Liu Mingdeng did not expect the battle to be so smooth, the Qing army was as strong as a bamboo, and the armor set was conquered in the first battle, with less than a hundred casualties. Luo Shidai, the greatest hero, naturally became his guest of honor. He originally wanted to destroy the Beidong tribe. Then it disappeared.

Liu Mingdeng sent a telegram to Li Guolou, reporting the latest results to the headquarters, waiting for Li Guolou's reply. Liu Mingdeng had no hope of conquering Paijiaya, and it would take thousands of lives to overcome this natural danger. Theoretical feasibility, Taiwan's military resources are scarce, and the Jianwu Army cannot afford such a large loss. In the original military deployment, the Jianwu Army did not plan to attack Paijiaya, but it was not impossible to deal with the Japanese army.

Paijiaya has a geographical advantage. The Japanese army stuck here, which seemed to block the way of the Qing army.

In order to prevent the Qing army from entering their territory and keep their territory, the ethnic minorities in Taiwan seldom built roads.

However, in order to open up the territory, the Qing army fought wars and built roads at the same time. Only when the roads are smooth can the supply line of the army be guaranteed. To open up a new mountain road in time, the posture is to fight a protracted war with the Japanese army, and to trap the Japanese army to death on Paijiaya.

The officers and soldiers carried baskets of soil, carried stones and wood, and built positions along the Japanese defense line within two miles. It is a prerequisite for fighting, and the Japanese army has built Paijiaya into a military fortress.

There are busy crowds at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by military flags, and hundreds of children aged seven or eight are sitting on one side, holding hammers in their hands, knocking on the stones, making big stones into palm-sized ones. It looks like this stone is used to pave the road.

Thousands of women wearing headscarves are busy back and forth to carry the burden, and the entire Paijiaya line is like a huge barracks.

Fighting is fighting logistics. Liu Mingdeng spent a lot of money mobilizing tens of thousands of civilians and recruiting all the ethnic minorities in the surrounding areas to trap the [-] Japanese troops on Paijiaya to death.

This is a tactic that the Qing army is best at using, and the name is: lock the city.

The Qing army besieged the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Tianjing (Nanjing), using this tactic.

As long as this line of defense is completed, the Japanese army will not be able to rush out. If they want to break through the defense line of the Qing army, the Japanese army will have to pay with their lives. If the Japanese army cannot break through this line of defense, they will not be able to get supplies. Eat human flesh until they all starve to death.

Liu Mingdeng liked this tactic very much. The timing of this attack was just right. The Japanese army failed to harvest autumn grain. At that time, the [-] Japanese troops at Paijiaya will be [-] corpses.

Luo Shidai has been canonized by the Emperor Tongzhi as the "Chief" of the Beidong tribe, and has become a national hero known to the world. In Qing Dynasty's mansion newspaper, Luo Shidai is portrayed flawlessly, and the Beidong people ushered in a new day of liberation .

Since Luo Shidai returned to the Qing Dynasty, no Beidong people crossed Yushan, no Beidong people transported supplies for the Japanese army, Beidong people abandoned the "Prince of Beidong" Luo Shijie who stayed in Paijiaya.

Liu Mingdeng looked suspiciously at the formation, as if preparing to attack Paijiaya on a large scale. Every day, more than a dozen artillery pieces were pushed out of the position, fired at the Japanese defense line, and then moved the position forward, constantly putting pressure on the Japanese army, but did not invest a large amount of troops.

Half a month later, the strategy of locking the city was initially successful. The Qing army established several blockade lines along Paijiaya, and more than 40 fortresses rose up on the hills.

Only at this time did the Japanese army wake up to the realization that Yushan's back road was cut off and Paijiaya was already dead. To rush out, they had to break through the minefields laid by the Qing army.

However, the more than 700 Beidong troops who stayed at Paijiaya became the weak point in the eyes of the Japanese army, wasting food in vain, and the Japanese military officers suggested to Sakata Takeoka that this Beidong army should rush out, and a conspiracy was conceived in the Japanese army. , More than 700 Beidong troops will usher in their doomsday.

Liu Mingdeng came to the front line, inspected the terrain personally, looked at the Japanese military fortifications on the ridge, and sneered alone. He had already discovered the loopholes in the Japanese military fortifications, but the weather was wrong, so he did not attack the Japanese troops. I cut down the trees, thinking that I was hiding in the mountains and forests, but I never thought that I was sitting on the fire and roasting.

Although Taiwan has a tropical rainforest climate, it also has four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. In autumn, the trees will lose their leaves, and the driest season in Taiwan has come. When the ground is covered with dead leaves and the northwest wind blows, he will use fire attack, and burned all [-] Japanese troops to death at Paijiaya.

Liu Mingdeng had already reported to Li Guolou the battle plan of "attacking Paijiaya with fire", and with Li Guolou's approval, the Qingshui Division specially shipped a large amount of fierce kerosene (oil) from the mainland. As long as Shen Baozhen sent the fierce kerosene When it was transported to the front line, Liu Mingdeng would kill the Japanese army if he could not burn it to death, but would choke the Japanese army to death.

Although this is the action plan formulated by Li Guolou, Liu Mingdeng does not admire Li Guolou, but only admires his own ruthlessness. Li Guolou just modified the plan and brought some fierce fire oil from the mainland. The biggest hero Still himself, Liu Mingdeng felt a little restless in his heart, and asked, "Has Shen Baozhen departed from Keelung Port?"

Deputy General Fu Xianchu nodded and said, "We should set off today and reach the front line the day after tomorrow."

Liu Mingdeng said: "Well, these two days continue to stockpile grass and trees. We must burn the fire vigorously so that we can send it next year. Continue to observe the wind direction to be sure that there is nothing wrong with it. We will continue to fire guns in the past few days to keep the appetite of the Japanese army. Let the enemy be idle, and save the enemy from thinking wildly, "

Several confidants laughed and looked at the enemy's position on the mountain, but saw the sound of a white flag being raised on the hillside, and a soldier of the Beidong Army walked down the mountain waving the white flag.

Everyone's expressions became strange. The Qing army in the forward position did not shoot, and they all looked at the soldier of the Beidong Army who was carrying the white flag.

The soldiers of the Beidong Army carrying the white flag walked down the mountain carefully, and stepped on a landmine before reaching the foot of the mountain.

There was a loud bang, and a cloud of smoke rose up, as if turning into a fairy, everything disappeared from the world.

The white flag disappeared from his eyes, Liu Mingdeng scratched his head, and said: "I don't know, is this the way for people to walk? First, drive a flock of sheep, cover the eyes of the sheep, and let the sheep step on a path, only then can there be a way to survive." Well,"

Everyone laughs, but it depends on how tenacious the Beidong Army is and how many people they can send to step on landmines. In their eyes, the enemy army on Paijiaya is worthless and has no value for negotiation. Whether it is the Japanese army or the Beidong Army, Can't escape the burning fire.

At the entrance of the cave, Luo Shijie heard a loud noise. Although he didn't see it, he knew that the negotiator must have stepped on a mine, and it became very difficult to negotiate with the Qing army.

Luo Shijie sighed, and did not send the No.2 negotiator. Sakata Takeoka issued a deadly order to lead more than 700 Beidong troops to break through, saying that the food at Paijiaya was not enough to feed the Beidong army. He also saw that there was a mountain of grain, and 3000 people would have no problem eating it until next spring. The Japanese army turned ruthless and did not welcome the Beidong Army anymore.

Now more than 700 Beidong troops have been dispatched to the forward positions, and there is no turning back. The Japanese army guarded against the Beidong army’s rebellion, and did not even give them a few more grenades. Luo Shijie only had seven days’ rations in his hands. To go through the terrifying minefields, Luo Shijie regretted coming here very much. The Japanese are so bad. The food in Paijiaya was brought by the people of Beidong for the Japanese army. If I had known this, I should have returned to my hometown. Now it is the Japanese army. The abandoned son in his hand, Luo Shijie knew that his time was not far away, the world was so big that there was no place for him to live, and as a result of betraying the Qing Dynasty, there was no place for him to die.

Luo Shijie said to himself: "Brothers, this is not a place for people to stay. We have to get out of the encirclement and go back to our hometown. Although the enemy has set up several blockades and planted some landmines, this difficulty is beyond us. Glorious Beidong Army?"

No one responded, and a group of sycophants sat listlessly on the haystack, wiping the weapons in their hands silently. Originally, they wanted to survive this winter, but now they want to leave the strong fortress and break through the enemy's blockade How many people can return to their hometown after crossing the snow-capped Yushan Mountain?

There are tens of thousands of Qing soldiers at the foot of the mountain and in the forest, waiting for them to die, and there are countless armed Taiwanese people who want to skin them.

Luo Shijie saw that no one responded, so he justified himself: "Don't be afraid, we will break through tonight, as much as we can go out, Kang Jiadao, you will be the vanguard??????"

Luo Shijie thought that his father-in-law, Kang Jiadao, would take the risk of arrows for him, move forward bravely, and fight his way out.

Unexpectedly, the Kang family was immersed in remorse, and their daughter Kang Xiaoye was snatched away by Luo Shidai. Beidong women do not have three obediences and four virtues. If I had known today, I should have rebelled with Luo Shidai in the first place, and I would not have ended up like this today. Now in the cave, he has the most troops, and more than 300 are his private soldiers. Although the cave is very crowded, no one has Too much communication, but he is not afraid of anyone, at worst, he will die.

Kang Jiadao stood up in vain and shouted: "I don't want to be a vanguard officer. Brothers, let's follow Luo Shidai in the uprising, rush out now, rush through the minefields, and survive. Don't work for Luo Xingbing Lah, when Luo Shijie was working as a Japanese geisha, did he think about sharing the blessings?"

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar. Hundreds of people in the originally lifeless cave jumped up. There was a sound of pulling the bolt of the gun, and the Beidong Army aimed its gun at its leader.

"Kang Jiadao, you are so rebellious that you dare to deceive the army. I will kill you right now," Luo Shijie raised his hand in shock, aiming his gun at Kang Jiadao.

"Don't you dare," the gun in Kang Jiadao's hand was also pointed at Luo Shijie, with a posture of killing each other, and the two sides were about to fight.

The followers of the two were like this. Some of them were holding grenades high, ready to fire at any time. They were already on the verge of collapse. No one was afraid of death. Flat knife, the knife is faster or the gun is faster, you will know after trying it.

The cave was already overcrowded, but in the current situation, it is necessary for everyone to hug and die together. The other leaders were frightened, and hurriedly persuaded the two sides to put down their weapons. There is something to discuss.

"Put down the gun, there is still time, everything is easy to discuss, the current situation, is not to hurt the loved ones, please listen to my advice, I will not help anyone, if you die, you will die on the battlefield," said the speaker "Sheba" Ning Caichuang is the oldest, in his 40s, with a beard all over his face, gray hair and beard, and a sad look on his face. Ning Caichuang was originally a quartermaster of the Beidong Army, but now he has nothing and has become a He is a poor man, but as a "governor", he also has private soldiers, and there are hundreds of people in the cave as his private soldiers.

Kang Jiadao refused to put down the gun in his hand, and shouted: "Luo Shijie, have you killed too few people? You father and son are like dogs, and you want our Beidong clan to exterminate the clan. I advise you, for the sake of the generals of our Beidong clan Come on, you'd better kill yourself, for the sake of our past relationship, I will collect your body for you,"

Luo Shijie laughed back angrily, laughing maniacally, his shoulders kept shrugging, the muzzle of the gun in his hand was up and down, ready to shoot at any time, Kang Jiadao's head was right under the muzzle of his gun.

But Kang Jiadao handled it calmly. Instead, he put down the gun in his hand and looked at Luo Shijie without saying a word. Kang Jiadao believed that what he said was from the bottom of his heart. , also burst into tears of sympathy. The Qing Dynasty did not force the Beidong people to rebel.

How could the Japanese be good people? They abandoned the Beidong people in times of crisis, and let more than 700 Beidong troops rush out of the encirclement. This is to make the Beidong soldiers commit suicide.

Horrible laughter echoed in the cave, like the sound from hell.

Kang Jiadao snorted and said: "Luo Shijie, don't pretend, no one wants to go with you, anyway, I'm going to revolt, anyone who wants to follow can follow, you have no way out, you should lend us your head Let us have a chance to live, and when the time is right in the future, someone will avenge you. At that time, we Beidong people can still rebel and worship you as a national hero, and future generations will worship your heroic spirit. How wonderful it is Ah, Luo Shijie pointed the gun at his head, so it will be easier, so as not to always think about being shot black?????? "

Kang Jiadao kept nagging that he was bewitching Luo Shijie to commit suicide. In the weird scene, the people around him were silent, staring at Luo Shijie with their eyes, clearly agreeing with Kang Jiadao's proposition.

Luo Shijie glanced around, his heart was no longer there, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and he muttered to himself: "Okay, I will help you all."

A muffled gunshot rang out, and Luo Shijie fell into a pool of blood. The cave was silent, and no one made a sound. This was a humiliating moment for the Beidong tribe. In order to survive, they forced their leader to death.

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