The armor set is already in chaos. Luo Shidai's rebellion made the Beidong Army have no fighting spirit. The main general Luo Shijie lost his fighting spirit. The Jianwu army attacked outside, and the rebels burned and killed inside. The armor set was in chaos, and the command system was paralyzed. , Luo Shidai couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly ordered a retreat, leading more than 1000 Beidong troops to take the first step and retreat to Paijiaya, eighteen miles away.

Luo Shijie still has the last straw to save his life. The Japanese army, looking back at Luo Shijie, glanced at the blazing Armor Collection, and hated him. The Battle of Armor Collection not only made him taste the bitter fruit of failure, but also let him know the consequences of losing the hearts of the people. I will rebel, who else can I trust.

In the night, the remnants of the defeated generals fled wildly. After marching for ten miles, the Beidong Army came to the first line of defense of the Japanese army. A hillside blocked the way. Eastern Army.

However, when Luo Shijie led his troops to flee to the Japanese defense line, he saw raging fire on the high slope on the road, like the emergency signal of a beacon tower, which made people restless. Success, if a Japanese squadron is wiped out by the rebels, how will he explain to Takeoka Sakata.

Luo Shijie got angry and shouted: "Advance to Gaopo at full speed, rescue the brothers' troops, and kill the rebels for me."

Kang Jiadao ran over panting, and shouted in fear: "Master Prime Minister, be careful of an ambush."

Luo Shijie replied viciously: "Rush up for me, if you can't get through tonight, the Qing army behind you will come, don't count the casualties, rush for me."

There were sporadic gunshots from behind the troops, and the brave vanguard of the Qing army was chasing the fleeing Beidong army. If they didn't fight at this moment, how much later, Kang Jiadao woke up suddenly and shouted: "Follow me if you are not afraid of death. Kill a bloody path."

Kang Jiadao is a powerful general, with a large team, he went straight to Gaopo to rescue the trapped Japanese army. [

At this time, Luo Shidai led the rebels to make a sneak attack and occupied the main fortifications of the Japanese army. Some Japanese soldiers were hiding in the tunnel. The rebels were attacking with fire, throwing all kinds of wood and branches at the entrance of the tunnel, and the fire was raging. , I don't know whether the Japanese soldiers in the tunnel are dead or alive.

Although there are large groups of enemies in the front and rear, Luo Shidai is not in a hurry, he is not afraid of anyone, the Japanese army is nothing more than that, how many Japanese troops are left in a squadron, and the Japanese soldiers hiding in the tunnels are all cowards, at worst they lead the rebels to escape into the forest Among them, Luo Shidai had already figured out a way out, and the two sneak attacks succeeded, the rebel army's morale was greatly boosted, and Luo Shidai's prestige reached its peak.

Luo Shidai ordered: "Beat me hard, and we will stay here. If you want to pass by here and leave a head, I would like to learn Luo Shijie's skills. Cook Yongshi, you lead a hundred soldiers I watched the movements of the Japanese troops at Paijiaya, and as long as the Japanese troops were dispatched, we would withdraw."

The surprise attack on the Japanese army's position is not yet overjoyed. Cook Yongshi still wants to fight the Beidong Army, but he dare not violate the military order. He hastily clasped his fists and said, "Yes, the Japanese pirates want to come here unless they step on my corpse."

Cook Yongshi was not ashamed, for some reason, when he fought the Japanese army, people were not afraid of death. When he killed the Japanese army just now, let alone how happy he was. How many Taiwanese girls were ruined by the Japanese army and how many Taiwanese compatriots were killed.

The rebels had long blamed the Japanese army for their blood. The Beidong army revolted because they could not understand the atrocities committed by the Japanese army.

Before leaving, Cook Yongshi did not forget to turn around and said: "Brother, half of the heads are counted on me, I am a vanguard officer."

Luo Shidai smiled and waved: "Don't worry, Cook Yongshi, as long as you don't die, half of the heads here will be counted as yours."

Cook Yongshi was delighted to hear that and led a hundred soldiers to march southward to block the Japanese troops lining up the cliffs five miles away. It would be difficult to mobilize large troops at night. Tonight, everything will be settled.

There was a lot of gunfire, and Gu Ant led [-] rebels to start a night battle with Luo Shijie. The rebels relied on the mountain to block the Beidong Army.

Night battles are difficult to fight. Fighting in the dim moonlight, you can’t see the target clearly. It seems that there are loud gunshots.

Night battles can only be fought in close quarters, you must have the courage to fight hand-to-hand. The Beidong Army is unwilling to climb up. Kang Jiadao's voice is hoarse, and his soldiers are still lying on the ground, pulling the bolt very stubbornly. A few hot-headed soldiers , rushed up and disappeared, which made the Beidong Army unwilling to charge.

Kang Jiadao saw that the morale of the army was lost, and he couldn't organize a charge formation. If it was delayed until dawn, let alone rescue the Japanese army, the entire army might surrender to the rebels.

Everyone has selfishness. In troubled times, soldiers and horses can be valuable. Kang Jiadao has [-] private soldiers in his hands. Very tenacious, for a while, it is impossible to capture the enemy's position.

Kang Jiadao made a good claim and issued an order to retreat to Paijiaya, so that the rest of the troops could withstand the firepower of the rebels and organize a large force to retreat to Paijiaya. This also required courage. Kang Jiadao was qualified to make decisions. Fighting spirit means taking away the troops as much as possible, too much entanglement in gains and losses will lead to even greater failures. [

Luo Shijie was quite helpless. He wanted to rescue the Japanese army, but his subordinates had already disobeyed his orders. At this time, he could only follow the public opinion, otherwise the army would be in danger of mutiny. Luo Shijie acquiesced in the military order to retreat. The large troops fled to Paijiaya.

More than 1000 Beidong troops were attacked by rebels along the way, and more than 100 people were killed. Some Beidong troops who were not determined surrendered to the rebels. When they arrived at Paijiaya, there were less than 800 Beidong troops. The soldiers of the Eastern Army even discarded their firearms.

Looking at the shattered and defeated generals, Luo Shijie took out his pistol, thinking of killing himself, but before he could make a move, his subordinates snatched the pistol away.

Dazuo Sakata Takeoka didn't dare to let the Beidong Army go up the mountain, fearing the enemy's sneak attack, and waited until dawn before letting more than 700 Beidong troops go up the mountain.

Dasa Sakata Takeoka led [-] Japanese troops to defend Paijiaya, relying on the mountain to establish a line of defense. This line of defense is the northern defense line of the Japanese army, the most important link. Losing Paijiaya, Yushan is dangerous to defend. With the Pingtung Plain in the north, the Japanese army could only stick to Guishan. Food supplies would be the biggest difficulty for the Japanese army. Even if the Japanese army hoarded grain and grass in Guishan for two years, it would be a lost war.

Takeoka Sakata knew how heavy his burden was. Without Paijiaya, the Qing army would have no military threat. The Qing army would cross Yushan Mountain and rush to the Pingtung Plain like a tide. Qiao's is not safe, the Japanese army will fight the Qing army in the mountains, how long can the Japanese army lose their supply lines?

More than 700 Beidong troops hid in the fortifications excavated by the Japanese army, and had a chance to survive. They also wanted to defeat the Qing army by virtue of the natural danger of Paijiaya.

Although Sakata Takeoka was very dissatisfied with Luo Shijie, and the Beidong Army did not save him, causing him to lose a squadron soldier in vain, but the Beidong people were the foundation for the Japanese army to gain a foothold in Taiwan. Instead of embarrassing Luo Shijie, Sakata Takeoka comforted him with good words The Beidong army who fled back gave Luo Shijie two Japanese geisha, and let the gentle and charming Japanese women comfort Beidong prince Luo Shijie's wounded heart.

The defense line of Paijiaya, surrounded by mountains and rivers, has natural caves and fortifications excavated by the Japanese army. Relying on the cliffs, like a steel knife, it is inserted straight into the Yushan Mountains. There are steep mountains, as a support, it seems impregnable.

Sakata Takeoka took Luo Shijie and others to watch the terrain, and said complacently: "Paijiaya will be Liu Mingdeng's tomb. I will destroy as many enemies as possible. Your Highness, you can spend the winter here with peace of mind. When the Japanese army enters Taiwan on a large scale in the coming year, we will launch a strategic counter-offensive to take back everything we lost and regain Taiwan in one fell swoop.”

Luo Shijie imitated the appearance of the Japanese army, bowed respectfully and thanked him, and replied: "Hey, our Beidong Army is not good at fighting in mountains, and we need to learn a lot from the Imperial Japanese Army in the future. We have suffered a lot in this plain battle, but we have to eat Thanks to their wisdom, the Beidong Army will be ashamed at Paijiaya, take the lead and fight on the front line."

Luo Shijie was very grateful to Sakata Wugang. After seeing the tunnels and continuous ditches in Paijiaya Cliff, and the food stored in the cave enough to feed 3000 people for a winter, Luo Shijie was convinced that the fortifications of Paijiaya Cliff were indestructible, and he swore that he would never attack him if he was in the position. Take another half step back and vow to serve the Empire of Japan to the death.

"Well, I believe in the combat effectiveness of your Beidong Army. Now take a short rest and fight soon." Takeoka Sakata prepared to use the Beidong Army as cannon fodder, and Luo Shijie caused the Japanese army to lose an infantry squadron and an artillery squadron. Must report, Sakata Takeoka has already thought about it, if the Japanese army is defeated, the first one will secretly execute all the officers of the Beidong Army. For comrades who are like pigs, they sacrificed in vain. This friendly army has no reason to exist.

Sakata Takeoka had great confidence in the Paijiaya defense line. He believed that relying on geographical advantages, the Qing army could be blocked to the north of Yushan Mountain. As long as the Japanese army guarded Paijiaya, the Qing army would not dare to attack the Pingtung Plain.

Takeoka Sakata subdued the Japanese officers under him, so that the Japanese army did not raise the butcher knife against the Beidong army. The loss of armor collection caused the Japanese army to lose an important supply line. Kill the Beidong army.

Takeoka Sakata did not punish the defeated Luo Shijie, so he suffocated his anger and left the base of the Beidong Army, hoping that the Qing army would attack Paijiaya on a large scale, so that the Japanese army could avenge their shame and wipe out a large number of Qing troops.

At this time, the rebel army still failed to capture the Japanese army's tunnel, and the remaining Japanese army was hiding in the tunnel and resisting. No one can make two bronze cannons.

Luo Shidai said rather helplessly: "We don't do so-called casualties, we should ask Liu Mingdeng's Jianwu Army for help. Gu Ant, you go to contact the Jianwu Army. It is best to negotiate directly with Liu Mingdeng."

"Yes, big brother, don't worry, as long as I carry my father's signboard, no one will know about it." Gu Ant led a team to negotiate with the Qing army, thinking that success would come soon.

More than a dozen rebels were driving a carriage, and there were bloody heads in the cart, all of which were short-haired Japanese soldiers' heads.

Gu Ant has Han Chinese ancestry and looks like a Han Chinese. He is a head taller than ordinary Beidong people. His father is a businessman named Gu Youxi. He is a very famous businessman. The Gu family has a close relationship with Beidong people. The tribe has had business contacts for decades.

At this time, Li Guolou sent people to negotiate with Luo Xingban, the chieftain of the Beidong tribe, and Gu Youxi was the bridge between them. Although the negotiations were fruitless, Gu Youxi still played a certain role, making more humble people The Dong ethnic group understood the ethnic policy of the Qing Dynasty and played a role in disintegrating the Beidong Army.

When Gu Youxi was doing business with the Beidong tribe, after having an affair with a Beidong girl, he got the species of Gu Ant.

Ordinary people in Beidong are a nation who only know who their mother is, but who their father is. He is tall and tall, and he can tell at a glance that it is the seed left by Gu Youxi. Gu Youxi is rich and has always supported Gu Ant's mother, so he followed his father's surname.

Gu Ant took the order and left. Dai Jitao came out from nowhere, and said with a lewd smile, "Brother, just now we captured twelve girls from the Paiwan ethnic group in the Japanese military outpost, what can we do?"

Luo Shidai's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Give me the captured Paiwan girl, you have to remember that we rescued our Taiwan compatriots, we shared the same hatred with our Taiwan compatriots, and our guns were the same, it was the Japanese army that killed our Taiwan compatriots." , The crime was committed by a very small number of Beidong people who worked for tigers. It is a blood debt committed by Luo Xing, and it is related to the majority of our Beidong people. If anyone refuses to obey discipline, I will kill him now."

Dai Jitao was so frightened that he almost peed his pants. What he did was self-evident. Dai Jitao turned around and left, shouting: "Brother, please be merciful. Those who don't know don't blame me. I'll let him go."

Dai Jitao changed his past, happened to seize more than 100 silver coins from the Japanese army, and directly donated them to twelve Paiwan girls, and the two sides settled the matter.

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