what to do?I can't wait to die, forget it, block it for a while, but I remember that my Xuanyuan imperial energy has a certain restraint effect on this blood clan's kung fu.

"Xuanyuan Emperor Qi, let it go!" In an instant, my whole body was dyed golden yellow, and countless Xuanyuan Qi overflowed from the surface of my body.

"Ah!" The blood-devouring Earl screamed, inadvertently, countless chains were burned by the Xuanyuan Qi I sent out, and he quickly retracted in pain.

However, I also know that with my Xuanyuan Qi, it is impossible to really hurt the Earl of Blood Devouring, and it will consume a lot of vitality. After a long time, I will definitely be entangled in his chains again, and my life will be in danger.

I have to think of a way out quickly, and I keep thinking about ways to get out in my head.

"Hey, how do you feel that the golden vitality emitted by this kid is so familiar, and he is also restrained by my blood-devouring method!" The Earl of Blood-devouring was shocked by my sudden golden light, and he didn't dare to approach again for a while.

Forget it, it seems that I have to go back to being a gopher again. I hope this old boy won’t also drill the ground. I’m a little sorry for this Excalibur, but I can’t care so much now, so I still run for my life. important.

"Come out Xuanyuan Sword!" I said silently in my heart, a golden yellow sword appeared in my right hand, and when the divine sword popped out, it burst into golden light, and strands of sword energy automatically attacked the enemy.

"Ah, it hurts me to death!" The blood-devouring earl screamed, and was instantly shot straight by the sword energy. Fortunately, his skill was deep enough to not be pierced by the sword energy, but he was also seriously injured because of it. Part of the skin was burned, and a pungent paste smell emanated from it.

"Haha, brother, I didn't expect you to be so powerful this time." The sudden accident made me overjoyed. I didn't expect that the Excalibur is so powerful this time. Consider whether to take the opportunity to kill the bloodthirsty count.

"Who dares to make trouble in my castle and disturb the old man's meditation." Just as I was about to kill the Earl of Blood Devouring, a strong old man's voice came from the depths of the castle, and all the people in Nicholas Castle immediately fell to the ground, Everyone trembled, even the Earl of Blood Devouring was no exception.

It's over, now I have met an old monster. It is worthy of being an ancient family that has stood for thousands of years. Escape is important.

Pfft, a gust of blood-red wind blew past, and all the golden flames on the Earl of Blood Devouring were extinguished in an instant.

"Hey, buddy, don't run away, I'm still waiting for you to help me deal with this powerful enemy, alas, I'm really not loyal enough." As soon as I felt the blood-red wind, the Xuanyuan Sword immediately slipped into my body, it was almost Running faster than a rabbit, I didn't expect that even Excalibur would be so disrespectful.

Now that I don't have the Excalibur in my hand, I have lost all the confidence I have. The 36 plan is the best plan, and I will run away with one word.

"Old ancestor, don't let this kid go." Seeing that I was about to run away, the bloodthirsty count immediately shouted at the figure in the void.

"You...!" I really regret that I didn't kill this old boy quickly just now.

"Hmph, how can he run away from my hand." It seems that his words are an imperial decree, directly announcing the date of my death. This is a strong man. All living things are ants in front of him. A bloody lightsaber struck me in an instant, and I couldn't dodge it at all.

"Ah...!" I couldn't help screaming in horror. People can't restrain the fear in their hearts in the face of death, especially this feeling of waiting to die and being powerless, which is very aggrieved.If God can give me another ten years, I believe I can take this blow, but now I have nothing to do.

Am I dead? With my eyes closed, I feel my soul floating in the air. I don’t know why I feel a severe pain in my chest. Am I not dead yet?

I quickly opened my eyes, and sure enough I was still alive, but suffered serious injuries.

I don't have time to think about why I'm fine, since God gave me a chance to live, I naturally cherish it.

I fled desperately to the outside of the castle, and I had no choice but to stop until I ran tens of miles away. It was strange to say that the old monster didn't chase me down. It stands to reason that if he chased me down, I wouldn't be able to escape at all. Lose.

"Old ancestor, why didn't you catch up and kill that kid." Seeing me running away, the blood-devouring earl was helpless, after all, he was still seriously injured.

"Hmph, do I need you to command me? I can't even take care of a kid in the golden body period. Go back and face the wall and think about it. You are not allowed to come out for a month." After finishing speaking, the old man waved his sleeves, turned and disappeared. In the depths of the castle, he just said to himself before leaving, "It's strange, how could this kid block my attack."

Of course, no one came to answer him, and the castle regained its calm. Only the fallen houses proved the tragedy of the war.

I found a dense bush, I hid in it, sat down cross-legged to recuperate the injury, and felt much more comfortable in my body. Then I sat down and thought about what happened just now. I checked my whole body and found that the clothes on my chest There was also the hole pierced by the sword energy, and I saw a piece of jade from the hole, I took out the jade, it was the ancestral dragon jade left to me by my father, and I was worried that it would be killed by the old monster. It was destroyed by the sword qi, but after looking through the whole body, it was found that it was unscathed, and it could withstand at least a blow from a holy-level powerhouse without being destroyed. This thing is really not ordinary.

I looked at the sky and it was getting late. I have to go back to the hotel quickly. When the blood race subsides the civil strife, I will definitely come after me again. Now that I am seriously injured, it will definitely be difficult to be caught up, especially if I am afraid of that old monster chase after.But before going back to the hotel, I have to go and see the little girl Alina, I don't know how it is after staying in the cave for two or three hours now.

I tried my best to walk through the bushes along the way, and finally arrived at the hill where Elena was without any danger. After a look, there was no change. It seemed that the little girl was still safe.

"Nana, are you okay?" I bowed and shouted towards the entrance of the cave.

"Big brother, I'm fine. You're finally back, but wait for me." After saying that, Alina crawled out of the hole, her little face was covered in mud, like a tabby cat, and I couldn't help laughing.

"Big brother, where have you been? It made it difficult for Nana to wait." Alina also knew her situation, and quickly wiped off the dirt on her little face with her sleeve.

"I didn't go anywhere, I went to Nicholas Castle casually."

"Ah, you are so awesome, you can still come back alive." Alina circled around me several times as if watching a monster, "Did you meet that old monster?"

"You also know that old monster? To be honest, I almost died in his hands." Thinking of that old monster, I couldn't help trembling in my heart, cough cough, the pain in my chest made me spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother, are you seriously injured?" Seeing that I seemed to have suffered serious internal injuries, Alina hurried over to help me.

"Yeah, I was pointed at by that old monster."

"Wow, you can still escape like this. I have to say that you are also a monster." Alina looked at me with bright eyes, and she decided to dig out the secrets of this guy.

I was terrified by Elina, who said that women's curiosity killed the cat, and I think women are the same all over the world.

"No, Brother Yuwen, hurry up and hide in the hole." After saying that, Elena pushed me straight into the hole, and she quickly climbed into the hole herself.

"What happened to Nana? Did you fall in love with this hole?" I half-jokingly asked.

"Bah, who would fall in love with this ghostly place, just now you saw a large group of bats in the sky?" Elina said solemnly.

"I see, what happened to the bat?" I looked at the little girl curiously, but I didn't expect her to be serious when she was serious.

"Let me tell you, all bats are close relatives of the blood race, what do you think?" Elina looked at me as if she was looking at Xiaobai.

"Ah, I understand, those bats were sent by the blood race to find me?" I slapped my head, why am I so stupid, isn't the blood race just a mutant of the bat.

"You're still smart, yes, these bats are the eyeliner of the Blood Race, so you must be careful of these bats in Europe."

"Okay, I'll make a note of it, thank you Nana." I sincerely said to Elena, if Elina hadn't reminded me in time this time, I would be in danger.

With the end of the conversation, the cave was once again silent, only the heavy breathing of the two of them.I don’t know why, smelling the delicate fragrance of Elena’s virginity, coupled with the heat of her exhalation on my face, I feel a little throbbing in my heart. Could it be that I am really a pervert in the legend, and I would actually treat a fourteen or five-year-old girl? The little girl had evil thoughts, I shook my head and tried to get my thoughts back to normal.

"Brother Yuwen, what's the matter with you?" At this time, Elina was also feeling uncomfortable, this was the first time she was so close to a man face to face, her heart was beating non-stop, and even her breathing became disordered. A big taboo for practitioners.Regardless of her young age, she has some memories of Athena. Athena is known as the goddess of wisdom and also the goddess of love.

"It's nothing." I was like a thief caught by my master, and I quickly denied it reflexively. I was afraid that my thoughts would be seen through by this little girl, so I tried to move my body behind me, but the hole was too small, there was no hole at all. Unable to move, the head hit the stone wall with this movement, "Ouch!"

"Brother Yuwen, what's the matter with you?" In the darkness, Alina rushed towards me, and the two of them fell together in a panic, accidentally my disobedient hand grabbed where it shouldn't be.Not to mention, the development of this Western girl is better than our Eastern girl, look at this scale is not smaller than an adult.

Just like that, the two of us fell together, no one spoke anymore, only the sound of each other's heavy breathing, suddenly filled with spring in this small cave, and my heart also rippled.

But thinking of the age gap between them, I couldn't help but want to slap myself twice, this is simply inferior to a beast.

"Nana, stay in the cave well, I'll go out and have a look." Trying to separate myself from her, I quickly crawled out of the cave.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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