Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 37 Mother's Unspeakable Secret

Seeing that their mother had spotted them, the three daughters had no choice but to come out and shouted at the same time, "Hello, Auntie."

I quickly pointed to the three daughters and introduced to my mother: "Mom, this is Qianqian, Liu Hui, and Wang Xin. They are all my friends."

The mother nodded, "The three little girls are very pretty, come and sit with Auntie, Auntie wants to take a good look at you."

After being praised by their mother, the three daughters blushed and were actually shy.

"Mom, have you eaten yet?"

"I have already eaten. If you are hungry, I will cook for you." The mother said and got up and went to the kitchen.

"Auntie, sit down and talk to brother Yuwen, we can cook." The three girls rushed into the kitchen, and the mother looked at it and nodded. Now there are only me and my mother left in the living room.

"Xiaoxiang, I think these three little girls are all good, but you can't be too greedy, you only take one scoop for three thousand, understand?" The mother began her lecture again, fearing that her son would not find a wife, Now that there are more women, I have to say, I really don't know what these old people think.

"Mom, don't worry, I have my own measure." I can only perfunctory first, and besides, I only regard Liu Hui and Wang Xin as my younger sisters.

Seeing that I didn't want to talk about it, my mother didn't mention it again, but at this moment she was staring at me intently.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" I felt weird being looked at by her like this.

"Xiao Xiang, are you seriously injured?" Mother hurried over and asked nervously.

"Mom, don't worry, it's just a small injury. It was accidentally dropped while riding a bicycle." I told the lie about my bicycle again.

"Don't lie to mom, I can still tell if it was a fall or a knife wound. You must know that your mother used to bandage the wounds of your grandfather and father, so you can't hide it from my eyes." Mother is completely an expert in this field, I can't deny it, I can only nod and admit it.

"Did you have a grudge with someone? Why did you suffer such a serious injury?" My mother questioned me one by one, leaving me nowhere to hide.

So I had no choice but to briefly describe what happened when I was attacked while swimming in the lake today, but even so, I saw that my mother was also very nervous.

"Mom, don't worry, now your son is a martial arts master, it's fine." Seeing that my mother was nervous, I quickly comforted her, but after I said this, my mother became even more nervous. I couldn't understand why.

"Xiaoxiang, have you forgotten what mom said? You promised mom that you wouldn't go to martial arts." My mother asked sadly, and I saw that my mother was crying.

"Mom, why don't you let me practice martial arts? How can I avenge my father and grandfather if I don't practice martial arts? How can I find my brother who was arrested by the enemy?" , also quickly ran out to dissuade.

Only after I went to college did I realize how naive I was when I was young. I actually believed my mother’s words so that I could avenge my father and grandfather by studying hard. It's the same as flying, and reading in this society is useless now.

But when my mother heard my accusation, she just kept crying and didn’t explain it to me at all. Could it be that there is something unspeakable hidden in it, but there is nothing I can do if my mother doesn’t tell me. Seeing my mother cry, my heart also hurts Great, at this time the three daughters were also constantly comforting their mother.

"Okay, mom, let's go to dinner. I promise you that you won't practice martial arts in the future, right?" Seeing my mother sad, my son is also very sad. No matter how much it is, let's deal with it first.

"Well, you swear that you will never practice martial arts again." My mother actually hated my martial arts so much, and asked me to swear a poisonous oath to guarantee it.

Just post it, it’s already the 21st century, who still believes in this stuff, so I swore word by word: “I, Yu Wenxiang, swear to God, if I practice martial arts again, I’ll have my arms and legs broken, it’s not good Die." At the same time, I kept praying in my heart, God, you must not listen to it.

Seeing that I had finished my vows, my mother stopped crying and nodded in satisfaction. I really don't understand what she thinks. Is it necessary to hate my martial arts so much? It's great to have martial arts, which can not only defend yourself but also protect others .

After eating, I could only lay down on the floor again, and the three daughters accompanied my mother to sleep on the bed.I can't sleep tonight, my mother's words have been circling in my mind, I really want to know why my mother won't let me practice martial arts?What is she hiding?But after thinking about it, there is no conclusion.

The next day was Monday. Early in the morning, I arranged for my three daughters to take care of my mother, and then I rode my broken BMW to work. But as soon as I came to work, I always felt that the atmosphere of the day was not right.Everyone is pointing at me, and talking about something in a low voice, damn it, I'm a big man and not a beauty, why are these people staring at me all the time, do I have blemishes on my face?I hurriedly took out the mirror and looked at it. It was a pretty handsome face. I thought to myself, is it because I am so handsome that I am so popular among men, women and children.

"Shitou, tell me what's going on today? Why are everyone pointing and pointing at me?" Just as one of my colleagues Shitou passed by me, I grabbed him and asked, Shitou was with me We work in an office, and we usually have a good relationship.

"Xiaoxiang, did you offend any leader in the factory recently?" Shitou actually said this sentence to me, which made me confused.

"No, I'm a good citizen. I keep my law and order every day. How could I offend these giants." I also wondered why he would ask such a question.

"That's strange, since you didn't offend anyone, why did you get assigned to guard the warehouse." Shitou scratched his head in confusion.

"What are you talking about? Who said you're going to transfer me to guard the warehouse?" When I heard that I was going to be transferred to guard the warehouse, I became angry immediately. In addition, I have killed a lot of people recently, so the stone was directly burst out by me. The murderous look that came out shocked me a lot.

"You don't know yet. It was posted at the gate of the office building just now, and it says that you will be transferred to guard the warehouse." Shitou looked at me with a little fear.

"Damn it, who the hell is messing with me? I'll go to the leader." I ran directly to the leader's office. A place for the elderly, how can I be transferred to such a place as a college student? Isn't that obviously going to punish me?

Bang bang, I knocked vigorously on the door of the leader's office, and when I saw that he wouldn't open the door for me, I kicked it open angrily.

"Leader, I want to know, what did I do wrong? He even decided to transfer me to guard the warehouse." I stared at him with bloodshot eyes, and a strong murderous aura emanated from me. Trembling.

"Comrade Yu Wenxiang, you can't blame me for this. This is not something that a small leader like me can decide. This is directly ordered by the factory manager." He replied long-windedly.

"Fuck, when did I offend the great god, the factory manager? It's a miracle that he still remembers such a small person like me." I laughed at myself, forget it, one day I will seek justice from him.

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Readers, guess why my mother didn't let Yu Wenxiang practice martial arts?What is she hiding?The answer will be revealed later, please continue to watch the next chapter of the beauty in red.


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