Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 214: Kidnapping a Princess Zhang’s Family

Crackling!Suddenly there was intensive fighting in the corridor, and then came the yelling and screams of those blood races, and after a while, the calm was restored, and then Liu Hui felt that someone opened the door, so scared that Liu Hui quickly hid behind the bed .

"Ah!" Suddenly Liu Hui was patted by someone, which made her scream.

"Liu Hui is me."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from Liu Hui's head, it belonged to Brother Yuwen. Liu Hui looked up and saw that it was Brother Yuwen and Alina, and immediately stood up with tears in her eyes and excitedly hugged me tightly.

"Brother Yuwen, you guys are finally back. I thought I'd never see you again." Liu Hui was a little excited about the rest of his life, and tears welled up in his beautiful eyes.

"Silly girl, it's all right, it's because Brother Yuwen came back late." I patted Liu Hui's back lightly, feeling a little distressed in my heart.

"Let's go, it's not safe here anymore." I picked up Liu Hui and led Elena to the outside.

I came downstairs and kowtowed to the proprietress a few times. She was also a poor person, and in the end she was implicated by us and died tragically.

It seems that I can't live in the city, and now the city is full of the eyeliner of the blood race. I have no choice but to take my two daughters to a remote mountain village and find a farm to live in. The uncles and aunts of the farm are all honest People, and the people in this village are very enthusiastic. They heard that we came to the countryside for vacation, and they warmly invited us to have dinner at home.

"Now we don't have any good way to find that guy Nicholas, so during this period of time I'm going to stay at Blood Castle, I don't believe he won't come out.

"Nana, stay at home and stay with your sister Liu." I made arrangements for the second daughter that night.

"Brother Yuwen, don't you need me to go with you?" Alina said with some displeasure.

"No, I'm relieved to have you with Liu Hui."

"Alright then!" Elena replied dejectedly, the little girl thought about having fun all day long.

"Nana, be good, wait for my brother to buy you a lollipop." I stretched out my hand and squeezed Alina's jade-like face.

"Get out!" Alina's face was stretched, and she slapped my hand away.

I resentfully withdrew my hand, told the two to pay attention to safety, and then flew away, starting my long wait and see.

In Nicholas Castle, the bloodthirsty count slapped the table angrily, making the blood race below tremble with fright!

"You bastards, it's been so long and you still haven't found a few of them!" The bloodthirsty count glanced sharply at the subordinates below.

"Lord Earl blames the incompetence of his subordinates. We found those people in the city that day, but let them escape. Don't worry, we will increase our search force immediately."

"Don't just search the city, I suspect they have fled to the countryside, even every mountain and every blade of grass must be checked for me." The bloodthirsty count gritted his teeth, and commanded his subordinates with cold eyes.

"Yes, Lord Earl, we will definitely find these people." After speaking, these people hurriedly exited the bloodthirsty count's room with a sigh of relief, leaving the bloodthirsty count alone, and the bloodthirsty count slapped him away with bloodshot eyes. In the past few days, he was punished by his ancestors to confine him in this house, which made him hate that Chinese man to death.

After squatting in Nicholas Castle for several days, I didn't see that kid Nicholas coming out, and I didn't see the bloodthirsty earl coming out, but those blood bats came out in a large group, so I had to hide my figure as much as possible, otherwise I would steal If the chicken does not make a loss, the rice will lose a lot.

what to do?This kid hides in the castle like a tortoise, which makes me very helpless. It seems that the only way out now is to lure the snake out of the hole. I have to advance my previous plan, I secretly decided.

"Little girl Nana, do you know what the leader of the mafia cares about most?" In the room, I tasted this authentic French wine, which tastes really good, and it costs more than ten francs a catty here , but in China, a bottle will cost you several thousand.

"Here, I want to drink too. Let me tell you that the mafia is not easy to mess with. Even our Holy Cult and the blood race don't want to offend them." Alina snatched the wine glass from my hand and swallowed it in one gulp. I drank it all up, and my heart hurts to death.

"I don't need you to tell me about this, I know it, don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion." I quickly saved the wine bottle in my hand, lest the rest be ruined by this little drunkard.

"Stingy man, let me tell you, the leader of the mafia is said to care most about his youngest daughter, Ianse, who goes to school at the Notre Dame College in Paris." Elina pouted unhappily. road.

"Don't be too angry, how about I treat you to drink our Moutai when I return to Huaxia?" I saw that the little girl was not happy, so I quickly threw out another bait.

"That's what you said, a man means what he says."

"Let's keep our word. Nana will tell me about Yi Ansi's situation. When does she usually have the least guards around her?"

"If we want to talk about this, of course we have to count every weekend. She will go home on vacation. At this time, the guards around her should be the least, but even so, it's not something a pervert like you can handle." Alina Rolling his eyes, he said unceremoniously.

"Look at what you said, I'm a serious person, I'm going to try my luck this weekend." I stood up and got ready to go to bed, but I didn't sleep well after squatting for several days.

"You're really going. I'll tell you that something happened, don't say I was the cause." Alina knew that persuasion was useless, so she shook her head and sighed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not turn into a ghost to come to you." I pretended to make a face, and stretched out my hand to pinch the little girl's tender face.

Early in the morning on the weekend, I came to the Arjax Mountains that Elena mentioned to make an ambush. I looked at the asphalt road not far away without blinking. Today Ianse and her bodyguards will Passing by here, but they are taking a car, which is a bit difficult. If it doesn't work, I smashed that road with a huge boulder, and I still don't believe that they won't get off the car.

It was almost noon, and finally a few stretched luxury cars slowly drove over here. Fuck, these cars are really rich. These cars are worth at least over [-] million, and I have already seen my car this time from the car window. The target, that young girl with a delicate appearance and an elegant temperament, is really a great beauty as Elena said, but few such beauties are lucky enough to endure.

Just when I was about to throw stones on the road, those cars stopped by themselves, which saved me a lot of trouble.

I stayed in the dense bushes and stared at the cars without turning my eyes to see what they were going to do.

"I'm in a hurry to urinate, you guys wait here for me, remember not to peek, or I will tell my father to goug out your eyeballs." Iansi threatened the bodyguards in the car after getting out of the car.

"Well, miss, it's not safe for you to go alone. Do you want us to accompany you?" The leading middle-aged man looked at Yi Ansi with some embarrassment. If something happened to her, he would definitely be raped by the leader.

"What are you afraid of? What's the danger in the wilderness here? I think you guys are thinking bad things about me. Be careful and I'll tell my father when I get back." Yi Ansi showed a demonic smile, which made several bodyguards shrink back. Shrink your neck.

"Forget it, then you go, we are afraid of you." Several big men didn't dare to really follow, they could only turn their backs to this place from a distance.

Yianna walked all the way to me, and I shrank back in fright. Could it be that this chick has already discovered me? If that's the case, don't blame me for being cruel.

Fortunately, in the end, the chick stopped when she was two meters away from me, and then lifted her white lotus leaf skirt, revealing her upturned little butt, and then took it off under my surprised eyes My own panties exposed her white buttocks and seductive lower body. Because she bent her buttocks and raised her buttocks, I had a clear view of her private parts. All this happened before my eyes. At that time, I couldn't hold back the blood from my nose and it flowed out, scorching hot.

The little girl Xu Sou squatted down, and a white line came out from under her body, making the sound of rushing water. After a long time, it turned out that this little girl was swollen with urine. I shook my head and smiled. I was so scared that I almost lost my soul just now. .

Looking at the bodyguards with their backs to this place in the distance, I felt that my chance had come. I didn't expect that someone would automatically send a pillow when I fell asleep. It's much easier to have it delivered to your door.

I began to crawl quietly towards Yi Ansi's white butt, like a long march, and finally came behind the other party when the other party was about to untie his hands.

I suddenly became violent, and in the surprised eyes of the other party, I covered the other party's mouth, and at the same time hit the other party's acupuncture points, believing that no matter how advanced the martial arts is, the other party can only become my prisoner, so Yi An Silk's bare buttocks were directly carried on my shoulders. I felt that this was not very good, so I had to lift her skirt to cover the other's attractive parts.

Now that the hostages have been taken, it's time for me to leave, but before I leave, I have to do one thing, which is to let the other party's bodyguards find out that I have robbed their princess.

Why did I do that?The reason is very simple. Before I came here, I had quietly attached a black skin to the surface of the streamer feather on the back, which made people look like the bat wings of the vampire. At the same time, I also dyed my face pale, so that it looked like That guy Nicholas, I'm afraid that guy Nicholas won't be able to clean himself up even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

I hugged Yi Ansi and stretched out the black fleshy wings behind me, flew directly over the bodyguards, and then laughed loudly with a sharp throat: "This chick is really good, I, Nicholas, accepted it with a smile!"

"No, Miss was kidnapped!" A group of bodyguards exclaimed when they saw the situation, but unfortunately, before they realized it, I had already flown away with Yianna, and soon disappeared.

"What should we do? We will definitely be skinned by the leader when we go back." The leading middle-aged man turned pale with fright, and sat down on the ground.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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