruins.

"Tick tick tick tick!"

The resonant bugle sounded, and hundreds of soldiers of the Xinwu Army braved the artillery fire and marched forward. The bright red "Xinwu" battle flag fluttered on the surrounding hills, as if there were thousands of troops.

As far as the eye can see, the entire battlefield is full of soldiers from the Xinwu Army, and the sound of guns and artillery gathers together to attack the enemy's position.This is a brave game, and the "Xinwu" battle flag is flying over the motherland.

A flag bearer fell, and a soldier next to him stepped forward, holding up the battle flag, ,, go forward!go ahead!Braving the gunfire to advance!

A soldier's shirt was stained with blood, but he gritted his teeth and threw a grenade, and fell down on the hillside. His name was "Chinese Man".

A soldier held a throwing cylinder, jumped into the enemy's fortifications, and pulled the fuse without hesitation.


Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and several soldiers of the Xinwu Army fought their way out with flesh and blood.

The sound of killing was everywhere, and the fearless soldiers of the Xinwu Army charged towards the No. [-] highland with the momentum of thunder.

The Beidong fighters claim to be the bravest fighters in the world because they are used to fighting, but today they finally met a master. The battle flag of the Xinwu Army made the Beidong fighters terrified.

The artillery fire caused heavy casualties to the Beidong fighters. In an instant, there were only a few dozen remnants of more than 500 Beidong fighters.He didn't block a single round, as long as he could run with two legs, he spread his tiny short legs and fled desperately, leaving his back to the enemy.Dozens of Beidong fighters ran away with their heads in their hands, just wanting to escape the ravages of artillery fire.


More than 200 Atayal fighters rushed out of their positions and chased the fleeing enemies. They are masters of jungle warfare. This is their hometown, and the defense of their homes and the country is now.

The Atayal fighters rushed to the front line without regard for their lives. They were the defenders of the Qing Dynasty. They were not afraid of sacrifice for the Qing emperor and fought the invaders to the end.

Jacob is the youngest son of Yabu, the chieftain of the Atayal tribe. He has coveted the position of the chieftain of the Atayal tribe for a long time. He ranks fourth in the family. There are only more than 500 people left in the team.This time, he finally made him proud, the battle to defeat the Beidong tribe was under his command.

Jacob held up the tribal flag and charged forward, but the gun passed by his ear, but he continued to advance, and the Atayal warriors charged forward.

The artillery position has been extended forward, and the artillery blocked the enemy's retreat. The defeated Beidong fighters were beaten until they pissed off their buttocks, and drilled into the mountains and forests.

"We have won." Su Yuanchun stepped on the enemy's corpse, walked up to the No. [-] high ground, and shook hands with every officer and soldier with a smile.

"Yes! We have won, and Dawu Mountain has ushered in liberation." Hu Hanping stood proudly, and he was greeted with cheers of victory.

Su Yuanchun said loudly: "Soldiers in the end of the world, the latest chapter! There will be tough battles ahead. Our Xinwu Army must carry forward the spirit of Xinwu and continue to fight until the final victory!"

"The Xinwu Army is victorious! Long live my emperor!" The soldiers of the Xinwu Army shouted "The Emperor", and Li Guolou was grateful in his heart.The Xinwu Army has long been Li Guolou's army, and this army only fights for Li Guolou.With the financial support of Li Guolou, the Xinwu Army is able to disdain Greater East Asia.

The Xinwu Army fought a bloody road with artillery, which made the battle a one-sided situation.If there is no artillery, the war with the enemy will use flesh and blood to pave a road to victory, and the mountain battle will surely be bloody.

The arrogant soldiers under him were all cheering. The seemingly fierce battle lasted only [-] minutes. The Xinwu Army was fully prepared, caught the enemy by surprise, and successfully captured a heavy enemy position.This is the first battle of the Xinwu Army in Dawu Mountain. It has demonstrated its national prestige and military prestige, changing the confidence of both the enemy and ourselves in one fell swoop.

With the support of powerful artillery fire, the Xinwu Army had less than 60 casualties, 25 were killed in battle, and other injured soldiers were treated immediately.Atayal warriors carried simple stretchers and transported the wounded to the rear.

Don't underestimate the treatment of the wounded, which has a great impact on the morale of an army. Those wounded soldiers will be more brave after recovering from their injuries.The Xinwu Army adheres to the military rule of "not abandoning every comrade in arms", and military doctors treat the wounded carefully.

The premise is to win the victory, and then there will be officers to condolences to the wounded, and military doctors will treat the wounded with care.The defeated Qing army would just throw it on the wounded and let the wounded fend for themselves.

Su Yuanchun used his troops skillfully, and after winning the victory, the Atayal warriors became pioneers with high morale and rushed to the forefront.This is of great significance to reducing the casualties of the Xinwu Army. Su Yuanchun wants to use the least cost to obtain the most benefits.Su Yuanchun's tactical use is exactly the same as Li Guolou's. He is good at using people's hearts to turn the Atayal fighters into death squads.

The soldiers of the Xinwu Army took advantage of the victory to pursue the enemy in large strides, without giving the enemy a chance to breathe.Su Yuanchun's tactical purpose is very clear, to wipe out the enemies in Dawu Mountain.The first step in the war is to regain the lost land, regain the territory of the Atayal people, and drive out the invaders.As long as Dawu Mountain is occupied, the geographical advantage is in the hands of the Xinwu Army.

The territory of the Beidong people is the plain area, and the Taitung Plain is under the vanguard of the Xinwu Army. Fighting on the plain, artillery is the magic weapon for victory, which can better highlight the military advantages of the Xinwu Army and reflect the military level of an excellent commander. .The Beidong territory will be attacked by the Xinwu army at any time. Even if there are tens of thousands of Beidong fighters, they are not an opponent of the ever-victorious army who is good at fighting on the plains.

The large corps can only fight in plain areas. The Xinwu Army wants to join forces with the Ever Victorious Army to fight the Japanese army as soon as possible.

The terrain of Taiwan is mostly mountains in the northeast and plains in the southwest.The Japanese army is now occupying the mountainous areas of the Paiwan tribe, instead of attacking the Taichung Plain, in order to be invincible tactically.The Japanese army had the ability to occupy the plain area of ​​Taichung, but the Japanese army did not do so.

From the perspective of the art of war, the plain area is a tactical dead zone, and the geographical environment is passive and beaten, and it will be surrounded by the enemy at any time.

The Central Plains has been ravaged by the iron hooves of the northern nomads, and has been on the defensive. It is because of the geographical environment that the Central Plains are in a passive position.If you do not have a strong army, but occupy the plains, you will be wiped out by the enemy.

Today's Taichung Plain is a strategically deep zone for both the enemy and us. The Qing army retreated the people in the plain area to the west, and the Japanese army carried out harassment tactics on the Taichung Plain area.Without an absolute advantage, neither the enemy nor the enemy will send large troops to the Taichung Plain.

Before Taiwan had an absolute advantage, Li Guolou did not dare to direct his troops to the Taichung Plain.If the Qing army lost to the Japanese army in the Taichung Plain, the war situation in Taiwan would become more and more unmanageable, half of Taiwan's territory would be lost, and more ethnic minorities would betray the Qing Dynasty.

There will be no such evil results in mountain warfare, and defeat will not be a thousand miles away. As long as the people's hearts are grasped and the army and the people are united, they can fight the enemy to the end in the mountains.Li Guolou has excellent knowledge and a strategic vision in fighting, and the first battle was placed on Dawu Mountain.Although the battle at Dawushan was not directed by Li Guolou, this battle brought Li Guolou's prestige and restored the confidence of the people of Taiwan.

Those ethnic minorities who were still on the sidelines began to show their will with practical actions, and sent troops one after another to fight side by side with the Qing army.

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