After enjoying the beautiful and fantastic fairy dance, we happily returned to the farmhouse, only to see two uncles and aunts still waiting for us in the house, and asked us about the moonlight. When we said that we saw the fairy dance, the two People regret it, they would have followed if they had known.

Not to mention that the service of the two is really considerate. They called us hot water to let us soak our feet comfortably. They also asked us if we were hungry and if we would like some supper, but we all ate by Moon Lake. Stomach snacks, naturally don't need any supper.

"Thank you uncles and aunts, we are not hungry." On behalf of everyone, I expressed my sincere thanks to the two, they are good people.

"That's fine, ladies and gentlemen, tonight you will sleep upstairs, and our old couple will sleep downstairs to help you watch. You can sleep at ease, and no thieves will dare to come up." The uncle enthusiastically offered to help us watch the night, I also expressed my gratitude again. We were really tired after a day of playing.

"Let's go, go to bed. Tonight, the second son and sister-in-law will sleep together, and Liu Hui, Wang Xin, you two will sleep with Qianqian, so that you can take care of each other." After going upstairs, I directly arranged.

"Second brother, why don't you sleep with your wife? Are you still a virgin?" The second son is a slutty guy, he walked over quietly and put his arms around my shoulders, and what he said almost made me die of anger.

"You think everyone is like you, and you still think about that when you go out for a trip. Let me tell you that I'm tired from walking today, so I want to rest alone. Don't think about it, kid." I kicked Er Zi's ass Well, of course I can't admit that I'm still a virgin, otherwise I won't be able to be a man if I get passed on by the second son.

"Oh, is that so?" The second son winked, obviously not believing what I said, and I didn't bother to talk to this showman.

After the arrangements were made, everyone went into the room to sleep. I arranged myself in the middle room, and their rooms were on both sides of me, so that I could provide emergency support if something happened.

After entering the house, I didn’t go to bed in a hurry, but carefully checked the surrounding terrain through the window, so as to avoid temporary confusion. By checking the terrain, I always felt secretly as if someone was staring at us, but I He didn't dare to go out to check, so as not to fall into their trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

After playing five games, my skill has improved by leaps and bounds, and I have broken through the third level of the Xuanyuan Scripture, so I have become clearer and clearer just like the novel said, so I believe it is not an illusion.

In order not to be taken advantage of by the enemy, I didn't dare to sleep all night. I could only pass the time by meditating and practicing. At the same time, I let go of my spiritual consciousness and watched every move around me.

But after a night of waiting, I didn't see any enemies appearing, which made me very depressed. Could it be that my half-watered spiritual sense made a mistake, which made me worry for nothing for one night, but made me sleep all night the next day? Woke up with panda eyes.

"Second brother, you went to steal cattle last night. Why did you become a national treasure in the morning?" The second son was delighted when he saw my panda eyes, and even the others secretly laughed when they saw it.

"Huh, you're still ashamed to say that it's not the good thing you did last night. You still keep people from sleeping. The two of you haven't been quiet in one night." The second son did not stop last night, I heard the sound of the waves from the two of them all night, and I was almost killed by the two of them. I really don't know where they got so much passion.

Er Zi's girlfriend blushed when she heard what I said, and went over to grab Er Zi and began to repair it, "I said Xiao Xiang could hear it, but you still have to admit it, and it made her waist sore today."

"Hey, hehe..." The second son smiled awkwardly because of his old face. I really didn't expect the second son who has always been known for his thick skin to blush. This is simply big news.

"Young masters and ladies, it's time to eat." The uncle prepared a hearty breakfast for us early in the morning. Everyone was drooling when they saw the steaming hot food. Not to mention that the food in this farmhouse is better than the restaurants in the city. , last night we swept away the food.

"Wow, it's delicious again." Liu Hui ran to the table, picked up a sausage and put it in his mouth.

"Wait!" The second son knocked off Liu Hui's chopsticks with his hands.

"Brother Er Zi, what are you doing?" Liu Hui looked at Er Zi very suspiciously.

"Yes, second son, are you afraid that you won't be able to win Liu Hui? You don't have to be so stingy as a big man, right?" Ordered some leftovers.

"Don't talk about it, you can see for yourself." Er Zi pointed to the puppy under the table.

Following Erzi's fingers, we found that the sausage hit by Erzi on the ground was quickly eaten by the puppy. When we were terrified, the puppy soon foamed at the mouth and died after two strokes. Liu Hui was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"What's going on, Brother Er Zi?" Qianqian asked suspiciously, how did Er Zi find out that the food was poisonous?

"Last night, when I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I found that the boss and his wife were not quite right. They were still busy in the kitchen in the middle of the night. I wanted to steal some food to fill my belly, but I didn't expect to see the couple at the window. I poured medicine powder into the food, so I went back to sleep quietly. Sure enough, when the uncle brought the food this morning, his expression was very nervous, and his hands were shaking a little, so I was even more sure that they were moving in our food. I got my hands and feet." The second son explained our doubts one by one, and we were terrified after hearing that, if the second son was not lucky and happened to meet in the toilet, then our group of people would be finished. Could it be that this is a black shop? Looking at the honest appearance of the middle-aged couple, I really can't believe that they would murder for a little money, but the facts are in front of them, people have to believe it, and I feel very heartbroken.

"I didn't expect this boss to be so bad, so I'm going to kill them." Liu Hui stood up angrily and walked into the kitchen. She was so angry now that she almost became a desperate ghost. Killing intent flourishes.

"Liu Hui calm down, maybe they have some difficulties." Although the facts are in front of me, I still don't believe that two people with such good intentions will kill us for money.

"Second brother, you are too kind. They must be trying to make money and kill them. We must not spare them this time." The second son also stood up angrily.

Seeing that things are already like this, the only plan for now is to take down the couple first, and everything will be clear after the next question.

"Tell me, why did you poison us to death?" Liu Hui rushed into the kitchen, grabbed the two of them and even slapped them, we couldn't hold her back when she was angry.

"Young masters and ladies, our old couple is sorry for you, you can kill us." The two of them knelt on the ground begging to die without begging for mercy.

"Hmph, you're still stubborn at this point, you think we'll soften our hearts." Liu Hui picked up the kitchen knife and prepared to end the two of them. She had killed a lot when she was in the Ax Gang, so she was naturally not afraid of killing people.

"Liu Hui, wait a minute." I hurriedly stopped Liu Hui, seeing the expressions of the two of them, I felt that there must be something hidden in it, so I quickly stopped Liu Hui.

"Uncle and aunt, I don't think you are bad people, you must have some unspeakable difficulties, right? I hope you can tell me, maybe we can help you." I started my persuasion, but I still don't believe that the two of them will be bad guy.

"Young master, you are a good man, we are sorry for you." The two kowtowed to me three times, I hurried over to stop them, and asked the two elders to kowtow to me, a junior, for fear of losing my life.

"Actually, we didn't intend to harm you. It started last night. When you went to Moon Lake to watch the moonlight, two masked men in black found us and took our children away. Threatening us if we don't kill you, they will kill our children, and we don't ask for your forgiveness, we only hope that you can save our children, he is still a child, he is all our hope, we I kowtow to you and thank you." The aunt cried with snot and tears.

After listening to the aunt's narration, I understood that someone wanted to use the hands of the second elder to kill us, and the second elder did such an unjust act only because he was eager to save his son.But I'm also wondering, we didn't offend any people in black, why did they want to kill us, if it wasn't for the cleverness of the second son today, we would all be finished, the more I think about it, the more angry I am, it's not that I hate these two aunts and uncles, after all They are just two puppets. The people in black should really be hated. They are the culprits. If I catch them, I will smash them to pieces.

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How will we deal with the masked man in black hiding in the dark like a poisonous snake?What unexpected situations will happen?Please watch the next chapter: The Battle of Huxin Pavilion


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