Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 27 The Battle With the Beauty

"Who stipulated that the game must be greeted, I am a woman but not a gentleman, so I will attack you, what's wrong?" Xiangxiang gave me a disdainful look.

This woman is really hateful, she is so shameless, so don't blame me for being so cruel, I thought bitterly, it's a pity that eyes can't kill, otherwise I would definitely hang this woman naked at the entrance of the afternoon.

"Xiangxiang God of War beat him to death, beat him to death." When everyone in the audience saw Xiangxiang's successful move, they became more passionate. What kind of fucking society is this? It's really a bunch of animals.

"Brother Yuwen, what's the matter today, are you also fascinated by that woman?" Qianqian looked at me who was a little absent-minded on the stage, twisting her skirt tightly with both hands.

"I think it is, you can tell by the expression of our second son." After speaking, the second son's girlfriend directly touched the second son's waist, but this kid didn't even know it.

"That's really embarrassing for brother Yuwen." Qianqian sighed. At this time, she didn't think of blaming me, but worried about me. The second son and girlfriend could only shake their heads helplessly. I don't know what kind of confused soup this kid gave Qianqian.

Seeing that the little girl Xiangxiang was going to come over and give me another kick, I hurriedly got up and wiped the nosebleeds on my face. If the tiger doesn't show its power, you really think it's a sick cat. When I catch you, you must you look good.

Seeing that this chick's posture doesn't look like a soft-hearted person, I have to cheer up and take it seriously. If I lose to a woman, then where will I put my old face in the future.

Just like that, I had a lot of fun with that chick, you punched me, but it seemed that I was the one who was beaten most of the time. Fortunately, I have a thick skin, otherwise I would have to admit defeat obediently.After fighting for a period of time, I discovered that this chick has systematic boxing routines. According to her, she is capable of seventh-dan Taekwondo. Unfortunately, I only know how to do swordsmanship, not boxing. I can only copy Jin Yong mechanically. The moves in the novel are used.

"I'll hit!" This time I took advantage of the moment the woman backed away, and when the empty door was wide open, I punched her directly.I didn't expect that I would hit the key part of this woman just right. I was really afraid that I would blow up that huge bobo. That would be a crime, so I quickly withdrew some of my strength.

Boom, there was a muffled sound when the fist hit her big breasts, and a soft feeling was transmitted to the brain through the fist, which was very comfortable. The elasticity made me cry out comfortably, it's so cool.

"You..., pervert." The chick opened my thief's hand with a palm, her face was flushed, and she scolded softly.

I didn't expect this chick to blush. It's really big news in the world, but I should apologize for taking advantage of others, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Cool.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...." Seeing the ambiguous scene on the stage, the audience booed a lot, and countless people were drooling over it. People only see thieves eating meat but not seeing thieves being beaten. You say I am wronged or not.

"Well, yes, very comfortable." I put my hand in front of my nose and sniffed.

"Pervert, I slashed you!" It seems that this time I really annoyed this chick, and directly kicked me in the crotch with a volley, which was ruthless enough.

"Little girl, you are too ruthless. Be careful that no man will dare to marry you in the future." I had to quickly grab the girl's feet with my hands. I have never played with a woman when I grow up, how can I have no children or grandchildren.

I immediately hugged this chick's feet with both hands, and I took advantage of the situation to push this chick down. Besides, this chick reacted very quickly, and directly grabbed my clothes.

Bang, unfortunately, when this girl fell to the ground, I was also pulled to the ground by her, and I happened to be on the girl's arms. Our faces touched each other, and we were so close that we could almost smell each other's breath. The fullness of my chest was also severely deformed by me.

Being pressed by me like this, this chick's breathing also became rapid, obviously she was very nervous. "I'll kill you!" She raised her hands and pushed me violently. In order not to be overturned, I quickly hugged her slender waist with both hands.

With my arms around her waist, this little girl immediately became even more ashamed and angry, "I'll bite you to death!" I saw her open her small cherry mouth and bite directly towards my ear.

My god, I didn't expect a woman's anger to be so terrifying. It's completely unscrupulous. Of course I can't let it bite my ears. If a wise and powerful person like me loses his ears, his image will not be damaged.But now I'm still holding her waist with both hands, and I don't have any extra hands to deal with her mouth. Forget it, it's just as if I sacrificed some hue. After thinking about it, I can only use attack against attack. He closed his mouth with one gulp.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... This chick shook her head vigorously, trying to get rid of the blockage of my mouth, but for the sake of my ears, I naturally couldn't let her do what she wanted, so I quickly bit her lips tightly with my mouth, and even bit her tongue I also held it tightly in my mouth, but I dare not stick my tongue into her mouth. If she bites me hard, it will be a big loss. Look at this chick's viciousness, but she can do anything host.

After trying a few times, I found that I couldn't open my mouth, and I was holding her lilac tongue tightly, so Xiangxiang panicked, and her two big eyes that were close at hand were staring at me. , as if trying to eat me up.

"What? Do you still want to bite me? But I'm not afraid of you." I spoke directly with my eyes, and now I'm holding on to her tricks, I don't believe she can play any tricks, and her mouth kissed It is very comfortable and fragrant, and I am a little reluctant to let go.

"You pervert, I'm going to kill you!" Xiangxiang was so ashamed and indignant that she hit me with both hands in a disorganized manner. It didn't look like a martial arts practitioner at all, but like a girl who was angry and was beating me. own boyfriend.

It's too bad, I forgot that this chick still has hands, I quickly let go of my left hand holding her waist, and was about to grab her hands with my left hand, but I couldn't catch her hands a few times, instead I touched her sensitive parts several times, Such as thighs, buttocks and the like.

"Don't move any more, or I won't be polite." I grabbed her with my left hand, but I still didn't catch the girl's hand, but caught a soft part, and my four fingers sank deeply into it. In the soft gully, it is very comfortable, and it is still a little hot and humid.

Hey, why is this chick not moving around anymore? I let go of her tongue and looked up. I was startled. I didn’t expect such a hot woman to cry. Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. At this time, she couldn’t Like Xiangxiang, who is known as the God of War, she is more like a little woman who needs a man's protection. I really feel sorry for her. Did I do something wrong again?

Ah, I suddenly realized that what I grabbed with my left hand was not her thigh, but the private garden of a woman's lower body, and the gully is the best proof, I tried pinching the fingers of my left hand, and it was true.

"Woooo..., I won't fight anymore, I admit defeat, the dead pervert, let go of your dirty hands." At this time, Xiangxiang closed her eyes slightly, as if she was completely at her mercy. Instead, it made me even more scared, but I liked this feeling so much that I couldn't help touching it again.

"Oh oh oh... tsk tsk tsk..." The audience booed loudly when they saw the embarrassing scene between the two of us. I couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help turning my head to the side.The second son was even worse, he even yelled at the second son to take her down, causing countless men to spit fire in their eyes, while Qianqian next to her had red eyes and lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Hearing that this chick surrendered, and with so many light bulbs under the stage, I was too embarrassed to punish this chick on the spot, so I reluctantly let her go, and I quickly got up and stood far away. , It's better to stay away from this chick to be safe, who knows if this lioness will go crazy again.

Xiangxiang regained her freedom, stood up and straightened her clothes, and restored the image of the Goddess of War again. She looked like a different person from the soft woman just now. Is it her.However, I took a peek at his lower body and found that his lower body was wet a lot. It seemed that I was not dreaming. This must be my masterpiece just now. I couldn't help but envy my left hand a little bit.

"Boy, I remember, I will come to you one day, you can't hide." Before leaving, Xiangxiang said to me very meaningfully.

What did she mean by that?Did she love me to death because of this, so she came to me and cried to marry me, or did she say she wanted to come to me for revenge?I can't figure it out, maybe I will know the answer when we meet in the future.

"I'm sorry!" I whispered to her back, I knew she could hear it, I took advantage of a girl, and it is a virtue to apologize.

After hearing my apology, Xiangxiang turned her head and glanced at me for a full three seconds, which made me feel a little guilty and dared not look at her, and soon she disappeared from my sight, gone This beautiful image, my heart is a bit empty, although I won the game, but I can't be happy at all.


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