Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 206 The girl in memory

"Hehe, the older sister at the airport is so beautiful, is she Brother Yuwen's girlfriend?" Linger's voice was sweet, and her big eyes gleamed with a sly look.

"No, ordinary friends, in fact, sister Linger is also very beautiful." I don't know why I subconsciously denied my relationship with Liu Hui. Could it be that I am really attracted to this little girl? A sinful thought surged in my heart .

Chatting and chatting soon arrived at the hospital where Linger was, and we landed in a place where no one was there.

"Ling'er, I'm leaving, take care." I turned around and prepared to leave, although I felt too much reluctance.

"Brother Yuwen!" Ling'er looked at me blankly, blushing.

"Is there anything else for Linger?" I looked at Linger fixedly, I really wanted to rush over to kiss her, but in the end I still didn't have the courage, so I turned and left.

At the moment of flying, I vaguely heard Linger shout: "Brother Yuwen, thank you, when Linger grows up, I will marry you."

Linger's words brought a dusty memory to my heart in an instant. I remember that once upon a time, a little girl said these words to me.

It was when I was just in the first year of high school. One weekend morning, all my classmates went home, but I was far away from home and had no money, so I could only go home once a month. It was boring to stay in the dormitory alone, so I went shopping on the street, and everyone said that there are many beauties in big cities. This is really not a lie. Seeing the beauties in fashionable and sexy clothes passing by one by one, my heart beats non-stop.

"Big Brother, I haven't eaten for several days, can you lend me some money?" Just as I was about to enter Feifei, a voice interrupted me and pulled me out of the tender place.

I looked down, and it turned out to be a little girl about thirteen or fourteen. The little girl had a small face like porcelain, red lips and a beautiful nose, and she was wearing a white dress. I can swear that when she grows up, she will definitely be beautiful. Let countless men go crazy.

"Little sister, what's the matter?" I don't know why when I saw this little girl, my heart that was burning with anger miraculously calmed down.

"Big brother, I got separated from my family. I haven't eaten for a few days. Can you lend me some money? Don't worry, I will pay you back when I get home." The little girl bowed her head in embarrassment and said softly. The oriole sings very sweetly.

"Well, here is 50 yuan. When you are full, go find your family. You are a girl who is very dangerous on the street." Without thinking about it, I gave her the only 50 yuan I had on me. The 50 yuan is my living expenses for the next half month, so I gave it to her without hesitation.

I remember that when I went back, the wolf friends in the dormitory found out and called me an idiot. My head must have been kicked by a donkey, and I was caught by the door panel. They just made up a reason to deceive you.But no matter what they say, I firmly believe that the little girl didn't lie to me, and I firmly believe that what I did was right, even now I don't regret it, although this will make me have to eat steamed buns every day for the next half month Drink boiled water, but I still have no regrets.

I still remember that little girl told me that her name was Yao Lanxin when she left, and I also told me that her name was Yu Wenxiang. Before leaving, she boldly stood on tiptoe and kissed my face. This feeling even now I still feel sweet when I think of it.But I was despised by countless men on the street for my demented and dull appearance at that time.

"Big brother, when I grow up, I must be your wife." Before leaving, Yao Lanxin said to me, Hongyun had already climbed onto her little face, maybe she had mustered all her courage, but this I didn't have time to appreciate the scene, I was still in the dark of that kiss, when I woke up, the little girl had left, only those words were still echoing in my ears.

"Brother Yuwen, the blessings are not shallow, I don't know if I got what I wanted?" As soon as I got back to the airport, I saw Liu Hui waiting for me in the square, I could clearly see the jealousy on her face.

"It's nothing, I'm just willing to help others, and I just help out when a little girl is in trouble." I said with a guilty conscience.

"Hmph, it's fine if you don't have one. I promised Sister Qianqian to supervise you. Brother Yuwen, don't forget that Hall Master Fengshen is still waiting for us to rescue him. One more day of delay will be more dangerous." Liu Hui said angrily.

"Okay, let's go." Liu Hui's words instantly made me nervous, and what she said was exactly what I was worried about.

Together with Liu Hui, we boarded the plane to Paris, France. We found out beforehand that the Nicholas family is in the suburbs of Paris, France, so we planned to rush there directly. Maybe Fengshen was locked up in their headquarters.

Boarding this huge passenger plane, looking at the spacious fuselage, I have to sigh that the development of human technology is able to send such a behemoth into the sky.Looking at the stewardesses in sexy uniforms, my eyes were straightened. It was the first time I took a plane when I was so old, and I felt a little like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

"Ouch!" Just as I was concentrating on watching, and my saliva was about to flow out, there was a sharp pain in my thigh. Liu Hui couldn't understand my perverted tits, so she twisted my thigh hard. This woman is really ruthless .

My exclamation suddenly sounded in this quiet cabin, attracting countless people's gazes, I felt like I was about to become a monkey in a zoo, my old face was burning hot.

"Sir, please don't make too much noise." A flight attendant came over and said to me politely.

I have no choice but to apologize and promise that there will be no next time.

After more than ten hours of flying in the air, we finally arrived in Paris, the capital of France.Looking at the foreigners with different skin colors on the street, with blue eyes, white skin and high noses, we seem to have entered another world.

Everywhere in this world, things are rare and expensive. A person like me who walks on the street in Huaxia and no one looks twice, is so popular here. Not long after I left the airport. Many foreigners kept saying hello to us. Of course, it may be that I am too peacock, but there is a big beauty like Liu Hui by my side.

But fortunately, there are quite a lot of Asians in France, otherwise the two of us would be very noticeable. If these vampires know that the two of us have come to Europe, it will be difficult to rescue Fengshen.In a remote place, Liu Hui and I found an unremarkable hotel to live in, and we tried our best not to attract the attention of others.Originally, I said I would rent two rooms directly, but Liu Hui said that she was afraid of being alone, so she had no choice but to live together. According to Liu Hui, we have already performed the ceremony of husband and wife at home, and we still care about this etiquette. It left me completely speechless and I had no choice but to compromise and surrender.

"Big beauty, why are you sleeping?" Liu Hui and I came to the hotel room, seeing that it was getting dark, I was going to catch up on sleep first, and go to this blood clan to find out in the middle of the night.After looking at it, although this hotel is not very good, the room is quite clean and tidy, unlike domestic hotels, which are almost like a rat's nest.

"How can I sleep, of course I'm going to get you down." Liu Hui said carelessly.

After hearing Liu Hui's words, my whole body was petrified. I didn't expect this girl to be so open.Immediately, my head was full of thoughts, and the plots of the Japanese movies I watched when I was in college came to my mind, and when I thought of the plot between me and Liu Hui, I had the urge to spray nosebleeds again.

"Ah!" Seeing me like Brother Zhu, Liu Hui immediately realized, her face was as red as a persimmon.

"Don't let your imagination run wild, what people say is that I will sleep on the bed and you will sleep on the floor." Liu Hui rushed over and raised her embroidered fist and hit me.

"Well, I know you sleep on top and I sleep on the bottom." I grabbed Liu Hui's embroidered fist and continued to tease me.

"You are not allowed to say any more, or I will make you look good." Liu Hui's soft-spoken threat was completely useless to me.

I grabbed Liu Hui's bright wrist, and immediately the two of them looked at each other. In this quiet room, a lonely man and a widow are in the same room, a ripple arises spontaneously. Liu Hui's pretty face blushes, and she quietly closes her eyes , as if waiting for that sacred moment to come, waiting for the caress of the beloved.

Looking at Liu Hui's vermilion lips so close at hand, my heart pounded and my breathing became heavy. You must know that I am not that first brother now, how can I stand such a temptation.

I lowered my head and kissed Liu Hui's face lightly. It was very comfortable. Liu Hui also responded to my kiss passionately. Just as Liu Hui was waiting to close her eyes and wait for my entry, I sighed and walked away. up.

"Liu Hui is really sorry. Now Qianqian is unconscious, Fengshen's whereabouts are unknown, and Wang Xin has left us again. I'm really not in the mood. I'd better wash up and sleep." I said softly, although I knew she wanted it very much, but Doing this thing also depends on the mood.

"Brother Yuwen, you don't have to say I'm sorry. I know that I will always be just your maid, and I have no right to ask you anything." After speaking, Liu Hui ran to the bathroom. When I turned around, I saw the sparkling eyes in her eyes. Looking at her slender back, I suddenly felt that I was so cruel and a complete villain. I couldn't help but slap myself on the ear. Am I really wrong?I shook my swollen head.

After a while, Liu Hui finally came out of the bathroom. At this time, she seemed to have returned to the heroic heroine again. The scene of the little woman just now seemed like a dream, which made me a little suspicious. Worried that my cruelty would make me lose that bold Liu Hui, now the big rock hanging in my heart has finally come down, I don't know if she is pretending to be like this, or really let go.

I went to take a shower, and I fell asleep on the bed for a while. I was exhausted after a day's flight, and I snored soon.

Looking at me who was already sound asleep on the bed, Liu Hui came over gently and dipped the quilt for me, and secretly kissed me on the face. Looking at the man she loves, Liu Hui felt mixed feelings in her heart for a while, and when she met He didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky.

When I woke up, it was already [-] o'clock in the evening, European time. There is a time difference between Europe and China that I can't get used to. This time is the beginning of entertainment life in China.I opened my eyes and stretched, only to find that Liu Hui was sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at me quietly, I was startled, I thought I met a female ghost in the dark night and came to claim my life.


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