Since the naval battle is not sure, the Qing army's navy in Magong Harbor is not easy to deploy the main battleships. In the past two months, the main warships have been fighting on the plains.

Plain combat tests the true strength of an army. The Qing army built with modern equipment is not afraid of any enemy.

The Japanese army borrowed from Western military powers and combined Bushido spirit to build a modern army. In name, the Japanese army is loyal to the Emperor of Japan. In fact, the real military power is still in the hands of the aristocratic families in the military department.

Although Japan has an emperor and is a country in name, it has been in a state of feudal separatism for more than 1000 years. The Japanese warlords fought for a long time and wanted to live longer in the war-torn times. The Japanese army who can endure hardships and die without surrendering and hiding in the fortifications is a tough nut to crack

After the Japanese army invaded Taiwan, the purpose was very clear: to capture the difficult terrain in the eastern part of Shengfan, and did not attack the Taichung Plain. Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of Taiwan Township, once fought the Japanese army on the Pingtung Plain and ended in defeat.

Guishan was originally the territory of the Paiwan people. The terrain is difficult to defend and difficult to attack. The Japanese army captured Guishan and established the Dudu Mansion based on Guishan to expand the colony.

After the defeat in the Japanese naval battle, the Japanese army felt a great military threat and focused on consolidating the captured territories. They built military fortifications and fortresses on Guishan to prepare for long-term garrison.

The Pingtung Plain is the territory of the Beitung people. The Japanese army considered buying the hearts of the ethnic minorities in Taiwan and the source of food in the future. Lieutenant General Xixiang sent four elite troops from Dao. More than 4000 Japanese troops stationed in the Pingtung Plain and united with the Beidong people to fight against the Qing army.

The intruders and the traitors are together to defend this grain production area[

With the full support of other ethnic minorities, the Qing army fought one battle after another with the enemy on the vast Pingtung Plain. The Pingtung Plain became a battlefield and ignited wars one after another. This is a national war and an anti-aggression campaign. just fight

In order to disintegrate the resistance of the Beidong people, the Qing army was determined not to burn the Beidong people’s homes and crops in the farmland from the very beginning. The Qing army put forward a resounding political slogan "Resist the tyranny of Luo Xingbun The people and the Beitong people are brothers”

Under the chieftain system, the people under the chieftain are serfs. They have no land. In addition to providing the chieftain with heavy labor and serving as local soldiers, they have to pay or pay tribute to the chieftain. This feudal serfdom is the economic basis of the chieftain system.

The Beidong serfs don't understand their own rights. Li Guolou wants to instill the ideas of freedom, equality and patriotism in these serfs so that the Beidong serfs can rebel against the Beidong King Luo Xingbun

Li Guolou was the first to put forward the proposition that Beidong nobles and Beidong serfs should be treated differently. He wanted to fight a war to win the hearts and minds of the people, and let [-] Beidong serfs welcome liberation, and finally let the Beidong nobles become bereaved dogs and let the Beidong chieftains Luo Xingban became a lonely family and was spurned by the people

The Beidong people on the Pingtung Plain left their homes and thought it would be a disaster. The Qing army would burn their homes down, but the hometown was not burned. The abandoned farmland was still being watered. The Qing army did not take revenge on the betrayed Beidong people. Pedong

Soon the Beidong people split up and disintegrated. Some Beidong people who returned to their hometowns surrendered to the Qing Dynasty and the Beidong chieftain Luo Xingban broke up. The Qing army began to have a Beidong guide. The Beidong people condemned the chieftain who betrayed the Qing Dynasty. Tusi, but blood is the key. The Beidong nobles who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty cannot be convinced, just wait for a new Tusi to appear in the Beidong tribe.

The Qing army entered the Pingtung Plain and went through the most difficult beginning. There were people along the way. Malnourished old people and lively and naughty children appeared in the village. When they saw the Qing army passing by, they no longer avoided it.

Captain Arirang led the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Battalion and Four Sentinels to fight on the Pingtung Plain. The officers and soldiers did not understand the ethnic policy formulated by Li Guolou. The battle was quite difficult. Although four villages were broken and more than 300 enemies were wiped out, half of the troops were lost.

Arirang has won a few battles but feels that the Beidong people are very tenacious and a formidable opponent. The next battle will be very difficult.

Over time, the advantages of the immigrant policy gradually emerged. As the battle progressed, the resistance of the Beidong warriors became weaker. Many Beidong warriors refused to work hard on the battlefield. One after another, they revolted on the battlefield. The tribes and villages of the Dong tribe knelt down to welcome the king's division, no longer used force to fight against the Qing army, and the situation along the way was greatly improved.

Only then did the Xinwu Army feel the benefits of the ethnic policy, and they spared no effort to purge military discipline and publicize the Qing Dynasty's policy of letting the Beidong people forget the past

After more than a month of marching and fighting, the source of the eighth battalion and the fourth sentinel has been supplemented. The recruits are mainly Taiwanese aborigines. They are all recruits trained by Liu Mingchuan. Seeing that the combat effectiveness of the troops is improving, the "eight battalions and four sentries" that have withstood the baptism of artillery fire have become more powerful

At this time, Arirang led the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Battalion and the Fourth Sentinel to station in Yueran Village without bloodshed. He communicated with Yueran Village Chief Yuewang and got important information. In Wangyue Township, five miles away, there was a squadron of Japanese soldiers stationed.

"The head of the village" Yuewang is the lowest nobleman of the Beidong tribe. It can be said that people like Yuewang are the foundation of the Beidong tribe's chieftain system. Under the strong military threat of the Qing army and the inspiration of national righteousness, the Beidong people are still willing to serve the country. Chieftain Luo Xingbun's behavior of betraying the motherland was cast aside by the people [

"Village Chief" Yuewang said with certainty: "Sir, I just came back from Wangyue Township yesterday and saw the Japanese Army Shaozuo Guitian. He also asked our Yueran Village to prepare [-] stones of grain and [-] strong laborers. Girls don't want me to listen." It is said that the Japanese army is afraid to touch women now. The non-combat casualties of the Japanese army are very serious, and it is all the fault of women.”

Arirang believes that Yuewang will not lie because Yuewang’s family is in Yueran Village. If Yuewang lied, there would be no more than 300 villagers left in Yueran Village. However, Wangyue Township’s Japanese army has a squadron with at least 100 Japanese soldiers. This is a hard bone. The strength of his first post may not be enough to chew on, but when the follow-up troops arrive, the Japanese army will retreat and lose their opportunity when they get the news.

Arirang thought about it and asked, "Master Yuewang, how long do you promise Shaozuo Guitian to raise food, grass and labor for him?"

"The head of the village" Yue Wang smiled and said: "I'll just fool around and deceive Shao Zuo Guitian and promise him that one day will be enough. If you don't come, I will give you at most twenty shi of grain and grass, which will not meet all the requirements of the Japanese army."

Arirang smiled and said, "Very well, Village Chief Yuewang, please draw the topography of Wangyue Township. I also want to know how many villagers in Wangyue Township served for the Japanese army."

Among the Beidong people, the power of literacy and painting is in the hands of a very small number of people. "The head of the village" Yue Wang needs to manage a village.

Yuewang held a brush painting and said: "I know the topography of Wangyue Township even with my eyes closed. There are more than 500 villagers in Wangyue Township and more than 100 guns, but I believe that the 'Village Chief' Tengchong will recognize the situation and will not be stubborn. After all, he and I are relatives and will listen to my advice.”

"Very good, Village Chief Yuewang, please prepare fifty shi of food, grass and vehicles immediately. Be sure to prepare everything in the evening. We will rush to Wangyue Township to attack the Japanese army at dawn."

Yuewang eagerly said with eager expression: "Sir, I'll wait for you to say that little Japan has ruined how many girls of our Beidong nationality. I have long wanted to take revenge for this revenge."

"Well, our Xinwu Army is here to avenge you." Arirang replied with righteous indignation that the Beidong girl is a condolence item given to the Japanese army by the chieftain Luo Xingbun

Since the plague was prevalent in the Japanese army, the Japanese army blamed the responsibility for the plague on the Paiwan girls. Those Paiwan girls who were captured by the Japanese army were slaughtered and their bones survived.

(This is also the reason why the Japanese army used the comfort women in the later battles. Infectious diseases made the Japanese army turn pale when they invaded Taiwan and one of the reasons why the Japanese army withdrew from Taiwan: the Japanese army was infected with a terrible plague in Taiwan. Japanese soldiers died of illness every day, which made the morale of the Japanese army low)

Arirang hastily held a pre-war mobilization meeting to prepare for a surprise attack on Wangyue Township Lieutenants Zhang Xiaotian, Lieutenant Zhang Tiezhuo, Lieutenant Yang Jingwei, and Lieutenant Yan Bin heard that there was a Japanese army hiding in Wangyue Township as if they had been beaten to death. Four people vying for a spot, no one will accept the other

Arirang made the final decision: "Stop arguing, this operation is to pretend to be a Beidong tribe, whoever is the shortest will be the death squad Yan Bin, this glorious and difficult task is entrusted to you, let me go and change clothes first."

"It's guaranteed to complete the task." Yan Bin proudly puffed out his chest and didn't care at all that he was a short man. He couldn't help but wink at Yang Jingwei. He was originally a farmhand of the big landlord Wang Yunteng. He was the commander Yang Jingwei who was captured alive on the Tonghammer during the Battle of Weishan Lake. Yan Bin has just been promoted to the rank of lieutenant, but he still wants to make contributions. Yang Jingwei has been overwhelmed by him all his life.

"Humph" Yang Jingwei snorted coldly and turned away from looking at Yan Bin, he was in a bad mood and wanted to kill someone

Arirang said with a serious expression: "A squadron of the Japanese army has a very strong combat effectiveness, but now the Japanese army is suffering from a plague. I think there must be many patients in this army. Give him a 80% discount. There should be [-] to [-] people who still have combat effectiveness. We have to solve it as soon as possible." If you can't win Wangyue Township in the battle tomorrow morning, immediately withdraw from the battle, never engage in a war of attrition with the enemy, and try to avoid unnecessary casualties. For the resistance of the Beidong people, we must focus on shouting, and then fire."

Eight battalions and four sentries, each team has two small steel cannons, and sometimes they are assembled into an artillery team to form a powerful firepower. The power of one small steel cannon is enough to match a squad. The combat effectiveness has doubled, but the artillery has higher requirements for logistics and transportation. Since the Beidong people rushed to join the Qing Dynasty, the pressure on the Qing army's transportation lines has dropped in vain. The Beidong people are also willing to serve the country. Sufficient medicine, eight battalions and four sentries jumped from two small steel cannons to eight small steel cannons, which made Arirang dare to attack the Japanese defense line head-to-head with equal forces

"Well, the Beidong people are good men who know current affairs. I think this lumpy Beidong people can still be trusted. If you fight eastward, you may encounter a hard idea." Zhang Xiaotian, who is also a deputy, is the second in command of the Eighth Battalion and Four Sentinels. Baptists become more mature and stable

Arirang nodded and said: "Don't worry about this. As long as we fight well here, the enemy can only shrink our troops. The Pingtung Plain will be full of cavalry. The Japanese army does not have cavalry to fight here. Our army will surely win."

Zhang Xiaotian muttered: "Most of the officers and soldiers of our Eighth Battalion and Four Outposts can't ride horses, Captain, you are going too far."

Arirang spread out the map with a smile and said, "Not to mention the future strategic layout will be planned by Commander Li. Let's talk about how to sneak attack on the Japanese army in Wangyue Township. What I want is to wipe out and defend the enemy."

The military meeting is going on tensely. Arirang's officers and soldiers are all from Shandong. Shandong heroes who see injustice have already regarded Taiwan as their hometown. The Qing army lives in harmony with the Beidong people. They light fires and cook together. Fighting in the Pingtung Plain has the support of ethnic minorities. The Qing army seemed to have eagle-like eyes, and the Japanese army could see every move they made

The soldiers of the Qing army standing guard are like green pines standing at the east gate of the motherland

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