Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 205 Big Brother, My Name Is Linger

"Hey, how old is the golden body stage now, sir?" Yun Zhenzi looked at me with some surprise, he remembered that I was only at the third stage of the golden body stage when I left, and my breath was much stronger after leaving for half a month.

"Hehe, so-so, the peak of the sixth level of the golden body." I said a little embarrassedly, this progress is really amazing, you must know that it takes at least a year and a half for ordinary people to go from the first level to the sixth level, but I can improve so fast. It is related to my recent experience. I have experienced life and death several times, and the moment of life and death is the most able to stimulate the potential of the human body

"Sure enough, I was not mistaken, the young master is a rare genius." Yun Zhenzi said happily.

"I heard that Calabash Mountain is very uneasy recently. I don't know how the young master's house is? Has the young master encountered a demon?" Yun Zhenzi obviously also knows the situation on the Calabash Mountain.

"The situation is very bad, blood is flowing everywhere." So I told Zhenzi Yun about all the things I encountered in Calabash Mountain, including the Lei family and the Yun family, as well as the one-eyed troll and the old devil of Mangshan. I omitted the Xuanyuan Sword and the stele, those are my secrets.

"I didn't expect it to be so serious. It seems that the situation is urgent. The cultivation world is going to be in chaos again. I don't know if this ax gang can survive in such a chaotic world." Yun Zhenzi said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Daoist, I will definitely let the Ax Gang survive forever." I said firmly, because there are many people I want to protect here.

"I believe you can do it in the future, but you are still very weak now, you don't have much time left, you still need to work harder." Yun Zhenzi's eyes flashed brightly, and he looked at me firmly.

"It's the Taoist priest. You must work hard, and you will never let the Taoist priest down. Oh, no, I should be called Master Uncle now." I said with high spirits.

"Very good, I also hope that the day when you grow up, I believe that the whole cultivation world will tremble under your feet." Yun Zhenzi said firmly, and I don't know why he has so much confidence in me.

"Master, I'll go and see Qianqian. Thank you for taking care of me during this time. I have to continue to trouble Master. I will go to Europe in two days, and I will leave the ax gang to you." I said cautiously.

"Young master, don't worry, as long as Pindao is still alive, he will help you take care of the ax gang."

"By the way, Master Uncle Wang Xin? Has the master master healed her? Where is she?" I found out that Yun Zhenzi had returned but Wang Xin was not there, and a bad feeling surged in my heart. premonition.

"Hey...!" Yun Zhenzi sighed and shook his head.

"Ah, there's nothing Elder Master can do?" Seeing Yun Zhenzi's expression, I walked to the room where Qianqian was in disappointment, and now I only have her.

I came to the room where Qianqian was sleeping soundly. At this time, Qianqian was like the legendary Sleeping Beauty, so pitiful. I walked over and stroked her hair gently, and helped them remove the dust from their bodies. Under the care of the Rain Gods and the others, the situation is not bad.

Coming out of Qianqian's room, the God of Rain and the God of Electricity were standing outside the door shyly.

I walked over, gave the second daughter a warm hug, and said, "You guys have worked hard during this time."

"This is what we should do." The Rain God said gently.

"Young master, can you stay longer when you come back this time? We miss you very much." Dian Shen was still hot and sexy, and he spoke very straightforwardly, but it was also affectionate.

"I think so too, but Fengshen is still waiting for me to rescue. I will leave at the latest the day after tomorrow. This time I brought my mother to the city, which is the Dongshan villa where I live. I hope you can help me when you are free." I'll take care of her old man."

"Auntie is here, that's really great, son, don't worry, we will help you take care of auntie." The second daughter said happily, and the second daughter thought this is a rare opportunity to get back her future mother-in-law.

After bidding farewell to the second daughter, I went back to the villa, Murong Qingcheng and the others were talking to their mother, everyone was overjoyed when they saw me back, arranged for my mother to sleep upstairs and us to sleep downstairs, another big quilt came tonight Sleep together and give them physical and physical comfort as much as you want.

The next day, Liu Hui and the others accompanied their mother to the city to buy a lot of clothes and clothes. I thought about it at night and told my mother that I was going on a business trip.Originally, I decided to leave Liu Hui at home to take care of my mother, so I could feel at ease, but my mother firmly disagreed, saying that Liu Hui was by my side to take care of me when I was out alone.

I had no choice but to compromise under my mother's repeated excuses, but fortunately, Murong Qingcheng and the others were there, so I felt more at ease.

Early the next morning, Liu Hui and I packed our clothes and rushed to the airport in the provincial capital. Of course we had to take a plane to go to Europe.

As soon as I entered the airport, I was surprised to be surrounded by a group of young men and women. Could it be that they wanted to rob me openly, as if I didn’t have anything valuable on me? crowd.

"Superman, please sign for me?" A young boy said holding up a notebook.

"Superman, can I take a picture with you?" A young girl rushed towards me directly.

"Superman, I love you, I want to marry you." A group of crazy girls squeezed towards me, and I was so scared that I quickly backed away, which is too crazy, the most important thing is that she is still so ugly, yes, that is The girl with the toad-like face ran in front, which scared me so much that I wanted to defend myself.

I finally know why they are so crazy. It turns out that I have been recognized by them. This time I have experienced the pain of a star. It is really scary to face such crazy fans. From now on, I will have to wear a mask like a star when I go out. Big sunglasses, and then cover yourself with a hat, so that you are not afraid of being recognized by others.

"You are mistaken, I am not a superman." I immediately denied it.

"You are Superman. I have deeply rooted you in my heart, and I will not admit my mistake." A little girl shouted in the crowd. It seems that she is only fourteen or fifteen years old at this age. Girls nowadays are really precocious.

"Little sister, don't talk nonsense, don't go back and study hard." After hearing what the little girl said, I almost rolled my eyes.

"He's so small, he needs to have a figure and a face, how about you be my boyfriend?" Now the little girl is really bold enough to confess her love directly.

This is too open, although I have to admit that she is a beauty embryo and will definitely be a big beauty when she grows up, but now she dares to exaggerate so much, it is really unbearable, I don't want old cows to eat young grass.

"All right, all right, I'll sign for you, one by one, no other demands are allowed." I had no choice but to surrender.

"Please let me go." Just as I was signing autographs in full swing, a girl's voice came out from the crowd, and the voice was very anxious.

After a while, a girl about 1.6 or [-] years old squeezed in front of me. She was not tall. I looked at her and she was only about [-] meters. She had a small face like porcelain and a pair of smart big eyes. Coupled with that beautiful hair, she really is a loli, and the most striking thing is her huge chest, as if she would burst out of her clothes at any time. I reckoned that she had at least a D cup. I don't know how she grew up, maybe she drank milk every day.

"Little sister, do you want to sign too?" I looked at the young girl in front of me and asked.

"Brother Superman, I need you to do me a favor, can you?" The girl spoke in a hurry, but still so beautifully.

"Okay, no problem." After I finished speaking, I really wanted to slap myself in the ear. My resistance to beautiful women is too weak. I don't think about it without my brain's consent. Could it be that I really have a lolicon? Senior Hua said that every man has a lolicon in his heart, it is really a wise saying.

"Thank you, one of my classmates went home and was seriously ill and was hospitalized. I am in a hurry to go see her now. I am afraid that I will not see her if it is too late, so I hope you can send me there." The girl said the matter in one breath. After talking about it, I also understood it.

"Which, can't you go by plane or car?" I asked suspiciously.

"No, there is no plane over there, and the car is too slow. I want my elder brother to take me there directly." The girl looked at me with big watery eyes, as if she was about to cry at any moment, and I really wanted to agree immediately. She, but if it's too far away, I'm afraid I won't have enough vitality, and flying with a person will consume energy, so I'm a little hesitant.

"Big brother, just help me." The girl leaned over directly, holding my right arm with both hands and shaking it non-stop. Horse, the nose is hot.

"Okay, don't shake it anymore." I couldn't bear it anymore, so I had to surrender.

"Hehe, thank you big brother." The girl giggled, as if she had succeeded in a conspiracy, I really wanted to spank her, I thought evilly in my heart.

I explained to Liu Hui and told her to buy a ticket and wait for me in the waiting room, and I would rush back after sending the little girl there.

In order to save time, I didn't talk nonsense, I directly asked the girl where she was going, and took off directly at the airport square with her in my arms. The figure soaring into the sky instantly caused countless people to look up and sideways, and exclamation came one after another.

Holding the girl's slender waist, I couldn't kick it because of the huge chest. I really don't know how to grow such a big tit at such a young age.The delicate red lips are facing my face, and the breath is sprayed on my face, I feel my face is a little hot, maybe this is the first time for this girl to be so close to a man, her shy face, a pair of I dare not look at me with big eyes, I feel that I am almost on the verge of losing control.

"Big brother, thank you for being able to help me when I need it most." The girl exhaled like blue, and the sweet voice made my heart beat faster.

"Big brother, my name is Linger, what's your name?" The girl's shy face was like a red apple.

"My name is Yu Wenxiang" I answered mechanically, which made Ling'er smile coquettishly, and my old face suddenly became hot.

"What is brother Yuwen thinking?" Linger's big watery eyes were full of cunning.

"No, I didn't think about it." I quickly denied it. If she knew the darkness in my heart, she would definitely be laughed at.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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