Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 212 Taking a Chick to a Brothel

The reason why this place can become the most famous nightclub in Paris is firstly that it has the largest scale in Paris and even in the whole of France, and secondly, the ladies here have been screened layer by layer, not only for their beauty, but also for their education and talents. With strict requirements, coupled with the strict management and thoughtful service here, countless people come here here, and it is said that even the king has come here secretly.

Of course, this is also the place with the worst law and order. There are often people who will fight for the girl they like. Although the nightclub is equipped with security guards, the people who come here are all prominent people, and they can't offend them casually, but No one dares to breed here at will. I heard that this nightclub has a strong background, both black and white.

From a distance, we saw a building like a palace. The whole building is gilded, which looks noble and imposing. There are a few large characters of heaven on earth written in French on it. Although many people come and go from a distance, it looks very quiet. Not like a downtown area.

"Uncle, it's not bad here, I know all of you men want to come to this place." Alina still didn't forget to wash me.

"Come on, let me tell you that it's the first time I've come to this kind of place when I grow up. I'm a gentleman." I put on a POS that I thought was handsome, and said to myself in a good way.

"No way, you are so bad, you are a man for nothing." Alina's contemptuous eyes almost made me faint from anger. It's not easy to be a bad man, and it's not easy to be a good man.

I don't want to talk to this chick anymore, she just wanted to make things difficult for me, so I walked straight to the nightclub, and today I want to be a real man again.

"Two gentlemen, please follow me!" As soon as he reached the door of the nightclub, a young girl dressed up in fancy clothes greeted him.

Seeing how expensive this place is, I don't know how much it costs to stay here for one night. "Beauty, I have a question. What's the minimum spending for one night here?"

Hearing my question, the girl lost the enthusiasm at the beginning, but gave me a casual glance, and said very unhappy: "Sir, our minimum spending for one night here is [-] euros."

"Ah, that's so high!" I yelled and attracted the contemptuous gazes of countless people around me. No one here takes money as money, so naturally they don't think it's expensive.

"Sir, if you think it's too expensive, you can go to the hotel opposite, it's very cheap there." The girl said bluntly, it was the first time she met such a man here, and it seemed that the two men were dressed well, but unexpectedly they were embroidered Pillow, let her do a lot of work for nothing, and she will definitely not get any tips.

Seeing that I was humiliated, Alina immediately pulled me behind, "I'm sorry, my cousin just came from the countryside to play in the city, and today I brought him here to see the world." Alina handed Tip the waitress a few thousand euros.

The service lady who got the tip made a 180-degree turn in an instant, her cold face changed, and her face was full of smiles, she was a different person from before.

I didn’t expect this European to change his face faster than in our Sichuan opera. Not only did I lament the impermanence of this world, but indeed money is inseparable from anywhere. Although the attitude of the service lady improved, I could feel it every time she looked at me. The contempt in my eyes made me smile helplessly.

"Miss, can I ask you for someone?" Alina leaned over and whispered to the service lady.

"Sir, please tell me." The service lady said patiently.

"Excuse me, do you know Nicholas Odin?"

"Yes, he is a regular visitor to our place."

"Then he came today?" Alina was very excited, and I also looked at her hopefully.

"This..., sir, I'm really sorry, we have a rule not to disclose customer information at will." The service lady was very embarrassed.

Alina conveniently touched another [-] yuan and gave it to her. Sure enough, money can turn ghosts around, "Sir, I can tell you quietly, but you can't say that I said it." Lina whispered in Lina's ear, and Elina nodded.

"But today may disappoint you, he didn't come today."

What the service lady said made us feel as if we fell from heaven into the ice cellar again. This girl is too tricky, she just said that he didn't come, and she just pretended to be mysterious.

"Then is Robson Pete here?" Alina still did not give up.

"Peter is a regular customer of ours. He comes here every day. Do you have anything to do with him?" Although the waitress didn't say it clearly, I could see the obvious disgust in her eyes.

Could it be that this kid is so lustful that he doesn't even let the waiter off?It's really possible that someone who hangs out with Nicholas can be something good.

"Then where is he now?" I was the first to ask this time, but I didn't see the woman answer me, but stared at Elina, and Elina handed her another five thousand, and she answered me She is simply a complete loser, and she has fallen into the eyes of money. Her expression makes me very uncomfortable.

"Actually, I don't know which room he is in."

This chick almost suffocated me to death with a word, who is this person, she is so worthless.

"But you can go to the second floor to look for it." The chick turned and walked away after speaking.

At last it was still a person, although it was not accurate, but it finally narrowed down the scope of the search.

"Lance, have you heard? Someone went to Nicholas Castle to make trouble last night." There are a few tables near the window in the hall, which is a place for guests to drink coffee. At this time, two white-skinned men are chatting.

"Of course I've heard of it, but I don't know who is so awesome that he dared to go to the territory of the blood clan to make trouble." The man named Lance became more and more excited as he talked.

"Hey, you've asked the right person this time. Although I don't know who it is, I have heard that it was an oriental man who broke into Nicholas Castle alone and blew up the castle. Even the old monster made a move, but he still let the other party escape." The other man seemed to have seen it with his own eyes, and even said that he was inseparable.

"Fuck, hero, I really want to meet him." This man named Lance was full of admiration for me.

Wow!Unexpectedly, I became a celebrity and a hero overnight. These two handsome guys are nice, I really want to get to know them, and tell them that I am the hero they say.

"Uncle, don't move around, do you know who they are?" Alina quickly pulled me back.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter, as long as they don't like the blood race."

"I beg you, uncle, you won't say such things after you know who they are." Alina said confidently.

"So sure, tell me." I touched my bearded chin, this little girl was too appetizing.

"Who do you think is the largest underworld group in Europe?"

"Ah, don't they belong to the Mafia?" I said in surprise, I didn't expect these two people to be so powerful.This mafia is the largest gang in Europe, and our Ax Gang is nothing compared to it.

"Hey, you won't go to make friends with them now, will you?" Alina looked at me with a smile, her face full of ridicule.

"Although I don't dare to make friends, I still have something to do with them. I believe it should be enough for the blood clan to drink a pot." I looked at the two mafia men and smiled sinisterly.

"What are you laughing at, uncle? What bad idea are you playing?"

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes, it's good to drive away tigers and devour wolves."

"What a strange person, forget about it." Alina angrily walked directly to the second floor.

When I came to the second floor, I saw that the doors of all the rooms were closed tightly, and the room was full of laughter and laughter. This place is simply a man's paradise, but this stumped the two of us. We don't know how to see through our eyes, so we don't know Robson at all.What room is Pete in, and what to do?

"Nana, you see that this place is all done by adults, why don't you avoid it as a minor?" I looked at the blushing Alina in front of me and smiled awkwardly. Adults go to brothels.

"Hmph, what's so great about this, isn't it just that? I've seen it on the Internet, and it's nothing mysterious." Alina snorted, raised her head and said unconvinced.

"Okay then, are you going to break the door or am I?" Seeing that the little girl was not convinced, I was going to let her retreat.

"Let's go, whoever is afraid of who!" Elena walked in front of me unwillingly, kicked open a door in front of me, walked in, and quickly ran out screaming. It turned out that there was a naked man behind me. The butt chased out, and the huge thing was still swaying in the air.

Seeing the uncle's fierce appearance, Alina hid behind me shyly and didn't dare to stretch her head. If she said she was a little girl, she still insisted on denying it. It seems that I have to come in person. Kuang's sleeping hole, and put it down at the door.

Then I started working with both feet, and kicked one by one. From time to time, women’s screams and men’s roars sounded on the second floor, but none of these could stop us from moving forward. Finally, when we reached No.12 room Found Robson.Pete the guy.

After kicking open the door violently, I saw a young man sitting in the room. This guy was full of obscene smiles, and he was using bananas to quench the thirst of all the beauties in the room. Playing with Sifeng, just looking at his unresponsive lower body, I wonder if this kid has stopped lifting.

"Is Nana this kid?" I grabbed Alina who was behind me and asked.

"I can't watch, I'm underage." Alina screamed, covering her eyes tightly.

"Don't pretend to be innocent, haven't you seen it all on the Internet?" I looked at Xiao Nizi's hand.

"He is Robson. Pete, but this kid is too incompetent!" Alina looked at Robson who was holding a banana.Pete looked weird.

"Well, it's good to be incompetent, at least the beauties in this room are good, and their figures are awesome!" I said with green eyes.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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