Beidong Commander Wang Redong is a confidant of Chieftain Luo Xingbing. He is in command of the northern front battle. He has 4000 soldiers and horses at his disposal. Because the front line is too long, he was attacked by the Xinwu Army. In the First World War, Wangredong lost [-] elite soldiers.

At this time, Wangredong knew that the Xinwu Army had entered the mountain. His opponent was no longer the Atayal, but the main force of the Qing army. With a large number of people, they continued to hold their positions and refused to retreat from Dawu Mountain.

Wangredong's military thinking is still in the era of cold weapons, and the tactics he came up with are to keep the fruits of victory at hand.

Dawu Mountain is a strategic location. Wang Redong knew that losing Dawu Mountain meant losing the initiative on the battlefield. Wang Redong was not reconciled to failure and was not intimidated by Li Guolou's reputation. He still wanted to compete with the Xinwu Army .

Wangerdong is confident that he will fight the Qing army. The weapons used by the Beidong fighters are no longer old shotguns, but single-shot rifles provided by the Japanese army. This single-shot rifle is made in Japan with a caliber of 11mm and the largest A single-shot rifle with a range of 1000 meters.

The Japanese army also gave the Beidong people a large number of hand grenades, which greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the Beidong people.

In terms of the level of military industry, the level of military technology in the Qing Dynasty was far above that of Japan. The Qing Dynasty was already imitating Dreiser firing pin rifles and Mauser guns. With the complete equipment and drawings provided by Prussia, the Wuhan Arsenal took shape and manufactured The level of craftsmanship of firearms has caught up with Western powers.

The output of the Wuhan Arsenal could not keep up with the needs of the Qing army, and only a very small number of troops were equipped with the new "Lucky Rifle".

There are several types of Hongyun rifles. The "Hongyun rifle No. [-]" is the latest Mauser rifle, and the gun itself weighs only eleven catties.

The gun body is light, which represents a high level of military industry, and can be used for cavalry warfare. The Xinwu Army generally deploys this rifle.

"Hongyun Rifle No. 1600" weighs [-] kilograms, and has a longer range, with a maximum range of [-] meters. It is mainly used by sharpshooters.

The name "Hongyun Rifle" is to commend Li Hongzhang's outstanding contribution to the Qing Dynasty, so there is a word "Hong" in the name.

The explosives in the Japanese grenade are still using black powder, not the safety explosive invented by Jobel, yellow explosive, the Japanese grenade is not as powerful as the Qing army grenade, in order to make up for this defect, the short Japanese can only make the grenade Big man, which again makes it inconvenient to carry around.

The artillery carried by the Japanese army is a 70mm bronze cannon. Bronze is expensive, which restricts the popularity of bronze cannons in the army. Bronze cannons need to dissipate heat for a long time, and if they are used improperly, they will explode.

Comparing the quality of weapons, the Xinwu Army has the upper hand, but fighting is not about comparing weapons. The Japanese army gave the Beidong people great confidence. With the weapons and ammunition given by the Japanese army, the Beidong fighters can completely compete with the Xinwu Army.

Wangredong believed that he was defeated by the Xinwu Army because of backward intelligence. The intelligence of the Xinwu Army in his hands was extremely limited. Wangredong was quite dissatisfied with the commanders of the Japanese observation group, and believed that the Japanese army deliberately concealed the information of the Xinwu Army. Wu Jun's information made five hundred Beidong warriors die in vain on an unnamed highland.

Wangredong allocated [-] troops to three hills. The commander of the Japanese observation team did not raise any objections. Anyway, it was the Beidong people who were consumed, and the Japanese wanted to see the tactics of the Xinwu Army.

Wang Gendong attached great importance to this battle, and specially met with several commanders of the Japanese observation group, hoping to get the support of the Japanese army.

Takesuke Sakata of the Japanese Army gave Wangredong a contemptuous look, and said, "Wangredong, you Beidong people are the masters of this land. We Japanese came to Taiwan just to uphold justice. His Majesty only needs a deep-water port, and There is a very small piece of land, for the cause of King Beidong, we work together, our army can send an artillery unit to support you in the war, the ground troops still rely on you, "

Wang Redong imitated the appearance of a Japanese military officer, and bowed gratefully: "I am very grateful to Sakata Dazuo for his selfless help. Taiwan is the territory of the Taiwanese. They fight for freedom. The Beidong people are willing to throw their heads and blood to expel the Qing army. Taiwan,"

Dazuo Sakata Takesuke was very satisfied with Wangredong's Japanese military demeanor. He nodded slightly, showing a smile, and said: "Wangredong must have confidence. Although the enemy won a game by luck, the final victory must be ours, Lieutenant General Xixiang Congdao's plan to increase troops has been approved by His Majesty the Emperor, and Japan has [-] soldiers who want to liberate the people of Taiwan."

Takesuke Sakata of the Japanese army realized that the artillery of the Xinwu Army was powerful. The Beidong soldiers were defeated by the Xinwu Army because the artillery of the Xinwu Army was too fierce. Ten bronze cannons must be used against cannons to make it difficult for the Xinwu army to move an inch in Dawu Mountain, and use Beidong soldiers and horses to drag down the Xinwu army.

As for the [-] soldiers, that is just Takesuke Sakata's rhetoric, and the Japanese Diet does not agree with the expansion of the Taiwan War.

At this time, Japan was poor and backward, and had no money to support large-scale wars. The defeat of the Diaoyu Islands naval battle, and the sinking of the cruiser Fuso by the Taishimizu Division made Japan even more dangerous.

Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs Toshimichi Okubo dealt with various forces, trying to make it a fact that the Japanese army occupied Langqiao and Guishan, and let the Qing Dynasty recognize that the Japanese army had the right to colonize Taiwan.

In July, the Japanese army established the Dudufu with Guishan as the center, showing the world the Japanese government's tough stance on the Taiwan issue.

After the defeat in the Diaoyu Islands naval battle, the Japanese army changed its strategy, wanting to consolidate the occupied Taiwan territory, stop expanding outwards, and maintain the current status with the Qing army as much as possible. Instead, the Japanese army supported the independence war of Taiwan’s ethnic minorities and made the Beidong people the Japanese army. As a pawn, the Japanese army gave more support to the Beidong tribe, and the entire Beidong tribe was armed by the Japanese army.

"The Great Japanese Navy is an invincible fleet in Greater East Asia, with [-] Japanese troops supporting our War of Independence, and we will surely win this war," said Wang Redong, who was full of confidence and terrified in his heart after hearing the speech of Osamu Sakata Takesuke. It is a tiger, and the Japanese army is a wolf. They did not expel the Qing army from Taiwan, but attracted the Japanese army. Is the national independence movement really going to take the road of uprising?

Wangredong is not a fanatical nationalist, he is just loyal to his duty and is loyal to the chieftain Luo Xingban. Luo Xingban wants to become king, and the entire Beidong tribe wants to fight for the king of Beidong, Luo Xingban.

"The Japanese navy has won a big victory. Now it has surrounded the Qing army's navy in a small port. Waiting for the opportunity to wipe out the Qing army's navy in one fell swoop. The next step is up to you. If you want to stand up and survive, you must Defeating Li Guolou, this dog talent, the Han people are all humble dog slaves who will only kneel at the feet of the Manchurians. They are already a bloodless nation. The Beidong warriors are the masters of this land. Dawu Mountain fights, the weather is right The location is favorable, the people are harmonious, and they are all on our side. The Beidong warriors are good at mountain warfare, and they will definitely win a big victory."

Takesuke Sakata gave Wangredong strong support and sent the most powerful artillery column of the Japanese army to Dawu Mountain to fight, but the shells could not be eaten, and more than 4000 people went to the mountain to fight. take responsibility.

The Beidong people captured the territories of other ethnic minorities through burning, killing and looting, and plundered a large amount of food and labor. They can still support this war. They dream of defeating the Xinwu Army in Dawu Mountain and becoming the masters of Taiwan.

The Beidong people don't know the truth about the Diaoyu Islands naval battle. Until now, the Japanese military command still conceals the truth of the Diaoyu Islands naval battle. Instead, they are bragging that the Japanese navy severely damaged the Daqingshui Division and sank a Qing battleship in the Diaoyu Islands naval battle.

Wangredong plucked up his courage and was very satisfied with the support of the Japanese army. With the support of a Japanese artillery column, he could compete with the Qing army at Dawu Mountain. Wangredong returned to the barracks to report the good news to his compatriots. The Japanese allies took practical actions To support the Beidong people's War of Independence, a Japanese artillery column is about to enter Dawu Mountain.

Soon, this good news revived the morale of the Beidong fighters, who had turned pale from talking about it. With artillery support, there is no need to be afraid of "braided dogs".

At this time, Li Guolou entered Dawu Mountain. Instead of going straight to the front line, he went to sign an alliance with Yabu, chieftain of the Atayal tribe.

Tusi Yabu personally came to meet Li Guolou, and the two armies joined forces victoriously.

Tusi Yabu is in his 40s, with a short beard, a radiant look, gold and purple, like a nouveau riche, short, fat, and wearing a unique ethnic skirt, which makes people want to laugh.

Li Guolou is heroic, wearing an old military uniform, exuding a confident light, like a red sun, illuminating everyone's hearts.

A group of Atayal girls dressed up beautifully, handed fresh fruits and milk tea to welcome the distinguished guests.

Li Guolou saw Tusi Yabu and others greet him at the inn in front of him, he walked like the wind, took the initiative to meet him, took off his wide-brimmed hat, and said with a smile: "This must be Tusi Yabu, so loyal and brave, guarding the gate of the Qing Dynasty It has been admirable for so many years, and it is a great honor to see you today.”

Yabu almost shed tears. He was deeply moved by Li Guolou's words. With tears in his eyes, he replied with the courtesy of his peers: "Master Li's reputation is admirable. I can see you today. He is indeed a hero."

The chieftain is at most the guest of the local third-rank officials. Li Guolou's official title is much higher than that of chieftain Yabu. However, in order to win over the ethnic minorities in Taiwan, Li Guolou is willing to use equal etiquette to make friends with chieftain Yabu. In front of him, Yabu can understand the general situation and fight for the country. This kind of person is worthy of deep friendship.

The two respected each other's strength of character and walked hand in hand. The welcome ceremony was grand but brief.

The Atayal girls sang beautiful mountain songs, and everyone drank rice wine and chatted happily.

Afterwards, a solemn oath was held, three animals were killed, and sacrifices were made to heaven.

It was the second time in Li Guolou's life that he swore to someone. He cut his finger, dripped blood on a bronze drum, and swore to the gods.

For the benefit of the country, Li Guolou recognized a chieftain from an ethnic minority as his eldest brother, and exchanged tokens with Yabu, expressing his unswerving brotherhood.

In order to expel the Japanese invaders, Yabu handed over the command of [-] Atayal fighters to Li Guolou, and used all the Atayal troops to fight the Japanese army to the death.

The population of the Atayal tribe is less than [-]. How can it not be moved by such courage? Li Guolou agreed to the chieftain Yabu's territorial request and gave the Atayal the right to choose [-] slaves.

Chieftain Yabu was overjoyed. "Territory" and "population" are the necessary conditions for the prosperity of a tribe. This is more exciting than the silver box. Yabu personally entertained Li Guolou and his party and brought out the best Atayal delicacies.

Li Guolou was mentally prepared for the food he ate. The Atayal people are a mountain people who don't raise pigs and dare to eat anything.

Moths flying in the sky, worms crawling on trees, and worms burrowing in the ground, Li Guolou was able to remain calm when serving a banquet. He just regarded it as a nutritious delicacy, grabbed a few, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The officials accompanying Li Guolou had also been prepared for a few mouthfuls of all sorts of strange and disgusting foods. Xu Qiusheng ate them with relish, and he ate the most at the banquet.

Tusi Yabu saw that Li Guolou was different, and these things could not frighten Li Guolou, so he couldn't help but look up to Li Guolou.

At the banquet, the Atayal girls made delicacies, wrapped the hedgehogs in mud, and roasted them on the fire. After they were cooked, they peeled off the outer mud. There is a mass of cooked meat left, and it is eaten with seasoning.

Li Guolou ate a lump of hedgehog meat and thought it was delicious. He gave Tusi Yabu a thumbs up.

Tusi Yabu laughed out loud, not believing the evil, and shouted: "Come on, bring up my 'Mi Chi' to entertain distinguished guests from afar."

Li Guolou is still thinking about what is meant by "secret haw", which is unheard of, what exactly is being held in the hands of Atayal girls.

When 'Mi Chi' was brought to the table, Li Guolou was so frightened that his hairs stood up all over his body, and he stood up anxiously, "Brother, we don't eat this stuff, it's too scary, take it away quickly."

I saw white and red "Mi Chi" wriggling in the bowl, making a "squeak" sound.

"Mi Chi" is a newborn mountain mouse, ruddy all over, without long hair. It is raised with honey, placed on a banquet plate, wriggling, picked up with chopsticks, dipped in seasonings, and when biting, "Mi Chi" Chirp sound and make a "squeak" sound, so it is called "Mi Chirp".

Xu Qiusheng squinted and said: "Commander Li, you only think of this 'Mi Chi' as a Japanese invader. Why should you be afraid of it? Eliminating the 'Mi Chi' is the last word. Look at me." After speaking, Xu Qiu moved his chopsticks , Put a "Miji" into the mouth.

Li Guolou turned his head, couldn't bear to look any further, his internal organs were churning, and he had the urge to vomit??????

Seeing Li Guolou making a fool of himself, Tusi Yabu seemed to have won a battle, and laughed while stroking his belly.

All the Atayal people were laughing, and the banquet was full of laughter. The Atayal people played tricks on Li Guolou once.

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