"Liu Hui, it's me, my mother?" I hurriedly stopped Liu Hui's punching and kicking, and asked anxiously, what happened to my mother?

"Ah, you are Brother Yuwen, I found you." Liu Hui said pleasantly, and then looked at it suspiciously, "Auntie was with me just now, we met a snake inside, so I pulled She ran out together."

Hearing Liu Hui's words, I feel more relieved, at least it means that my mother is still there, "Then let's look for it quickly."

With the faint light of the lighter, we searched around, and finally found my mother in a corner by the cave. At this time, my mother was curled up in the corner, her body trembling, and she kept shouting "Don't kill me, don't kill me" .

The scene in front of me made my heart feel like a knife, and I hurried over to hold my mother in my arms.

Because my father left early, my mother brought up my sister and me alone with hardships. She sheltered us from the wind and rain and worked hard every day for us to eat, clothe and go to school. In my mind, she will always be the greatest person in the world.But today I discovered that my mother is also a woman, and she also needs someone to protect her. Now that I have grown up, it is my turn to protect her. Thinking of this, I tightened my mother in my arms again. Keep her warm and safe.

"Mom, don't be afraid. I'm Xiang'er. With me around, no one will dare to bully you." I took off my coat and wrapped it around my mother, and hugged her thin body tightly. After a lot, the face has been covered with wrinkles unconsciously.

Under my comfort, my mother gradually calmed down, and she was as peaceful as a baby in her deep sleep. They hadn't slept well for many days.

"Brother Yuwen, I'm sorry, it's all my fault for not taking good care of Auntie." Liu Hui said with some self-blame.

"Don't blame yourself, I have to thank you for sending my mother to me in good condition." I stretched out my right hand and gently stroked Liu Hui's slightly haggard face, thinking that a girl like her in this cellar would also Not only do I have to endure the darkness and fear, but I also have to take care of my mother. It has been really hard for her these days.

"Brother Yuwen, thank you. Now that you're back, I'm relieved." As Liu Hui said, tears flowed down her pretty face. She was also very scared and wanted to cry these days.

"Let's go, let's go back to the city, there are monsters coming and going here at any time." I stretched out my sleeve and wiped away the tears from Liu Hui's face. This is a girl who looks strong on the outside, but is actually very weak on the inside.

We had to walk back to town since we didn't have a car.Because my mother was in poor health, I had no choice but to carry her on my back, and at the same time supported Liu Hui with my right hand and walked towards the city.

We were worried about the attack of monsters all the way, so we had to step up our pace. In the end, I was almost the one leading Liu Hui. However, this distance is nothing for a cultivator like me, but it is difficult for Liu Hui and her mother.

In order to relieve physical fatigue, I chatted with Liu Hui.

"Brother Yuwen, in fact, we should go back to the bottom of the cave to have a look. I really want to know how big the snake is. At that time, I touched it and felt it was a giant python, but the giant python didn't attack us. We are really lucky." .” Liu Hui said with lingering fear.

After listening to Liu Hui's words, my heart blossomed with joy, and a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth.

"Brother Yuwen, what are you laughing at?" Liu Hui looked at me suspiciously. Could it be that he wasn't worried about the python attacking us at all.

"Hey, if you kiss me, I'll tell you." I looked at Liu Hui with some hope, not to mention that she had added a kind of cuteness under her haggard face at this time, which is what men want protect her.

"I don't want it, and you want to take advantage of me." Liu Hui said with red lips.

"Forget it, then I won't say anything." I raised my head and looked at the sky and said, completely in need of a beating.

"Forget you." Liu Hui was very curious and had no choice but to give in. She kissed me on the face like a superficial touch. Just when I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, she jumped away.

"Since you are so obedient, then I will tell you kindly, remember that you are not allowed to escape again, and I will tell you that the giant python you touched, if I am not wrong, it should be from when I was young It was a prank, the fake python I made to scare my sister, hehe, I didn’t expect it to be useful on you.” I grinned and said, seeing Liu Hui’s angry face is really interesting.

"Brother Yuwen, you are so bad, you actually teased him like this, it scared me to death." Liu Hui raised her embroidered fist and gave it to me, but I took it all as a massage.

"I remember an expert in love once said that men are not bad, but women don't love them." I grabbed Liu Hui's hand, held it in the palm of my hand, and stroked it, so scared that Liu Hui quickly retracted her hand.

In this way, we chatted all the way, which can be regarded as a little relief of physical and mental fatigue, and a little more motivation for this journey, and we have arrived at the county seat.

When I arrived at the county town, I was really tired. I had to carry my elderly mother on my back and lead Liu Hui along the way. Even if it was hard, I couldn’t bear it. Fortunately, I finally found a place to fight, and I didn’t bother to go anymore. Standing directly at the intersection on the edge of the city, I waved when I saw a taxi, and finally a car stopped next to us.But it's not a taxi, but a limousine, and the driver is a big beautiful woman in sexy clothes. The beauty wears light makeup, her neck-length hair looks very capable, she wears a small white dress on her upper body, and a black workplace apron on her lower body. In the short skirt, she looked like a strong professional woman. Her speech was neither charming nor rude, and her voice was very pleasant.

"Excuse me, where are you going? I can give you a ride." The beauty's beautiful voice floated into my ears, making my whole body numb, but I could clearly see the sympathy in her eyes.

Looking at the costumes of the three of us, not to mention that we really look like refugees who escaped from the mountains. With the dusty clothes and the face that can only see the rolling eyes, even if we don’t admit that we are refugees, others I don't believe it either.

"That, beauty..." I fished my head in some embarrassment, looked at her clean and beautiful car, and then looked at our body without a piece of clean clothes, I was really embarrassed to get in the car.

"You big man, why are you talking so much nonsense, hurry up and get in the car, don't you want your elderly mother and your wife to continue to suffer?" the beauty asked Zou Xiumei angrily.

Now that everyone has said that, I can't say anything more, so I just nodded and said thank you.

"Beauty, please take us to the city." After getting on the bus, I said directly to this beauty, seeing her majestic chest and the white thighs exposed under the short skirt, I swallowed secretly.

"Don't call me beautiful, I have a name, I'm Su Su." The beautiful woman said simply, she is really a capable woman.

"Hello, Miss Su Su, my name is Yu Wenxiang, nice to meet you." I stretched out my dirty right hand to Su Su.

"Nice to meet you, too." Su Su didn't seem to notice the dirt on my hands, and directly reached out her white jade hand to shake with me. I dare say that Su Su's hands are definitely the most beautiful I have ever seen. Slender as a green onion, with crystal clear palms.

"Did you just escape from the mountain? I heard that Calabash Mountain is very unsafe now, and many people have died. These monsters are really hateful, damn it." Su Su said angrily.

"Yeah, my house was attacked by monsters, and we managed to escape, and all the nearby villages died." I also hate those monsters, but unfortunately my current strength is not enough, and Fengshen and Qianqian are still waiting for me to save.

"My cousin also lives on the side of Calabash Mountain. According to my escaped cousin, those monsters are really cruel. They killed all the villagers, even children and livestock. My cousin and the others all She was eaten by a demon, and her cousin escaped by hiding in the cellar." Su Su said sadly, I could clearly see tears in her eyes, it's no wonder she was willing to give us a ride when she saw us, and wanted to come to her It should be that we saw the shadows of her cousins ​​and others in us.

Along the way, I got to know Su Su more and more clearly. She works in the urban area, and her parents are ordinary city residents, but Su Su is a smart and capable woman. Started a company, the company now has nearly [-] employees, and an annual output value of nearly [-] million, which can be regarded as a little rich woman.

I also told Su Su about my situation. I told her that I work in a state-owned enterprise. I dare not say that I am the boss of a gangster. I also introduced my mother and Liu Hui to Su Su. Liu Hui was my cousin, and Liu Hui rolled her eyes.

Finally the car entered the urban area. Fortunately, everything in the urban area is fine. It seems that the monster has not yet entered the urban area. After asking Su Su to drive to the gate of our community, we got out of the car directly. Su Su and I stayed together for parting The phone number of the other party. I originally invited Su Su to go upstairs and sit down for a while, but she politely refused, and I couldn't insist anymore.

After taking their mother back to the house in the community, the three of them washed and changed into clean clothes. They finally felt much more comfortable now.After finishing dinner and settling my mother down, I came to the headquarters of the Ax Gang alone. At this time, the headquarters of the Ax Gang was brightly lit. It seemed that they had already heard the news of my return. A big gang, of course, has our eyeliner everywhere.

After meeting with Yushen and the others first, and then saying hello to Jin Bupo and the others, I can feel that their martial arts have improved a lot in the past half a month. It should be Yun Zhenzi who taught them the method of cultivation after he came back. The effect is not bad.

I went to the back hall to meet Yun Zhenzi. At this time, Yun Zhenzi was meditating on the futon, so I didn’t want to disturb him, so I had to stand beside him and wait quietly. About half an hour later, Yun Zhenzi woke up after entering meditation. I am overjoyed to be back.


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