"Taxi stop." Unexpectedly, a taxi happened to pass by at this time, so I stopped it quickly.

"I'm sorry sir, I already have a passenger in this car." The taxi driver said modestly, it was not easy to get a taxi so late.

"Brother, can you give me the car? I have something urgent." I took out a hundred yuan and stuffed it into the hands of the passengers behind me.

"Okay!" Sure enough, money can pass through the mind, and the man happily gave me the car with the money.

"Master, trouble Liuhexiang, please hurry up, I have something urgent." After getting in the car, I directly asked the taxi driver, and now I am very anxious.

"Why hasn't this second child come here?" The second son looked around anxiously, after several fights, the second son found that this group of people were well-trained, and they were not like ordinary gangsters at all.Fortunately, the two cousins ​​know a little bit of kung fu, otherwise they would not be able to survive until now.

"Boy, I think you should surrender? This way I can save you from suffering, otherwise..., hehe." Brother Cao smiled sinisterly, making the two sons and four feel cold.

"Fart, even if I die, I won't be sorry brother." The second son's eyes widened, and he yelled at Brother Cao angrily.

I'm sorry, brother, I'm afraid I can't wait for you to come.The second son was already desperate, he knew that the four of them would not be able to last for a few rounds.

Now there is only one way, Er Zi decided to use it, "Help!"

The miserable cry of the second son echoed in the quiet night sky, startling everyone present, even the members of the Cao Gang paused, their expressions were very strange, countless people were awakened in their sleep, and the surrounding buildings were suddenly brightly lit.

But when everyone stretched out their heads and found out that it was a gang fight, they quickly turned off the lights and went to sleep.

"Second son, why are you so crazy, you scared my old lady?" Er son's girlfriend said very unhappy, because she doesn't know martial arts, so she has been with the second daughter of Liu Hui, and the second daughter jointly protects her.

"Yeah, Second Brother is so useless. People nowadays are timid and afraid of getting into trouble." Wang Xin also felt very helpless, now they can only rely on themselves.

"I'll fight with you!" The second son rushed into the crowd recklessly.

"Haha, you want to go all out just because of you." Brother Cao directly kicked the second son in the chest, and the second son flew upside down for several meters. He was already badly injured, how could he bear another kick, and two mouthfuls of blood spewed out in a row , fell to the ground.

"Second son, second son brother!" The three women over there cried out heart-piercingly when they saw the second son's miserable state.

At this time, a big man from the Cao gang took advantage of Liu Hui's carelessness and punched Liu Hui directly. If Liu Hui survived, he would be seriously injured.

"Sister Liu, pay attention to your back." Wang Xin hurriedly reminded Liu Hui, but it was too late for Liu Hui to resist with her hands. She could only watch the enemy's fist grow bigger in front of her eyes. The boundless fear made Liu Huihui scream heartily.

"Boom!" The sound of fist-to-hand fists rang in Liu Hui's ears, but Liu Hui didn't feel a little pain. At the moment of crisis, Wang Xin threw himself on her to block the fatal punch, but Wang Xin himself But he was seriously injured.

Liu Hui took advantage of the momentum and kicked the enemy in the abdomen with anger, and the big man fell to the ground directly.

"Sister Xin, how are you? Don't scare me, why are you so stupid." Liu Hui hugged Wang Xin, seeing him spitting blood, her heart was pierced like a knife.

"Sister Liu, as long as you are fine, so I can rest assured that Brother Yuwen will be taken care of by you in the future, please help me to say sorry to him, I can no longer protect him." Due to the serious injury and blood loss, Wang Xin's face was pale Like paper, lives are at stake.

"Sister Xin, please stop talking. You will be fine. Brother Yuwen will be here soon. He must have a way to save you." Liu Hui burst into tears, because she and Wang Xin were orphans and lived together. The Ax Gang grew up, and they were as close as sisters.It was him who killed her, and the person who should have died was his own.

"It's useless. I know my injury best." Wang Xin's voice became weaker and weaker. She had no strength and wanted to sleep. The corners of her eyes bleed out, maybe she has too much reluctance, she is reluctant to part with Liu Hui, her brother Yuwen, and her relatives who never know what they look like.

"Sister!" Facing Wang Xin's death, the heart-piercing pain made Liu Hui almost unable to cry.

"Second son, Liu Hui, here I come!" I heard Liu Hui's screams before the car reached the alley, something must have happened to them.

As soon as I got out of the car, I rushed to the battlefield, but at the scene I saw Wang Xin already lying in a pool of blood, life and death unknown.The second son's girlfriend was also frightened and squatted on the ground crying bitterly. The second son's whereabouts were unknown, and only Liu Hui was still standing, but he might not be able to last long in the face of the siege of a group of people.

"Kill!" The strong killing intent has already made my eyes bloodshot, and I only have one love in my heart, to kill all the enemies here.I directly pulled out the Xuanyuan sword that has not been opened yet, buddy, I will let you drink enough of the enemy's blood today.

"Here comes another dead man, brothers catch me alive." Brother Cao took the lead and helped everyone kill me with an axe.

I didn't get too entangled with them, and directly raised my sword to kill Liu Hui and the others. The most important thing now is to protect them.

Facing my exquisite Xuanyuan swordsmanship, this group of people couldn't resist at all. Of course, I just wanted to retreat from the enemy and didn't entangle them too much. After a while, I rushed to Liu Hui's side.

"Liu Hui, are you alright? It's me who hurt you. Hurry up and hug Wang Xin. Let's retreat to the corner. The opponent has a lot of people, so it's not good for us to be hostile on all sides." I also quickly stretched out my left hand My second son and his girlfriend got up and retreated towards the wall. At the same time, I had to keep using the Xuanyuan Sword to resist the chasing enemies. I have to say that the Xuanyuan Sword technique is very exquisite and powerful, but unfortunately my internal strength is too low to use [-]% of it. Power, otherwise these people are not enough for me to kill.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" I retreated to the corner and asked my second son's girlfriend who had regained her sanity.

"Xiaoxiang, you are finally here, hurry up and save the second son, the second son was arrested by them." The second son's girlfriend cried loudly.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. The second son was arrested because of me. I will do my best to save the second son."

"This kid's swordsmanship is so evil, it's so watertight, we can't get close to him at all." A hall master of the Cao Gang spat. He tried several times to get close to me, but he was caught before he could get close. Forced back down.

"It doesn't matter. I think this kid's skills are not deep at such a young age, so his ghost swordsmanship won't last long." Brother Cao has worked hard in the underworld for many years, so he naturally has rich experience.

I didn't expect this black man to have such good eyesight, he could see my reality at a glance, the person with such eyesight should not be an unknown person.

"I don't think the elder brother should be an unknown person, can you report your name?"

"Hmph, the boy will let you die in peace, it's okay to tell you, I am Cao Hongqing."

"Very well, it turns out that it is Brother Cao who is known as the iron hand. My little brother has no grievances or enmities with you. Why did you ambush me?"

Its relationship with the Ax Gang is also good, so how could it kill us few unknown people.

"Don't blame me, boy, I remember that I, Cao Hongqing, killed you on the road to Huangquan."

"Wait a minute, I have another question for you, Brother Cao, can you tell me who is buying my life?" If I know who is trying to make things difficult for me, I will definitely ask him not to survive, not to die.

"The kid talks a lot of nonsense, just die." Cao Hongqing punched my Tianling Gai directly.

I also know that it is impossible for him to say that, seeing him punch me, I directly stabbed a sword flower and slashed at the dead wrist.

The iron hand Cao Hongqing also knew the sharpness of my sword, so he quickly turned back and took two steps back. He would not be afraid of an ordinary iron sword, but he would not dare to touch my sword that cuts iron like mud. There was a stalemate.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Facing the siege of the Cao Gang, can we break through safely?Can Wang Xin survive?Please continue to watch the next chapter of Killing, the next section will be more exciting.


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