Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 208 Night Exploration of the Blood Clan Castle

I didn't find any good hiding place along the way, so I had no choice but to put it down next to a hill. It seemed that I had to go back to earthwork again, so I took out Xuanyuan Sword and dug it on the ground. When I think about it, I really feel wronged by this Excalibur.

"Wow, brother Yuwen, your divine sword is so powerful, it is comparable to my Athena's sword." The little girl held her chin and watched me make a hole while talking to herself.

This chick has a good eye, since she can see the extraordinaryness of my divine sword at once, but I don't bother to explain and continue to work.

After about a quarter of an hour, the hole was finally dug. I patted the dust off my body and estimated that the hole was several feet deep.

"Hurry up and hide in this hole." I pointed to the hole and said to Alina.

"No way, you let me hide in this mouse hole. If others find out, I will lose face." The little girl muttered reluctantly.

"Whatever you want, if you are not afraid of being caught by the bad guys, you don't need to hide in it." I said a little displeased, but I dug this hole with great effort, so it's fine if I don't praise it, and even said that I am a mouse hole .

"Okay, you're great, I'll hide in the head office, please come back quickly to pick me up, uncle." Before entering the cave, Elina didn't miss the opportunity to wash me off.

Am I that old, I stroked my bearded chin, it seems that I have to shave when I go back.After covering up the hole where Elena was hiding, I was relieved to rush to the Nicholas family.

The night was so quiet, even the moon yawned and hid in the clouds to sleep. In the blurred vision, a castle finally appeared in the distance, just like in the movie, a magnificent white castle. This is the castle where the Nicholas family lives.

Quietly bypassing the guards guarding the gate, I climbed into the castle along the courtyard wall. I found a direction and touched it directly. Not to mention that the castle is so big inside, I feel like I'm lost.I didn't know where I had gone. Suddenly, I found that there were several rooms in front of me that were brightly lit, and people's voices could be heard faintly. I didn't expect that there were still people up so late, so I went to grab two people to ask about the terrain.

Sneaking along the marble corridor, the more you walk in, the more you can hear the bustle of the courtyard. Obscene words of men and women come out of the room, mixed with obscene laughter from time to time. It turns out that this is a dirty place. place.

Approaching the room, I peeked in through the slit in the window.

Pooh!I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart. I didn't expect these Europeans to be so open-minded, and even started gang hacking. I saw a bunch of men and women doing that kind of thing together, and they also changed partners or several people at the same time. TMD prostitutes.

"Handsome guy, do you want it?" Suddenly, a woman behind me hugged my waist, and her plump breasts pressed against my back, like two meaty balls, soft, and I could fully feel its size through the feeling of my back.

"Ah!" I just realized that I was discovered by someone under my own carelessness. I quickly turned around and knocked the woman unconscious. Unfortunately, it was too late. At this time, a group of people in the room had already judged by the woman's words that there was a stranger. Breaking in, it was impossible for me to hide, and soon a group of men and women surrounded me with bare buttocks.

Today is a free-to-play live-action version of the Human Body Feast, and the eyes are full of bare flesh, except for white or black, which is quite a sight, not to mention that Western men and women are richer than us Easterners, this man is a second All are tall and burly, with strong capital, and all the women are tall and well-proportioned.The more I look at it, the more I feel inferior. Fortunately, I don’t want this Western woman, otherwise I won’t die of inferiority, but I still firmly believe in shortness and succinctness.

"Haha, where did you come from, you dare to break into my Nicholas castle alone, take off your mask and leave your whole body." A man's voice suddenly came out from this group of people, which made me feel very familiar.

I saw a naked middle-aged man coming out of the crowd, and when he walked out of the surrounding people immediately stood behind him, he should be the leader of the group.I narrowed my eyes and looked at this person. This person was none other than the Earl of Blood Devouring who escaped last time.I didn't expect to see this old boy again so soon, I looked up and down, not to mention that this old boy has a lot of money.I don't know how much this old boy's skill has improved after not seeing him for a long time, but I remember that this old boy was already at the golden body stage during the last battle.

"Old guy, I'm not interested in your whole body, you'd better keep it for yourself." While chatting with this old boy, I used my peripheral vision to find a way to escape. It must be impossible to kill the entire castle by myself. It is possible, only to get away first.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Earl of Blood Devouring. He hated people saying that he was old, so he kept looking for women every day to prove that he was not old.

"Stay back, I'm going to deal with this ignorant kid alone today." The blood-devouring earl shouted loudly.

"Master Earl is wise and powerful, invincible, invincible!" A group of people waved their hands and shouted loudly, but coupled with their naked appearance, it was as funny as it wanted, and I couldn't help laughing.

"Boy, you are still smiling when you are about to die. Soon I will make your life worse than death." The Earl of Blood Devouring directly summoned his bat wings. This pair of bat wings is the foundation of their blood clan. With him, their combat power can be doubled.

Now this situation is obviously not good for me, the longer it drags on, the more dangerous it is, come on, one move will determine the outcome, and I am also ready to fight hard and make a quick decision.


I raised my fist to fight with the blood-devouring earl, I flew up and threw my fist at the blood-devouring earl's cap, the blood-devouring earl didn't back away, and directly punched me head-on.


Everyone felt their hearts beating violently, their heads roaring, and a strong wave of energy spread and watched, making others feel suffocated.

I thought I should be able to repel this old boy with my strength at the peak of the sixth stage of the golden age, but I didn't expect this old guy to have a great improvement in strength. He knocked me back five or six meters with just one punch, but he only Only took two steps back.

Vomit, I felt a sweetness in my throat, and a mouthful of blood poured into my mouth. In order to prevent the enemy from seeing my reality, I quickly swallowed it back into my stomach. I didn't expect this old boy's strength to improve so fast. I'm afraid it's already the early stage of Faxiang This is a troublesome cultivation base. I originally wanted to make a quick decision, but I didn't expect that the boat capsized in the gutter. Today, I might even give up my life here.

"Haha, boy, now you know how powerful this Earl is, you just wait to taste the taste of death slowly, I will definitely remove all the parts of your body one by one." The Earl of Blood Devouring laughed wildly, obviously he I've figured out my strength, now I'm in big trouble.

It's obviously not going to work with this old guy now, I have to find another way.I looked up and looked around. It was really not easy to escape. I was already surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. Now there is no other way. The only way to escape is to make the place more chaotic.

I smiled sinisterly at the exhibitionists around me, reached into my pocket and found a dark iron bump, and laughed!

"No, it's a grenade!" Suddenly, the crowd exploded like they encountered a hornet's nest, and everyone ran away with their buttocks naked. One and two looked like dead mothers, crying and shouting like crazy, I Haven't thrown a grenade yet.

"Give me death!" I pulled out the lead wire and threw it towards the crowd.

Boom, a shocking explosion sounded, and the scene was filled with gunpowder smoke for a while, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Well, the effect is not bad, quite spectacular, I nodded in satisfaction.I reached out again and took out a grenade from my pocket, and then threw it out. There was an explosion at the scene, and today I want to let these dirty guys have a taste of the power of my uncle.

"Why does this kid use endless grenades? It's endless." The blood-devouring earl was so angry that his lungs exploded, because the crowd blocked him, and he didn't want to bear the lethality of the grenade. can't get close to me.

"No, this kid wants to run away." In a panic, the Bloodthirsty Earl noticed that I was slowly retreating.

"Boy, don't even think about running away." The blood-devouring earl slapped away the person standing in front of him, and chased after me. This old boy is really persistent.

I had no choice but to take out the grenade in my arms and throw it at the Earl of Blood Devouring again. I could only rely on this thing to stop him. Fortunately, I brought enough grenades when I came.

"Boy, you are really shameless. A dignified cultivator actually uses these worldly things." The Earl of Blood Devouring was very annoyed. The dignified master of the legal stage couldn't catch a person of the golden stature stage. If it was spread, he would be laughed at. big teeth.

"Cut, I like it, what's the matter, I'll blow you up." I took out another grenade and threw it at the Earl of Blood Devouring. He had to dodge again. I was blown to pieces.

At this time, the blood-devouring earl is like an ant on a hot pot. If he is allowed to blow up, he will definitely wake up the ancestor's meditation, and he will definitely be punished by the ancestor.But this kid is as slippery as a loach, there is no way to catch him, if I catch him, I will have to pull his tendons and peel his skin.

"How about it, old man, do you want to continue chasing the young master? I will accompany you to the end." Looking at the count who was devoured by the grenade, don't mention how happy I was, but I remembered the last time I helped me with the axe. Being miserably messed up by this old boy, today is his revenge.

"Boy, don't be arrogant, don't think that you can scare the old man with just a few grenades." The Earl of Blood Devouring shouted, ready to show his unique skill, and it would be too late if he didn't stop this kid from messing around.

"Blood-devouring chains!" With the sharp cry of the blood-devouring earl, countless blood-colored chains shot towards me like tentacles. It is full of confidence.

"Ouch!" I suddenly felt the blood in my body flowing backwards. I didn't expect that this old boy still has this trick. What should I do? , Mummy, it's scary to think about it.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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