"Liu Hui, how is Wang Xin doing?" Taking advantage of the gap between Cao Gang members, I quickly turned to look at Wang Xin.

"Brother Yuwen, sister Xin is still breathing, but very weakly, I'm afraid it won't last long, so I need to be rescued in an emergency."

Faced with Wang Xin's serious injury, Liu Hui was already crying, and now surrounded by a group of people, it is impossible to send her to the hospital.

Not only Liu Hui was anxious, but I was also very anxious. Faced with Wang Xin leaving me at any time, I was helpless. This feeling was worse than death.

"Ah! You should all be damned." I roared to the sky, wishing I was the one who got hurt.

Suddenly, my heart moved, as if I had caught something. It seemed that every time I was seriously injured, I could be healed by the strange qi in my body. I don't know if it would work for Wang Xin.

"Liu Hui, help Wang Xin up and sit down." There is no other way now, so let's try.

"Brother Yuwen, can you save sister Xin?" Liu Hui hurriedly helped Wang Xin to sit up excitedly.

"I don't know if it will work, I just have to try it." I slapped Wang Xin's back with enough zhenqi, and the fierce zhenqi rushed out and flowed into Wang Xin's meridians. I found that Wang Xin's meridians had been affected. The damage was serious, almost broken, and some of them were even broken, but my true qi was really useful. Wang Xin's injury improved a lot after my true qi was repaired, but it was impossible to heal it, so I forcibly Cut off a trace of true energy and leave it in Wang Xin's body, allowing him to heal himself.

"Brother Yuwen, you are really hurt, sister Xin seems to be much better." Liu Hui saw that Wang Xin's face finally turned red, and her breathing became much more stable.

Cough, due to the loss of true qi, I can no longer suppress the injury in my body, and a mouthful of blood spurts out.

"Brother Yuwen, what's wrong with you?" Seeing my face pale as paper, Liu Hui cried loudly in fright.

"Don't worry, it's just a reaction to the damage of true qi." I had to put the sword pillar on the ground to support my body.

"Boss, I think this kid is looking for death, and he dares to lose his true energy to save people at this time."

"Don't talk nonsense, take them down quickly." If Mr. Liu hadn't named this person, Cao Hongqing really wanted to let him go. This kid is a man.

"Liu Hui protect them well, and leave the rest to me." Facing the people of the Cao Gang who were coming fiercely again, I had to raise my sword and fight again. Now my true energy is running low, so I must fight quickly. It is inevitable to kill a lot, but I have never killed anyone so that my hands are shaking.

Liu Hui nodded, "Be careful yourself."

"Kill!" The boundless killing anger unfolded again, the night seemed to be dyed red, the ground was stained red with blood, and everyone's eyes were red from killing. Facing my crazy fighting, everyone in the Cao Gang was also completely enraged, as if Surround me desperately.

"Ah!" Hearing Liu Hui's scream, I knew she was in danger, so I hurried back to her side.But just like this, the Cao Gang also suffered countless casualties. Of course, I was also injured all over my body. My clothes were already stained red with blood. There were enemies as well as my own.

Looking at the dead bodies on the ground, a pungent bloody smell made my stomach churn, and I almost spit out my dinner. They were all raised by their biological parents, and they also had wives and children. I couldn't bear to kill them.

"Surround them for me, and try not to touch them head-on." Brother Cao felt distressed when he saw so many brothers sacrificed. He didn't expect this kid to be so powerful in battle.

What should I do? Looking at the people of the Cao Gang surrounding me like jackals, I felt a chill in my heart. After the fight just now, I have already run out of energy, so how can I protect everyone.

"I'm sorry Liu Hui, I'm sorry sister-in-law, it looks like we're going to die here today, I'm the one who got you all involved." I looked at them apologetically.

"Brother Yuwen, you have done your best. We don't blame you. I am very happy to die with you." Liu Hui quietly closed her eyes, as if waiting for the god of death to come.

"Die, we all die together, anyway, the second son is gone." The second son's girlfriend nodded to me. This is the first time she has experienced such a beating, but she has shaken off the initial fear.

"Brother Cao, let's have a discussion. You see, the three of them are women. If you let them go, I will go with you. Do you think it is okay?" Now that this situation can go one by one, there is still a glimmer of hope. To fight for.

"Brother Yuwen, don't want it. If you die, we will die with you." Liu Hui cried loudly, and the girlfriend of the second son also nodded.

"You are so stupid, now you can live alone." I know they are also afraid of death, but they can die with me, without complaint or regret.

"Haha, you guys are too naive, do you think I might agree?" Brother Cao looked up to the sky and laughed, as if mocking our ignorance.

"You..., since that's the case, don't blame me for fighting to the death." I sacrificed Xuanyuan Sword again and prepared to fight to the death.

There was a sensation, there was a thunderstorm in the sky, a bolt of lightning tore through the entire night sky, and the sky began to rain heavily.The fierce battle was staged again on a rainy night. Everyone was exhausted. Now all I can fight is perseverance. Every time I meet Cao Hongqing, I will take a few steps back. Now I am no longer his opponent, the only one who can rely on Only my partner Xuanyuan Shenjian.

"Stop!" The rough voice was particularly harsh on this quiet rainy night. Not only was I overjoyed when I heard this voice, I didn't expect the savior to come at the critical moment.

"Fengshen, our Cao Gang and your Ax Gang have no grievances or enmities, I hope you don't interfere." Brother Cao had to tell his subordinates to stop when he saw someone, and the Ax Gang still has to give face.

"Of course I don't care about other people's affairs, but they happen to be members of our Axe Gang, so of course I have to take care of them." Although I don't want to set up an enemy of the Cao Gang for no reason, but if the other party is my own gang leader, I can't control so much.

"Okay, I'll save your Fengshen's face, but I've made a note of what happened today, let's go." Brother Cao also simply said to leave, and soon everyone in the Cao Gang disappeared into the night.

"My subordinates pay homage to the leader!" Fengshen led everyone to bow to me, and I also bowed back.The second son's girlfriend next to him was stunned. When did the honest Xiaoxiang become the boss of the gangster.

"No, the second son is still in their hands." I suddenly realized that the second son had been knocked out by them and taken away.

"Who is the second son?" Fengshen asked suspiciously.

"It's my buddy, who was just taken away by the Cao Gang."

"Don't worry, leader. The main target of the Cao Gang is you. Your friend should not be in any danger. Let's go back to the gang first and then bring more people to find important people from the Cao Gang." Fengshen thought for a while before saying.

"Then hurry up." I was afraid that something would happen to the second son after a long delay, so I hurriedly urged.

Sitting in the Mercedes-Benz car prepared for us by the Ax Gang, we drove straight to the headquarters of the Ax Gang. Now we don’t have to worry about being ambushed again, after all, no one here dares to touch Huwei casually.Because Wang Xin was seriously injured, I asked Fengshen to arrange some brothers to escort her to the hospital, and Liu Hui also went to take care of Wang Xin.

"Fengshen, how do you know that we have encountered an ambush?" I am also very puzzled. I have not contacted them since I became their gang leader. How did they know that something happened to me? Could it be that they have been monitoring me all the time.

"A brother happened to pass by here tonight and reported it to me. I came over to have a look, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Although I feel that there are many loopholes in Fengshen's answer, I don't want to ask too many questions. If Fengshen and the others didn't rush over today, we would definitely die.

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Why do I keep failing to bookmark and recommend, I hope all the book lovers will cheer me up! ! !Please recommend and collect!Your support is my perpetual motivation, please watch the next chapter of the aggrieved gang leader.


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