late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 675 The Battle of Wangyue Township is in full swing

The Qing army entered Yueran Village without bloodshed, and was active right under the nose of the Japanese army. Due to the cover of the Beidong tribe, the Japanese army did not find this team. , More than 100 officers and soldiers from the Eighth Battalion and Four Outposts marched towards Wangyue Township at a rapid marching speed.

The Eighth Battalion and the Four Sentinels were divided into two groups. The "Village Chief" Yuewang personally led the team, leading a transport team, driving four ox carts, and a group of villagers carrying burdens, a total of more than 60 people.

Yan Bin led a team of Xinwu troops disguised as villagers, preparing to make a surprise attack under the nose of the Japanese army.

The other half were villagers from Yueran Village. More than 30 Beidong people volunteered to fight, carrying the weapons given to Beidong people by the Japanese army and fighting back.

In the early morning, a round of red sun rose in the sky, and the rays penetrated the clouds, shining on the Pingtung Plain, with green branches and green leaves, embellished with diamonds and jade, and Yuewang took the transportation team to the north entrance of Wangyue Village.

A wooden bridge is the only way to enter Wangyue Township. In the quiet, big trees are swaying in the wind, and the ghostly shadows of the trees are hazy.

In the mysterious wilderness, Yan Bin jumped off the bullock cart, stared at the wooden bridge, and looked at the fortifications of the Japanese army. Layers of straw bales were pushed on both sides of the wooden bridge to form a simple fortification. Two hundred steps away Wearing yellow military uniforms, earmuffs, and red epaulets, the Japanese sentry is walking around, which is the symbol of the Japanese infantry.

Yan Bin took the reins, drove the ox cart, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the village with a bright smile on his face. The two Japanese sentries were already within his attack range. In his eyes, the two Japanese soldiers had already It was two dead bodies.

More than a dozen villagers of Wangyue Village were carrying guns loosely. The villagers of the two villages were already chatting, and some villagers were talking to Yuewang. Although Yan Bin could not understand what the Beidong people were saying, he Judging from the atmosphere, the villagers of the two villages talked happily. The two Japanese soldiers did not pull the bolts. After more than a month of artillery fire, Yan Bin had already calmed down. He walked within fifty paces and knocked down a bunch of enemies.

Yan Bin has seen the bravery of the Japanese army before, but the Xinwu Army is not afraid of any opponent. It fought on the plains and fought against the Japanese army. The Japanese army surrounded them, but in the end both sides were defeated. More than 500 Xinwu troops successfully broke through. Up to this time, not a single formed Xinwu army has been surrounded and wiped out by the Japanese army.

At this time, under the baptism of more than ten years of civil war, the Qing army was not afraid of death, and the infantry was not afraid of any opponent. Feng Zicai and Liu Yongfu defeated the French army in Annan, washing away their shame, and the people of the country were inspired.

The Japanese army trained its soldiers by fighting the civil war and suppressing domestic peasant uprisings to train an elite army. The Japanese army has not fought a foreign army for more than 100 years. Through two comparisons, the combat effectiveness of the Qing army in the eyes of Western powers is higher than that of the Japanese army.

The fact is the same. Since Li Guolou led the Xinwu Army to Taiwan, small victories have turned into big victories. The morale of the Qing army is high. Under the inspiration of defending the country, the recruits trained by Liu Mingdeng and Liu Mingchuan are like veterans. Same, rush to the front line.

Half of Yan Bin's team were Taiwanese aboriginals, who looked a lot like Beidong people. Under the eyes of the Japanese army, they approached the wooden bridge with their loads in a calm manner.

A guard asked: "Chai Chief Yuewang, why did you come so early in the morning? The Tengchong Village Chief hasn't woken up yet?"

Yuewang looked at the two Japanese soldiers with a smile, and sighed: "I can't help it, I promised Shaozuo Kameda, so I went out early in the morning."

The guards took a look at the villagers who were carrying burdens on the march, and they all looked familiar. Another guard said without doubt, "Xiao Wang, let the chief of Yuewang village enter the village, and I will call the chief of Tengchong village," he said. The guard turned back to the village excitedly, letting him escape.

Several villagers of Wangyue Village carrying guns moved the horses away and waved their hands to let the convoy enter the village. Two Japanese guards held bayonets and inspected the goods very carefully.

The two sides mingled together, with two "puff puffs", two bayonets pierced the heart of the Japanese army silently, and the Xinwu army launched a sneak attack.

Before a dozen guards could react, a row of bullets was facing them??????

The sound of gunfire suddenly broke the peaceful morning of Yueran Village.

Yan Bin took out his pistol, turned around and waved his hand, and shouted: "Brothers, kill me!"

The soldiers of the Qing army took out their long guns from the bullock cart, put their armed belts on their backs, rushed across the wooden bridge, and entered Wangyue Village. Hand grenades were thrown into the wooden houses in the village, and there were explosions one after another. Units, fighting in the village. The Xinwu Army is an army that dares to fight hand-to-hand. It is not afraid of the Japanese Bushido spirit. On the road, the soldiers of the two armies fought head-to-head.

The Xinwu army dared to fight and fight hard. Relying on the smoke of the grenade, they rushed into the Japanese camp.

"Kill," a soldier of the Xinwu Army with a bayonet stabbed the Japanese soldier's abdomen with the tactic of burning jade and stone.

This is the tactic of the Xinwu Army. With flesh and blood, open a blood path, and those who stand in our way will die.

"Aww, aww," a group of Japanese soldiers rushed out of the barracks with bayonets in their hands, and the Japanese officers swung their sabers to engage in a life-and-death battle with the Qing army.

Gunshots, explosions, shouts, shouts, one after another, the chaotic battle most tests the commanding ability of the captain, and even the commanding ability of the corporal, the seemingly chaotic battlefield, the Xinwu Army can effectively kill the Japanese army, in hand-to-hand combat gain the upper hand.

The brave soldiers of the Xinwu Army were fighting, not afraid of the oncoming bullets, and the fast-running soldiers of the Xinwu Army entered the Japanese camp with a fearless spirit.

The soldiers of the Xinwu Army threw the grenades in their hands and blew up the Japanese army to pieces. The black smoke from the fire exploded in the middle of the Japanese army.

A soldier of the Xinwu Army rushed into the Japanese position with a grenadier in hand and blew the fuze.


With a dull bang, the unknown hero and a dozen Japanese soldiers died together.

Another soldier of the Xinwu Army rushed into a fortress of the Japanese army carrying a pack of explosives.


The fortress collapsed, and in the smoke of gunpowder, there were no bones of soldiers from the Xinwu Army.

This is the tactics of the Xinwu Army. Every soldier will make sacrifices at any time, and death is worthwhile. The soldiers of the Xinwu Army who are not afraid of death use the personal sacrifice of a few people in exchange for the greatest collective victory.

Inspired by the righteousness of the country, countless soldiers of the Qing army would rather sacrifice themselves and sprinkle their blood on the treasure island of the motherland. They are the backbone of a nation, and they would rather die than bend.

The roaring sound represents the fearless spirit of the new martial arts. The soldiers of the Qing army carrying grenadiers charged into the Japanese positions??????

The Xinwu Army does not have thousands of troops, but more than 100 Xinwu soldiers are like unsheathed swords, and each sword is a Chinese man. The soldiers of the Xinwu Army with grenadiers rushed into the Japanese camp one by one. .

Whoever dares to invade the territory of the motherland will pay a heavy price.

Kill, kill all the invaders, and never live in mediocrity. Now is the time for the Chinese nation to rise up, and Chinese men are willing to shed blood on the battlefield.

The Qing army rushed into Wangyue Township, launched a sneak attack, and entered the barracks. There were explosions one after another, as if thousands of troops rushed into the Japanese positions.

Arirang was unmoved. The cruel war made him dehumanized. He resolutely used death squads to kill the enemy with grenades and explosives. He was cruel and ruthless. Human life blows a bloody road. In order to win the final victory, necessary sacrifices must be made. This is the commander's choice. When fighting with hot weapons, it depends on who is more ruthless.

Cruel war, inhumane to speak of, both the enemy and the enemy are fighting to the death.

At this time, Arirang gritted his teeth and launched an attack on the Japanese camp. The attacker will suffer more than the defender. Usually, the attacker will kill more people. In order to win the initiative and avoid excessive casualties, the In order to open the gap in the Japanese defense line and use death squads, the number of casualties will be reduced instead. The "cannon fodder tactic" is the new military tactic advocated by Li Guolou.

It was the first time for the Japanese army fighting against the Xinwu Army to encounter such a desperate style of fighting. They suffered heavy casualties and could not organize a counterattack.

As long as the Japanese army gathers more people, there will be death squads from the Qing army rushing into the Japanese army's position in this position.


The death squads of the Xinwu Army are unsung heroes.

The soldiers of the Xinwu Army and the Japanese army died together. The terrifying Xinwu Army soldiers represented the spirit of the Xinwu Army who would rather die than surrender. In hand-to-hand combat, the Japanese army was not the opponent of the Xinwu Army.

The Japanese army was very tenacious. Even if the sound of explosions was right next to our ears, the Japanese army remained undisturbed. Not a single Japanese army escaped. They quickly organized a counterattack, relying on fortifications for cover, and dense bullets formed a blockade.

Bullets are shuttled back and forth in the air, and the whistling bullets are the call of death. Both the enemy and the enemy are very familiar with each other's tactics, and there will be no chances. As soldiers, they will never back down. intoxicated.

Ordinary Beidong people actually hated the Japanese army who invaded Taiwan, and they were unwilling to betray the Qing Dynasty. In order to break into the Japanese camp, Beidong people like hand-to-hand combat the most, embracing the Japanese soldiers and biting them like animals.

The large army hidden outside the village held high the "Xinwu" battle flag, and more than 100 Xinwu soldiers rushed into the village.

The fire was raging, and there were bursts of killing sounds, and the Pingtung Plain ignited the flames of war.

Soon, Yuewang got in touch with Tengchong, the "Village Chief" of Wangyue Township.

Yuewang hid behind the stone wall, held up a horn, and shouted: "Tengchong, we Beidong people are the people of the Qing Dynasty, and we will never do anything to betray the country. You have to recognize the situation and fight to the end. There is only one dead end. Come on!" The [-] Qing army is about to start shooting. Luo Xingban betrayed the country in order to become the king. He is a traitor. I advise you, don’t work for this kind of person.

Yuewang kept talking, nagging about the benefits of the Qing Dynasty, demoting Luo Xingban to nothing, and advising the villagers of Wangyue Township to surrender as soon as possible.

The Beidong people are a barbaric people. They are not afraid of death. They belong to a race that would rather die than surrender. They obey the tribal leaders. But at this time, the mood of the Beidong people is different. No, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. The behavior of the chieftain Luo Xingble betrayed the country, which made many Beidong people feel ashamed and no longer have the determination to fight to the death.

For the ethnic policy implemented by the Qing army, the Beidong people have a sense of gratitude. They are also enemies. If they fall into the hands of the Paiwan people, the Beidong people will be wiped out.

The ethnic policy implemented by Li Guolou gave Beidong people a chance to be human again. This is not a choice of a nation, but a choice of a country. Standing on the edge of a cliff, the Beidong people have to make a life-and-death choice.

Tengchong, the "head of the village" hiding in the fort, discussed with several confidants for a while, and then raised a white flag, unwilling to be cannon fodder for the Japanese army.

Yesterday Tengchong was still talking bad things about Li Guolou, saying that he wanted to work for the Japanese army, thanked the Japanese army for arming the Beidong people in Wangyue Township, and for the glorious cause of the "King of Beidong" Luo Xingbun, "Village Chief" Tengchong would rather sacrifice his life for the Japanese army. Precious life, now Wangyue Township is surrounded by the Xinwu Army, death is approaching, and Li Guolou's large troops have come.

In the face of reality, Tengchong spoke his mind and changed his words: "Li Guolou is a national hero. We Beidong people should unite with the Qing army and drive out the Japanese army who invaded Taiwan. Are you right?"

"Yes, we listen to the words of the Tengchong village chief and drive the Japanese army out," the Beidong warriors armed with Japanese equipment shouted, wanting to break with the past. They are all serfs in Tengchong and private soldiers in Tengchong. The master said that life does not belong to oneself, but Li Guolou's claim and the behavior of the Xinwu Army have long been heard and seen, and a thorn pierced into the heart. Even if Tengchong refused to surrender, they would not work for Tengchong and would not aim at The Qing army shot and fired a few shots indiscriminately before kneeling down and surrendering. Many Beidong fighters looked forward to the arrival of the Qing army, and they could usher in liberation.

Tengchong has already seen the will of the people. This is the root cause of the repeated defeats of the Japanese army. The people in the Pingtung Plain, as well as other Taiwanese natives, have repented and want to fight for the national hero Li Guolou and fight side by side with the Japanese army. Inspired by the national reconciliation policy advocated by Li Guolou, the Beidong people pointed their guns at the Japanese army who invaded Taiwan, abandoned internal conflicts among the ethnic groups, and focused on the overall situation of the country and the nation.

Afterwards, the "Village Chief" Tengchong led the Beidong people in Wangyue Township to "revolt" in front of the battle, which allowed the Xinwu Army to quickly concentrate its firepower on the Japanese fortress,

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