Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 211 Heaven on Earth

"Of course you sleep on the floor, Miss Ben wants to sleep on the bed." Alina said domineeringly, and then climbed onto the bed to occupy a seat.

"No, my little sister is very cold on the ground, she will catch a cold." I pretended to be pitiful.

"Uncle blame, don't tell me you're trying to trick me at night?" Alina, the demon, frightened people to death when she spoke.

I quickly shook my head in denial, because Liu Hui was already looking at me suspiciously.

"Forget it, I'd better sleep on the ground, the ground is not afraid of earthquakes." I comforted myself.

"Hmph, you're sensible, I'm ignoring you, I'm exhausted, go to sleep."

This chick slept as long as she said she would sleep, and even snored, and her legs were spread out in a figure-eight shape in an unsightly manner.

"Brother Yuwen, I can't help it, I can only sleep on the ground tonight." Liu Hui looked at the hard ground with some reluctance, and took the quilt from the bed to me.

It was my sister Liu who loved me the most, and I quickly fell asleep with a little satisfaction.

Early the next morning, there was a lot of noise on the street, which disturbed my sleep. I went to the window and saw a group of vampires and bats roaring past the street through the gap in the curtains, causing panic on the street.

Could it be that these blood races were sent to search for me? I stood in front of the window and pondered for a while. Now I can only try not to go out during the day, but fortunately I was masked yesterday. Those blood races should not recognize me so easily. It's just that there are not many orientals here, and it's still very conspicuous for me to go out like this. I have seen several oriental men on the street being kidnapped by blood clans.

"Woo, who is making such noise early in the morning, disturbing my aunt's slumber." At this moment, Elina was also awakened by the noise in the street, and sat up sleepily talking nonsense.

I rushed over and covered the aunt's mouth, "Grandma, please don't speak loudly. At this time, there are a large number of blood clans on the street searching for us."

"Ah, have they found it?" Alina looked at me in surprise.

"Not yet, but it's hard to say on the street, so we have to be careful not to show our bodies.

"Mmm..." Alina nodded like a chick pecking at rice, this chick finally obeyed for once.

"Ah!" At this moment, Elina screamed again.

"Didn't my aunt tell you not to speak loudly?" I was taken aback by Alina's yelling, but soon I knew the reason. I saw this little girl was pulling the quilt on her body quickly, but it was still too late. I've seen everything I've seen.

This chick is not honest at all when she sleeps at night. She not only lifted the quilt covering her body, but also kicked off the bath towel wrapped around her body, thus revealing her tender and delicate body. I was instantly stunned by the scenery in front of me , even if Elina has covered her with the quilt, I still have that alluring body in my head, the jade peak that is as firm as a green bamboo shoot, tender and white like a freshly peeled stalagmite, and the flat lower abdomen without a trace of fat , the slender and round legs are slightly closed to cover the ray of spring, and a few grasses are naughty showing their heads.

Well, I quickly covered my nose, and my nose was a little itchy again, but I can't stop the nosebleed.

"Big pervert, don't look any more." Alina saw that my eyes were still looking straight at her vital parts, her little face was blushing, she didn't expect this chick to be shy too.

"Hey, you guys woke up so early." At this time, Liu Hui was also woken up by Elena's loud yelling, and sat up.

"Sister Liu, you have to help me, Uncle Sex is bullying me." Alina looked at Liu Hui innocently, as if I had really done something to him, and I couldn't help three black lines appearing on my forehead. Where to follow.

Seeing that I miraculously did not object, Alina was very puzzled. Following my gaze, she discovered something was wrong.

It turned out that when Liu Hui sat up, the quilt also slipped off her body, but fortunately there was a bath towel to cover it up, but after a night the bath towel was obviously loose, thus revealing a large piece of snow-white skin on her chest, as well as the shameless white skin. Rabbit, I feel like my saliva is almost dripping to the ground.

"Sister Liu, quickly cover the quilt, don't let this big pervert take advantage of you." Liu Hui didn't say anything, but this chick always has trouble with me.

Liu Hui rolled her eyes at me and pulled up the quilt to cover her up. The winking eyes almost softened my bones.

"Turn around, we have to get dressed." Alina shouted to me as if ordering.

This chick is becoming more and more unruly, and she must be educated when she has the opportunity. You can't learn the truth of husband and wife since she was a child, but it seems that I am not someone else.Although reluctantly, I still had to obediently turn around.

"Remember not to peek, otherwise, hum..." Elina threatened me with her pink fist, but it didn't work at all. How can I be intimidated by a little girl like you.

There was a rustling sound coming from behind, presumably the second daughter was getting dressed, a picture of a beautiful woman wearing clothes involuntarily appeared in my mind, the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't control the evil desire in my heart.

"Ah! There are mice." I suddenly yelled, and immediately turned around to pretend to catch mice.

"Where is the mouse?" At this moment, the second daughter was sitting on the bed and looking at me with a smile.It turned out that the second daughter had already taken precautions against me, and even put on her clothes under the quilt.

"It turns out that you haven't dressed well yet." I said with some embarrassment, my old face was burning hot.It must have been thought up by the little devil Alina, my little sister Liu is very good.

"Excuse me, where is the big pervert and mouse?" Alina looked at me with a smile, as if watching you continue to make up, hating me so much that I have to punish this little girl sooner or later.

"It's on your bed, now it's under your quilt." Anyway, if you die anyway, you can only continue to make up. If I accidentally scare these two chicks, then I've made a loss.

"Go to hell, you big pervert." Obviously I failed again, and the chick flew towards me like a wild-haired lioness with a pillow.

I took the pillow and said, "Go on, I'll go to the toilet to take a look." I hurried into the toilet as if fleeing, and the second daughter's triumphant laughter came from behind me.

The second girl got dressed and called me out of the bathroom. Today, the two girls each wore light green and pink dresses, like a pair of sisters. In addition, one of the two girls is an oriental beauty, and the other is a Western beauty. Each has its own merits, like two blooming snow lotuses.

"It's strange that uncle has seen enough, hurry up and help us get something to eat, I'm almost starving to death."

"Okay, wait a minute." I opened the door and went downstairs.

"The proprietress will bring us three breakfasts and deliver them to Room 2." When I came downstairs, I saw the proprietress standing outside the door watching the excitement.

"Okay, wait a minute, sir, and I'll bring it to you right away." The proprietress is a middle-aged woman in her 40s with a warm heart. She is a very good person, but her life is hard. Her husband died in her thirties , had to run the hotel alone for a living.

"The young man slept well last night. I think that girl is pretty good. You two are a good match." The proprietress looked at me with a smile.

The look in the eyes of the proprietress Noyu made me very embarrassed. If I let him know that I was driven to the ground to spend the night by two chicks, I would definitely be ridiculed by him.

"Thank you lady boss for your concern, last night was fine." I had to bite the bullet and lie.

I hurriedly turned around and ran upstairs, I was afraid that the proprietress would ask questions again, and if I showed my feet, I would lose my life at the end of the day.

"Young man, try not to go out on the street these two days if you have nothing to do. Recently, those nasty blood races are killing people everywhere again. I think you are an oriental. Be careful yourself." The proprietress said to me when I was walking on the stairs.

"Thank you! I'll keep an eye out."

After staying upstairs for a long time, there was a knock on the door. I thought it was the proprietress who brought breakfast.

"Madam, please come in." When I opened the door, I saw the lady proprietress carrying three breakfasts.

"Sir and miss, you didn't spare you, did you?"

"Ah, I finally have something to eat." Like a hungry kitten, Alina ran over and snatched the breakfast from the proprietress.

"Hey, who is this little girl? Could it be that you gave birth to such a big daughter in one night?" The proprietress looked at Alina who was wolfing down over there, she was very puzzled, this little girl was obviously a European.

After listening to the proprietress's words, Liu Hui and I wished we could find a hole in the ground and get into it.

"Auntie, you misunderstood, I am their younger sister." Alina said vaguely while eating.

"Oh!" The proprietress nodded half-understanding, turned and left.

"During this time, we try not to go out during the day, and now the streets are full of blood people." I explained to the second daughter during the meal.

"Uncle, that's boring." Alina looked at me and pretended to be pitiful.

"Sister, just listen to brother Yuwen. If you are bored, sister can play cards with you." Liu Hui said softly.

My sister Liu is still the most sensible, I secretly gave Liu Hui a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, you won't be bored at home for a long time. Get ready. We'll go find Nicholas at night."

"Yeah, I can finally go out." Alina said happily when she heard that she was able to go out.

As the night fell slowly, the Nihong lights on the street flickered, announcing the official start of people's rich nightlife, and countless people flooded onto the street and into various red light districts.

Elena and I dressed up, I found a handsome black suit, and Elena also found a man's clothes to wear, it seems that she is going to dress up as a man, it seems that she also knows that women go there The place is inconvenient, not to mention that this chick is quite handsome dressed as a man, like a creamy boy.

"Are you ready? We'll set off when we're done."

"I'm done, let's go."

We tried our best to avoid crowded places along the way, and under the guidance of Elina, we hurried all the way, and soon came to the paradise on earth, the largest red light district in Paris.

Paradise on Earth is located near the western suburbs of Paris. It is a holy place that countless men yearn for. At night, it is also the busiest place in Paris, with bright lights and constant traffic. Countless dignitaries and dignitaries gather here.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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