Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 36 Blood Stained Moon Lake

This is convenient for the second daughter of Liu Hui and Wang Xin. The two of them didn't care about the blood on the ground, they directly picked up the long sword on the ground, and it was much easier for the second daughter to deal with it with the long sword in hand.

But the enemies seem to be endless. I was a little bit soft when I killed a group of people and jumped up from the water.

"Brother Yuwen, be careful." Just as I turned to help Wang Xin resist the enemy, Wang Xin looked behind me in horror and shouted. On my left shoulder, I was covered in cold sweat. Fortunately, Wang Xin reminded me in time, otherwise I would have been decapitated.

At this time, the people on the lakeside and on the lake also discovered the bloody battle on our side, countless people ran to escape, and in an instant, only a group of us were left in Moon Lake.

"The second son is going to kill me. I'm afraid the police will come soon. Once the police catch us, it won't be fun." Although we belong to legitimate self-defense, if we fall into the police station, white people can also be called black people. The mayor is a great god, I am afraid it will only take a matter of seconds to kill us.

"Okay, today my second son will kill one more time. Killing one is considered a return of capital, and killing a couple is considered a profit." The second son licked his scarlet tongue, this time he wanted to let go of the killing once.

The fierce battle took place on the lake, and soon the nearby lake was stained red with blood, both ours and the blood of the enemy.Countless giant fish swam over smelling the smell of blood. I looked into the lake, oh my god, there are even great white sharks and crocodiles. I didn’t expect this lake to have such things. It seems that I was lucky not to be eaten by them. .

Soon we found that there were no men in black jumping up without us doing anything, because they didn't care about us at all. At this time, these men in black were being besieged by a large group of piranhas. The scene was very tragic. After a while, I was devoured by these ferocious beasts until there was not even a scum left. Fortunately, our pavilion was strong enough, so we were not dragged into the water by these ferocious guys. It seems that I chose the pavilion as the battle location is simply too wise.

Looking at the blood red that has begun to dissipate gradually, I believe it will completely dissipate in a while, and since there are no corpses, even the police can't say anything about us now, but the blood on the pavilion is a bit difficult to deal with Well, after we have bandaged our wounds, we have to run quickly.

Fortunately, the boat was not too far away at this time, so I directly found a log left by someone else on the pavilion and threw it into the water, and then put all my internal energy on my feet, and jumped towards the log with all my strength, hoping to be able to With the help of the wood, I took off and boarded the boat again. I also learned this trick based on the kung fu of floating on water in the novel. I don’t know if it is suitable or not.

It's a pity that I don't know any lightness skills at all, and I jumped completely with brute strength. Amid the exclamation of everyone, I fell into the water without disappointing everyone. I was terrified when I thought of the beasts in the water just now , don't come to besiege me.I felt like I was holding the wood and swam quickly to the boat. Fortunately, those big guys didn't appear again. Maybe they had already eaten and went home to sleep.

I quickly rowed the boat to the bottom of the pavilion, picked up everyone in the boat, and my two sons and I rowed to the shore together. We felt terrible after staying in the water for an extra minute. We didn’t expect that there were so many people in such a beautiful Moon Lake. beast.

"Second, where are we going now?" After landing, Er Zi looked around. Fortunately, the police didn't arrive, but if we just ran back covered in blood, something would happen.

"Let's hide in the forest in the distance first, Qianqian and sister-in-law, you don't have blood on your body, you go to a nearby farmer's house and buy us two sets of clothes, and we'll go back after changing." I thought for a while, Dealing with the blood on his body is a top priority.

"Brother Yuwen, are you seriously injured? Can you still hold on?" Qianqian looked at us with some concern, and it was hard to tell whose blood was all over his body.

"It's okay, just a little injury, right? Er Zi." I patted Er Zi on the shoulder.

"That's right, we're fine." The second son replied grinning. It was fake at first glance, and the second son's girlfriend hurried over to help the second son.

"Let's go, let's go into the mountains and forests." Just like that, a group of us limped and hid in the distant mountains.

It didn't take long for a large number of police officers to arrive at Moon Lake, but at this time Moon Lake was empty, and there was no one at all, only the strong smell of blood wafting in the air.The police boarded the Huxin Pavilion to check, but apart from the blood all over the place, there were only pieces of meat that occasionally floated up from the lake.

"Reporting to the captain, after careful inspection of the scene, it should be caused by the fight between the two gangs, and there are traces of beasts attacking the scene. We suspect that both sides have been eaten by the beasts in the lake." A young policeman said to A middle-aged man reports.

"Very well, close the team. This is a fight between two underworld gangs, and they are all dead now." The middle-aged man made a final decision and decided the outcome of the case.

In this way, such a bloody case was turned into a minor matter.

After everyone changed their clothes and returned to the city, it was past eight o'clock. After parting with the second son and the couple, I took Qianqian, Liu Hui, Wang Xin and the third daughter back to the community. Due to the secret appearance of the enemy, I was already worried about letting Qianqian go back alone. Living in a rented house is too dangerous, and we can't help if something happens, so I have persuaded Qianqian to move in with us in the future.

"Hey, why are the lights at home turned on? I clearly remember that I turned them off when I left." When we got downstairs to the unit, we found that the lights were on at home, but Wang Xin clearly remembered that she turned off the lights when we left. .

"No, maybe a thief broke into the house." Liu Hui also exclaimed at this time.

"Brother Yuwen, let's go back and have a look, it would be bad if it was stolen." At this time, Qianqian also hurriedly urged.

"That's okay, let's go back and catch the current ones." Damn, I'm so poor and there are thieves patronizing me.

We walked to the door lightly, and I quietly opened the door with the key, and then I stretched my head to look inside, and my whole body turned into petrification, unexpectedly, it was her in the room.

"Brother Yuwen, is the thief still there?" Seeing that I hadn't responded after looking at it for a long time, the third daughter urged.

"Still, but she is not a thief." I replied a little dull.

"Who is that? Do you know her?" The three women were very puzzled.

"Yeah, because she is my mother." I don't know how my mother came here at this time.

"Ah, Mom is here, oh no, is it Auntie?" The third daughter asked in surprise.

I nodded, "Let's go in, let's go in and meet her." I walked in first, but the third daughter hesitated and refused to come in. Maybe ugly daughter-in-laws are afraid of seeing their parents-in-law.

"Xiao Xiang, you are back, why are you standing at the door and still not coming in?" At this time, my mother also found me standing at the door, and asked very puzzled.

"Mom, why are you here suddenly? Tell me in advance so that I can pick you up." I smiled and walked into the living room, with the three women hiding behind me like ostriches.

"Mom is fine, but I haven't seen you for so long, so I came to the city to see how you are doing? By the way, I brought you some sausages made this year for you to try." The mother said casually, But I know that it contains a mother's full love for her son.

"Mom, thank you." I said with a choked voice. I felt that my mother was getting older after a year. Since my sister and I were not around, it was not easy for my mother to live alone at home.

"Xiao Xiang, you are Mom's only son, why are you being polite with Mom?" The mother blamed, "Hey, who are the three little girls behind you? They don't even introduce to Mom."


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