Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 213: A Fierce Woman

"Hmph, men are all perverts, what's so good about such a thing!" Elena said coldly with disdain.

"Yeah, I can assure you that when you grow up, you will be bigger than theirs!" I said, looking at Elena's bulging chest with a bewildered expression.

"Dead pervert, get out!" Alina kicked me in shame and anger, and I hurriedly dodged and ran into the room with a smile.

"Who are you guys?" See us coming in, Robson.Pete didn't panic like the others, but looked at us calmly, this guy is very smart.

"Ming people don't talk dark words. We just want to talk to Mr. Robson about something. We also know that Mr. Robson is a busy person, so we hope that Mr. Robson can cooperate." I looked at Robson.Pete laughed.

"Don't bother, please tell me if you have anything to do." Robson said.Pete glanced at us and continued with his work.

I really can't bear such a thick-skinned person, even I blushed a little, and my heart beat faster, and Elena even blushed and turned her head to the side.

"Excuse me, sir, do you know that kid Nicholas?" I forced luck to suppress the desire in my heart and calm down my heart.

"I know you, what do you need from him?" Robson asked.Pete continued to do what he was doing without raising his head.

"Yeah, we have something urgent to find him, do you know where he is now?" I asked eagerly when I heard something was going on.

"I don't know, I heard that he went to Huaxia, and I haven't seen him since then." Robson said.Pete replied calmly, without any trace of lying at all.

Listen to Robson.After Pete's answer, Alina and I shook our heads in disappointment. Seeing that the boy was so cooperative, we couldn't continue disturbing other people's good affairs, so we had to walk out of the house dejectedly.

At this time, the house was already full of people, all of them armed with weapons such as sticks and long swords. Needless to say, our forceful intrusion must have alarmed the owner of the nightclub, and these bodyguards must have been called to arrest us. of.

"Get out of the way, Master is in a bad mood and doesn't want to play with you!" I was very upset, so I looked at the people outside and sneered.

"The boy is arrogant, come on, brothers, the proprietress said that whoever wins this boy will belong to Lucis tonight." The leader raised his weapon and roared, needless to say that Lucis is the top card of this nightclub.

This didn't follow the words of the strong man. A group of people were all excited as if they had taken Viagra. They all raised their weapons and rushed towards me desperately. Sure enough, the temptation of women is very strong.

But in the face of the absolute disparity in strength, everything is in vain. I looked at these people contemptuously. A group of guys who are dominated by the lower body do not even use their brains to think about how much weight I have. The lion's roar full of vitality erupted, and instantly the tables, chairs and benches flew together, and a group of people were also thrown out like tattered catkins. I strode out of the room as if these people did not exist at all.

I didn't bother to go up the stairs anymore and directly grabbed Alina who was beside me and flew to the courtyard on the first floor. I squatted and landed on the ground of the courtyard gracefully. As soon as I looked up, I saw a woman's plump and white thighs appearing in front of me. In front of me, I looked up again and saw a beautiful woman appearing in front of me. This woman was probably in her early thirties, exuding an astonishing charm all over her body. It turned out that it was only covered with an almost transparent white gauze. I swear that I really saw everything, everything that should not be seen and what should be seen, especially the wide open legs. I can almost see it. Seeing that seductive woman's genitals = private body = private parts, I couldn't hold back a mouthful of nosebleeds.

"Shameless!" Alina scolded after seeing the woman's revealing attire.

"Little brother sees that you look pretty, do you want to play with my sister? My sister is very good at that, I promise you will be so happy." The woman looked at Alina with a charming smile, full of fatal temptation, and I felt An unknown fire was burning, fortunately Alina is not a man so don't worry about being confused by that woman.

"I said aunt, don't you feel ashamed to still show off at such an old age?" Alina said disgustedly, pretending to vomit.

"You..., looking for death!" In this life, she hates people saying she is old the most. Although her actual age is 35, she never admits to being old, so anyone who says she is old is already dead. Die again.

"I said that my eldest sister and I have some affairs with my cousin, can you let me go." Although this beauty is a bit in the way, I don't want to ruin the flower with my hands.

"Breaking my things, hurting my people, and destroying my business, do you think I will let you go?" The woman's face turned cold, and she said very unhappy.

"Damn, you're the proprietress after all this time?" I said with a look of surprise, I didn't expect that the two of us would automatically run to the owner.

"Then what do you want?" Alina said unhappily.

"It's very simple. If you work as male prostitutes here for a month, I will let you go." The proprietress looked us up and down and nodded in satisfaction.


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