Oh. . .

Jukou yelled at me, probably saying something to me, but unfortunately I couldn't understand the dragon language.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." I opened my mouth and said, but at this moment, the dragon shrunk directly and finally turned into a golden light and flew in from my mouth.Could it be that this guy was eaten by me? That was a waste of money. I quickly checked my body, and finally found that it had also entered the middle dantian, but it didn't squeeze into the middle, it just formed a golden circle surrounding the dantian. lock up.This is quite good, and I finally don't have to worry about being discovered by others after I go out.

Because I was worried that the ancestors of Mang Mountain were guarding outside, I stayed here for a whole week before I dared to come out cautiously. I looked around and saw that there was no one here except birds and beasts. This place should be in the depths of Mang Mountain. It is simply primitive. In the forest, ordinary people may become the prey of beasts if they can't stay here for a day.I found a nearby spring to wash my whole body, and I felt much better. The life in the ground is really not a place that people want to live in.

At this time, I naturally didn't dare to go back the same way, and I didn't dare to fly back, otherwise I would definitely be discovered by the ancestor of Mangshan. I walked around all the way, and I heard the roar of wild beasts from time to time, and there were fierce beasts attacking from time to time. Deadly killers, for me, they can be dealt with with just one palm.I killed a lot of beasts along the way, and my body exuded a strong smell of blood. After that, no wild beasts dared to approach me at all.

Because I was worried about the safety of my mother and Liu Hui, I kept on driving day and night, and finally it took me three whole days to get out of this vast forest. Even walking is not slow with my sixth-level golden stature stage cultivation base, but this forest is indeed quite big.

Looking at the small village in front of me, the sound of chickens and dogs faintly came from my ears, and all the cells in my body were excited, and I could finally leave this ghost forest. I was so excited that I touched a thick tree trunk on the tip of my toes, and I flew out like a bird. A piece of forest finally left this vast mountain.

I bought some food in the village, although it was just some wild animal meat, it was better than eating wild fruits every day, and I hadn’t eaten for many days in the ground.Although a cultivator can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to replenish energy, I still like to eat. Eating is not only to satisfy my hunger, but also a kind of enjoyment in life. There are three things in life that cannot be missed. Food, wine and beautiful women are considered cultivation I think it is also necessary to enjoy, otherwise the cultivation is too boring.

After I found out the way to go, I went to a nearby county and rented a taxi. Taking a car was much more comfortable than walking, and I could also get a good night's sleep, and it was impossible for me to fly back in broad daylight.

I explained the destination to the driver, and I got into the car directly. Now I am not short of the money. The driver is a middle-aged uncle, and he looks very honest. After getting in the car, we chatted.

"Young man, what are you going to go to Calabash Mountain? It's not very peaceful there recently, we dare not go to that ghostly place when we drive at night." The driver uncle said while driving.

"Uncle, what happened there?" I asked a little nervously, I have been away for almost half a month, and I don't know how my mother and Liu Hui are doing now.

"Young man, you didn't read the news. The whole country is not peaceful recently. There are monsters eating people everywhere, especially on the side of Calabash Mountain. It is very serious. Every village is often slaughtered. The scene is very bloody and terrifying. There is not a single intact body. Now the living people over there have escaped, so I advise you not to go there, not only is it dangerous, but the person you are looking for should also be gone." The driver uncle looked worried and kindly persuaded road.

The uncle driver's words immediately tightened my heart. After walking for so many days, I don't know if my mother and Liu Hui are in danger. I know the strength of those monsters very well.

"Uncle, didn't the government take any measures?" Since there were massacres everywhere, the dragon group of the country should appear.

"Why not? The government has sent a large number of troops, but the army is useless against these evil monsters. Instead, a large number of people have been sacrificed. Recently, I heard that the country has sent a team of supernatural powers, which brought the matter under control. But the supernatural powers After all, the number of people is limited, and this monster doesn't fight with these people with supernatural powers at all, so the government can't do anything about it. Many rich people have immigrated abroad, and only us poor people are waiting to die in the country." The driver said sadly.

Human life is so fragile in front of monsters, ordinary people can only wait to die.I don’t know what the three holy places and those big families think, don’t they always regard themselves as righteous, and they don’t help the common people to kill demons and demons. Much worse.

"Brother, hurry up, I'm waiting to go home to save people, how about this, I'll give you three times the money, how about it?" I hurriedly urged.

Stimulated by the money, the driver was much quicker, the car was speeding like an arrow, and my heart was more anxious than the car. I really don't know how the situation at home is.

After the car came to the entrance of the village, the uncle driver refused to go any further, saying that there were monsters on Calabash Mountain.

So I had no choice but to get out of the car and walk home, but the scene in front of me made my heart heavy, and an ominous premonition lingered in my heart.The entire village was empty, and there were broken walls and broken walls everywhere. Although there was no blood flow like in other villages, it seems that all the people in the village had escaped. The whole village had been abandoned for a long time. The familiar smiling faces are gone, and my mother and Liu Hui probably escaped with them, so where should I find them?

Stepping on the thick dead leaves on the ground, accompanied by the sound of clicking, I walked to the door of the house step by step. The home is still there, but the familiarity of the past is no longer there.At this time, the door is locked tightly, and the steps in front of the door are still covered with dust. It may have been unoccupied for a long time, which really gives people a sense of right and wrong.Seeing this familiar yard, I seem to have returned to my childhood. It was so warm and happy to accompany my mother to enjoy the shade in the yard.I swear that one day I will get rid of all the monsters in Calabash Mountain, restore the tranquility of Calabash Mountain, and make this place full of its former glory again.

Gently pushing open the gate, a cloud of dust was raised, and I let the dust float on my face indifferently. Maybe they are the only ones still sticking to the village.

Everything in the house is still there, and all the displays are still what I remember, but it is covered with dust because it has been unoccupied for a long time.

"Cough cough...", the dust entered my lungs and made me cough twice, and the sound echoed in the room.

"Auntie, don't be afraid, I believe Brother Yuwen will come back to save us soon." In a pothole at this time, a young woman hugged an elderly woman tightly, and the elderly woman was trembling with fear .

These two people are none other than my mother and Liu Hui who I have been parting from for many days.

"Auntie, be quiet, there seems to be someone outside." Liu Hui made a silent gesture to her mother and whispered.

These days, due to the monsters attacking the nearby villages, all the people in the village have fled. Only my mother and Liu Hui were worried that I would not be able to find them when I came back, so they hid in the cellar at home.In this dark cellar, I can only eat the dry food prepared in advance, but I have to endure the cold and damp in the cellar, as well as the bites of mosquitoes. What is even more frightening is that there are often some noises on the ground from time to time. Over time, my mother has formed A sense of fear, trembling every time she heard a sound, so Liu Hui had to just hug her mother.They have been living in the cellar for more than a week, and they don't know how they survived.

"Maybe Xiang'er came back to pick us up, Xiang'er!" Mother shouted with all her strength.

Liu Hui quickly covered her mother's mouth, "Auntie, it's too dangerous for you to do this. If there are monsters and ghosts outside, we will never see Brother Yuwen again."

Liu Hui's words made her mother tremble with fright, her body was like catkins in the strong wind, she looked so weak.

Seeing that no one has lived in the house for a long time, maybe Liu Hui has fled to the city with her mother, and with my only hope, I am ready to leave.

After stroking these familiar tables and chairs again, I sighed and was about to close the door and leave, but at this moment I seemed to hear a voice in the cellar.

"Who is it? Come out." I still remember the location of the cellar at home very clearly. I walked over and lifted the lid of the cellar. It was dark inside and I couldn't see anything.

But there was no sound at all in the cellar, and no one came out. Maybe I missed my mother too much, so I had hallucinations. I shook my head and closed the cellar again.

But just as I was about to build the cellar, I heard rustling noises in my ears. The hearing of us martial arts practitioners is naturally different from that of ordinary people, but it may also be rats or the like.

But I thought about it, since I have come back, I should go to the cellar to have a look. I remember that when I was young, I liked to hide and seek in the cellar, so that my mother could not find me.

I found some dry wood and lit it with a lighter. As I got deeper into the cellar and it became cold and damp, the voice in my ears became clearer.

Walking step by step into the depths of the cellar, except for the occasional gopher or two, I saw nothing.

"Ah, Auntie, run, there is a snake." Liu Hui touched a fleshy thing in a panic in the dark cellar, and it was cold.It feels like a snake. Liu Hui has been afraid of snakes since she was a child.

So, Liu Hui dragged her mother and ran outside as hard as she could. At this moment, she couldn't care less. If she was bitten by a snake, she would still die. Moreover, a woman's natural fear of snakes forced her to flee.

Hearing a woman's voice inside, I also ran in quickly, and the torch was extinguished within two strokes, so I could only feel my way forward.

In the panic, a woman's body bumped into my arms, why did I feel like a woman, because the fullness of her chest had already filled my arms.

"Ah...", the woman kept struggling in panic, and even punched and kicked me.

I hurriedly took out the lighter and took a photo. I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw it. I didn't expect that the beautiful woman in my arms was Liu Hui whom I had been looking for for a long time.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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