late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 676 The First Japanese Surrender

The Xinwu Army dared to fight hand to hand.Still a modern army.Take the initiative on the battlefield.The way of fighting changed immediately."Cannon fodder tactics" are no longer used.After clearing out the sporadic Japanese troops.Fortress of the Japanese army.Expand the surround.

Hundreds of Beidong warriors joined the battle.Surround the remaining Japanese troops.

Just started fighting.Arirang, the commander of the Xinwu Army, wanted the Japanese army to flee.This can reduce casualties.The goal is to wipe out most of the Japanese army.Now the "Village Chief" Tengchong is revolting on the battlefield.The situation is different.

Bullets are densely packed in a fortress.The powerful firepower of the Japanese army blocked the pace of the Xinwu Army.Several Xinwu Army soldiers who rushed to the front fell to their deaths.Young life is extinguished here.Death is at hand.But the Xinwu Army will never back down.For comrades who died in battle.Be sure to destroy the enemy.

Shao Zuo Kameda Ninja hid in the fortress.Hold up the binoculars to spy on the outside scene.There was bitterness in his mouth.He was not afraid to compete with the Qing army.It is the duty of a soldier to die on the battlefield.It was because of seeing those Beidong people with Japanese equipment fighting side by side with the Qing army.Many Beidong people were carrying weapons and ammunition for the Qing army.Traces of Qing army artillery can be seen.There will be thunderous fury.

The betrayal of the Beidong people made Kameda Ninji feel the end of the road.Beidong people hold weapons given by the Japanese army.Fight back.This is a lost battle.Fight in an unfamiliar environment.Kameda Ninji knows.He will die here.

Kameda Ninji did not know why he was fighting.

If it is to avenge the "Ryukyu drifters".The Japanese army had already accomplished its strategic goals.Kill all the Paiwan people.Paiwan chief Ashil was also killed.This hatred.The Japanese have already reported it.Still staying in Taiwan to fight.Meaningless.

If you fight for the liberation of the Beidong people.It was as if the conscience had been eaten by a dog.The Beidong people around him kept betraying.The Beidong people outside want to skin the Japanese.

If it is to open up the territory for the Emperor of Japan.Defend Taiwan's colony.This wild place.What's the use of it.The Qing army used brutal tactics.Let Kameda Ninji see no hope of winning.The Qing army and the Japanese army hugged each other to death.Hit to the end.The side with more people wins.Number disadvantage.Let the elite Japanese army fight less and less.The Pingtung Plain is the grave of the Japanese army.Fight here.No hope of winning.

This is no war.It is clear who will die first.The Xinwu Army in front of him.It's an unreasonable army.Use the tactic of burning jade with stone.Several fortifications on the periphery.It was destroyed in an instant.There was a loud explosion.The earth shakes and the mountains shake.The frightening "Xinwu" battle flag.Right under the nose.

What a formidable army.Kameda Ninji drew his sword.This will be his last fight.

In the end is to die in battle.Or surrender.For the first time in his life, Kameda Ninji hesitated.This moment.Ninja Kameda suddenly thought of his beautiful hometown.And gray-haired parents.And lovely wife and children.

Arirang as supreme commander.Be at the forefront.Arrange artillery positions.The first round of shelling was launched against the Japanese camp.

Two artillerymen set up small steel cannons.Artillery soldiers visual distance.Light the fuse.The steel cannon ignited a thunderbolt of vengeance.


The first shell exploded over the heads of the Japanese soldiers.The stone fortress was under fire.Trembling.


The eight small steel cannons roared together.Cannonballs fell from the sky and knocked the fort down.The fortress was punched with holes.Some Japanese soldiers were buried under the rubble.

Artillery on both sides.Start the first round of competition.The artillery of the Xinwu Army is overwhelming.Overwhelmed the Japanese artillery positions.

"Okay. Good fight. Kill the Japanese pirates." Arirang was very excited.This is the result he wanted.With strong artillery support.This battle will be over soon.Good steel should be used on the blade.The shells of the Xinwu Army.It was a gift to the Japanese army.

Tengchong saw the power of artillery fire for the first time.impregnable fortress.In an instant, it was riddled with holes.Fortunately, there was no resistance to the end.Otherwise, it is now a speck of dust.

Yuewang said triumphantly: "Tengchong. I didn't lie to you. I brought these artillery. The Japanese army hiding in the fortress. It won't take long to jump around. Two more rounds of artillery. How many Japanese troops can you say? live."

Tengchong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.He replied: "Yuewang. I'm not afraid of artillery. The death squads of the Xinwu Army are too scary. Such an army is invincible in the world. If you don't tell me, I want to revolt too."

Yuewang patted Tengchong on the shoulder.Said: "Who told us that we are in-laws. Now we surrender to the Qing Dynasty. We are national heroes. In the future, we will travel thousands of miles."

"It makes sense. It makes sense. It makes sense. I am a national hero who revolted on the battlefield. Li Guolou will award me a medal." Teng Chong nodded frequently.See the rage of the fourth round of artillery.The strongest fortress in Wangyue Township is already in dire shape.How many Japanese soldiers will survive inside.I'm afraid it's two out of ten.That's pretty good.

The two bronze cannons of the Japanese army misfired immediately.Six Japanese artillerymen were blown to pieces.Many Japanese troops were hit by shrapnel.There was "gurgling" blood oozing from his body.Like a mangy dog.Lying motionless.I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

There are still more than a dozen Japanese soldiers in the fortress who can still move around.Kameda Ninji shook off the gravel from his body.A slight injury to the forehead.He is still alive.Kameda Ninji touched his forehead.There was blood on his hands.This is the scar left by the war on him.

The Japanese emperor launched a war to avenge the Ryukyu people.Fight for other peoples in foreign lands.The reason is absolutely absurd.There is no reason to fight now.turned into a war of aggression.Kameda Ninji couldn't bear it anymore.He roared: "We will not fight anymore. This is a meaningless war. We Japanese do not serve as cannon fodder. Hurry up and raise the white flag. I order the Xinwu Army to surrender."

There are more than a dozen Japanese soldiers alive.Staring wide-eyed at their beloved commander.All are speechless.Although Japanese soldiers advocate the spirit of bushido.Willing to sacrifice his life for the Emperor.But the words of Osa Kameda Shinoji.hit their heart. "This is a meaningless war." They came to Taiwan to seek revenge from the Paiwan people.But now revenge has been paid.There is no reason to stay in Taiwan to fight.reason for the continuation of the war.It became a "colonization" for Japan.The aggressors are doomed to end badly.These Japanese soldiers lost their determination to fight on.

"Hi. I obey orders." A Japanese soldier in good health.Be the first to express your opinion.Skillfully tearing off the off-white bed sheet.What are the sheets for.Self-explanatory.

"I also obey the order." Another wounded Japanese soldier tremblingly raised the bamboo pole.Survival is the driving force for him to hold the bamboo pole high.

"??????" The other Japanese soldiers made difficult choices.Throw down the weapon in your hand.Some Japanese soldiers threw their weapons.

The off-white sheets were raised on the bamboo poles.Three off-white flags waved feebly in the air.This surprised the officers and soldiers of the Xinwu Army.Can't believe my eyes.The Japanese army actually surrendered.This is something that has never happened before.It has been more than two months since the war with the Japanese army.This was the first time I met a surrendered Japanese army.

"Oh. It turns out that the Japanese army was also timid sometimes. I thought the Japanese army was not afraid of death." Zhang Tie Pao mockingly stared at the three white flags.

"Don't move. Be careful of the enemy's tricks. Tell me. Let the Japanese army come out. Don't show your face. The artillery is always ready." Zhang Xiaotian shouted.The Xinwu Army suffered a lot.There have been false surrenders by the Japanese army.Let the Qing army commander.Be vigilant at all times.

The Qing army followed suit step by step.Still organize the battle formation.The small steel cannon is loaded with shells.Give the Japanese a fatal blow at any time.If the Japanese army is dying.Let the Xinwu Army be fooled.Then the Xinwu Army will wipe out the enemies.

There was a brief pause in the sound of gunfire.Yan Bin ran quickly.Asked: "Captain Ah, do you still want to fight?"

This was the first time Arirang had encountered such a thing.Take off your helmet.Scratched his head.Said: "Lieutenant Yan. It is better to accept the surrender. I think Commander Li is also willing to see this scene repeated. The wounded are not allowed to be killed. This is a military order."

Yan Bin saluted: "Yes. Guaranteed not to kill casualties. We are teachers of justice."

There is no justice in war.Only bloody killings.Winners can be tolerant.History is also written by the victors.Make tactical adjustments based on time and place.The current Xinwu Army is a noble army.Surrendered Japanese troops.Rescue the wounded Japanese soldiers.

The Xinwu Army captured 25 Japanese soldiers.Wipe out a Japanese squadron.A large number of military supplies were seized.[-] mules and horses.Two bronze cannons.This battle played out the momentum of the Xinwu Army.It also made Arirang famous in the Pingtung Plain.

The armies of the two countries who were still fighting to the death just now.Now under one roof.The Xinwu Army took the captured Japanese prisoners of war.Move to the rear.

Shao Zuo Kameda Ninji asked to meet the commander of the Shinbu Army.Arirang came to see Ninji Kameda with his chest and belly raised.Winners have reason to be proud.

Kameda Ninji glanced at the burly Arirang.It really is a hero.A respectful ninety-degree bow.Said: "Captain, your tactics are reasonable. The Xinwu Army can be called the winner. I am convinced of the defeat. Please accept my worship."

Arirang was in high spirits.He smiled and said, "Kameta-kun. You can see the situation clearly. Put down your arms as soon as possible. I represent the people of Taiwan. I accept your surrender."

"Hi. The Xinwu Army is amazing. It fought on the Pingtung Plain. Your army is the most capable army. It is stronger than the Ever Victorious Army. I would like to know how you train your troops. The commander of your army, Li Guolou Ling people admire." Kameda Ninji bowed again.Meet an army that dares to die.The weapons and equipment are even better than the Japanese army.Still willing to use this "rogue" tactic.Then the Japanese army has no chance of winning.

Arirang was emotional.He said proudly: "Our Xinwu Army has given up our home for the country. We have long stopped taking our own lives as our own. Your Japanese Bushido spirit cannot frighten the soldiers of the Xinwu Army. It will not be long. The Xinwu Battle Flag will be planted in the turtle mountain. The invaders will surely fail.”

Kameda Ninji was speechless.Although he didn't want to admit defeat.But he sees no hope of winning.

Kameda Ninji and a group of Japanese prisoners of war left dejectedly.The defeated can only obey the arrangements of fate.Yesterday they also held high the sun battle flag.Fighting in the Pingtung Plain.Consider yourself a liberator.Today they can only accept defeat.He hung his head in humiliation.There are mocking eyes all around.

Soldiers of the Xinwu Army are busy cleaning the battlefield.Several commanders surrounded the two bronze cannons.Look at the most advanced military artillery of the Japanese army.

It can be said that artillery is the soul of an army.The Qing army has long since become an army without cannons.An army that dares not march and fight.The Xinwu Army even regarded artillery as a magic weapon for victory.Even marching and fighting in the mountains.No matter how hard and tired.Take a few cannons, too.Shandong big man carrying heavy shells.He ate half a bowl more than Commander-in-Chief Li Guolou.The artillery is in the Xinwu Army.The best military service.At least the rank of upper sergeant.

In the battle of Wangyue Township.The toughest Japanese fortress.It was bombarded by eight small steel cannons together.The bombing caused heavy casualties to the Japanese army.This made Japanese commander Ninja Kameda make up his mind to surrender.

Several officers were concerned about the two bronze cannons of the Japanese army.scoffed.The level of craftsmanship of bronze cannons made by the Japanese.It cannot be compared with the Prussian small steel cannon.It's bulky and ugly.It can't compare to the mountain-splitting cannon made by the Qing army itself.

Arirang looked down on him.Shaking his head, he said: "This kind of thing. We don't care about it. It's better to give it to the Jianwu Army. Those scraps of copper and iron. Give it to the righteous men of the Beidong tribe."

The Xinwu Army is rich and powerful.Give the booty to the Guishun Beidong tribe.However, the Xinwu Army sticks to one principle.Artillery will never be given to ethnic minorities in Taiwan.This is the bottom line of the Xinwu Army.This is also a precaution.Fear of minority rebellion.

The Battle of Wangyue Township was the first time that the Xinwu Army wiped out a Japanese squadron.Inspired more Qing troops to make contributions.Battles followed one after another on the Pingtung Plain.It tested the Qing troops from all walks of life.Let more Qing troops accept the baptism of artillery fire.

Many ethnic minorities in Taiwan went to the battlefield.Unite under the banner of "Xinwu".More and more people believe it.Li Guolou is invincible.An undercurrent quietly surged among the Beidong people.

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