Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 207 Goddess of Wisdom Athena

"Are you still asleep?" I yawned and asked Liu Hui.

"You occupy the whole bed, how do you let me sleep." Liu Hui said with a stern face, a little angry, I don't know if she is really angry, anyway, I dare not provoke her, I have never heard that women are like tigers .

After looking at it, I smiled a little embarrassedly. I have a bad habit of sleeping since I was a child. I like to roll around on the bed. I used to roll on them when I slept with Liu Hui and Wang Xin. This got kicked in the ass several times.

"You pay attention to your own safety in the hotel. I'll go to Nicholas' house to find out where Fengshen is being imprisoned for future rescue." Putting on the night clothes that Liu Hui had already prepared, I told Liu Hui road.

"I will, and you have to pay attention to safety. If you don't come back by dawn, hehe, I'll go straight to Nicoladin's house and look for you." Liu Hui raised her embroidered fist and waved, resolutely.

Looking at this heroic yet beautiful girl, I don't doubt her determination at all, I feel my eyes are hot, I admit that facing such a girl who dares to love and hate, it is impossible not to be moved in my heart .

I nodded, turned around resolutely and jumped out of the window, and quickly disappeared into the night. I was afraid to face this infatuated girl.

According to the place indicated on the map, I rushed directly to the small town of Bruce, where the Nicholas family is located, and I believe it would take less than an hour to get there.This is the time when people are fast asleep, which is convenient for me to do things.

clang clang!

Suddenly there was the sound of dense weapons colliding in the distance. It seemed that someone was fighting. I touched the distance lightly, jumped onto a nearby big tree, and looked up, and saw three black bat wings in the distance. The man is fighting an angel, yes, I'm sure it's an angel, because the woman has three pairs of white wings on her back, which should be the legendary seraph, and the three men should be blood.

This Western woman is open, and the angel is no exception. I saw that she was wearing a three-point soft armor, which just covered the woman's private parts. Hair, blue eyes, and a figure like a water snake, it is absolutely irresistible to anyone.

"Little girl, you are not the opponent of our three brothers. I think you should be obedient and grab it, so that we can make you happy." One of the men said with a lewd smile on his face. Things, I heard that this vampire is naturally obscene, it is true.

"Shameless!" the angel woman shouted angrily, her moves were even more ruthless, but obviously some of her moves were messy, presumably she was so angry with that man.

Originally, these three blood races were not the angel's opponents separately, but the three of them seemed to have telepathy, and cooperated seamlessly. After a long time, they gained the upper hand.It seems that this angel is not as powerful as it is said in the legend, at most it is in the late phase of Faxiang.

"I'll fight with you!" Seeing that she couldn't fight for a long time, and she couldn't escape, the angel woman seemed to be desperate, and her momentum rose sharply as she yelled.

"Brother is not good, this chick is going to die." One of the men hurriedly shouted, but unfortunately they were too close to the angel, and it was too late to hide.

"Go to death." Following the angel's shout, countless sword qi burst out from his body, and rushed towards the three of them, killing any creatures in their path and turning them into fly ash.I couldn't help but shrank behind the tree in fright. Fortunately, I was far enough away, otherwise I would have been able to bear the remaining energy. This is the difference in strength.

After the aftermath dissipated, I stretched out my head to look at the battlefield again, only to see that the angel had already fallen to the ground, presumably due to loss of strength, and that trick had consumed all her vitality.Then he turned his head to look at the three blood men. At this time, the three of them fell to the ground and moaned like beggars. Strips of cloth were hung all over their bodies. Deep wounds appeared on the exposed skin, and blood overflowed.

After a while, the three stood up staggeringly. Obviously, the three of them were seriously injured by the angel beauty's trick.

"Chick, I admit that you have angered us, you just wait to bear our anger, I will strip you naked and rape you a hundred times, then strip you naked and throw you on the street, let all men rape you. "The leading man gritted his teeth authentically, and walked slowly towards the angel, but I saw his hoarse grin every step he took.

"You..., you devil, the God of Light will not forgive you." The angelic beauty turned pale with fright, and tried to stand up and run away, but unfortunately, she couldn't do so, and finally she could only watch the devil take a step towards him in horror. Stepping closer, his eyes were full of despair, which made me unbearable.

Judging from the current situation, the three blood men should not have much combat power left, and the seraphim has completely lost its combat power. If I go out at this time, I can completely reap the power of a fisherman, and at the same time, a hero can come to rescue me. Beauty, other men can't ask for such an opportunity, but I can not only come to save the beauty once, but also be an angel beauty. Warming the bed makes me feel refreshed.

"Stop, there is a hero here, who dares to bully this girl." I roared, leaped out from behind the tree, and landed from the air, just in between the blood man and the angel beauty, posing a beautiful POS, leaving the beauty with a handsome back view, I believe she must be so moved that there are little stars in her eyes.

"Where is the human boy, how far can you roll?" Seeing this stranger who suddenly appeared, the blood man was startled and said vigilantly.

"Handsome, you'd better go, you are not their opponent?" The beautiful woman's gentle voice of persuasion came from behind. It seems that my trick of saving the beauty by being a hero really worked. I believe that if I work harder, I will win the beauty back.

"Girl, you don't need to talk, rest well, and wait for me to send these three villains away." I waved my hand behind me without looking back, and said righteously.

"Hmph, since you're so waiting to die, I'll give you a ride." The leading man obviously lost his patience, and said murderously.

I didn't bother to talk nonsense, I just swooped down and rushed towards the leader blood man, and knocked him flying with an elbow, and the man fell to the ground lifeless.

"You, you..., you didn't obey the rules, you even sneaked up on my elder brother, take your life." Seeing that his elder brother died under my sneak attack, another blood man ran towards me with his sword raised.


The sound of weapons colliding is endless. At this time, I have summoned the stone tablet and bumped the blood man's long sword more than a dozen times, and finally knocked down his long sword. If I am not any of the three of them before he is injured opponents, but now I completely ravage them.

"Die!" I yelled, held up the stone tablet, and under the terrified eyes of the blood man and the surprised eyes of the angel woman, I directly patted it into a meatloaf. This time I couldn't die anymore.

"Well, is it human?" After shooting the blood man to death, I raised my head and looked around, but I didn't find the blood man left.

"It should have escaped while we were not paying attention. Thank you, big brother, for saving my life, but you have to be careful in the future. This vampire is notorious for vengeance." An angel girl's voice came from behind, but she always felt a little wrong.

"It's okay, the soldiers are coming to block, the water is coming and the soil is flooding, girl, are you okay?" I waved my hand indifferently and turned around and said, anyway, I'm not French, I will leave when I save Fengshen, and they can still find it I can't.

"Hey, little sister, who are you? Which angel sister was it just now?" When I turned around, I was surprised to find that the girl in front of me was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl. He rubbed his eyes, but the girl in front of him was still this little girl, who wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, but now it seems that she is gone.

"I am that angel, big brother, thank you for your life-saving grace." The little girl has a cute little face and a pair of big dark blue eyes. Her skin is white, like milk, and she has golden curly hair. And the figure that has already begun to take shape, just like the Barbie dolls seen on the Internet.

"Little sister, don't lie, a liar is not a good boy." I still did not give up.

"Big brother, I really didn't lie." The little girl said innocently, and it was impossible to tell from her big pure eyes that she was lying.

"Okay then, I believe you can do it." I said a little dejectedly, originally thinking that I could throw myself into the arms of a beautiful woman, but I didn't expect to save a little girl in the end.

"My name is Nana, big brother, what's your name?" The little girl stood up slowly from the ground this time.

"My name is Yu Wenxiang, tell me what's going on?" I said absent-mindedly, how this big beauty turned into a little lolita, I couldn't figure it out.

"Then I will call you Brother Yuwen from now on. In fact, I am the reincarnation of Athena. The seraph you saw just now is my soul body, which is Athena, the goddess of wisdom." Nana's crisp voice echoed in my ears. Surrounding around, I didn't expect her to be so big, but this can also explain why the strength of the seraphim was so weak just now, it turned out that it was just a soul body.

"I'm leaving, little sister, go home by yourself." Now that the angel is gone, my plan to grow an angel has been ruined, so it's better to get down to business.

"Brother Yuwen, don't go. If you leave me alone, the bad guys will catch you." Nana begged pitifully from behind.

I originally wanted to ignore it, but it would be bad if she was captured by the blood clan again, then I would not have saved her for nothing.So I turned around and walked back to pick it up and leave.

"Where are you taking me?" Nana said in a panic, after all, she and I don't know each other well.

"Of course I'm going to find a safe place to hide you, and I'll come back to pick you up after I finish my business." I explained loudly as I walked.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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