Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 35 The Battle of the Lake Pavilion

In fact, I should have thought that there was something strange about this. First of all, these two middle-aged couples are so young. It is impossible for their sons to stop being reborn after death. But we didn’t see their children that night. This is one of the suspicious points. Second, I am such a master of martial arts, if I observe carefully, I should be able to find the abnormality of the two of them. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep all night last night, so I was careless and negligent. Fortunately, we were lucky enough to escape. It seems that we must be more careful in the future. Yes, after all, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light.

At this moment, Liu Hui also let the couple go. After all, they are also innocent. If we really want to count it, we have dragged them down. Without our arrival, the men in black would not have taken their children.

"Hmph, I'm going to kill these men in black now and save your child." The second son picked up the kitchen knife and rushed out.

The second son's girlfriend quickly grabbed the second son, "Do you know who those men in black are? Where do they live?"

"I don't know." The second son shook his head and said depressedly.

"If you don't know, then why don't you kill me, just stay here and listen to what Xiaoxiang has to say."

"First of all, judging from the actions of the men in black, their goal should be us, so uncle, your children should not be in any danger for the time being. I don't have any good solution now. I will go to the Ax Gang to ask after I return to the city. Let's see who these men in black are, and we seem to have never offended them. The only ones we have offended now are Mayor Liu and his son, but I'm not sure it's what they did. Let’s be clear. Everyone, don’t panic, let’s be careful next time.” My head is in a mess now, and I don’t know how to save their children. I feel the urgency of time again. I must subdue the Ax Gang as soon as possible. It is difficult for me to protect Qianqian and the others by myself.

We didn’t dare to have breakfast here anymore, so we could only eat some pasta that we brought with us. Today we still went to the lake according to the original plan, and the soldiers came to flood the water and soil. It's better to come.

"Are we going to play in the lake today?" Qianqian asked worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? I will kill as much as I can with this kitchen knife." The second son touched the kitchen knife on his buttocks, full of confidence.

"Okay, let's listen to the second son and go boating on the lake." I jumped on the boat immediately, and the rest followed.

After boarding the boat, we aimlessly rowed in the lake. At this time, the lake was completely calm, and we couldn’t see the grand occasion of last night at all. Only occasionally two or three small fish swam by. Unfortunately, the weather is too cold now, otherwise I would really I want to go swimming in the lake, the water here is much cleaner than the swimming pool in the city.

"Look, there's a pavilion over there." Wang Xin suddenly pointed to a pavilion in the distance and shouted. Admire the level of construction of the ancients.

"That is the Huxin Pavilion. It is said that it is the center of the entire Moon Lake, and it is also the place where the vitality of the entire Moon Lake gathers. Unfortunately, we are not practitioners, so we don't understand these things." At this time, Er Zi's girlfriend told her what she knew. Down.

"That's okay, let's go to the Huxin Pavilion." They are not practitioners, but my second son and I know a little bit, so we can go there to see if we can find something cheap.

"No, it's murderous!" When the boat was more than ten meters away from the Huxin Pavilion, the Xuanyuan Sword on my back suddenly dinged. According to the novel, this should be a sign of the sword warning, and I also obviously I felt a murderous aura coming, and there were a lot of bubbles around the ship. It seemed that the enemy was preparing to dive and attack us.Now all of us are on the boat, if the enemy scuttles the boat, we will be in danger, especially since their women can't swim, they will have no resistance in the water, the situation is very critical.

"What should the second son do?" The second son heard that there was an enemy attack, so he quickly pulled out the kitchen knife on his buttocks, and the two daughters Liu Hui and Wang Xin also hurriedly protected Qianqian and sister-in-law in the middle, after all, they both know kung fu.

"Go to the pavilion first. Fighting on the boat is not good for us." I pulled out my sword and slapped it on the lake, hoping that the boat could quickly approach the pavilion in the middle of the lake. It was intercepted by the enemy at that time.

"The second child seems to have to fight." The second son nervously shook the kitchen knife in his hand.

"No, it's not suitable for fighting here. I'll bring my sister-in-law and Qianqian into the pavilion first, and then you throw Liu Hui and the others over, but you have to figure out your own way." I just jumped into the lake pavilion with one hand in hand. Go, under the screams of the second daughter and the surprised eyes of passers-by, I directly crossed the five or six meter wide lake and landed in the pavilion, and quickly brought the second daughter to the center of the pavilion.

Seeing that I really jumped into the pavilion, the second son quickly threw the two daughters Liu Hui and Wang Xin over to me, and caught the two daughters firmly amidst the two daughters' shouts.

"Liu Hui, Wang Xin, hurry up and stand at the other two corners of the pavilion, and try to protect sister-in-law and Qianqian as much as possible." Before the second daughter could stand still, I hurriedly arranged, I believe that the enemy will come to the pavilion soon after they react. .

The second son saw the heads of the enemies coming out, so he quickly pushed the boat forward, stepped on the heads of these people, and jumped onto the pavilion.

"Second son, are you okay?" I quickly grabbed the second son who was not standing still.

"It's okay, the bastard of Gou Ri dared to bully your second grandpa. Today I will let you taste the power of your second grandpa's kitchen knife." The second son waved the kitchen knife in his hand casually, and spit.

"Second son, don't be brave, go to the back and guard. I will guard the front and you will guard the back. Don't let the enemy go to the pavilion." I held the sword tightly, and it seemed that there was another hard battle to be fought today.

Before we could stand still, a large number of black-clothed and masked men jumped out of the water. It's thanks to them that they can stay in the water for such a long time in such a cold day.

Looking at the long swords that greeted me directly, I was secretly thankful. Fortunately, my second son and I have the habit of carrying swords and swords. If we were unarmed today, we would have to explain everything here.

I'm not talking nonsense, I just swung the Xuanyuan Sword and used the first thunder strike of the Xuanyuan Sword Art. The blade of the sword was like a tiger descending the mountain to slash at the long swords of these black-clothed masked men.

Dang clang clang, the sound of swords colliding with each other can be heard endlessly, thanks to the sharpness of my sword, all swords that come into contact with it will be cut off.

"Not good, the idea is a bit hard, everyone try not to collide with their swords." One of the men in black screamed, feeling like an eunuch talking.

This group of men in black should be the same as the men in black who instigated the boss and his wife to poison us last night. Go save the boss couple's child.

As soon as the man in black reminded me, the rest of the men in black tried their best to avoid me, and turned to attack Er Zi and Liu Hui, especially Liu Hui and the others, who had no weapons in their hands. The situation of these people in black is getting more and more critical. At this time, Er Zi and Liu Hui have already started to be injured, so what should they do.

I didn't want to kill at first, but the situation is pressing. Since you are not polite, don't blame me for being unkind. I will directly use the third form of the Xuanyuan sword technique, the wind sweeping the fallen leaves. This is a group attack move, and I specially choose these men in black Greeting with the hand holding the sword, only in this way can they quickly lose their combat effectiveness.

"Ah, ah, ah..." The man in black screamed endlessly. Under my ultimate move, several people had their right arms cut off, and the whole lake pavilion was stained red with blood. Sister-in-law and Qianqian had already died. She closed her eyes in fright, not daring to look at the bloody scene again.


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