Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 23 Teasing Young Master Liu

"Ah! Don't kill me!" Mr. Liu looked at Jian Guang approaching in fear, and was so frightened that he passed out directly, his body was soaked in a puddle, and there was a foul smell.

Hehe, just to scare this kid, I raised my sword and cut the rope on Erzi's body.

"Second brother, you're finally here. I thought I'd never see you again." The second son stood up, stretched his numb feet, with two sausages hanging from his mouth, he couldn't speak clearly. Lai Erzi was often tortured by these people.

"Second Son, I finally see you." Er Zi's girlfriend also ran over at this time, threw herself into Er Zi's arms and cried bitterly.

"Wife, are you okay, I miss you so much." The second son also hugged his girlfriend tightly. Seeing the two of them being so affectionate, I consciously turned my head to the side so as not to be a light bulb.

"Thank you, second son, thank you for saving us." It took a long time for the second son to separate from his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, I'm the second son who caused you trouble." I said apologetically.

"Don't thank me here and there. It's all over. If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. Let's think about how to deal with these people." Er Zi's girlfriend comforted the two of us by the side.

"What else can I do? Just kill them and feed them to the dog." The second son roared angrily. He hated them to the core, and only by killing them could the hatred in his heart be resolved.

"Don't kill me, please, my father is very rich, as long as you don't kill me, I will give you whatever you want." It turned out that this kid pretended to be dead, and when he heard that he was going to kill him, he quickly got up and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, a corrupt official who is trying to steal the people's fat and anointing. We are not interested in this kind of dirty money. The second son will teach him a lesson." I looked at Mr. Liu contemptuously. How can such a son know the suffering of the people.

"Now it's my turn to play, boy, I'll wait to see how your second son's grandfather will deal with you." The second son clenched his fists and strode towards Mr. Liu.

"Second son, be careful, don't kill this kid." Seeing that the second son's posture is about to kill the matter directly, I have to remind him.

"Why? Isn't it enough to just kill him?" Er Zi was very puzzled. He felt that killing him would be cheap for him, let alone letting him go.

"I have my own plan, as long as you don't kill him, you can do whatever you want." I thought to myself that Mr. Liu's father is the mayor of this city, if we kill his only son, it will be like digging three feet and we will be found. Come out, and the Ax Gang will inevitably be implicated. Before you are sure to take down Mayor Liu, it is best not to kill this kid, or you will face the wrath of the corrupt official Mayor Liu.

"Okay, the boy's death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime is inevitable. Let's see how your second son's grandfather's methods are." The second son also knew that I must have my own considerations, so I didn't mention killing this kid anymore.

"If you dare, I can tell you that my father is the mayor of this city. If you dare to touch me, I will ask my father to kill you." As soon as he heard that we dare not kill him, this kid immediately turned his nose up and became arrogant again. stand up.

"Really? You think I'm really afraid of your father." I raised my sword and slashed at Mr. Liu's head. This time, the kid was really scared and passed out.

I can't help but admire the precision of my swordsmanship now, I just hit this kid's scalp without any mistakes.

The second son walked over, started working from left to right, and slapped the kid twice, waking him up.

"Ah!" As soon as he woke up, the kid jumped up, touched his head and it was still there, but the top of his head was chilly.

"This time is just to teach you a lesson. If you dare to mess with me again, I can't guarantee that I will only cut off your hair every time." Seeing that this kid is alive and kicking again, I threatened directly.

"Yes, boy, thank you hero for your life. I will never trouble him again in the future." Mr. Liu felt like making a promise for his life, but the haze that flashed in his eyes let me know that this kid would not let go easily. Over us, but I have no good way now.

"Bingbing bang bang!" The next good show was performed by the second son alone. Under the special care of the second son, Mr. Liu soon became a worse pig head than the second son.The shrill screams echoed in this private room, but fortunately the sound insulation is good enough, otherwise I was really afraid of being heard by people outside.

"Second son, what's the next move? Hurry up, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time." I checked the time, and I've been here for almost half an hour. I'm afraid the waiter will become suspicious after a long time.

"Okay, let's watch my brother perform the last trick." After speaking, the second son directly stripped Mr. Liu and his bodyguards naked, and the second son's girlfriend turned her head and closed her eyes.

The second son gently opened his eyes and looked out, then came back boldly and lifted all Mr. Liu and his group to the corridor, locked the door behind him, and threw the key card directly in the room. Make them look naked outside.

After finishing all this, the three of us sneaked out of the hotel.In the alley outside the hotel, we met Fengshen and the others, and I introduced Erzi and Fengshen to each other by the way.

"Wow, it turns out that you all belong to the Ax Gang, especially this brother Fengshen. I have been admiring your name for a long time, and I finally got to see you. My admiration for you is like a torrent of river, like the flood of the Yellow River, which is out of control. "Although there are still two sausages hanging from his mouth, Er Zi's words are not vague at all, there are so many nonsense.

"Second son, brother, I've looked forward to it for a long time!" Fengshen and Erzi shook hands and greeted, unlike Erzi who talked nonsense.

"Master Liu, what did you do with Mr. Liu? Did you not kill him?" Fengshen looked at me and found that there were no traces of fighting on my body. He was very curious. It stands to reason that Mr. Liu should have many personal bodyguards. Could it be that the gang leader's martial arts has become so powerful?

"Who is the leader of the clan?" Hearing Fengshen calling the leader of the clan to our side, the second son Zhanger monk was puzzled.

"It's just a little punishment for them, and it didn't kill him." I didn't bother to explain to the second son, anyway, he would know sooner or later.I knew Fengshen's scruples, so I replied calmly.

"That's good. Mayor Liu is notoriously protective of his weaknesses. We should not confront him now." After listening to my words, Fengshen's eyes were full of admiration. This kid is really a gang leader, both civil and military. .

"Wow, second son, so you are the leader of the ax gang. You are not enough friends, and you don't even say hello to your brother after you make a name for yourself." The second son realized that the leader of Fengshen's mouth was actually me, and he was surprised It's even more shocking than winning 500 million.

After hearing what the second son said, I smiled wryly, I'm nothing but a puppet.

After bidding farewell to Fengshen and the others, I took my second son and the others to the hospital to see Wang Xin. Now that the second daughter is still in the hospital, I don’t know how Wang Xin is doing. I am still a little worried.

"Second brother, are we still good brothers?" The second son talked a lot on the road, talking and asking questions for a while, not knowing whether his injury was real or not.

"Of course, we will always be good brothers." No matter how the world changes, the brotherhood between me and my second son will never change.

"That's good, then I'll make it up, you have to give brother a place in the ax gang some other day, such as some hall master or something." The second son is really thick-skinned, and he climbed up the ladder .

I nodded, thought for a while and then shook my head. With my current position, it is impossible for the second son to be the hall master. Besides, as a superior person, it is even more taboo to be close to others.

"Second son, if you really want to join the Axe Gang, I can give you a small captain. If you do well, you can become the hall master in the future." Although the hall master I dare not promise, as the gang leader, appoint a small captain or something like that. It is still possible.

"That's fine, the captain can be the captain, hehe, as long as there is a younger brother under his command." The second son has already started to imagine the flamboyant scene of himself and his younger brother walking on the street with an ax pinned to it.

Slap, the second son's girlfriend slapped him directly on the head, "Hmph, no matter how high you fly, if you dare to go outside for my mother, I will make you look good."


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