"Fengshen, don't bully me too much!" At this critical moment, Cao Hongqing rushed back to the gang, seeing that Fengshen was about to attack, Cao Hongqing was furious.

"Master Cao, I think you made a mistake. We didn't intend to embarrass the Gui Gang. On the contrary, the Gui Gang arrested our brother, so I hope that the Gui Gang will show your hand and let my brother go." Fengshen narrowed his eyes slightly, His eyes are shining brightly, his words are sonorous and forceful, he has never seen such a big scene, how could he be afraid of you, a small gang.

"You..." Cao Hongqing didn't know how to respond to Fengshen's words, his black face was flushed, gangsters are also a place to be reasonable, standing on the high ground of morality, naturally the morale is high.

"Master Cao, please return my brother." Fengshen said calmly, but no one dared to question his words.

"Fengshen is not that I don't give you face today, that kid is indeed not with me." Cao Hongqing said helplessly.

"Then where did you get him?" Cao Hongqing, as the leader of the Cao Clan, would definitely not lie, since he said he was not in their Clan, there shouldn't be a lie.

"Fengshen, I advise you not to go into this muddy water. You and I cannot afford to mess with this person." Seeing that Fengshen had no intention of giving up, Cao Hongqing advised.

"There is no one I dare not mess with in City H, why are you talking so much nonsense." Fengshen said angrily with his eyes wide open.

"Okay, since you're not afraid, it's okay for me to tell you. I don't know if that kid is still alive in the five-star Jinghu Hotel in this city." Cao Hongqing shook his head and sighed.

"Okay, let's go to Jinghu Hotel to save people." Fengshen turned around and prepared to take his brothers to Jinghu Hotel.

I hastened to stop Fengshen, "Fengshen, I think I know who has captured the second son, and the Ax Gang really shouldn't be in this muddy water."

"Then I'll arrange for some brothers to go with the leader."

"No, the sword in my hand is enough."

"Then I'll take my brothers outside to meet you." Fengshen's eyes were clearly appreciative, and he found that after this period of tempering, this kid has matured a lot, and he has become courageous and strategic.

"Two gentlemen, do you want to stay?" Just as I walked into the Jinghu Hotel with my second girlfriend, I was stopped by the waiter in front of the door. At this time, my second girlfriend had already disguised herself as a man.

"No." I replied impatiently.

"Sir, please go out, we don't allow salesmen to enter." The waiter then drove us out.

"Miss, I think you misunderstood. Your manager asked us to unclog the toilet." I tried to find an excuse.

"Since the manager asked you to come, please come in." The waiter looked at the sword wrapped on my back, which looked like a tool for flushing the toilet.

When I passed by the waiter, I could clearly see the disgust on his face. How could poor people like us afford to live in this five-star hotel, and the worst room cost me a month's salary for one night.

"Hmph, two poor people, look at them dressed like beggars, they can only flush the toilet for the rest of their lives, it's so disgusting." The waiter covered his nose with his hands and cursed in a low voice.

Although her voice was very low, how could it escape my ears, I turned around and glared at her angrily, because I just killed a lot of people tonight, so I still have a strong murderous look on my body.

The waiter felt like falling into an ice cellar instantly, and a breath of death was spreading. She wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound. She didn't get out of that feeling until I disappeared at the end of the corridor.

I didn't talk nonsense, I walked directly to the sixth floor. There are two presidential suites on the sixth floor of the entire hotel. People with the status of Mr. Liu will definitely live there.

When I came to the sixth floor, I didn't know which room Mr. Liu and the others were in, so I listened to the door, but the president

The sound insulation of the suite is so good that there is no sound at all.There is no other way, just knock on a room and talk about it.

Dong dong, I knocked on the door of the nearest room.

"Who is it? Just disturb my good business." Following a rough voice, a middle-aged man with a thick waist and a fat belly opened the door. I looked up and saw a young and beautiful woman in revealing clothes. It turned out that two people had an affair here.

"Sorry, I knocked on the wrong door, you guys continue." I smiled ambiguously.

"Nervous!" The middle-aged man slammed the door shut.

Since that room was not, it goes without saying that it must be in another room.

I knocked directly on the door of the other presidential room.

"Who?" A man inside asked cautiously, this person should be Liu Tianyu's personal bodyguard.

It seems that we have found the right one this time, "Sir, please open the door, we pass the toilet." I am going to continue to use this trick to get away.

"No, our toilet is fine." The man inside immediately replied vigilantly.

"The manager called us here, please drive." I continued to shout unhurriedly.

"Okay then, leave as soon as you're done."

Finally the door opened, and I pulled Er Ziyou into the room, slashed at the necks of the two gatekeepers with two hands, knocked them down first, and closed the door at the same time, so as not to be seen by others and call the police .

"Ah..., I'm going to kill you!" Erzi's miserable cry came to our ears, which made me feel a pain in my heart. The second son was all implicated by me.

At this time, Mr. Liu in the room was savagely stabbing the second son one by one, venting the anger in his heart. At this time, the second son was already covered in blood, and his face was already distorted in pain.

"Who are you?" Mr. Liu asked vigilantly when he saw the two of us coming in.

"Hmph, Mr. Liu is really a noble man who forgets things so much, you have been looking for me all night, haven't you?" My eyes flashed fiercely, and seeing the miserable appearance of the second son, I wished to smash him to death immediately.

"Haha, it turned out to be you. I was worried that I couldn't find you, but you came to my door by yourself. Catch him." When he saw it was me, Mr. Liu, he immediately felt relieved. He knew very well how capable I was. , relying on the people here can take it down.

A group of six big men surrounded us, and Mr. Liu was gleefully preparing to watch a good show with his arms folded, as if I had become a turtle in his urn.

In order to save the second son quickly, I didn't bother to say anything, I directly pulled out the Xuanyuan sword on my body, like a wolf entering a herd of sheep, using the flexible Xuanyuan sword technique, each sword was picked on his hamstring, and the six of them fell on the ground in an instant Pour a piece, humming and chirping non-stop.

I raised my head again, looked at Mr. Liu with blood-red eyes, and walked towards Mr. Liu step by step. The blood on the sword fell drop by drop on the carpet as I walked, and the picture was bloody and terrifying.

Stared at by my blood-red eyes, Mr. Liu felt as if he was facing a ferocious beast that chose to devour him, and he might be torn to pieces at any moment, and boundless fear filled his heart.

"Don't come here!" Mr. Liu hurriedly backed away with a pale face, and after taking a few steps, he sat on the ground with soft feet, panting continuously.

"It's just an embroidered pillow. If you don't have your father's aura covering you, you're nothing." Contemptuously glanced at Mr. Liu, who was so frightened that he was about to pee his pants, I raised my sword...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The second one is delivered, Zuo Jun worked hard to code the words, I hope all book friends will also use the recommended collection to tie up for Zuo Jun, what is the ending of Mr. Liu, please look forward to the next chapter to tease Mr. Liu.


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