Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 26 Qianqian's Temptation

Just as I was about to turn around and leave, the door opened, and I saw Qianqian sticking out her head from behind the door, "Brother Yuwen, I'm sorry, I was taking a shower just now, come in quickly." Qianqian blushed a little embarrassedly and said .

"It's good that you're fine, you were worried about me just now." I hurried into the room, the picture in the room almost made me spit blood, I saw that Qianqian was only wearing a pink nightdress at this time, and this little girl was faintly visible. She has an exquisite figure, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin is exposed under the cover of the low-cut nightdress. The towering jade peak lifts up the nightdress, and two small bulges can be vaguely seen. The deep cleavage makes my heart ache. Dramatic jumping, upturned buttocks, slender and white legs, I didn't pay attention to it usually, I didn't expect this little girl to have such a good figure.

"Qianqian, you look so good today, like a fairy coming down to earth." Seeing Qianqian who is both hot and pure today, I sincerely praised him.

"I'm as good as you said, Brother Yuwen, are you okay? I'm so worried that something will happen to you." Qianqian went to sit on the sofa opposite me, and I accidentally glanced at her at the moment she sat down. The panties that wrap private parts under her nightdress are still pink and cartoon-shaped.

Qianqian seemed to realize that she was naked, so she quickly put her two thighs together tightly, not giving me any chance to peep, the little girl was already as red as drunk, and really wanted to pounce on her and bite her.

But Qianqian is not the kind of open-minded woman, if I pounced on her, I would definitely be rude to a beautiful woman, and beauty needs to be tasted slowly like fine wine, so I immediately suppressed the burning fire in my heart, pretended to straighten my clothes and saw nothing, "I It's nothing, how could something happen to a man as brave and powerful as me, I promised to take care of you for the rest of my life."

Pfft, Qianqian was amused by my funny words and actions, and the atmosphere in the room became harmonious again, breaking the embarrassment just now, "Brother Yuwen, as long as you are fine, how are the second brother and cousin Liu Hui?"

"Not very well." I shook my head.

Startled by my words, Qianqian immediately jumped up, ran over and hurriedly asked: "Then what's wrong with them, are they all right?"

I took a peek at Qianqian's lettuce-like tender breasts exposed by lowering her head, secretly swallowed my saliva, and then replied: "The second son and his wife are fine, but the second son's face is so swollen." I compared The look of a pig's head immediately made the nervous Qianqian couldn't help laughing again.

"Then Liu Hui and Wang Xin's cousins?" Qianqian asked nervously again.

"Liu Hui is okay, but Wang Xin almost died." I said sadly, this time I really almost lost Wang Xin, and every time I think of it, my heart feels like a knife.

"Ah!" Qianqian couldn't help screaming in fright, she didn't expect the matter to become so serious.

So I told Qianqian about the situation at that time. Whenever there was a danger, Qianqian couldn't help but grab my hand tightly. I didn't realize how strong this little girl was.

"Is cousin Wang Xin still in the hospital now? After listening to my description, Qianqian patted her towering chest with her hand, which made my mouth water.

"Yes, Liu Hui is with her in the hospital now." I reached out and wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth, really wanting to replace that hand with my own.

Qianqian also noticed my discoloration, and threw me a blank stare. I was almost melted by his eyes, but Qianqian didn't give me a chance, she immediately urged: "Come on, let's go to the hospital to see Wang Xin."

This little girl was swift and resolute, and left as soon as she said, but she soon realized that something was wrong. She was still wearing a nightgown, so she would definitely be laughed to death when she went out like this, so she planned to change clothes immediately, but when she saw me staring straight at her Looking at her, he quickly took his clothes and hid in the bedroom.

Bang, once the door is closed, the whole room is completely isolated, but unfortunately no red apricot comes out of the wall, I can only feel sad.

He and Qianqian went to the supermarket to buy some supplements and fruits, and we rushed to the hospital in a hurry. . . . . . .

In the next three days of competition, although the opponents were quite strong, relying on the life of the undead cockroach, I insisted on falling behind the enemy. Although it was dangerous every time, the rewards were also great. With a bonus of 1 yuan, I feel that everything is worth it when I see that the accumulated money is getting closer and closer to the money for Qianqian's father's medical treatment. Moreover, the two sons and Qianqian will encourage me on the spot in every game, It's a pity that Wang Xin and Liu Hui are still in the hospital. Every time I can't help but look at the seats where they used to sit, it's a pity that the beauty is no longer there.In order not to let them down, I will try my best to fight every battle well.And I have another harvest, every time when I am seriously injured, the mysterious zhenqi will flow out, not only can make the injury heal by half, but also make the zhenqi in the body stronger, and the stubborn acupoints will also Loosen a little, so I am painful and happy. Maybe the one who practiced martial arts through beating like me is really the No. [-] in the past and present, but only in this way can the skill increase rapidly, otherwise it has to be like the novels. Wait until seventy or eighty.

However, among these three games, there is one that really puzzles me. The casino even arranged for a woman to fight me, and she is also a beautiful woman. Women should fight women. How can I be a big man to fight women? , This is simply insulting, the more I think about it, the more angry I want to throw my hands away several times, but I think that if I leave like this, Mr. Ge will definitely fire me, and then I can no longer continue to punch Qianqian's father to treat his illness. not allowed.

"Beauty, I think you should just admit defeat, I don't want to hit a woman." I looked this woman up and down, not to mention that this woman is quite handsome, with a height of nearly 1.8 meters, which is similar to me. Coupled with the tight-fitting martial arts suit, the figure looks hot and attractive. This woman's martial arts suit is different from men's. It is a tight suit specially designed for women by casinos. The purpose is to fully show the charm of a woman's figure, so as to attract Huge audience.

No, the moment this woman came on stage, there were screams all over the place. Countless men had blurry eyes and drooling, looking like a typical pig brother, but it seemed that I was not much better, so I quickly wiped the corners of my mouth Drooling, isn't this deliberately tempting me? How can we fight this battle.

"Long live Xiangxiang God of War, beat this kid." Countless men shouted one after another, one or two seemed to have taken Viagra.

They are all a bunch of fucking perverts, I cursed secretly, feeling very upset, because there were only a few people who called Xiaoqiang, and they were immediately overwhelmed by the title of Xiangxiang God of War, and disappeared in the sound waves, the most abominable guy is Lian Erzi They all shouted Xiangxiang God of War, it is really inhumane to have the opposite sex, fortunately he is still my best brother, I have to fix this kid some other day.

Hearing my provocative words, the beauty named Xiangxiang snorted unconvinced, "Boy, soon I will let you know the price of contempt for women."

"Really?" I said disapprovingly, wondering how this hot body feels.

"Look at the trick!" This chick took advantage of me to sneak up on me when I was caring about lewdness.

Boom, I was knocked down to the ground by her punch, and my nose bleeds, this chick hated me so much, she hit me directly on the nose, I pointed at this chick and yelled in disbelief: "You are shameless Do it without saying hello."

I lay on my back and looked at this chick from the bottom up, not to mention that her figure is even hotter, especially the mysterious private part, which reveals a deep gap under the tightening of the tight pants. Do you know how good it is for her to be strangled like this?


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